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Dev blog: More Deployables from Super Friends

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Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1561 - 2014-01-17 20:52:52 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

We look at dotlan now... fly out to systems that show ratting activity, and shotgun the system to catch ratters. Many people put cloaky alts in busy ratting systems in order to extort money from locals, in order to hotdrop ratters, and often just to disrupt ratting. Nullsec residence already deal with these interruptions and difficulties, and the ESS isn't going to alter that. Many of these groups, that already deal with these roamers, will easily utilize the ESS to boost profits. And if they can't, so what? They don't have to use it.

The ESS is going to alter it, it will either need defending or a wasted toon to insta-scoop it if the owners use it. The raiders can use it as log off trap bait. The owners will have to destory the hostile one before resuming. etc etc.

Those are effects, tilting the scale more in the direction of "why am I screwing with this when I could be making the isk I want to by my new wormholing ship doing sister's missions in osmon?".

That's the point, it's not practical.

i hope CCP deploys it so you can see what really happens....till they fix it by removing it while mourning the last man-hours lol.

I think you shot yourself in the foot "slightly" with this particular post.

Even if the majority of ratters don't use the module, it has definite use for the raiders (at a basic level, and for others when you being to think about what the ancillary abilities of the module could be used for).

The possibility of the module to simply not be used is minute... it simply may not be used in the manner that people are currently arguing about.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#1562 - 2014-01-17 20:56:19 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

EVE is interconnected. What affects one affects all.

If you were a game designer, would you deploy something into you game that seemed like a pretty good thing until it interacted with the reality of your game? The reality is that the existence of other ways to earn combat pve isk make the probable outcome of the deployment of something like the ESS LESS pvp oppurtunities.

It's just backwards thinking. The only way something like the ESS (even without the small 5% nerf to income) work is if you nerfed the ever loving beejesus out of every single other combat pve isk making activity leaving players no choice but to fight over "farms and fields" to make decent isk.

Let me summarize what you just said:

People don't rat in nullsec because they can earn potentially more isk in a less risky manner in highsec. Let me introduce you to the reality of this game:

A HUGE amount of the isk flowing into this game comes from ratting in nullsec. I think CCP was quoted saying recently, 72% of all bounties paid into our game comes from nullsec ratting.

The ESS is a boost to nullsec income for those that successfully utilize it, but a source of conflict & loss for those unsuccessful.

Your notion that it will create less PvP is completely unfounded forecasting, and you really should back up your view of game-reality with numbers for it be come across as realistic.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1563 - 2014-01-17 21:04:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Inspiration wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Inspiration wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
The entire concept is a clever wrinkle to the risk vs reward concept.

This risk vs reward nonsense argument gets abused left, right and center...usually to bolster a bad idea or concept!

Risk vs reward is just one of many elements that makes up a game, and it is not even the most important one at that!

I can think of several other elements:

1. Mechanics/tools need to make sense in the story of the game.
2. It needs to be a fun and not beak other things or loose....this is a game first!
3. Serious effort needs to be rewarding, not get punished.
4. Most elements should not be overly complex, nor time intensive...nor mandatory to deal with.

For most most people, a game is past time..relaxation or something to get their mind of work and/or problems. Some take it a bit more serious then others, but when you center everything around risk vs reward, you break not only the game, but peoples lives. A good example is 8 hour battles in i sleep or play a few more hours to give the alliance an edge.

1. The story spun to justify this new mechanic has more thought put into it that most game mechanics do in other games.
2: True. Not sure what your point is.
3: Good thing there is a reward involved in this risk vs reward scenario.
4: If you want a simple game you've picked the wrong one, and you don't have to use this module.

1. Thus it doesn't have to make sense, as long as there are weirder stories out there in other games?
2. The suggested deploy-able breaks things, many flaws have been described.
3. There is no rewards for those doing the real effort. Unless you now count warping to an undefended structure to grab isk is considered effort that compares to the pilots that generated that isk in the first place. For reasons you full well understand the structure will never be truely defensed, there is no risk vs reward to the ninja thief. Just reward.
4. I do not advocate simple, i just advocate against overly in more complex to reach a certain goal then is needed for fun, good game play and story line.

1: The foreshadowing for this has already been evident for some time now. Most people have either ignored it or were unaware of it. However now it is beginning to affect their daily game play. Expect more changes over the next couple of years that fundamentally alter how the Empires and Concord interact with capsuleers.

2: The assertion that it breaks things has been made, however the jury is still out on how factual that assertion is. In fact, the only thing that might need to be adjusted (at least at this layer of the onion) is the amount of ISK risked by the ratter. That's not broken, that a tweak being needed.

3: There are distinct rewards for those doing the work, as you well know. To state otherwise is more than a bit silly as the facts are evident and well documented. The only thing causing controversy is the level of risk involved.

4: Good game play is not the same thing as risk free game play. Providing more opportunities for a raiding style of game play, as well as providing even better rewards for ratters if they can defend their system (or have good enough intel to take down the module in time) is good game play. The need to adjust the relative levels of risk vs reward is a far cry from this being a mechanic that equals "BAD" game play.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

#1564 - 2014-01-17 21:05:10 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Inspiration wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
The entire concept is a clever wrinkle to the risk vs reward concept.

This risk vs reward nonsense argument gets abused left, right and center...usually to bolster a bad idea or concept!

Risk vs reward is just one of many elements that makes up a game, and it is not even the most important one at that!

I can think of several other elements:

1. Mechanics/tools need to make sense in the story of the game.
2. It needs to be a fun and not beak other things or loose....this is a game first!
3. Serious effort needs to be rewarding, not get punished.
4. Most elements should not be overly complex, nor time intensive...nor mandatory to deal with.

For most most people, a game is past time..relaxation or something to get their mind of work and/or problems. Some take it a bit more serious then others, but when you center everything around risk vs reward, you break not only the game, but peoples lives. A good example is 8 hour battles in i sleep or play a few more hours to give the alliance an edge.

1.) So get a story righter to explain the device in lore terms. I honestly don't care about the lore aspect.

2.) It doesn't break anything. You can choose not to use it and nothing is different for you (in regards to the module). The nerf to nullsec income is independent of the ESS.

3.) Serious effort is rewarded. If you can defend it, and you use it, you get more isk. If your system generates 100m in bounties an hour, this rewards you with an extra 5-10m in bounties.

4.) It is a pretty simple concept: Deploy it, and 15% of your bounties are confiscated. Access it and you can recover 20-25m for every 15m put in.

This generally wont cause you to lose sleep. It wont cause you to risk more then you choose to. It shouldn't have any effect on your relaxation, unless you choose to utilize it but can't cope with someone else usurping it.

1. Making a game make no sense doesn't help the game either, if you personally care or not!

2. This thread seems to disagree with you.

3. If you deploy it for yourself, you cannot defend are ratting and the like. If you use it offensively, and with an interceptor swarm you can defend it...if the system locals choose to take action. Else your just sitting there looking silly. The system owners can either continue ratting and hand you free isk or take a break and waste both parties time. No emergent game i expect.

4. Simple maybe, but it's not rational (see point 1), its doesn't seem likely to create action very often. I expect it more often to turn into a waiting game. No fun, doesn't really add anything useful and is this a waste of dev and player time.

You can ignore it to some extend, but if you do so, it will affect you negatively in income. It really isn't that optional in this regard and the effort that puts you into this straight jacked is next to none as far as i can see. Certainly less then regular pvp threats.

I am serious!

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1565 - 2014-01-17 21:11:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
If you deploy it for yourself, you cannot defend are ratting and the like.

This is the mentality that keeps people docked for days because there is an AFK cloaker in the system. Big smileBig smileBig smile

As a ratter you have just as many options available to you as those who seek to prey upon you. You are not welded into a particular ship, nor are you unable to change the fit of that ship to match the situation... and you certainly aren't cut off from the rest of your corp mates (and their hopefully well organized intel channels) as far as communications goes.

Prey mentality is self fulfilling.

And no, you lose nothing by not using this module. The reward reduction is going to come anyway and is an unrelated issue. So if you don't use the module your pay out is unchanged from what it would be anyway.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#1566 - 2014-01-17 21:17:08 UTC
I hate arguing with static minds that relate everything relative to the status-quo. By definition these minds oppose logic, reason, posses a narrow view and object against solutions for issues that have half an existing workaround. Left up to them, nothing would ever progress! They would hold onto really bad concepts like: If you deploy it for yourself, you cannot defend it, or If there is a hostile in system, I can only sit and spin ships in station, or Everyones is fleeing to highsec because the risks aren't worth the rewards.

#1567 - 2014-01-17 21:20:49 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
If you deploy it for yourself, you cannot defend are ratting and the like.

This is the mentality that keeps people docked for days because there is an AFK cloaker in the system. Big smileBig smileBig smile

As a ratter you have just as many options available to you as those who seek to prey upon you. You are not welded into a particular ship, nor are you unable to change the fit of that ship to match the situation... and you certainly aren't cut off from the rest of your corp mates (and their hopefully well organized intel channels) as far as communications goes.

Prey mentality is self fulfilling.

In theory that is all true.

But you well know why it works that way, don't you? If locals mission, just one ship with a cyno means there are actually many more if you choose to respond! I know from low sec that the big alliances aren't really shy from dropping dozens of capitals to gank a single carrier. The whole theory that with proper intel it all works out well, doesn't fly for smaller entities.

And the last thing we need in EVE is more very large impersonal entities imho.

I am serious!

#1568 - 2014-01-17 21:24:46 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
I hate arguing with static minds that relate everything relative to the status-quo. By definition these minds oppose logic, reason, posses a narrow view and object against solutions for issues that have half an existing workaround. Left up to them, nothing would ever progress! They would hold onto really bad concepts like: If you deploy it for yourself, you cannot defend it, or If there is a hostile in system, I can only sit and spin ships in station, or Everyones is fleeing to highsec because the risks aren't worth the rewards.

Your point being?

Look at it from more then one angle and you too will see the flaws.

I am serious!

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1569 - 2014-01-17 21:27:13 UTC
Inspiration wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
If you deploy it for yourself, you cannot defend are ratting and the like.

This is the mentality that keeps people docked for days because there is an AFK cloaker in the system. Big smileBig smileBig smile

As a ratter you have just as many options available to you as those who seek to prey upon you. You are not welded into a particular ship, nor are you unable to change the fit of that ship to match the situation... and you certainly aren't cut off from the rest of your corp mates (and their hopefully well organized intel channels) as far as communications goes.

Prey mentality is self fulfilling.

In theory that is all true.

But you well know why it works that way, don't you? If locals mission, just one ship with a cyno means there are actually many more if you choose to respond! I know from low sec that the big alliances aren't really shy from dropping dozens of capitals to gank a single carrier. The whole theory that with proper intel it all works out well, doesn't fly for smaller entities.

And the last thing we need in EVE is more very large impersonal entities imho.

All that means is that the situation will resolve in favor of the group that is better prepared, and yes I've been on both sides of that situation. Some of the best fights I've ever seen has come from doing what you would normally do (on the surface) when an AFK cloaker is in system... but being well prepared to deal with the eventual, inevitable hot drop that will occur.

But you're beginning to drift away from the topic, no offense.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Zircon Dasher
#1570 - 2014-01-17 21:29:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Zircon Dasher
Tippia wrote:
Oh, 300-400% (on top of the base rewards) should do it. A system that holds 3 ratters can then pay for the 9–12 people required to protect the ESS.

Good. So when CCP finally addresses the problem of systems not supporting adequate population... for the sake of argument lets say they bump it to supporting a measly 6 ratters..... then the actual % increase necessary to make a decent return is 150%-200% of current value. That assumes, of course, that you have to use 9-12 people to protect an ESS.Lol

Because that's what we have here: they're creating a problem so they can sell us a solution. You are suggesting that we alter the solution; everyone else is suggesting that we don't even create the problem.

Right. CCP obviously is nerfing ratting only because they want people to use the EES.Lol

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#1571 - 2014-01-17 21:36:18 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

Let me summarize what you just said:

People don't rat in nullsec because they can earn potentially more isk in a less risky manner in highsec. Let me introduce you to the reality of this game:

A HUGE amount of the isk flowing into this game comes from ratting in nullsec. I think CCP was quoted saying recently, 72% of all bounties paid into our game comes from nullsec ratting.

The problem with you is that in you zeal to defend something that most people wouldn't bother, you end up putting words in people's mouths.

Where did I say "people don't rat in nullsec"? I have said lots of people in sov alliances have alts making isk in other places. the 720 bil a day coming out of nullsec is enough for 5, maybe 6000 ratters to each make a 1 hour average of 80to 120 mil isk an hour in a 24 hour period. There are (last count I saw) 90,000 characters in sov holding alliances and some of those players have out of corp/alliance alts.


The ESS is a boost to nullsec income for those that successfully utilize it, but a source of conflict & loss for those unsuccessful.

Which is why I hope ccp deploys it. you're not willing to listen to 80 pages of other people telling you they won't use it, perhaps actual in the field failure will convince you?


Your notion that it will create less PvP is completely unfounded forecasting, and you really should back up your view of game-reality with numbers for it be come across as realistic.

We'll back it up with it's own failure because almost everyone save you and ccp can see it coming. When this happens, are you adult enough to admit yo were wrong?
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#1572 - 2014-01-17 21:40:25 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
I hate arguing with static minds that relate everything relative to the status-quo. By definition these minds oppose logic, reason, posses a narrow view and object against solutions for issues that have half an existing workaround. Left up to them, nothing would ever progress! They would hold onto really bad concepts like: If you deploy it for yourself, you cannot defend it, or If there is a hostile in system, I can only sit and spin ships in station, or Everyones is fleeing to highsec because the risks aren't worth the rewards.

Why do pie in the sky hippie dreamer types always misinterpret practical reality as "the status quo"? Reality doesn't alter itself because you think it should. Reality just "is". This is why most businesses fail, people have these surefire ideas for success that don't take into account the realites in the ground.

The reality is this will be a repeat of the anom nerf. if CCP deploys it as it it will have noticable bad effects and will get rolled back or scrapped all together forcing another round of 'soul searching" on ccp's part asking how somehting like this could have possibly gone wrong despite several threadnaughts worth of warning.

Oh well, time to x up in an incursion channel.
Abulurd Boniface
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1573 - 2014-01-17 21:58:33 UTC
On the feature page of the ESS, where the pod pilot is introduced to its functionality, I read this:

You took out the pirates. You kept the system safe. It's time to collect what's owed, but CONCORD's check is lighter than usual. Don't worry. The Empires have you covered.

followed by this:

You took out the pirates. You kept the system safe. It's time to collect what's owed, but CONCORD's check is lighter than usual. They claim the cost of monitoring Nullsec is high, and they're paying you less for the same job those lightweights in High Sec are doing. Don't worry. The Empires have you covered.

I'm thinking one paragraph would suffice, unless the guy doing the copy/pasta of the copywriting had a tad too much Brennivin in which case I would totally see how that could happen and I raise my glass in support.

[I'm still not enough of a hero to try the shark though. I don't know how hungry the person must have been who thought that was a better alternative than sucking on volcanic rock for sustenance].

Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#1574 - 2014-01-17 22:01:47 UTC
Ill say this again - the ESS needs to have a very long online time (like say, 20-30 minutes) to allow a defense gang to form. If the defense gang fails, then the ESS should be active for at least 1-2 days (give it a reinforcement timer, and have it keep leeching bounties)

This makes it work very well as a "come and fight us" tool, and give a 2nd arranged fight as well (fighting over taking the isk)
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#1575 - 2014-01-17 22:12:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Gizznitt Malikite
Michael Harari wrote:
Ill say this again - the ESS needs to have a very long online time (like say, 20-30 minutes) to allow a defense gang to form. If the defense gang fails, then the ESS should be active for at least 1-2 days (give it a reinforcement timer, and have it keep leeching bounties)

This makes it work very well as a "come and fight us" tool, and give a 2nd arranged fight as well (fighting over taking the isk)

Your design has several flaws:

a.) You operate an EU timezone corp. I then have my aussie or US squadron RF the ESS when you aren't even online. Suddenly your system is suffering heavy ratting penalties if you want to rat... not to mention if the ESS RF timer comes out during a non-EU timezone, you will lose out on the isk to boot.

b.) People generally wont rat if an enemy has RF one of these in system.

Generally speaking, anything gives the opponent more than 20 minutes to "form up and defend it" very quickly escalates beyond small gang. One of the premises of farms and fields are that small gangs can raid them.

In general, RF timers insure large responses, which is NOT the intention behind this module.
Alphea Abbra
Project Promethion
#1576 - 2014-01-17 22:14:35 UTC
Zircon Dasher wrote:
Right. CCP obviously is nerfing ratting only because they want people to use the EES.Lol
Yes, that's the gist of it. Make up problem-> pet project solves it-> players use pet project.
This has a few more details to the basic formula, but it's still not a justification.
Fix Sov
#1577 - 2014-01-17 22:17:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Fix Sov
And the design behind the ESS has several flaws:
1) there's no actual reason to deploy it, since you'd spend more time (and consequently more isk) making sure nobody steals from it than you would just ignoring the whole damn thing and ratting as normal
2) if someone comes in and deploys one, nobody'll rat there until it's gone, just like they wouldn't rat if there's a neutral/red in system
3) if a blue deploys one, people won't rat with it, it'll get destroyed and said blue'll get kicked out of the corp for deploying it

The current sov system is too heavily reliant on the defender saving systems by stuffing as many people as possible into the system for the final timer, instead of incentivizing attacking (and defending) multiple systems at the same time by splitting their forces into multiple fleets and using actual intelligence/strategy. This must change.

Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#1578 - 2014-01-17 22:55:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Michael Harari
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Michael Harari wrote:
Ill say this again - the ESS needs to have a very long online time (like say, 20-30 minutes) to allow a defense gang to form. If the defense gang fails, then the ESS should be active for at least 1-2 days (give it a reinforcement timer, and have it keep leeching bounties)

This makes it work very well as a "come and fight us" tool, and give a 2nd arranged fight as well (fighting over taking the isk)

Your design has several flaws:

a.) You operate an EU timezone corp. I then have my aussie or US squadron RF the ESS when you aren't even online. Suddenly your system is suffering heavy ratting penalties if you want to rat... not to mention if the ESS RF timer comes out during a non-EU timezone, you will lose out on the isk to boot.

b.) People generally wont rat if an enemy has RF one of these in system.

Generally speaking, anything gives the opponent more than 20 minutes to "form up and defend it" very quickly escalates beyond small gang. One of the premises of farms and fields are that small gangs can raid them.

In general, RF timers insure large responses, which is NOT the intention behind this module.

A) Expand your corp to cover multiple TZ. Or share your system with people who use it when you arent there. Or if I am the one placing it, I accept that not every ESS will result in a fight, any more than camping the locals into their station for an hour will result in a fight.
B) Thats the point. If you dont stop it from onlining, you lose a system to rat in for 1-2 days.
C) I was on a roam today where we tackled 3 carriers, and fought the enemy corp for over an hour. We had 15 people, no logi. 20 minutes is a very fair time to allow people to form up, and is also enough time to fly around enemy space, seed a bunch of them, and then collect fights on the way back out. I dont really see people forming up more aggressively in 20 minutes over an ESS, than they would with an hour over 3 carriers.
Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1579 - 2014-01-17 23:07:51 UTC
The problem behind this whole mess is a long standing one. CCP knows that nullsec, like numerous other areas of Eve, is a broken mess badly needing to be fixed. But taking the time to comprehensively overhaul nullsec will be a large project requiring a large number of designers carrying out a great deal of work over a long period of time. And post Incarna CCP has demonstrated they don't have the will or the vision to commit to such a large project.

So instead we get this latest in a series of random tweaks and widgets, developed by virtue of fitting neatly into a sprint schedule, without any need for a joined-up plan. CCP's position is like that of a chef who has created a particularly bland and tasteless soup, and rather than taking the time to tip the mess down the sink and starting again with a properly planned recipe, is now stirring in random ingredient after random ingredient in the hope that one of them will magically fix their mess.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1580 - 2014-01-17 23:24:12 UTC
This is still a badly broken system for fixing what you see as an over generous isk faucet. Like reducing bounties 5% but trying to compensate with a badly implemented deployable doesn't fix the issue. And ignoring the uproar just makes it worse.