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What would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?

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#1401 - 2014-01-25 11:07:37 UTC
Haraukiae Youik wrote:
CCP is nerfing hi-sec now.

So the question should be "What will happen when CCP finises creating 0.0 status everywhere?" which is imho their endgame.

Its happening now. Manufacturing is mostly completely dead as a way to make isk. (fits in with the nerfing of passive income which fits in with CCP being the PLEX/ISK seller.)

Travel is seen as an isk sink. (As the game mechanics of pvp have been strengthened NPC corps taxes have been raised to almost exhorbitant levels (isk sink) and Concord HP and response times have not been comparatively balanced in order to encourage "ganking" as a form of isk sink partial income.

POS in hi sec are more vulnerable - isk sink.

Markets become more flooded with items below manufacture value which indicates that there is no longer a (strong) linkage between isk/risk. (as in pvp to be successful risk has to be minimized -- note blob tactics and almost complete lack of 3-1 battles (or even 5-1.)

As one poster recently said -- return all the skill points for manufacture and related issues and just NPC seed everything. In effect there are corps that are presently the true NPC seeds for items; this just hasn't been exposed yet.

So imho the end game is complete pvp everywhere without any (effective) npc interference. Case closed. Kinda like WOW pvp servers. You gang blob the remaing npc's so the plebs can't do their missions while killing the plebs as well.

I'll just play another month and check back in a year to see how much this game has deteriorated. At present I can't do half the stuff I used to.

WOW it up CCP>>>>>

wow it up haha , pleasu unsub bro this isnt for you , what you need is a teenager mmo like you mention: WoW or some other orc & elfish game

The police horse is the only animal in the world that haz his male genitals on his back

Chequematte D'Courcey
Privateer Corporation '64
#1402 - 2014-01-25 11:18:40 UTC
Haraukiae Youik wrote:
CCP is nerfing hi-sec now.

So the question should be "What will happen when CCP finises creating 0.0 status everywhere?" which is imho their endgame.

Its happening now. Manufacturing is mostly completely dead as a way to make isk. (fits in with the nerfing of passive income which fits in with CCP being the PLEX/ISK seller.)

Travel is seen as an isk sink. (As the game mechanics of pvp have been strengthened NPC corps taxes have been raised to almost exhorbitant levels (isk sink) and Concord HP and response times have not been comparatively balanced in order to encourage "ganking" as a form of isk sink partial income.

POS in hi sec are more vulnerable - isk sink.

Markets become more flooded with items below manufacture value which indicates that there is no longer a (strong) linkage between isk/risk. (as in pvp to be successful risk has to be minimized -- note blob tactics and almost complete lack of 3-1 battles (or even 5-1.)

As one poster recently said -- return all the skill points for manufacture and related issues and just NPC seed everything. In effect there are corps that are presently the true NPC seeds for items; this just hasn't been exposed yet.

So imho the end game is complete pvp everywhere without any (effective) npc interference. Case closed. Kinda like WOW pvp servers. You gang blob the remaing npc's so the plebs can't do their missions while killing the plebs as well.

I'll just play another month and check back in a year to see how much this game has deteriorated. At present I can't do half the stuff I used to.

WOW it up CCP>>>>>

Really Manufacturing is dead???? I am a new player less than 6 months in the game and I have a thriving manufacturing / mining op going. Yes I have been pirated ( ganked) a couple of times but 1 was I was low secing in a Venture and the 2nd was not paying attention in .06 space. But in less than 6 months im a 1.6 bil and rising at 20 mil a day. What is life without a little adventure. Also I would like to add that both times after being pirated I chatted a bit with them and now we are good friends. EVE is about how you handle yourself in open chat and people skills. The game is what you make of it and life is not a bed of roses

ps 2 nd post ever :)
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#1403 - 2014-01-25 16:25:39 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
Their should be a new mobile structure that when deployed in highsec would disable concord in a 30km-50km range (1 hour duration, very expensive isk cost and couldn't be deployed near stations, gates, etc).

I think we can add that system wide effect to the highsec ESS. Don't worry the faction police will make up for it.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Erufen Rito
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1404 - 2014-01-25 16:33:29 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
Their should be a new mobile structure that when deployed in highsec would disable concord in a 30km-50km range (1 hour duration, very expensive isk cost and couldn't be deployed near stations, gates, etc).

I think we can add that system wide effect to the highsec ESS. Don't worry the faction police will make up for it.

This would sort of make sense, when you consider NPC pirates are found in empire space doing their illegal activities, and mission runners go stop em. F&I?

This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#1405 - 2014-01-26 00:22:20 UTC
Erufen Rito wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
Their should be a new mobile structure that when deployed in highsec would disable concord in a 30km-50km range (1 hour duration, very expensive isk cost and couldn't be deployed near stations, gates, etc).

I think we can add that system wide effect to the highsec ESS. Don't worry the faction police will make up for it.

This would sort of make sense, when you consider NPC pirates are found in empire space doing their illegal activities, and mission runners go stop em. F&I?

F&I is where good ideas go to die. The lore reason is CONCORD is getting weaker so the mechanics even fit the lore this time.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1406 - 2014-01-26 01:59:03 UTC
Not sure if this is the typical, "lets break highsec because null is bad so no one can have fun" kind of idea or some misplaced retaliation for the ESS which no higsec dweller asked for and many agree is a bad idea as currently proposed.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#1407 - 2014-01-27 02:13:26 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Not sure if this is the typical, "lets break highsec because null is bad so no one can have fun" kind of idea or some misplaced retaliation for the ESS which no higsec dweller asked for and many agree is a bad idea as currently proposed.

This is the bad idea thread so I figured the ESS belonged here.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#1408 - 2014-01-27 02:39:49 UTC
ESS can't work in high sec due to the inability to defend it from Neuts, where as Null Sec you can shotgun anyone who looks suspicious. Other than that issue, a 25% income boost sounds great.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#1409 - 2014-01-27 06:49:50 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
ESS can't work in high sec due to the inability to defend it from Neuts, where as Null Sec you can shotgun anyone who looks suspicious. Other than that issue, a 25% income boost sounds great.

ESS can work in highsec that's what suspect timers are for.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#1410 - 2014-01-27 06:57:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Nevyn Auscent
And then you get into a complicated mess of what gives you the timer. And if warping to it gives you the timer, why doesn't warping to a mission pocket or a mission ship or or or.....
Get the idea of the mess it potentially opens?
If just interacting with it gives the timer... then you can warp to it, preposition your fleet ready before hand, use a super tanked ship to interact with it etc etc etc.

It's a massive can of worms trying to open something like this up to high sec because of the correlations between it and a bunch of other locations.

Of course, if you are trying to argue that high sec bounties are too high an isk faucet and should be nerfed.... Yea, LMAO, refer to earlier maths in thread showing exactly how little income relative to the absolute faucet actually comes from high sec.

This is of course, ignoring the one per system limit and regarding it as a personal/corp item
Since if the one per system limit is retained in high sec, we all know the goons will drop them in all major mission systems and sit a fleet on them and laugh as they shut down lvl 4's.
Azrael Dinn
Imperial Mechanics
#1411 - 2014-01-27 07:08:52 UTC
Most likely CCP would loose a big portion of their revenue which would mean their stock would decrease and it would lead to staff layoffs which would cut the game developement and eventualy it would lead to the point where the game would only be played by few "elite nerds" who like to blow each other up.

So please do remove high sec... I hope it turns out nicely for you.

After centuries of debating and justifying... Break Cloaks tm

Billy McCandless
Zacharia Explorations Group
#1412 - 2014-01-27 07:30:06 UTC
Azrael Dinn wrote:
Most likely CCP would loose a big portion of their revenue which would mean their stock would decrease and it would lead to staff layoffs which would cut the game developement and eventualy it would lead to the point where the game would only be played by few "elite nerds" who like to blow each other up.

So please do remove high sec... I hope it turns out nicely for you.

Why? You WANT the things you prophesised to come true?

Why are you playing if you want the game to fail?

"Thread locked for being deemed a total loss." - ISD Ezwal

#1413 - 2014-01-27 08:37:51 UTC
Azrael Dinn wrote:
Most likely CCP would loose a big portion of their revenue which would mean their stock would decrease and it would lead to staff layoffs which would cut the game developement and eventualy it would lead to the point where the game would only be played by few "elite nerds" who like to blow each other up.

So please do remove high sec... I hope it turns out nicely for you.

The percentage cost of acquisition of a sub for a player that subsequently lives in null is smaller, because those players typically have longer lasting subs. This is something CCP has pointed out themselves, and is clearly reflected in all the steps they've taken to make null less exclusive.

The whole nerf moongoo alliance level income thing had a side effect that makes it -no longer important- if highsec income falls below nullsec income.

ie any person playing this game on a character without a massive blatant history of awoxing will have no trouble accessing null, getting themselves half-a-donut sized blue list, and having either CFC, PL or N3 protect them from needing to engage in SOV warfare. Honestly within the broad scope of the defences available to you, the rest of the problem falls into "no harder than running a mission, and just as accessible". If you like it a little harder than that, then pack your mobile depot into your T3 jump through the lowsec camp, and pass straight through the bubbles untouched on the null borders and then setup behind the borders in some lowpop area.

ie CCP did a truly major right in making the conditions so conducive to renting, and by giving ninja's the tools that let them ninja properly.

In any case, this patch also contains a pirate quality faction battleship being put into an already overheated overpriced LP store, SOE LP will be for the foreseeable future far more valuable than ESS LP, and for the foreseable future highsec players that can do LP arithmetic will still make 100m+ /hr.
#1414 - 2014-01-27 08:47:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Thirtythousand
yes, this includes titles of other games. but these are statistics showing over all global search trends. which means number of times people put things into google and hit enter.

im sure this post will break at least one forum rules. but im not attacking eve. i wouldnt have played it for 10 years if i didnt want to try to find a niche i can enjoy. but i`m given up and on my way out, trying to make at least ONE person realize that what they think makes eve special could very well be the thing hurting eve online`s success.

here are some troubling numbers for you.

go to google trends.

put in eve online, and star trek online. and come to a realization that STO is currently more popular then eve... Looks like more people prefer hand holding space them parks.

for some more fun, put in war thunder. which is now more popular then eve.

for tears, put in SWTOR. which many considered to be a flop. which is still more popular then eve.

for more tears, put in world of tanks and see it dwarf the chart.

for laughs put in Maple story and see that eve is currently about as popular as maple story.

for honest tears. put in final fantasy XIV and realize in a complete flop of a launch, shut down and relaunch is currently more popular.

yes there are MANY other games doing worse, and going out of business, but looking at the trends, and using basic prediction models, eves future doesnt look all that healthy and seems to be right above that breaking point where just enough people are still interested to keep it going, and the devs are doing just enough right things to get people to keep paying, but who knows how many more poor choices CCP has left before eve goes the way of SWG.

some big MMOs that are considered dieing and on their way out are posting better numbers. in fact, STO, SWTOR and FFXIV are usually on most top 10 fail MMOs lists.

there may just be something to this hand held them park that people enjoy.

yes, wow is still King.
yes, Ragnarok Online is still more popular.
yes, FlyFF was more popular at one point.

no, ultima online is almost gone. same with SWG and sadly Anarchy online.

hate to say it, but CCP may do very well to release a PvE theme park only server where pvp is only consensual and loosing a ship is only a trip back to station as an experiment... im sure the thought has crossed their minds at one point or another.

as it stands, you may hate carebares, but they pay the bulk of the bills that lets you hate them.

here is hoping CCP can make some PvE friendly decisions that helps people who just want to fly fancy spaceships without the risk of someone ruining their day/game.

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Billy McCandless
Zacharia Explorations Group
#1415 - 2014-01-27 08:55:07 UTC
Tauranon wrote:

ie any person playing this game on a character without a massive blatant history of awoxing will have no trouble accessing null, getting themselves half-a-donut sized blue list, and having either CFC, PL or N3 protect them from needing to engage in SOV warfare. .


Just... no lol

That's the single most laughable statement I think Ive ever heard.

"Thread locked for being deemed a total loss." - ISD Ezwal

#1416 - 2014-01-27 09:29:11 UTC
Billy McCandless wrote:
Tauranon wrote:

ie any person playing this game on a character without a massive blatant history of awoxing will have no trouble accessing null, getting themselves half-a-donut sized blue list, and having either CFC, PL or N3 protect them from needing to engage in SOV warfare. .


Just... no lol

That's the single most laughable statement I think Ive ever heard.

I can't possibly imagine - given that I'm perfectly aware of who plays in pblrd, since I'm privvy to the alliance chat, that any person could not find an actively recruiting corp out of the 80+ who would take them and even on the utterly distant chance that someone failed at that, there are other easily located renting alliances equally full of moderate standard corps.

I've got absolutely no idea why you'd even post that dribble.

Billy McCandless
Zacharia Explorations Group
#1417 - 2014-01-27 09:39:08 UTC
Tauranon wrote:

I can't possibly imagine - given that I'm perfectly aware of who plays in pblrd, since I'm privvy to the alliance chat, that any person could not find an actively recruiting corp out of the 80+ who would take them and even on the utterly distant chance that someone failed at that, there are other easily located renting alliances equally full of moderate standard corps.

I've got absolutely no idea why you'd even post that dribble.

I think you will find the word is "drivel"

And I posted it because its true. None of the groups you have quoted have open recruitment, and they would be mad to, if they did.

"Thread locked for being deemed a total loss." - ISD Ezwal

Azrael Dinn
Imperial Mechanics
#1418 - 2014-01-27 09:39:49 UTC
Billy McCandless wrote:
Azrael Dinn wrote:
Most likely CCP would loose a big portion of their revenue which would mean their stock would decrease and it would lead to staff layoffs which would cut the game developement and eventualy it would lead to the point where the game would only be played by few "elite nerds" who like to blow each other up.

So please do remove high sec... I hope it turns out nicely for you.

Why? You WANT the things you prophesised to come true?

Why are you playing if you want the game to fail?

I don't want the game to fail but the problem with the current mechanics and trends are showing that the game ain't what it used to be. Also I answered the topic what would happen if high sec would be nerfed and it's not something I would want to see but it is what would most likely happen in a longer period of time.

After centuries of debating and justifying... Break Cloaks tm

Tesco Ergo Sum
#1419 - 2014-01-27 10:00:04 UTC
Tauranon wrote:

The percentage cost of acquisition of a sub for a player that subsequently lives in null is smaller, because those players typically have longer lasting subs. This is something CCP has pointed out themselves, and is clearly reflected in all the steps they've taken to make null less exclusive.


Please, you only exist because of the "accords" signed, that is about as exclusive as you can get...

NPC Null - a very small section of Null
B0T/PBLRD - I won't support either
Provi - oh wait, they only exist because others call the shots for them

So where is this "less exclusive Null"?
#1420 - 2014-01-27 10:25:09 UTC
Billy McCandless wrote:
Tauranon wrote:

I can't possibly imagine - given that I'm perfectly aware of who plays in pblrd, since I'm privvy to the alliance chat, that any person could not find an actively recruiting corp out of the 80+ who would take them and even on the utterly distant chance that someone failed at that, there are other easily located renting alliances equally full of moderate standard corps.

I've got absolutely no idea why you'd even post that dribble.

I think you will find the word is "drivel"

And I posted it because its true. None of the groups you have quoted have open recruitment, and they would be mad to, if they did.

No dribble was the word I was looking for, I'm a native English speaker, and I am quite capable of selecting the word I want.

I had a casual glance over the recruitment forums, and yes there was a Vale located PBLRD corp recruiting ad on the front page at the time of this post, directly requesting people that want to PVE, and it happens to be a corp I'm familiar with and can vouch for the accuracy of their ad (and no it isn't my corp).

perhaps its easier for me to see that, since I immediately recognise the name of the local corps.