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[Rubicon 1.1] Interceptor Agility Tweak

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Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#181 - 2014-01-23 14:35:09 UTC
lol, now they noticed that those missile thingies are op.

There is reason why they nerfed crow to useless earlier, but maybe these new devs have not heard about it.
Abigail Sagan
Skeleton Liberation Front
#182 - 2014-01-24 09:43:04 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Marian Devers wrote:
CCP just admit that Interceptor nullifier was a terrible idea and remove the bonus.

The idea is not terrible.. just maybe on the wrong ship.

DST could use that (with some additional tank).

But to matter at hand:
I am not much of a PvP person myself, but I can say something about interceptor in null because I have flown nullified interceptor through some of the null.

I, a high sec carebear, took an interceptor, made it difficult to catch (I think the align time was still little over 2 seconds so not 'uncatchable' yet) and started touring through null sec. The danger I expected to meet was smartbombing battleships, so I prepared some buffer. They were not there. There were some camps, but they didn't catch me.

I managed to travel through entire null sec regions (meaning every system of them) with single interceptor. That interceptor was finally caught in some gate camp (chatting pilot error vs instalock camp). My second one is more uncatchable and has not been caught yet. However, I stopped my null-sec-tour a while ago. I started the tour because it sounded exciting and for half dozen gate camps it was so, but after that gate camps became boring and I stopped caring. I just routinely flew through regions without intel and it became another job instead of excitement I looked for. (10-15 or so regions so toured atm)

I don't know the correct solution to interceptor "problem" or even if it is a problem, but in my opinion the players could have stopped both of my touring ships pretty easily if they had used two or three smartbombing battleships. To a lazy high sec carebear like me organizing couple of battleships sounds like a lot of boring work and null sec seemed so very empty. Maybe null sec is so empty that null sec alliances don't have the manpower to organize that. Or maybe singular interceptor was simply not a threat and I was ignored. Or it is too boring. This is just from my personal point of view. I leave estimation of alignment nerf effects to the people who do PvP combat. I mostly do just PvP combat avoidance.

tl;dr: A story about a high sec carebear traveling in null sec with an Interceptor.

PS: My apologies go to all the null sec pilots I forced to get to safety with my arrival. It was all part of one of my EVE goals ("visiting every K-space system in game"). I won't continue forwarding that goal until there is some challenge in completing it. Current interceptors and lack of smartbombs make achieving that goal too easy.
Kiryen O'Bannon
Goonswarm Federation
#183 - 2014-01-25 06:45:00 UTC
Bubble immunity is utterly irrelevant. Bubbles need more ships that counter their effects, not less, and putting that aside, the issue with interceptors, especially missle ceptors, is that they can point and kite at a sweet spot range where anything that can shoot that far cant apply damage, and anything with a chance to apply damage to a ship that small and fast cant shoot that far. Even Warrior 2s just get blapped off the field.

Taking away bubble immunity does nothing about this. Furthermore, it does nothing to make interceptors catchable in lowsec, where they zoom about with the same impunity, but where bubbles dont work at all!

Interceptors escaping bubbles and gate camps isnt the problem that effortlessly holding point while evading all return fire and never risking being caught by return tackle is. Points dont matter, they dont slow the ceptor at all, and it never need come in range of a scram or web. Even bonused versions, the interceptor is so fast it can simply fly out of range before a Rapier can lock and apply webs.

Eternal Father, King of birth, /Who didst create the heaven and earth, /And bid the planets and the sun/ Their own appointed orbits run; /O hear us when we seek thy grace /For those who soar through outer space.

Lucy Alfrir
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#184 - 2014-01-25 20:51:57 UTC
$rude_word you! CCP Fozzie.

You nerf all the things I like best in this game.

First the Dram, then taking projectiles off the Bellicose, now nerfing the stiletto's agility.

you suck!!

/me throws toys out of pram.
Arthur Aihaken
#185 - 2014-01-27 02:33:46 UTC
This is like applying a band-aid to a severed head... Fix off-grid links and solve some of the other core problems in EVE and the agility won't be an issue. Maybe certain classes of ships should be ineligible to receive links anyway...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#186 - 2014-01-27 17:03:30 UTC  |  Edited by: 4gn1
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:
Bubble immunity is utterly irrelevant. Bubbles need more ships that counter their effects, not less, and putting that aside, the issue with interceptors, especially missle ceptors, is that they can point and kite at a sweet spot range where anything that can shoot that far cant apply damage, and anything with a chance to apply damage to a ship that small and fast cant shoot that far. Even Warrior 2s just get blapped off the field.

Taking away bubble immunity does nothing about this. Furthermore, it does nothing to make interceptors catchable in lowsec, where they zoom about with the same impunity, but where bubbles dont work at all!

Interceptors escaping bubbles and gate camps isnt the problem that effortlessly holding point while evading all return fire and never risking being caught by return tackle is. Points dont matter, they dont slow the ceptor at all, and it never need come in range of a scram or web. Even bonused versions, the interceptor is so fast it can simply fly out of range before a Rapier can lock and apply webs.

This only tells me that you have not tackled with interceptors for as long time. The need to apply a short point because the ship is too fast for your incoming gang is almost always a high risk maneuver. Every little pvp noob can shoot onto an Inty with overheated mwd to get a scram and then the intercetor is just dead. Theres no way out of it. Not to speak of webs, neuts and drones that kills you in a close orbit. Theres no way out of it. And if you just hold a long point even with the optimal orbit, which variated form shiptyp to shiptype its easy to eascape with just an overheated mwd.

Dont foget that intercetors lost a lot of HP and Speed with rubicon. And this silly nerf will only lead that we have to fit nanos now that will result in the same align time but again in a loss of speed, hp and orbit agility. A complete silly nerf originated of cry babies that dont want to use cynojammers, fastlocker and a fleetsetup in general that locks and kills interceptors easy.
Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#187 - 2014-01-28 04:31:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Hasikan Miallok
So apparently the current interceptors make null SOV a bit more like null should actually be, rather than a fascist state where everything non blue must be excluded or eliminated - and that threat to safe secure nulldom is seen somehow as a bad thing :D
Colt Blackhawk
#188 - 2014-01-28 08:44:06 UTC
Dear CCP Fozzie.
Thank you for breaking this **** even more.
I just saw that ceptors and especially linked ones are really completely invulnerable to missiles.
By nerfing agility you only hit unlinked ceptors, the linkd ones won´t get hurt.

Goddam that idiotic "get more alts because we broke the game too much to get new players in" game.

[09:04:53] Ashira Twilight > Plant the f****** amarr flag and s*** on their smoking wrecks.

Hoplite Brigade
#189 - 2014-01-28 10:47:56 UTC
I think that the Agility Tweak will at least give combat ceptors better chances to catch tackling ceptors. Which might be their intended role from CCP. However, in this case you should also consider rework their mass and base speed, since the higher base speed of combat ceptors is often folied by the fact that they have a higher mass.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#190 - 2014-01-28 12:51:38 UTC
Thanks CCP for ignoring us.
Rab See
Stellar Dynamics
#191 - 2014-01-29 12:16:00 UTC
And ... as mentioned ... why do "Interceptors" get less agility than their companion T1 Frig?

"This, along with superior maneuverability and speed" from the description - is absolute bollox.
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#192 - 2014-01-29 12:43:22 UTC
Rab See wrote:
And ... as mentioned ... why do "Interceptors" get less agility than their companion T1 Frig?

"This, along with superior maneuverability and speed" from the description - is absolute bollox.

Less time i checked T1 frigates didn't have Interdiction Nullifiers on it.

The Tears Must Flow

Rab See
Stellar Dynamics
#193 - 2014-01-29 13:10:19 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
Rab See wrote:
And ... as mentioned ... why do "Interceptors" get less agility than their companion T1 Frig?

"This, along with superior maneuverability and speed" from the description - is absolute bollox.

Less time i checked T1 frigates didn't have Interdiction Nullifiers on it.

Learn to READ numbnuts.

Was talking about agility NOT nullification.
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#194 - 2014-01-29 13:28:19 UTC
Rab See wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
Rab See wrote:
And ... as mentioned ... why do "Interceptors" get less agility than their companion T1 Frig?

"This, along with superior maneuverability and speed" from the description - is absolute bollox.

Less time i checked T1 frigates didn't have Interdiction Nullifiers on it.

Learn to READ numbnuts.

Was talking about agility NOT nullification.

You are member of the two iq club aren't you?

The Tears Must Flow

Rab See
Stellar Dynamics
#195 - 2014-01-29 14:26:58 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:

You are member of the two iq club aren't you?

Two IQ? its obviously a lot more than yours then.
Escobar Slim III
#196 - 2014-01-30 15:06:56 UTC
I think this change has made it easier for them to catch my intershuttler on the gate like a stiletto tried to kill me the other day and I couldn't warp off like I could before. Is this intendid?
Mark Cato
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#197 - 2014-01-30 17:25:02 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
Rab See wrote:
And ... as mentioned ... why do "Interceptors" get less agility than their companion T1 Frig?

"This, along with superior maneuverability and speed" from the description - is absolute bollox.

Less time i checked T1 frigates didn't have Interdiction Nullifiers on it.

The obvious solution is to get rid of the Interdiction Nullification then. I'm not against the idea, but it would be better suited for a different ship class while keeping Interceptors (especially Fleet Interceptors) for their intended role. Unfortunately that would require CCP to publicly back down from an earlier descision, which is why I doubt the sensible route will be taken here.
Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#198 - 2014-01-31 03:04:40 UTC
Mark Cato wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
Rab See wrote:
And ... as mentioned ... why do "Interceptors" get less agility than their companion T1 Frig?

"This, along with superior maneuverability and speed" from the description - is absolute bollox.

Less time i checked T1 frigates didn't have Interdiction Nullifiers on it.

The obvious solution is to get rid of the Interdiction Nullification then. I'm not against the idea, but it would be better suited for a different ship class while keeping Interceptors (especially Fleet Interceptors) for their intended role. Unfortunately that would require CCP to publicly back down from an earlier descision, which is why I doubt the sensible route will be taken here.

or .... make it an interceptor only mid or low slot slot module with non trivial fitting requirements... at least then its a decision to fit the ability that has consequences.
Iyacia Cyric'ai
Lai Dai Counterintelligence
#199 - 2014-01-31 03:14:36 UTC
Escobar Slim III wrote:
I think this change has made it easier for them to catch my intershuttler on the gate like a stiletto tried to kill me the other day and I couldn't warp off like I could before. Is this intendid?

Caught by a stiletto in an interceptor... really? You can't press the mwd button to get out of piont range or just burn back to gate?
Iyacia Cyric'ai
Lai Dai Counterintelligence
#200 - 2014-01-31 03:16:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Iyacia Cyric'ai
Colt Blackhawk wrote:
Dear CCP Fozzie.
Thank you for breaking this **** even more.
I just saw that ceptors and especially linked ones are really completely invulnerable to missiles.
By nerfing agility you only hit unlinked ceptors, the linkd ones won´t get hurt.

Goddam that idiotic "get more alts because we broke the game too much to get new players in" game.
That made sense. Oh wait. No. No it doesn't. Since speed and signature radious is what matters for missile damage mitigation and agility doesn't affect that.