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Why freighter bumping in High Sec is an exploit

First post
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#381 - 2014-02-11 20:48:29 UTC
Cathy Mikakka wrote:

Daichy Yamato: Simply no. Ejecting is not an option.
Why not? ur not a prisoner in that freighter as some ppl are trying to claim.

Cathy Mikakka wrote:

Problem with bumping is that there is no defense. You say webbing, but that happens before bumping. Once bumping is in place, you are ******. Simple as that. You say, attack the bumper, no. This is not correct way. You want your friends to gank the ganker? So they lose ships for no value (bumper doesn't drop much) and their security status? Are you insane?!

if u dnt think ur cargo is worth ur friends ganking the bumper then thats YOUR choice. the option is there, the risks and rewards are there. its upto YOU to make the decision. its not insane, its the logical solution if u have such valuable cargo. if u dnt have valuable cargo, then what in gods name are u crying about? the freighter itself? dnt fly what u cant afford to lose then!

YOU screwed up, now either ur freinds are going to have to gank u out of your blunder, or ur going to have to accept ur going to lose ur ship. maybe next time dnt undock in anything valuable without an appropriate escort.

if u think u should have a sure way to get out whilst being bumped, then why shouldnt a hauler in low sec have a sure way of escaping when its tackled by 6 ppl?

the answer is: it shouldnt, the hauler should avoid getting tackled in the first place, which is why u should avoid getting bumped in the first place.

or just maybe u shouldnt be playing this game. its hard, mean and unforgiving. but its ok, there are other games that will hold ur hand.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Travasty Space
Pilots of Epic
#382 - 2014-02-11 20:53:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Travasty Space
Estrella Sheikh wrote:

Lol When's the last time a Titan was tackled by a bumper in high sec? Or Low sec?

or.. ever?

This will do for the moment. There a specific example I'm trying to find about this where there was a titan that was bumped out of slowcat rep range so the slowcats were used as half fleets and cyno'd in near/on the titan as the enemy was bumping the titan away from slowcats.

Found another one:
Estrella Sheikh
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#383 - 2014-02-11 20:53:54 UTC
Cathy Mikakka wrote:
Ammzi wrote:
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
- Once bumped, can not be in anyway escaped from

Wrong, reference all my other posts and your lack of imagination+ingame knowledge.

Motoko Innocentius wrote:
- Creates risk free ganking (target cannot escape, sufficient numbers can be gotten with time, unlimited planning time)

Risk free!? Hahahahha. Completely and utterly wrong.

You haven't said a single thing on how to escape except "call yo corp bros" one. Which makes no sense unless you want to gank the bumper?

And what risk do gankers risk while doing this?

It's like everyone ignores my "Exit warp to gate and pick a celestial/station that you're best aligned to and make attempts. If a Battleship is bumping you it will provide you ample momentum, it's a matter of tricking your bumper into Pushing you in the right direction?

Boom answer right there.

Seriously, Escort Corp will be created soon.
Motoko Innocentius
Domus Dei
#384 - 2014-02-11 20:57:41 UTC
Travasty Space wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:

Lol When's the last time a Titan was tackled by a bumper in high sec? Or Low sec?

or.. ever?

This will do for the moment. There a specific example I'm trying to find about this where there was a titan that was bumped out of slowcat rep range so the slowcats were used as half fleets and cyno'd in near/on the titan as the enemy was bumping the titan away from slowcats.

The titan was held by warp disruption bubbles, not by bumps.
Estrella Sheikh
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#385 - 2014-02-11 20:58:25 UTC
Travasty Space wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:

Lol When's the last time a Titan was tackled by a bumper in high sec? Or Low sec?

or.. ever?

This will do for the moment. There a specific example I'm trying to find about this where there was a titan that was bumped out of slowcat rep range so the slowcats were used as half fleets and cyno'd in near/on the titan as the enemy was bumping the titan away from slowcats.

You see the problem here right? That titan was not tackled by a bumper.

Even worse the titan has a slowcat fleet with him, I imagine he would have proper subcap support, Why in the world would a non-aggressing bumper be left to live In a low/null-sec area and just completely ignored?

Also in this context the titan can also waste a DD if he's that scared.
Azn Empire
#386 - 2014-02-11 21:04:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
JetStream Drenard wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Please read the thread, you'll find he clarifies that stance.

Back to playing devils advocate again... This linked thread is only expounding on miner bumping. I scrolled through all 16 pages and found only 2 DEV posts on page 1. Miner bumping in and of itself is not usually about ganking but griefing AFK miners. If the aforementioned miner warps off to another system and is followed then it is in fact harassment. Therefore, this article does not specifically apply to freighter bumping, because in actuality, the freighter is being prevented from warping off in the first place. So in interpretation of the the DEV bumping post, bumping freighters COULD be construed as harassment, since you are preventing the freighter from leaving the area, and would be handled on a case by case basis by CCP.

I play devils advocate when I try to put myself in the position of the single account player, with no (or no available) friends. In this instance, the single account player's ONLY recourse is to petition for harassment and hope that CCP agrees. I guess you would have to prove that you were not on autopilot as well.

WITHOUT a clear CCP ruling on freighter bumping specifically, we will never really know...
But they have made a clear ruling. The thread is specifically named, GM Response On Bumping and it does not specify only mining ships, it states the following.

"CCP considers the act of bumping a normal game mechanic, and does not class the bumping of another player’s ship as an exploit."

Also please read the following link. It is the Eve search version of the thread I Iinked. A thread of someone complaining of a freighter being bumped for over an hour.

I get it that people do not like the ruling, but it is clear and it does cover all ships.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#387 - 2014-02-11 21:10:41 UTC
Batelle wrote:

Freighter doesn't need to be afk to be bumped forever. Logging off or DT does not allow the freighter to escape. What you are saying here, is that if one person or multiple persons decides to hellcamp a freighter's logoff point in hisec, that this is okay, and the freighter pilot has no recourse but to eject or self destruct in order to escape, or wait out his harassers, potentially forever.

While I have described an extreme situation, certainly, but my point is to illustrate that a limit should exist (and does exist) even if that limit is subjective.

if the freighter has logged off for an hour or two before logging back on and comes back to the same camping bumpers who are waiting just for him that could be deliberate targetting. if it keeps happening, petition, see what happens. but we shouldnt be creating rules based on such extreme and hypothetical circumstances.

what happens right now is ppl are targeted for their valuable cargo and are held in order to be ganked. this is not harassment, nor an exploit.

i imagine there are cases where ppl are bumped for griefing purposes only (without ransom). but i have yet to hear of any cases lasting long enough to be what i consider a problem.

i dnt see any reason to give a ruling as to how long u can bump someone. even if it takes an hour to gather a gank squad, then it was clear the bumper was holding the freighter for such purposes and is fine.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Travasty Space
Pilots of Epic
#388 - 2014-02-11 21:11:22 UTC
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
Travasty Space wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:

Lol When's the last time a Titan was tackled by a bumper in high sec? Or Low sec?

or.. ever?

This will do for the moment. There a specific example I'm trying to find about this where there was a titan that was bumped out of slowcat rep range so the slowcats were used as half fleets and cyno'd in near/on the titan as the enemy was bumping the titan away from slowcats.

You see the problem here right? That titan was not tackled by a bumper.

Even worse the titan has a slowcat fleet with him, I imagine he would have proper subcap support, Why in the world would a non-aggressing bumper be left to live In a low/null-sec area and just completely ignored?

Also in this context the titan can also waste a DD if he's that scared.

"Bumping has been employed in the destruction of numerous titans to prevent them from aligning to warp. It was also the only way to prevent a mothership from escaping in low security space prior to the invention of Heavy Interdictors with their focused warp disruption fields."

Just highlighting the important bits.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#389 - 2014-02-11 21:20:11 UTC
Mag's wrote:

"CCP considers the act of bumping a normal game mechanic, and does not class the bumping of another player’s ship as an exploit."

Also please read the following link. It is the Eve search version of the thread I Iinked. A thread of someone complaining of a freighter being bumped for over an hour.

I get it that people do not like the ruling, but it is clear and it does cover all ships.

i need a bigger signature

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#390 - 2014-02-11 22:06:11 UTC
I just wanna clear up one MASSIVE common misconception in this thread:

Gankers aren't whining about 'Oh I'll need more ships' or 'Oh it'll be hard.'

Gankers aren't saying 'No' to your 'give me a super freighter' requests because it'll make their life more difficult. There will still be plenty of people who fail to take care of their super freighters and get themselves ganked.

Gankers in this thread are telling you 'No' because Eve doesn't need Super Freighters, nor do mechanics need to be changed. We're familiar with many forms of PVP. Ganking is much more detail intensive than orbit/F1 monkeying. We're okay with things being hard. It's what makes the game fun for us. We're NOT okay with the ignorant and lazy whinging in overly discussed mini-threadnaughts until they get their way and are able to continue being ridiculously lazy and ignorant as a result. We're saying 'No' because we've given you as many ways to avoid the gank as you've given us excuses that it can't be done. We've acknowledged that yes, from time to time, even the best efforts to avoid a gank will still not be enough. But as many times as it isn't, it will be. That's the way it should be.

Ganker's aren't in these threads trying to protect their way of life. Ganking is just ONE PVP method open to us. We're in these threads protecting the Nature behind Eve. That nature is this:

Eve is a PVP game, at its heart and design. Eve is not designed to cater to those who are unwilling to adapt and learn.
Eve is a game for the opportunist, the tactician, and the Planner. Eve is not a game for the lazy, ignorant, or foolish.

If you can spend hours putting time into market PVP, then you can spend an hour to hire an escort for your profits, or 10 minutes to contract it to Red Frog who DO freighter correctly.

If you can spend days mining your empire, you can spend hours securing its future by planning proper logistics.

And if you can't.... then you weren't ready for it anyway.

Eve is built around those who seize opportunity. That's why you read so many stories of alliances and coalitions brought to their knees by one patient, well placed spy. That's why you read so many stories of super and titan kills planned for weeks, and executed in one flawless sweep. No where in Eve's design or history has the lazy, uninformed, unmotivated individual came out better off. They may get lucky from time to time, but that luck always comes back around.

These threads aren't about gankers crying that it'll be too hard to do what they do. They'll adapt and find new targets or better ways. The ganked, the cow led to slaughter, will not, and we'll only see a new round of 'Buff my ship and make the dirty mean pirates illegal' threads spawn. These threads are about those who refuse to adapt, expand their knowledge, or change their ways. Let's get that point straight. These threads aren't about the gankers. These are about the ganked.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#391 - 2014-02-11 22:24:58 UTC
Cathy Mikakka wrote:

You haven't said a single thing on how to escape except "call yo corp bros" one. Which makes no sense unless you want to gank the bumper?

And what risk do gankers risk while doing this?

Why should I tell you? That would be equal to asking a dude playing the market what is the best item right now to invest in. Why should he tell you and ruin his own isk making opportunities?

Trust me, I have had some really baller freighter pilots push me to the limit and escape because they were prepared and they knew their game mechanics. Even after/during bumping them. No way in hell I am going to disclose how though. :D
Ronin Gold Solbor
#392 - 2014-02-11 22:31:18 UTC
Still trying to wrap my head around how getting 15 pilots to shoot and destroy a disabled (By Mechanics), unarmed freighter is PVP? I always thought PVP was a contest of skill against another equally capable and skilled player? This seems more like IED's or Seal Skin harvests.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#393 - 2014-02-11 22:38:51 UTC
It's in the name. Player versus Player.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#394 - 2014-02-11 22:41:37 UTC
Ronin Gold Solbor wrote:
Still trying to wrap my head around how getting 15 pilots to shoot and destroy a disabled (By Mechanics), unarmed freighter is PVP? I always thought PVP was a contest of skill against another equally capable and skilled player? This seems more like IED's or Seal Skin harvests.

in the words of Jimmy Valmer: No, you ******!!

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Federal Navy Academy
#395 - 2014-02-11 22:44:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Batelle
Kenrailae wrote:
I just wanna clear up one MASSIVE common misconception in this thread:

Ganker's motives for arguing against a change are purer than your motives for arguing for a change.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Also, ganking a freighter isn't any harder than sitting on a titan waiting to bridge onto a ratter or 3-man gatecamp. If said freighter is also getting bumped to ****, its even easier.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Estrella Sheikh
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#396 - 2014-02-11 23:55:29 UTC
Travasty Space wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
Travasty Space wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:

Lol When's the last time a Titan was tackled by a bumper in high sec? Or Low sec?

or.. ever?

This will do for the moment. There a specific example I'm trying to find about this where there was a titan that was bumped out of slowcat rep range so the slowcats were used as half fleets and cyno'd in near/on the titan as the enemy was bumping the titan away from slowcats.

You see the problem here right? That titan was not tackled by a bumper.

Even worse the titan has a slowcat fleet with him, I imagine he would have proper subcap support, Why in the world would a non-aggressing bumper be left to live In a low/null-sec area and just completely ignored?

Also in this context the titan can also waste a DD if he's that scared.

"Bumping has been employed in the destruction of numerous titans to prevent them from aligning to warp. It was also the only way to prevent a mothership from escaping in low security space prior to the invention of Heavy Interdictors with their focused warp disruption fields."

Just highlighting the important bits.

I didn't miss that, Bumping is working as intended. You're talking about tens to hundreds of people bumping a titan to prevent it from warping, in either non-empire or low security space. We're talking about OP's select situation of one noobship preventing a freighter.

It's not broken man, Sorry to say.
Cathy Mikakka
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#397 - 2014-02-12 01:02:33 UTC
Ammzi wrote:
Cathy Mikakka wrote:

You haven't said a single thing on how to escape except "call yo corp bros" one. Which makes no sense unless you want to gank the bumper?

And what risk do gankers risk while doing this?

Why should I tell you? That would be equal to asking a dude playing the market what is the best item right now to invest in. Why should he tell you and ruin his own isk making opportunities?

Trust me, I have had some really baller freighter pilots push me to the limit and escape because they were prepared and they knew their game mechanics. Even after/during bumping them. No way in hell I am going to disclose how though. :D

Sigh, the lengths people will go to keep their favorite thing in the game, lying and all.
Travasty Space
Pilots of Epic
#398 - 2014-02-12 02:13:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Travasty Space
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
Travasty Space wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
Travasty Space wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:

Lol When's the last time a Titan was tackled by a bumper in high sec? Or Low sec?

or.. ever?

This will do for the moment. There a specific example I'm trying to find about this where there was a titan that was bumped out of slowcat rep range so the slowcats were used as half fleets and cyno'd in near/on the titan as the enemy was bumping the titan away from slowcats.

You see the problem here right? That titan was not tackled by a bumper.

Even worse the titan has a slowcat fleet with him, I imagine he would have proper subcap support, Why in the world would a non-aggressing bumper be left to live In a low/null-sec area and just completely ignored?

Also in this context the titan can also waste a DD if he's that scared.

"Bumping has been employed in the destruction of numerous titans to prevent them from aligning to warp. It was also the only way to prevent a mothership from escaping in low security space prior to the invention of Heavy Interdictors with their focused warp disruption fields."

Just highlighting the important bits.

I didn't miss that, Bumping is working as intended. You're talking about tens to hundreds of people bumping a titan to prevent it from warping, in either non-empire or low security space. We're talking about OP's select situation of one noobship preventing a freighter.

It's not broken man, Sorry to say.

Using many and needing many people is very different, you can bump a titan with noobships as well. Reports that I've heard of are that as few as 4 or 5 using approach will keep a titan bumped.

Edit'd for website glitch.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#399 - 2014-02-12 02:55:31 UTC
Batelle wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:
I just wanna clear up one MASSIVE common misconception in this thread:

Ganker's motives for arguing against a change are purer than your motives for arguing for a change.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Also, ganking a freighter isn't any harder than sitting on a titan waiting to bridge onto a ratter or 3-man gatecamp. If said freighter is also getting bumped to ****, its even easier.

It's not about 'purer' motives. It's about people who refuse to adapt.

A freighter pilot has a plethora of options available to avoid being bumped in the first place. If they've not taken those precautions, nor taken precautions to deal with the bumper IF they get bumped, that is their fault. Much like it's the gate camp's fault for not checking some of the most over-used hunter alt's KB's before engaging, or the ratter's for not pounding D while ratting in unfriendly space. Stuff happens, and sometimes you can't avoid it, but the larger sum of the time you can.

You can oversimplify and be snide and obtuse all you want. That doesn't change a thing about the situation. You can learn from it or not. When you choose not to, I'll laugh at your Freighter loss mail just like all the others.

I will give you one thing though. Sitting on a titan isn't any harder. Most Low sec Titan bridges are just large scale ganks. You know, picking and choosing the fights you can and can't win thing.... but that would venture pretty close to strategic decision, which you seem to lack the concept of.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Seras VictoriaX
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#400 - 2014-02-12 03:02:22 UTC
Ammzi wrote:
Cathy Mikakka wrote:

You haven't said a single thing on how to escape except "call yo corp bros" one. Which makes no sense unless you want to gank the bumper?

And what risk do gankers risk while doing this?

Why should I tell you? That would be equal to asking a dude playing the market what is the best item right now to invest in. Why should he tell you and ruin his own isk making opportunities?

Trust me, I have had some really baller freighter pilots push me to the limit and escape because they were prepared and they knew their game mechanics. Even after/during bumping them. No way in hell I am going to disclose how though. :D

Yeah ok, sorry no one believes you. And if your thinking of the logoffski trick, i believe everyone agreed that it was exploiting as well.