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What would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?

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Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#1161 - 2014-01-22 13:19:16 UTC
Kimmi Chan wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Regarding the anoms & lvl 4's, you would think there could be only one outcome, yet the gross income shows Null Wins.

I love how gross keeps coming up despite multiple people telling you it's not about that, but about personal income.

Gross income is a matter of where the ISK is most available.

Personal income is a matter of personal choice.

That would be true if it were possible for everyone to enjoy that level of income in nullsec.

But it's not possible. Hence this discussion in the first place.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1162 - 2014-01-22 14:18:50 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
That would be true if it were possible for everyone to enjoy that level of income in nullsec.

But it's not possible. Hence this discussion in the first place.

No. That's just where the goal post has now been moved. The OP really had no substance other than a proposal to blanket-nerf hi sec to "make Eve a better game in general."

At some point you yourself claimed it isn't about profit. And now, it is. This is how these nerf-hi-sec threads usually play out. They go round and round in circles with goal posts being picked up and moved. **** is thrown to the wall in the hopes that something, anything will stick.

Just as an example, Baltec1 asserts that hi sec has never been nerfed because he doesn't count nerfs that affect other areas of space. At the same time he claims null has been continuously nerfed. But his data, all of his data, makes reference to nerfs that have affected other areas of space. When this is pointed out, the goal post is simply picked up and moved elsewhere.

Kimmi said it best. Until you don't define what problem it is you are trying to solve and what viable solution is there, other than "null sec sux, nerf hi sec!" without providing any substance to back up these assertions, there really is nothing to be said, other than inconsistencies and biased vitriol.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Kira Enomoto
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1163 - 2014-01-22 15:02:10 UTC
I think I will just leave this here...

Ignoratio elenchi
Notorious Fellon
#1164 - 2014-01-22 15:11:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Notorious Fellon
Seems fairly clear what the issue is. Nullbears claim that they prefer the safety of hisec for individual money making. They claim the risk is too high in null for the available reward. Keep in mind, they will only refer to the risk/reward math involving various forms of ratting; they don't want to talk about moon goo and PI because it doesn't fit their complaints.

Why is the risk so high? Because large sov holding alliances have decided to shoot everything, including using their own alt accounts to kill the miners and ratters in their own alliances.

So, in their infinite wisdom the complainers think that the best solution is to ruin other people's gameplay (nerf hisec) by either reducing the rewards, or by increasing risk. In other words, nullbear complainers want to ruin hisec, using exactly the same methods they used to ruin sov space.

Now, in all fairness there are plenty of folks who live or have lived in null and find the risk/reward there perfectly acceptable. What we see here on the forums are a handful of nullbear whiners.

Instead of ruining other areas of the sandbox, I would prefer we make sov holders actually defend their space.

1: Reduce power projection to make sov holders defend their space or lose it
2: Flip the trickle down economics failure on its head and make it bottom up (moongoo, etc)
3: Ensure the *individual* income in null is better than in hisec *and* worth the risk for most players, ignoring the vocal minority
4: Fix multiple missions so they cannot be blitzed. It is ok to have a couple, but too many make for easy ISK.

Crime, it is not a "career", it is a lifestyle.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1165 - 2014-01-22 15:19:21 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:

The point is that despite all the complaints about 'High Sec earns more' Null Faucets alone beat all other related forms of High Sec income combined. Without considering the other forms of Null Sec income that already exist at all. Meaning that there is more isk to be made in Null Sec.

You are mistaking total isk faucets with how much a player can earn.

Null sec you only get bounties while a large chunk of income in high sec level 4s comes in the form of LP. LP is the primary form of income with missions followed by bounties. This is why those stats your are using are useless for working out how much you can earn in each area of space.

Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#1166 - 2014-01-22 15:39:55 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:

The point is that despite all the complaints about 'High Sec earns more' Null Faucets alone beat all other related forms of High Sec income combined. Without considering the other forms of Null Sec income that already exist at all. Meaning that there is more isk to be made in Null Sec.

You are mistaking total isk faucets with how much a player can earn.

Null sec you only get bounties while a large chunk of income in high sec level 4s comes in the form of LP. LP is the primary form of income with missions followed by bounties. This is why those stats your are using are useless for working out how much you can earn in each area of space.

Here we all go again, talking around in circles, bouncing between industry and missions. If there were a problem, CCP would resolve it yes? And since they don't seem to be pushing initiatives in high sec and instead they are pushing a dumbass deployable in Null Sec, what message are you hearing from that Baltec?

The message is this - There is too much money in Nullsec. If the end result of any data, graphs, charts, opinions, conjecture, or magically derived functions of the most bizarre mathematics showed anything else - CCP would make a change... Since they are not, it seems clear to me that they know something you don't.

If however, you believe you know something that CCP does not then write it up and submit it on F&I, blog about it on We would all love to hear what it is that you have knowledge of that is escaping CCP and their esteemed staff.

Until then, this discussion and the constant circular and tangent arguments is literally pointless.

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Billy McCandless
Zacharia Explorations Group
#1167 - 2014-01-22 15:42:43 UTC
Kimmi Chan wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Other words

Ive seen mission agents in Null

So, like, wtf?

"Thread locked for being deemed a total loss." - ISD Ezwal

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#1168 - 2014-01-22 16:02:08 UTC
At some point you yourself claimed it isn't about profit. And now, it is.

Even for you, this is derping pretty hard.

The desire to see industry be viable in nullsec isn't about profit.

The desire to have viable personal income is about income.

Just as an example, Baltec1 asserts that hi sec has never been nerfed because he doesn't count nerfs that affect other areas of space.

Which is true.

Because nerfs that effect other areas of space are not nerfs to highsec, they are nerfs to everything.

High end anom nerfs on the other hand, are nerfs to just nullsec.

I really don't see why this is so difficult for you.

Kimmi said it best. Until you don't define what problem it is you are trying to solve and what viable solution is there, other than "null sec sux, nerf hi sec!" without providing any substance to back up these assertions, there really is nothing to be said, other than inconsistencies and biased vitriol.

While I am aware that you would like to label it as such to remove the legitimacy of the complaint, you cannot do so.

I'll summarize it for you.

Industry in any area but highsec is entirely unviable, and is only done to manufacture things that cannot be made in highsec, capitals. The only things manufactured outside of highsec is what people are forced to do.

Secondly, personal income is far more viable in highsec than anywhere else. While the individual upper bounds of nullsec may be higher, they are subtractive, and thus not sustainable for any significant population size. As opposed to L4s, which can be done by hundreds of people without end, ever, in near total safety.

One of the proposed fix actions would be to de-incentivize NPC controlled manufacturing and refining facilities in favor of player controlled ones.

Another is to make highsec less safe by some means, so that more loss can be generated. Yet another is to lower payouts for L4s. My personal favorite is something I saw a while back suggesting that L4 mission NPCs can't be run more than 5 times per day, thereby forcing people to move around instead of camping a 3-4 system area with the same NPC day in, day out. This would be ideal as it would generate some dynamic behavior into something stale and static. Shake things up, as it were.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1169 - 2014-01-22 18:30:07 UTC
Kimmi Chan wrote:
If there were a problem, CCP would resolve it yes?

It took them years to fix things such as the sentinel. Hell, for 9 years there were many ships that had no use at all. There are many issues that have been around for far too long.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1170 - 2014-01-22 18:30:59 UTC
Billy McCandless wrote:

Ive seen mission agents in Null

So, like, wtf?

Ever tried to run them?

Ever seen any in sov nul?
Billy McCandless
Zacharia Explorations Group
#1171 - 2014-01-22 18:33:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Billy McCandless
baltec1 wrote:

Ever tried to run them?

Ever seen any in sov nul?

1) No, the Nullgimps make that hard and refuse to even consider a deal

2) No, and the Nullgimps make it hard to go and look anyway. But I would imagine the LP rewards from agents in NPC Null are superior to the non-existant LP rewards from the non-existant agents in Sov Null.

However, the position that Highsec has it better than Null because of the existance of LP is demonstratably false.

"Thread locked for being deemed a total loss." - ISD Ezwal

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1172 - 2014-01-22 18:43:06 UTC
Billy McCandless wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Ever tried to run them?

Ever seen any in sov nul?

1) No, the Nullgimps make that hard and refuse to even consider a deal

2) No, and the Nullgimps make it hard to go and look anyway. But I would imagine the LP rewards from agents in NPC Null are superior to the non-existant LP rewards from the non-existant agents in Sov Null.

However, the position that Highsec has it better than Null because of the existance of LP is demonstratably false.

There are no mission agents in sov null sec.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#1173 - 2014-01-22 18:53:06 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Kimmi Chan wrote:
If there were a problem, CCP would resolve it yes?

It took them years to fix things such as the sentinel. Hell, for 9 years there were many ships that had no use at all. There are many issues that have been around for far too long.

It took ccp what, 4 years (?) to fix the highs sec lvl 5 bug that they knew about in 2007. Some people are STILL screaming "bring back high sec lvl 5s" in the missions and complexes forums lol.

The problem is that people are refusing to understand a problem (ie the multiple problems with high sec that have an adverse affect on the rest of the game, such as the impossibility of player made industry in null ever competing with the FREE goodies available in high sec npc stations) that they themselves could test and examine for themselves. They don't want to because they don't want to know the truth of these issues, which is a stance I find confusing.
Billy McCandless
Zacharia Explorations Group
#1174 - 2014-01-22 18:57:14 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Billy McCandless wrote:
the non-existant LP rewards from the non-existant agents in Sov Null.

There are no mission agents in sov null sec.

Yup I believe I said that

"Thread locked for being deemed a total loss." - ISD Ezwal

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#1175 - 2014-01-22 19:00:06 UTC
Billy McCandless wrote:

1) No, the Nullgimps make that hard and refuse to even consider a deal

How do you call someone else a gimp when it's you who failed to do what you wanted to (run a null sec mission) not them?

I run null sec missions when I choose to and have yet to lose a mission ship in NPC Delve, Fountain, Curse or Venal. it's easy when you know how to play the game and aren't scared of other people....
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1176 - 2014-01-22 19:04:33 UTC
Billy McCandless wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Billy McCandless wrote:
the non-existant LP rewards from the non-existant agents in Sov Null.

There are no mission agents in sov null sec.

Yup I believe I said that

So that means no LP.

The issue is with anoms in sov space, not the handful of NPC null missions.
Billy McCandless
Zacharia Explorations Group
#1177 - 2014-01-22 19:06:25 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

So that means no LP.

The issue is with anoms in sov space, not the handful of NPC null missions.

Then I apologise for misunderstanding you, I missed where we were talking about the differences between Sov Null and NPC Null.

So why not just pop into NPC Null for your LP?

"Thread locked for being deemed a total loss." - ISD Ezwal

Billy McCandless
Zacharia Explorations Group
#1178 - 2014-01-22 19:08:41 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

How do you call someone else a gimp when it's you who failed to do what you wanted to (run a null sec mission) not them?

I run null sec missions when I choose to and have yet to lose a mission ship in NPC Delve, Fountain, Curse or Venal. it's easy when you know how to play the game and aren't scared of other people....

I wasnt aware that "gimp" was slang for someone who cant do something.

I have been unable to do so due to losses, so kudos to you for being the better pilot, but there's no need to be a jerk about it.

"Thread locked for being deemed a total loss." - ISD Ezwal

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1179 - 2014-01-22 19:12:56 UTC
Billy McCandless wrote:

So why not just pop into NPC Null for your LP?

Not only can these handful of systems not support tens of thousand players but if we even try they will be **** caged by every hostile power going.

Plus it does not fix the problem of the vast bulk of null sec being useless.

Billy McCandless
Zacharia Explorations Group
#1180 - 2014-01-22 19:16:17 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Billy McCandless wrote:

So why not just pop into NPC Null for your LP?

Not only can these handful of systems not support tens of thousand players but if we even try they will be **** caged by every hostile power going.

Plus it does not fix the problem of the vast bulk of null sec being useless.

Ok cool, I now understand.


"Thread locked for being deemed a total loss." - ISD Ezwal