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Why freighter bumping in High Sec is an exploit

First post
DSpite Culhach
#181 - 2014-02-10 11:48:24 UTC
I might have this wrong, so bear with me, I'm also not all serious, I'm just stressing a point:

* Webbing a freighter will be considered an act of aggression, unless I'm in the same corp. If I'm not in the same corp then CONCORD blows me up, while trying to "help" said freighter.

Well, what if I want to offer a fast-warp webbing service to all freighters going past a particular gate as a business model? I can't do so because of the aggressions mechanics in place. I can't go around joining corps all day, I have a cat to feed.

So basically the "gankers" have a bunch of borderline mechanics available to them, while on the other side, the options to counter are more limited.

I would like to suggest a new "Set Standing" of SuperBlue so that if you set a another player to that, regardless of them being in other corps or even wartargets, you instantly become best buddies and can target/web/open fire on each other without consequence (as if you were in corp togheter) allowing you to do things like go missioning together, practice duels anytime, and of course web-assist at will, or on the opposite scale, win over their friendship and then and then gank them at the earliest opportunity, without that pesky CONCORD barging in, or loss of status, so keeping the magic balance of the EVE universe.

Such "superfriends" flag would only be able to be reset while docked, so people could not stop you mid-helping or mid-ganking.
Players wanting your business in "freighter-follow-me-and-web-me" would set you SuperBlue, and pay you a fee to follow them around, all without you getting CONCORD'ed for that trip.

If nothing else it would make the universe more paranoid. Isn't that what we all want?

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#182 - 2014-02-10 11:49:40 UTC
Emma Muutaras wrote:
i cant see any way to fix it except to declare it a exploit.

That's not actually a fix.
DSpite Culhach
#183 - 2014-02-10 11:49:53 UTC  |  Edited by: DSpite Culhach
Double post somehow.


Since I'm here anyway, why not add module slots to Freighters, and give some metagame options to the freighter pilots?

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

John Ratcliffe
IChooseYou Alliance
#184 - 2014-02-10 12:33:50 UTC
Either remove collision detection for ships, so one model can fly straight through another completely preventing bumping; or flag bumping as a criminal action so the bumper can be legitimately blown to bits in HS.

Problem solved.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#185 - 2014-02-10 12:41:05 UTC
DSpite Culhach wrote:
I might have this wrong, so bear with me, I'm also not all serious, I'm just stressing a point:

* Webbing a freighter will be considered an act of aggression, unless I'm in the same corp. If I'm not in the same corp then CONCORD blows me up, while trying to "help" said freighter.

Well, what if I want to offer a fast-warp webbing service to all freighters going past a particular gate as a business model? I can't do so because of the aggressions mechanics in place. I can't go around joining corps all day, I have a cat to feed.

So basically the "gankers" have a bunch of borderline mechanics available to them, while on the other side, the options to counter are more limited.

I would like to suggest a new "Set Standing" of SuperBlue so that if you set a another player to that, regardless of them being in other corps or even wartargets, you instantly become best buddies and can target/web/open fire on each other without consequence (as if you were in corp togheter) allowing you to do things like go missioning together, practice duels anytime, and of course web-assist at will, or on the opposite scale, win over their friendship and then and then gank them at the earliest opportunity, without that pesky CONCORD barging in, or loss of status, so keeping the magic balance of the EVE universe.

Such "superfriends" flag would only be able to be reset while docked, so people could not stop you mid-helping or mid-ganking.
Players wanting your business in "freighter-follow-me-and-web-me" would set you SuperBlue, and pay you a fee to follow them around, all without you getting CONCORD'ed for that trip.

If nothing else it would make the universe more paranoid. Isn't that what we all want?

This fellow is far too sensible to be taking part in an eve forum.

This is an excellent idea.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

DSpite Culhach
#186 - 2014-02-10 12:47:07 UTC
John Ratcliffe wrote:
Either remove collision detection for ships, so one model can fly straight through another completely preventing bumping; or flag bumping as a criminal action so the bumper can be legitimately blown to bits in HS.

Problem solved.

Not that i'd want this, but:

It would be more logical to have it so that if you have the safety enabled, bumping is impossible - I mean, just fudge the result by making the bumping ship do an "AI flight override" or similar rubbish and force a flight correction, and by taking the safety off AND THEN bumping you get a criminal flag.

It would be horrible to code and ugly to watch happen, but it would make more sense then ships flying through each other.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Lephia DeGrande
Luxembourg Space Union
#187 - 2014-02-10 12:49:15 UTC
DSpite Culhach wrote:
I might have this wrong, so bear with me, I'm also not all serious, I'm just stressing a point:

* Webbing a freighter will be considered an act of aggression, unless I'm in the same corp. If I'm not in the same corp then CONCORD blows me up, while trying to "help" said freighter.

Well, what if I want to offer a fast-warp webbing service to all freighters going past a particular gate as a business model? I can't do so because of the aggressions mechanics in place. I can't go around joining corps all day, I have a cat to feed.

So basically the "gankers" have a bunch of borderline mechanics available to them, while on the other side, the options to counter are more limited.

I would like to suggest a new "Set Standing" of SuperBlue so that if you set a another player to that, regardless of them being in other corps or even wartargets, you instantly become best buddies and can target/web/open fire on each other without consequence (as if you were in corp togheter) allowing you to do things like go missioning together, practice duels anytime, and of course web-assist at will, or on the opposite scale, win over their friendship and then and then gank them at the earliest opportunity, without that pesky CONCORD barging in, or loss of status, so keeping the magic balance of the EVE universe.

Such "superfriends" flag would only be able to be reset while docked, so people could not stop you mid-helping or mid-ganking.
Players wanting your business in "freighter-follow-me-and-web-me" would set you SuperBlue, and pay you a fee to follow them around, all without you getting CONCORD'ed for that trip.

If nothing else it would make the universe more paranoid. Isn't that what we all want?

+1 for temporary "no-Concord" flag.
Motoko Innocentius
Domus Dei
#188 - 2014-02-10 12:52:39 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:
I'll give you the same response I've given every other 'Stop the Evil gankers' thread:

STOP assuming you can slowboat/autopilot your freighter with all your goodies and all your alliance's buddies stuff through high sec all on your onesie and be completely safe. You want to be safe from Gankers? Put the SAME or more effort into being safe as they are putting into ganking you.

Wanna know what the basics of a gank are?

1 or more scouts
1 or more haulers
4 or more gankers

At least 6 characters.

No, you cannot have a ship that is 100% safe from 6 characters focused on killing it. You want to be safe? Bring your buddies with you to escort you. What does it take for High Sec players in particular to realize that we've not been lying? Eve is designed to be played with people. The individual will ALWAYS be at greater risk. Want to be Safe? Play Eve the way it was meant to be: With friends. Safety in Numbers. Like a school of anchovies.


You seem to be quite dumb, here let me enlighten you.

What you need for a bumping ganking squad.

1 bumping character waiting at a stargate with a cargo scanner and phone numbers or names for friends in some social chat thingie.

Contact friends when you have marked your target and started bumping. Friends start logging when they want and start moving ships required to gank the freighter.

You also speak of "dumb players autopiloting", in order to start bumping a freighter, you only need it to start aligning to next stargate, at this point start bumping and the target is indefinately locked out and can be ganked when ever you want. And as earlier said, you can bring a rookie ship to aggress the freighter in order to deny safe logoff.

Now tell us, does the freighter pilot have the same luxury, as in: When you get bumped, contact your friends, you have indefinate time for friends to come rescue, and when they come they can just kill the bumper.
But no, you need to have those friends with you all the time, if someone starts bumping, only way to get rid of it is shooting it, which ofcourse gets you concorded, basicly just making this impossible.

Tbh, I can't even understand how this isn't an exploit, the bumper is circumventing game mechanics by not aggressing but still holding the target, this is ok ofcourse if he aggresses, but hisec bumpers don't aggress basicly giving them a point without having to aggress.
Secondly, how is this not harrassment ? Someone bumps for a while and locks the other party from doing anything, thats just dumb. Either aggress and have your gank squad ready to bring it down or get banned.

tldr: bumping is for getting ships out of range or moving them to a specific point, not for circumventing aggro mechanics and replacing a point/scramb.
DSpite Culhach
#189 - 2014-02-10 13:03:46 UTC
I fully realize that what I'm about to say is slightly at a tangent, but here goes:

* Any corp can wardec another corp and kill them in hisec. Basically you're bribing CONCORD.

So why can't pirate groups also bribe CONCORD - albeit under another mechanic name and maybe at different costs - in order to fly around without getting shot by CONCORD?

By "flagging" themselves this way, they would be auto -10, even if not that normally, still hunted by the local Navy - probably a less "I can see you anywhere" Navy even - and get a new SuperRed flashy status so even total idiots would be unable to miss them with really frakked up overview settings.

Groups like these could go gank whatever they liked, and every single player in EVE would be able to see them and shoot them en-mass, creating a new metagame in hisec of people being hired as protection, camping hisec gates, and the whole shabang that happens in low/null in reverse.

Freighter ganking would not be "ganking" anymore as everyone around is now to blame for NOT HELPING YOU, and those people that gank miners for LOL's could get actual fights at belts, or easy kills that is, and then really, once and for all, if the carebears keep dying in droves they really have zero excuses left.

I'd rather see this as a conflict driver.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Rhamnousia Nosferatu
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#190 - 2014-02-10 13:31:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhamnousia Nosferatu
Motoko Innocentius wrote:

What you need for a bumping ganking squad.

1 bumping character waiting at a stargate with a cargo scanner and phone numbers or names for friends in some social chat thingie.

Contact friends when you have marked your target and started bumping. Friends start logging when they want and start moving ships required to gank the freighter.


Now tell us, does the freighter pilot have the same luxury, as in: When you get bumped, contact your friends, you have indefinate time for friends to come rescue, and when they come they can just kill the bumper.
But no, you need to have those friends with you all the time, if someone starts bumping, only way to get rid of it is shooting it, which ofcourse gets you concorded, basicly just making this impossible.

Actually, you DO have the same luxury as in - as soon as someone starts bumping you call your corpmates to come with logis, webbing ships, BS's to bump the bumper, provide reps and/or web you out of the situation. I've acutally seen something like this happen yesterday and bumper eventually gave up. If you think it's unfair that someone has people ready to do some kind of PVP activity when you don't, you're playing the wrong game.

All the whining about freighter ganks are silly. I've solo ganked a lot of folks myself and came to conclusion that people are simply lazy and ignorant.
Newcomers I understand and (almost) feel bad for, but someone playing eve for 2-3 years should definitely know better then to haul 1-2 bil in T1 indy or 3+ bil in a regular freighter when there are options to do it safer. Why carry officer mods in freighter when it can be done with 99,99% safety in a blockade runner? Need billions worth of bulky stuff moved around - use jump fregihter, split it into less expensive chunks, use red frog, etc.
Lephia DeGrande
Luxembourg Space Union
#191 - 2014-02-10 13:40:46 UTC
You are right about lazy Players, but the other Question is still legit: Is bumping as Gamemechanic really a good mechanic? Or should it replaced? I mean its 2014 maybe its time to improve finally the Physics of Eve Online?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#192 - 2014-02-10 13:47:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Kenrailae
JetStream Drenard wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
In the last 10 posts I've seen an answer to OP's Situation. they may not like the notion of gathering people to assist in transporting goods but really, If you're escorting a freighter with valuable goods, (Value being determined by the individual flying + Market Price) Why not bring a pvp group? If you have competent corpmates they should be happy to extract ganker tears at failed ganks when you blap them. 2-3 logi + 2-3 Nados even with meta 4 guns is more than enough to down gankers and provide reps to the freighter with logi. Hell If you're on grid with the freigther with no webber your logi should be locking and reping it automatically.

If someone wants to take a mach and bump me for 30-45 mins Why would I NOT ping my alliance/corp and tell them my location and situation? They'd be forming up a counter fleet ASAP.

Eve is not single player. You will not have constant bumping on a gate be considered an exploit.

If you get bumped while initiating warp to a gate and you don't try and warp to a celestial that they've probably aligned you too when you've been bumped, You're not trying hard enough.

Someone takes the time to make your life hell, you take the time to make theirs hell. Co-ordinate and HTFU.

Nomad/Fenrir Pilot~

The MAJOR issue with this whole logi idea is the fact that as soon as they rep the freighter they will receive a suspect flag and be engageable by the whole of eve. So bad idea unless you have the means to get them safely docked up when every person in the system starts shooting at them. Just dont use logi in high sec. But do kill the bumper with a cheap gank-a-lyst

This is incorrect.

They will NOT go suspect because the Freighter is doing nothing to acquire aggression. That's like saying the Freighter goes suspect for being shot. Logistics that are repping the freighter(or logi only repping the freighter) can do this all day and they will not go suspect. Now, the moment 1 of them reps something with aggro.... the whole picture changes, ofc.

Edit: They MAY get a limited engagement with the gankers. I'm not 100% sure on that, but I don't think they do because of the action being ganking in high sec.

Motoko, I'm not even going to bother with you as you validate all my points with your own statement. Including my statements that High sec players are unteachable. Thanks.

I will give you one little tidbit though. As soon as your friends start logging on to gank the freighter, they all fall into the roles I defined, plus several more cause I only gave a basic gank squad. Now, go back to your corner and shush, pup, the adults are talking.

@ Dspite:

You COULD challenge them all to a duel, and web them that way.
It's not a spectacular solution and you'd have to check when the duel can be issued/accepted, but if the timing was acceptable, it would do the job. I do disagree with your 'superblue' standing though, for the fact that corporations exist for a reason(s), and this standing would negate one of the big reasons they exist. I'd LIKE for my out of corp alt to be more easily accessible, but I also like that he doesn't say 'Suddenly Spaceships' all over him so I can use him for other things.

All these 'flag bumping as criminal' posts really just haven't thought things out. Bumping happens every day in Eve for completely accidental and legitimate reasons. Busy Star gates will always have bumps. Bumping as criminal would result in an exponentially higher rate of dying freighters and fancy ships than already occurs.

Freighters don't need modules. They exist to be giant boxes. We also learned a long time ago that as soon as you give one thing hoping it will alleviate all the whining about something, 10 more things pop up in its place. Tried and true.

What Freighters need is to remember that Eve IS a PVP game. So... PVP. The best counters for Gankers are either a griffin wing support(pre-lock any gank ship that hits the field, soon as it goes suspect, perma jam it) with some logistics, a pair of Rapiers with Claymore/Astarte booster warping to station between every gate, Or to simply not use your freighter or keep the values low. I'd never suggest a Freighter to a pilot. An orca is infinitely better. A JF better still.

All in all, you choose to buy a freighter and use it, and NOT take precautions to protect it, you choose to lose it. Maybe not today, but it will happen. CCP doesn't need to fix anything here. People need to take responsibility for their stuff, and remember this is a PVP Sandbox. So bring your PVP toys to the sandbox and wreck it.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

DSpite Culhach
#193 - 2014-02-10 13:47:22 UTC
Lephia DeGrande wrote:
You are right about lazy Players, but the other Question is still legit: Is bumping as Gamemechanic really a good mechanic? Or should it replaced? I mean its 2014 maybe its time to improve finally the Physics of Eve Online?

I don't think it's a mechanic as such, it's more like a side effect of the engine. If both ships took damage in the collision, even if very small amounts, you would term it a mechanic; feels more like when you accidentally warp inside an object and are spat out. The math goes a bit wonky and "pwang", off you go.

I'd rather see the ramming ship - when ship masses are very unbalanced, go bouncing off 100km from the collision, with only very small deviations made to the freighters ... at the very least, it might mean that it might take 3-4 ships to play ping-pong, rather then only one.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Lephia DeGrande
Luxembourg Space Union
#194 - 2014-02-10 13:59:58 UTC
I mean its nice that CCP did program a collision mechanic, because we all know how stupid it is that you can Run trought other Chars in most of the other MMORPGs.

But did they EVER tweak this effects? I cant remember any changes and maybe they should take a Look atleast every 10 years or so. :D
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#195 - 2014-02-10 14:00:05 UTC
DSpite Culhach wrote:

I would like to suggest a new "Set Standing" of SuperBlue so that if you set a another player to that, regardless of them being in other corps or even wartargets, you instantly become best buddies and can target/web/open fire on each other without consequence (as if you were in corp togheter)

L-Like.... dueling?

DSpite Culhach
#196 - 2014-02-10 14:01:21 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:

You COULD challenge them all to a duel, and web them that way.
It's not a spectacular solution and you'd have to check when the duel can be issued/accepted, but if the timing was acceptable, it would do the job. I do disagree with your 'superblue' standing though, for the fact that corporations exist for a reason(s), and this standing would negate one of the big reasons they exist. I'd LIKE for my out of corp alt to be more easily accessible, but I also like that he doesn't say 'Suddenly Spaceships' all over him so I can use him for other things.

I think what annoys me is the ability to stare at 10 instalock Tornados off a gate, and know instantly why they are there, what they are going to do - also because you can call up their pilots names on killboards - but knowing that other then telling people to "go around" there is not much in a way of a counter to an alpha strike, because of CONCORD weird mechanics.

I'd rather hand mechanics over to allow pirates to be pirates, and even players to play as navy, so they can play silly cat and mouse games all day in hisec.

The spaghetti code to allow all that would probably strangle most of the devs though.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

DSpite Culhach
#197 - 2014-02-10 14:11:02 UTC  |  Edited by: DSpite Culhach
Ammzi wrote:
DSpite Culhach wrote:

I would like to suggest a new "Set Standing" of SuperBlue so that if you set a another player to that, regardless of them being in other corps or even wartargets, you instantly become best buddies and can target/web/open fire on each other without consequence (as if you were in corp togheter)

L-Like.... dueling?


Yea, lets use one weird mechanic to workaround another weird mechanic.

At least I made up a totally weird mechanic up from scratch, and THAT takes effort.

PS: Black Legion is cool. Please don't kill me.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

DSpite Culhach
#198 - 2014-02-10 14:14:13 UTC
Lephia DeGrande wrote:
I mean its nice that CCP did program a collision mechanic, because we all know how stupid it is that you can Run trought other Chars in most of the other MMORPGs.

But did they EVER tweak this effects? I cant remember any changes and maybe they should take a Look atleast every 10 years or so. :D

They should change it completely and not tell anyone.

Then the next frigate would smack into the hull of a freighter, come to a full stop, and slowly slide off nose first, with that same sound effect you get when you slide a wet finger across glass, with the freighter pilot not even noticing the impact.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#199 - 2014-02-10 14:23:09 UTC
There's nothing wrong with the bumping mechanics. Just because you've trained the skills to fly a freighter, it doesn't mean you have the skills to fly one. In other words, leave the hauling to people who know what they're doing.
Rhamnousia Nosferatu
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#200 - 2014-02-10 14:27:48 UTC
DSpite Culhach wrote:

I'd rather hand mechanics over to allow pirates to be pirates, and even players to play as navy, so they can play silly cat and mouse games all day in hisec.

The spaghetti code to allow all that would probably strangle most of the devs .

Now imagine what an organised group, seasoned in fleet fights and with nothing else to do in nullsec could do to hisec if this mechanism of yours was implemented. Burn Jita would look like naive childish fun.