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Why freighter bumping in High Sec is an exploit

First post
JetStream Drenard
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#421 - 2014-02-12 13:05:41 UTC  |  Edited by: JetStream Drenard
Kenrailae wrote:
Because any time you add another artificial flag it's not balanced. The goal is to reduce the artificial flags with real(in a game context), viable mechanics. Suddenly phase morphing erry ship in high sec is not a real(in a game context), viable mechanic.

Your right, however, every time somebody proposes sensible solutions they are large ignored. Their was a good work up idea way back in this thread. Finally found where it was buried, sheesh.
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
Proposal: Three strikes and out.

Within a 60 second timeframe:
1st bump - ok
2nd bump - warning
3rd bump - bumper goes suspect

What constitutes a bump?

An impact with another ship in which:
1. your ship is accelerating or maintaining velocity
2. your extended direction vector intersects with the other ship
3. you have not engaged warp
4. (possibly required to cover corner cases) you are not in a freighter.

Furthermore, the game already uses internal calculations to determine how hard a ship is bumped. I still say we are not flying bumper cars, and the game could probably use those bump calculations to add real damage as well. With the above type of bumping rules and ships who destroys another ship in a bump would be criminal...
Your statement is just another 'I don't want to be pro-active about the situation, I just want other people to take care of my problem for me' statement. That's why any change to freighters that allowed modules that could put the total cargo over 1 mil m3 would have to be accompanied with a reduction in freighter capacity, so there wasn't a 'Oh you can't put that there' artificial flag implemented on top of it.

So what a freighter tops 1mil m3 and it is unbalanced? there are already banned substances throughout empire high sec, such as slaves, drugs, etc. Without artificially flagging anything add titans to that list, because for one it is already true (unless you mine with it...). As soon as a freighter jumped into high sec, with banned substances, such as the titans, his cargo would be confiscated.

There are solutions if everybody does not dig in and refuse change for the sake of personal opinion. I am relatively new to these forums, but I have certain suspicions... that some of CCP is posting with alts, and I am beginning to wonder who and why. In all topics, I look for DEV and GM posts because, they have the official answer. If you are CCP posting as an alt, could you just post as CCP so that this neverending non sense just stops... hopefully. And yes I know CCP officially states that bumping is not an exploit and will not be changed. But damage and suspect flags would (i think) balance the mechanic a little bit and is worth review and or discussion.
DSpite Culhach
#422 - 2014-02-12 13:09:33 UTC
If they known (to CONCORD) players that regularly kill freighters, then why are they allowed to go back and do it again, multiple times, on the same day?

They just bought some tags you say?
With isk obtained from ganking the freighter in the first place you say?

And people say bumping does not make sense.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#423 - 2014-02-12 13:20:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Kenrailae
DSpite Culhach wrote:
If they known (to CONCORD) players that regularly kill freighters, then why are they allowed to go back and do it again, multiple times, on the same day?

They just bought some tags you say?
With isk obtained from ganking the freighter in the first place you say?

And people say bumping does not make sense.

Concord is by and large a very broken mechanic. To 'fix' Concord would be almost as hairy as the POS or links re-write.

At Jetstream:

Yes, Freighters being able to haul capital ships around is a bad idea. How is this even remotely close to suddenly Drug hauling? :/

And Where in the BBQ sauce did you pull titans from? Let's start with the fact that they are stupidly broken on so many levels. As far as I'm aware(Could have missed something) The only high sec Titan was destroyed. I can't even begin to make sense of that bit.

EDIT In response to an Edit:

You still don't get it. You can't make Bumping Criminal. It happens all over New Eden, all the time, for a wide variety of reasons. And CCP have already said Bumping is an acceptable stratagem/mechanic. Why does this not make sense?

Niarja gate, Jita Undock, Amarr Undock? Really? You want bumping criminal in THOSE locations? I mean, Sure, I don't much care, just more Lols for me. But really? Come on man? If you have learned ANYTHING from your time in Eve, it should be that Eve players know how to take things and use them in ways they were NEVER imagined. Here I thought we were making progress with you.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

JetStream Drenard
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#424 - 2014-02-12 13:29:44 UTC  |  Edited by: JetStream Drenard
Kenrailae wrote:
At Jetstream:

Yes, Freighters being able to haul capital ships around is a bad idea. How is this even remotely close to suddenly Drug hauling? :/

And Where in the BBQ sauce did you pull titans from? Let's start with the fact that they are stupidly broken on so many levels. As far as I'm aware(Could have missed something) The only high sec Titan was destroyed. I can't even begin to make sense of that bit.

EDIT In response to an Edit:

You still don't get it. You can't make Bumping Criminal. It happens all over New Eden, all the time, for a wide variety of reasons. And CCP have already said Bumping is an acceptable stratagem/mechanic. Why does this not make sense?

Niarja gate, Jita Undock, Amarr Undock? Really? You want bumping criminal in THOSE locations? I mean, Sure, I don't much care, just more Lols for me. But really? Come on man? If you have learned ANYTHING from your time in Eve, it should be that Eve players know how to take things and use them in ways they were NEVER imagined. Here I thought we were making progress with you.

Well I thought breaking the 1million m3 mark was all about preventing hauling of titans into hi sec... There is still a mining titan in high sec, who can never fire an offensive weapon or else it will be removed.

I do get it. I always look at both sides of any situation. Its who I am. I know how to use or learn to use game mechanics and I understand everyone elses point of view too. or try to.

EDIT TO EDIT response.
Im playing devils advocate here, it is a simple solution which would at least shut people up until the new mechanic was used against them somehow... and the methods of suspect flagging in that post seem to me to prevent accidental flags. with undock invuln, then pressing warp to, any bump would not cause suspect flag... I lost a megathron to bumping off gate incident last night. I was impressed, they tagged teamed me so everytime I scram/double webbed them, another would come and get me. It was an inglorious death but I would not want to take that away from them either.
JetStream Drenard
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#425 - 2014-02-12 13:36:28 UTC
Just to be CLEAR, I fully support bumping as a game mechanic. But the act of bumping not causing any impact damage whatsover, or bumping not being somehow construed as a hostile act under the aformentioned rules just seems ODD and STRANGE.
Cathy Mikakka
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#426 - 2014-02-12 13:38:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Cathy Mikakka
Riot Girl wrote:
Your Dad Naked wrote:
It achieves the identical result of a warp scram

No it doesn't, not in any way at all.

The result is gankers can still bump freighters out of alignment, however must enable a suspect flag in order to do so. This gives the player being bumped a tool to retaliate with, which is very important in keeping freighter bumping balanced.

Even if you don't think bumping is an exploit, I don't know how anyone could argue the approach above isn't more balanced at the very least.

It's not balanced because you've made no mention of nerfing freighters to compensate for the increased difficulty in ganking them. There's no balance there, only increased safety for freighter pilots.

I am sorry, but I have noticed that you are really dumb. I do not usually use ad hominem, but I feel I need to this time.

You still need the same amount of ships to kill freighter as you did before, not a single ship more or less. The only thing that would be different if bumping is prevented in any ways, is that you would have to be with your gankmates at the gate attacking that freighter. That is all. Not like now, where you can be all over new eden and then get together in two hours to kill poor guy that can't even leave.
JetStream Drenard
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#427 - 2014-02-12 13:46:06 UTC  |  Edited by: JetStream Drenard
Further more, when I first entered these forums I viewed them as a constuctive way to voice new features and ideas as the topic suggests. Using the community to moderate these ideas is one way of doing it. But it would be nice and probably more constructive and helpful if CCP officially commented on specific ideas as good/ or bad, doable or not. and that they participated in these discussions to help flesh out ideas and features as a means of constructively working them out, or stopping them cold. But basically, almost every idea is immediately trolled into death or arguments over finer points by the player themselves, which is not very constructive.

Edit: ATM i cant help but feel that participating in these forums is a complete waste of my game time because very few people actually seem to be listening here without bias or preconception.
Azn Empire
#428 - 2014-02-12 14:15:13 UTC
CCP don't comment, because they have already ruled on this. The fact that some cannot read, or are unwilling to accept the ruling means little.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Lephia DeGrande
Luxembourg Space Union
#429 - 2014-02-12 14:18:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Lephia DeGrande
JetStream Drenard wrote:
Further more, when I first entered these forums I viewed them as a constuctive way to voice new features and ideas as the topic suggests. Using the community to moderate these ideas is one way of doing it. But it would be nice and probably more constructive and helpful if CCP officially commented on specific ideas as good/ or bad, doable or not. and that they participated in these discussions to help flesh out ideas and features as a means of constructively working them out, or stopping them cold. But basically, almost every idea is immediately trolled into death or arguments over finer points by the player themselves, which is not very constructive.

Edit: ATM i cant help but feel that participating in these forums is a complete waste of my game time because very few people actually seem to be listening here without bias or preconception.

I give you a needed feedback, pls, change the Thread Titel into:

"How could the bumping mechanic be improved?"

That would help a little bit.

Edit: Upps Wrong Guy, sry! ^^
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#430 - 2014-02-12 14:24:36 UTC
Cathy Mikakka wrote:
Riot Girl wrote:
Your Dad Naked wrote:
It achieves the identical result of a warp scram

No it doesn't, not in any way at all.

The result is gankers can still bump freighters out of alignment, however must enable a suspect flag in order to do so. This gives the player being bumped a tool to retaliate with, which is very important in keeping freighter bumping balanced.

Even if you don't think bumping is an exploit, I don't know how anyone could argue the approach above isn't more balanced at the very least.

It's not balanced because you've made no mention of nerfing freighters to compensate for the increased difficulty in ganking them. There's no balance there, only increased safety for freighter pilots.

I am sorry, but I have noticed that you are really dumb. I do not usually use ad hominem, but I feel I need to this time.

You still need the same amount of ships to kill freighter as you did before, not a single ship more or less. The only thing that would be different if bumping is prevented in any ways, is that you would have to be with your gankmates at the gate attacking that freighter. That is all. Not like now, where you can be all over new eden and then get together in two hours to kill poor guy that can't even leave.

So...... what part of CCP Has ruled on Bumping doesn't make Sense?

Also, what part of 'if you're being bumped off a gate you've already messed up so take precaution BEFORE you're in trouble not whine about it after' isn't making sense?

How much more clear does 'Put in the same amount of effort to be safe as the gankers are putting into killing you' have to be?

Why, because you can't understand basic concepts, does that make other people dumb? I don't get it. Every single bump thread is a step by step guide to how to NOT get ganked. And you're still arguing that there is nothing a freighter can do?

Sorry pal, but I think I know who is the unintelligent party here.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Cathy Mikakka
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#431 - 2014-02-12 14:34:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Cathy Mikakka
Kenrailae wrote:
Cathy Mikakka wrote:
Riot Girl wrote:
Your Dad Naked wrote:
It achieves the identical result of a warp scram

No it doesn't, not in any way at all.

The result is gankers can still bump freighters out of alignment, however must enable a suspect flag in order to do so. This gives the player being bumped a tool to retaliate with, which is very important in keeping freighter bumping balanced.

Even if you don't think bumping is an exploit, I don't know how anyone could argue the approach above isn't more balanced at the very least.

It's not balanced because you've made no mention of nerfing freighters to compensate for the increased difficulty in ganking them. There's no balance there, only increased safety for freighter pilots.

I am sorry, but I have noticed that you are really dumb. I do not usually use ad hominem, but I feel I need to this time.

You still need the same amount of ships to kill freighter as you did before, not a single ship more or less. The only thing that would be different if bumping is prevented in any ways, is that you would have to be with your gankmates at the gate attacking that freighter. That is all. Not like now, where you can be all over new eden and then get together in two hours to kill poor guy that can't even leave.

So...... what part of CCP Has ruled on Bumping doesn't make Sense?

Also, what part of 'if you're being bumped off a gate you've already messed up so take precaution BEFORE you're in trouble not whine about it after' isn't making sense?

How much more clear does 'Put in the same amount of effort to be safe as the gankers are putting into killing you' have to be?

Why, because you can't understand basic concepts, does that make other people dumb? I don't get it. Every single bump thread is a step by step guide to how to NOT get ganked. And you're still arguing that there is nothing a freighter can do?

Sorry pal, but I think I know who is the unintelligent party here.

Right, can you next time comment on what you quote? That would be great. Because I was arguing "costs"/"difficulty" that gankers would have if bumping was out.

Also, the only way that was posted here how to not get ganked by bumping is to use webber. But what if you get lag and you can't web in time? Once you are bumped, webbing opportunity is lost.

Also CCP ruled on different bumping, bumping miners. They also ruled that if someone who is bumped tries to leave the system and you still bump him, it is harassment. But hey, you don't want that ruling, do you?

Look, I have nothing against ganking, fine, do it and blow it up, then share spoils, I am fine with that. But not bumping for different reasons:

a) it makes ganking afk possible (ie gankers can watch tv, masturbate or whatever while they wait until one guy who is "on duty" calls them "hey I fished cool freighter" in which point they don't even have to come in for another X hours until next DT, which is ******* ridiculous!

b) you don't even need to gank anyone, just bump the freighter for the lulz, since there is nothing that can prevent that (except someone blowing you up and losing ships for ZERO profit)

c) you can force PVP on someone that doesn't want it (I am not calling freighter kills PVP). Just bump le bump the freighter for no reason until his corpmates come and blow you up. They lost a lot of ISK, while gained NOTHING, while you lost NOTHING (since you have insurance) -> perfect griefing tactics
Azn Empire
#432 - 2014-02-12 14:37:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Cathy Mikakka wrote:
Sure it has cost, even if you decided it's a cost you will not include. Time, effort and organisation are all costs. Which is why I guess, you do not wish to use the tools and options you already have available, to avoid this.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#433 - 2014-02-12 14:37:34 UTC
JetStream Drenard wrote:
Well I thought breaking the 1million m3 mark was all about preventing hauling of titans into hi sec... There is still a mining titan in high sec, who can never fire an offensive weapon or else it will be removed.

I do get it. I always look at both sides of any situation. Its who I am. I know how to use or learn to use game mechanics and I understand everyone elses point of view too. or try to.

EDIT TO EDIT response.
Im playing devils advocate here, it is a simple solution which would at least shut people up until the new mechanic was used against them somehow... and the methods of suspect flagging in that post seem to me to prevent accidental flags. with undock invuln, then pressing warp to, any bump would not cause suspect flag... I lost a megathron to bumping off gate incident last night. I was impressed, they tagged teamed me so everytime I scram/double webbed them, another would come and get me. It was an inglorious death but I would not want to take that away from them either.

Interesting tidbit I just learned: packaged Super carriers are 1mil m3. WTF? lol

Titans on the other hand are 10m m3, so couldn't be hauled.

I get what you're thinking here but it still wouldn't work that way. It would avoid some suspect flagging, but certainly not all, and would allow for far more creative ways to gank. Any time you can force a suspect timer on someone is not good, and that solution has ALL kinds of flexibility for forcing suspect timers. Timers need to be assigned by a direct decision based on a module activation, not an arbitrary navigation path.

Forgot the mining titan was still there, lol :) Guess we know what to gank next now don't we? lol

B2K are good on their stuff. That is a very good example of what I've been saying about preparation and planning. Your Mega would have stood a good chance against most those ships alone, but working together like that, it didn't have a chance. People may find the thought of freighter escort boring, but all you need are some griffins and a few logi to keep a freighter alive. I'm sure quite a few high sec merc corps would do collective freighter run escorts for a reasonable price, if they were escorting several at a time. The tools are there. People just need to use them.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Cathy Mikakka
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#434 - 2014-02-12 14:40:52 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Cathy Mikakka wrote:
Sure it has cost, even if you decided it's a cost you will not include. Time, effort and organisation are all costs. Which is why I guess, you do not wish to use the tools and options you already have available, to avoid this.

Yeah and exactly those are now off the table. There is no effort in ganking default since target can't defend nor fly away (there is no effort on coming and targetting the ship and then wait for "GO" signal, really). There is no time effort, SINCE YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO PLAY! All the members except for the bumper can sit and watch tv, is that okay with you? And organization, lol, really? Showing up on ts and grouping, that hard?
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#435 - 2014-02-12 14:42:24 UTC
Cathy Mikakka wrote:

Also CCP ruled on different bumping, bumping miners. They also ruled that if someone who is bumped tries to leave the system and you still bump him, it is harassment. But hey, you don't want that ruling, do you?


mag's wrote:
Also please read the following link. It is the Eve search version of the thread I Iinked. A thread of someone complaining of a freighter being bumped for over an hour.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#436 - 2014-02-12 14:44:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Kenrailae

I did comment on what I quoted.

And there have been SOO many more ways than just use a webber. Your *Inability or willingness to read is not my fault.
Nor is your inability to think. Learn to Eve, then the obvious will become known to you, and not need to be spelled out every single post.

Please stop posting. You are completely uninformed.

By your definition, as soon as you hit the warp button, everything after is harassment. This is not correct. Part of bumping is to STOP you from warping, and is used all over Eve on all kinds of targets, for all kinds of reasons, including completely harmless and accidental ones which sometimes result in more hilarity than ganking ever will.

Your 'Harassment Horse' is applicable if you leave system and the person follows you and keeps bumping you, not while they are using an accepted tactic to STOP you from warping.


The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#437 - 2014-02-12 14:44:18 UTC
Cathy Mikakka wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Cathy Mikakka wrote:
Sure it has cost, even if you decided it's a cost you will not include. Time, effort and organisation are all costs. Which is why I guess, you do not wish to use the tools and options you already have available, to avoid this.

Yeah and exactly those are now off the table. There is no effort in ganking default since target can't defend nor fly away (there is no effort on coming and targetting the ship and then wait for "GO" signal, really). There is no time effort, SINCE YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO PLAY! All the members except for the bumper can sit and watch tv, is that okay with you? And organization, lol, really? Showing up on ts and grouping, that hard?

its about as hard as the freighter getting on TS and calling his whats the problem?

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

JetStream Drenard
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#438 - 2014-02-12 14:45:07 UTC
Mag's wrote:
CCP don't comment, because they have already ruled on this. The fact that some cannot read, or are unwilling to accept the ruling means little.

I personally am not unwilling to accept CCP ruling. All I am (repeatedly) pointing out is that their could be some rebalancing of the bump mechanic as stated above. CCP has re-balanced other aspects of the game for their own reasons. Ship rebalancing is primary sticking point, as they never REALLY needed re-balanced as much as they were in the first place. I mean that every ship or doctrine has a counter and if some were OP then it should have been the players job to creatively counter it (for the most part). Counters to bumping DO exist already however causing impact damage and/or repeat bumping to be viewed as inherently hostile act (meaning that its primary purpose is to cause destruction of assets) just seems to make a bit of sense to me. If emergent gameplay turned bumping into a lol, then re-balancing would cause that to be lost. it is a trade off
Cathy Mikakka
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#439 - 2014-02-12 14:45:55 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
Cathy Mikakka wrote:

Also CCP ruled on different bumping, bumping miners. They also ruled that if someone who is bumped tries to leave the system and you still bump him, it is harassment. But hey, you don't want that ruling, do you?


mag's wrote:
Also please read the following link. It is the Eve search version of the thread I Iinked. A thread of someone complaining of a freighter being bumped for over an hour.

There is nothing from EVE devs there, except post about removing GM's posts. Maybe you meant those? Too bad they were removed....
Azn Empire
#440 - 2014-02-12 14:46:19 UTC
Cathy Mikakka wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Cathy Mikakka wrote:
Sure it has cost, even if you decided it's a cost you will not include. Time, effort and organisation are all costs. Which is why I guess, you do not wish to use the tools and options you already have available, to avoid this.

Yeah and exactly those are now off the table. There is no effort in ganking default since target can't defend nor fly away (there is no effort on coming and targetting the ship and then wait for "GO" signal, really). There is no time effort, SINCE YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO PLAY! All the members except for the bumper can sit and watch tv, is that okay with you? And organization, lol, really? Showing up on ts and grouping, that hard?
All members except the bumper, can sit and watch TV? Am I meant to take this retort, as a serious argument?

Also, no effort in ganking? If it's so easy, then why are there not more freighter ganks? If this is so easy, then why is it seemingly so hard for you to use the tools and options provided, to avoid them?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.