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The ESS has to go

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Karen Galeo
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#161 - 2014-03-09 22:39:49 UTC
Mcpate wrote:
Mcpate wrote:
If you ask me, it's time for CCP to go back to working on Walking-In-Stations full time, every developer, everybody that can hold a pencil or click a mouse button! Every cotton-picking one of them.

After listening to the Town Hall with the CSM and CCP, I felt a compulsion to bump this post.

They obviously do not understand WH's as they are currently used. A better understanding would lead to better design changes. I Also get the general impression that the WH associated CSM members have opinions and ideas that involve C5 and C6 though there are no other wormholes.

My corp lived in a C2 before we moved up to our current C5, and until recently I was the officer in charge of running the C2 and training new pilots there.

I think each class of wormhole has an important part it can play in the whole WH ecosystem, but yea, as Dmitry says... C2's need a bit of a buff. We made plenty of money, but we did it by running sites in our C3 static, not by operations in the C2 itself. At the moment, C2's are great because of the access they can give you to other parts of space.

Author of the Karen 162 blog.

#162 - 2014-03-10 18:26:34 UTC
The only use for C2 anomalies is baiting people. You earn more by afk'ing at a POS than running C2 anomalies.
Mr D Williams
#163 - 2014-03-10 18:55:35 UTC
Reading this thread, makes me a little sad there are people living in WH's that want to turn it more into nullsec Sad I sincerely hope those are trolls and if not contact me for a bucket of tears.

On a side note Meytal, I'd love if you can give me a hint on how to make more isk being away from the keyboard(while not working, preferably sitting on the couch with a beer) at a POS. Big smile