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Tripwire - Sig Mapping Tool

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Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#761 - 2017-04-05 17:18:18 UTC
Yagubiougami wrote:
First of all Huge Thanks for the Tripwire. It's fantastic.

Second - I have a problem since yesterday, it doesn't seem to track my in game system location. I have tried relogging a few times and restarting tracking but it doesn't seem to help. Guys from my corp seem to have the same problem.

Keep up the good work :)

Same for me as well, wanted to relay this. Tried relogging, different browser, relogin in game, etc.
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#762 - 2017-04-06 01:45:44 UTC
EVE API issues are causing constellation ID to be reported instead of system ID. Here is an issue ticket regarding this:

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Tax Skippers
#763 - 2017-04-06 10:17:59 UTC
Tracking still not working. ONly times it shows the system you are currently in is while docked. Shutting it down and restarting doesn't change it. 30+ jumps and it still showed Jita at the top of the chain.
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#764 - 2017-04-07 14:45:39 UTC

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Tax Skippers
#765 - 2017-04-08 02:35:53 UTC
Only a small fraction of users ever read those forums. Rather post here so people don't waste their time with it until it's actually functioning again.
Ste4m Punk
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#766 - 2017-04-11 10:25:42 UTC
Why is everyone saying Tripwire is Lazerhawks?
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#767 - 2017-04-12 12:58:07 UTC
Ste4m Punk wrote:
Why is everyone saying Tripwire is Lazerhawks?

I used to be in Lazerhawks, otherwise Tripwire was created long before Lazerhawks were created. Tripwire was created back when I was in BSEN and went public when I was part of Kill It With Fire.

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#768 - 2017-04-12 12:59:18 UTC
In-game tracking has been confirmed fixed as of the EVE patch yesterday! Thank you all for your patience

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#769 - 2017-04-13 11:23:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Salgare
I'm trying to get Short Circuit to authenticate with tripwire. I setup originally in tripwire using eve sso as I had trouble with the tripwire user/pass association with api key method.

It appears Short Circuit wants to authenticate with tripwire via the old tripwire user/pass authentication method.

Any tips on how I might get Short Circuit to connect to Tripwire?


I can not add a new/unique tripwire user/password. I get to the point where you select which toon on the subscription associated with the given api and I get a user "already taken" error. I assume this is because I've used the selected subscripitions alt/toon already via sso.
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#770 - 2017-04-13 20:58:16 UTC
Salgare wrote:
I'm trying to get Short Circuit to authenticate with tripwire. I setup originally in tripwire using eve sso as I had trouble with the tripwire user/pass association with api key method.

It appears Short Circuit wants to authenticate with tripwire via the old tripwire user/pass authentication method.

Any tips on how I might get Short Circuit to connect to Tripwire?


I can not add a new/unique tripwire user/password. I get to the point where you select which toon on the subscription associated with the given api and I get a user "already taken" error. I assume this is because I've used the selected subscripitions alt/toon already via sso.

You cannot have a Tripwire account without a Tripwire specific username & password. You can use the EVE SSO to sign into that Tripwire account without using that character's Tripwire username & password.

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#771 - 2017-04-14 00:18:48 UTC
Daimian Mercer wrote:

You cannot have a Tripwire account without a Tripwire specific username & password. You can use the EVE SSO to sign into that Tripwire account without using that character's Tripwire username & password.

Now that I'm using sso to get in, how can I determine the tripwire specific user/pass? I use a password manager and when creating the tripwire account messed up on saving the password. Is there someway to reset the password?

Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#772 - 2017-04-14 03:24:03 UTC
Salgare wrote:
Daimian Mercer wrote:

You cannot have a Tripwire account without a Tripwire specific username & password. You can use the EVE SSO to sign into that Tripwire account without using that character's Tripwire username & password.

Now that I'm using sso to get in, how can I determine the tripwire specific user/pass? I use a password manager and when creating the tripwire account messed up on saving the password. Is there someway to reset the password?

Once logged in using SSO you can go into the Tripwire settings and see the username and also change it or the password without knowing the original password at all.

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#773 - 2017-04-14 11:59:25 UTC
Daimian Mercer wrote:
Salgare wrote:
Daimian Mercer wrote:

You cannot have a Tripwire account without a Tripwire specific username & password. You can use the EVE SSO to sign into that Tripwire account without using that character's Tripwire username & password.

Now that I'm using sso to get in, how can I determine the tripwire specific user/pass? I use a password manager and when creating the tripwire account messed up on saving the password. Is there someway to reset the password?

Once logged in using SSO you can go into the Tripwire settings and see the username and also change it or the password without knowing the original password at all.

Thank you

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#774 - 2017-04-14 12:17:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Salgare
got it.
Eagle's Talon's
#775 - 2017-04-18 15:59:32 UTC
Has anyone else had any issues involving stored wormhole sites and notes resetting back to the original Jita screen?
Marvin Mattir
Secret Wormhole Authority Group
#776 - 2017-04-18 20:20:19 UTC
I've been having an issue with auto-updating of wormholes for months now. It used to be when you jumped through a hole a box would pop up and ask which sig you went through but this hasn't been working for me.

Is this a known bug?
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#777 - 2017-04-18 20:41:32 UTC
Some are reporting issues with the EVE API (ESI) not consistently responding - This will cause the in-game tracking to be delayed at times or completely not update at all for awhile.

I will keep monitoring and if any Tripwire changes can help with the issues I will hotfix them.

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Eagle's Talon's
#778 - 2017-04-20 16:42:53 UTC
I created an entry yesterday of a wormhole I had found and the information is no longer there. Is there anyway to check and determine what time my Tripwire account was accessed to see if the data had been erased?
Daimian Mercer
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#779 - 2017-04-20 23:35:31 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
I created an entry yesterday of a wormhole I had found and the information is no longer there. Is there anyway to check and determine what time my Tripwire account was accessed to see if the data had been erased?

Last login date & time is located in your Tripwire settings

Creator of Tripwire mapping tool - EVE-O thread

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Eagle's Talon's
#780 - 2017-04-22 16:54:19 UTC
Daimian Mercer wrote:
DrysonBennington wrote:
I created an entry yesterday of a wormhole I had found and the information is no longer there. Is there anyway to check and determine what time my Tripwire account was accessed to see if the data had been erased?

Last login date & time is located in your Tripwire settings

The only data that is being saved are the systems that I have visited and made logs for. The data for each system is not being retained.

I am in J172852 and recorded the data under the system of entry into the wormhole which will most likely disappear after logging off.