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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Female Avatar

Fal Shepard
#21 - 2014-02-19 21:42:13 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
I want a character design option to set the size of my trouser bulge to better portray the enormity of my cahones!

Cant grow what's not there, buddy...

Anyway, sometimes scars can make one look older, depending how they are used. Mine gives me a more wild, and rebel look, but they fit my persona as a freedom fighter.

From the ashes of our defeat, we will be reborn. With these chains with which we are bound, we will become indivisible. To those who showed us no mercy, we will give no sympathy. For the flames that burn our cities, we will douse in injustice's blood

Pontianak Sythaeryn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2014-02-19 21:49:56 UTC
Illusio Remillard wrote:
HI All first time poster so be gentle,

I have noticed the male avatars can look quite rugged, whereas the female avatars seem to have the eternal spring of youth permanently attached, sexism perhaps?

I was hoping to be able to create an aged persona however hitting the age button only seemed to had the merest hint of lines around the eyes, in addition my characters hair is supposed to be white but it turned out blonde.

OF course these may seem small details but I love the idea of role play and disappointed I can't play the rookie granny/grandmotherly figure trying to make ends meet becasue the pension isn't paying too well. Oh and hopefully using her image to her advantage in a flight or fight situation.

Any plans on the cards for a more radical image change?


I actually tried to make my character look a bit older precisly because of this. I think I only partly succeeded.
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