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EVE General Discussion

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Why isn t there any walking around stations/ships etc?

First post
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#241 - 2014-04-29 17:04:13 UTC
Grayland Aubaris wrote:
Meryl SinGarda wrote:
It's really noisy in here with all the people covering their ears and screaming. Geez.

I can only just hear that over some screaming about ears or something.

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#242 - 2014-04-29 18:00:05 UTC
As there is a long standing thread where WIS is discussed at length, this thread is redundant and therefore gets a lock.

The rules:
16. Redundant and re-posted threads will be locked.

As a courtesy to other forum users, please search to see if there is a thread already open on the topic you wish to discuss. If so, please place your comments there instead. Multiple threads on the same subject clutter up the forums needlessly, causing good feedback and ideas to be lost. Please keep discussions regarding a topic to a single thread.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)