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Crime & Punishment

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Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#41 - 2014-02-20 13:16:13 UTC
Peter Grayson wrote:
Well scipio, you need to called cat a cat…
Helping original scammers to trap other players in exchange of money (or your prot in this case) make you become a scammer too… That simply as 1+1=2

its not a big deal though :) … but don't try to remove all sense of responsibility from your acts bud.

What? I deposited 100,000,000 ISK and then together with the 20 million bonus, bought the Proteus for 117 million ISK.

15 minutes after the order I received a contract in game and the Proteus was delivered.

The system worked exactly as advertised and I saved between 50-80 million ISK, which pays for almost 2 fully fit Ishkurs.

Just a simple and honest business deal and that is 100% my experience. Nothing but positive.

So what responsibility am I supposed to be removing exactly?

Be specific because so far there is nothing wrong in what I have seen.
Destination SkillQueue
#42 - 2014-02-20 20:39:23 UTC
One time bump to fix forum.
Kayla Arakal
Amarr Empire
#43 - 2014-02-28 03:18:32 UTC
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#44 - 2014-02-28 06:35:21 UTC
Kayla Arakal wrote:

You couldn't just tell us here?

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Cupr Tron
#45 - 2014-03-02 07:42:06 UTC
Yes this site is lie, and cheating, why CCP don't do anyting
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#46 - 2014-03-02 15:18:34 UTC
Cupr Tron wrote:
Yes this site is lie, and cheating, why CCP don't do anyting

Here you go!

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2014-03-03 06:43:39 UTC
I was just scammed by this site today. bought 2 plex, got nothing. apparently if you buy cheaper items they actually do deliver and hence, keep some credibility with those customers. here is a blog i found detailing the scam (i wish i had seen it sooner):
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#48 - 2014-03-03 14:04:36 UTC
That blog article just assumes it is a scam. He didn't buy anything. The author goes on to say he likes finding players's home addresses and email addresses... that's weird.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

#49 - 2014-03-03 20:14:27 UTC
How are you people still falling for these things?

If Erotica1 is involved, its a scam.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2014-03-04 03:03:54 UTC
You can really be quite logical about this, and you ought to be. How does any service sustain itself by selling goods below market prices AND giving a further cut or cuts of the low price as "commission" to third parties? Those using this service are hoping to profit; obviously those giving the service are hoping to profit too, right?

How do they both profit?

It's a reasonable question.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#51 - 2014-03-04 03:21:34 UTC
Clearly they think the ore they mine is free. I don't feel guilty at all buying stuff cheap due to their laziness.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2014-03-04 03:43:31 UTC
So, in other words, you think the ISK that fills in the 20-40% margins of lost value at Eve Bazaar comes from a cabal of miners and industrialists who ALL just never realized that the ore they mine has value?

And these people have been mining and functionally giving away their ore for as long Eve Bazaar has been functional, and none of them in that time caught on to the fact that they were working at a loss?

And that at least one of these people has the intelligence and experience necessary to design a website like Eve Bazaar, but still hasn't caught on to the fact that he/she is giving away ISK?

Come on now, there's a much more realistic explanation but I don't think you want to say it.
The Greater Goon
#53 - 2014-03-04 19:58:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Morganta
so call the authorities?

last time I checked offering goods for payment in the real world and not delivering is fraud
I don't believe a stand alone 3rd party website is protected by CCPs concept of metagaming when operating in the real world
they fall under the jurisdiction of local laws

offering up PLEX (game time) for payment or trade and not delivering runs afoul of a lot of consumer laws

I still think its brilliant, a truly great scam, but its approaching illegal when it is done outside of the game.

CCP won't do anything about it though, don't even bother
Anne Dieu-le-veut
Natl Assn for the Advancement of Criminal People
#54 - 2014-03-06 16:38:11 UTC
Morganta wrote:
so call the authorities?

last time I checked offering goods for payment in the real world and not delivering is fraud
I don't believe a stand alone 3rd party website is protected by CCPs concept of metagaming when operating in the real world
they fall under the jurisdiction of local laws

offering up PLEX (game time) for payment or trade and not delivering runs afoul of a lot of consumer laws

I still think its brilliant, a truly great scam, but its approaching illegal when it is done outside of the game.

CCP won't do anything about it though, don't even bother

As I understand it, they are dealing with ISK (which has no real monetary value). If you were buying stuff with your credit card, then yes, you'd probably have a case for fraud.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#55 - 2014-03-06 17:16:46 UTC
You'd be amazed what miners will do and think. Biggest scammers in game are mining CEO's.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Silvetica Dian
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#56 - 2014-03-06 17:23:47 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:

faith is a rare commodity in this godless age.
If more people had faith there would be less people unfairly calling you a scammer.

Money at its root is a form of rationing. When the richest 85 people have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion (50% of humanity) it is clear where the source of poverty is.

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#57 - 2014-03-06 17:45:39 UTC
The site has been experiencing some issues due to excessive traffic. My referral link seems to be coded specially as some sort of friends and family deal, because everyone has been getting their stuff just fine with it, whether it be 10m or 50b. You'll have to use an alt. Just evemail me if you want the link.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Federal Navy Academy
#58 - 2014-03-06 18:37:18 UTC
You know its a good scam when you can get your victims to keep doing what you want even after they've supposedly gotten wise to it.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Nicholas Skrypets
The Initiative.
#59 - 2014-03-16 16:37:47 UTC
Modifing 'eve-charname' header in you browser you can access any character


#60 - 2014-03-17 12:43:40 UTC
Hilarious to see most of the people defending EVE's community on a blatant advertisement for funding RMT by scamming people.

What an incredibly honest and friendly community CCP encourages

..... Never have I seen a more wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy.

Too bad nobody advertises and markets eve like this, "forget the space spreadsheet boring as hell 'thousand player fights'.... come to New Eden and enjoy the thrills of being the target of scheming dickheads that make Bernie Madoff look like a saint"
Big smile

The more I'm exposed to the forums, the more I get the feeling CCP is running the biggest scam in gaming.