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What would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?

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Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#461 - 2014-01-12 13:50:53 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
when the majority of both players, and botters shun an area of space, i think that's a very big indicator that there are issues with a given area of space.

No argument here at all sir. But I'm not sure all of that can be blamed on imbalance. Null sec simply doesn't sound fun to me at all. I don't measure my success in this game in ISK/hr. I measure it in fun/hr.

If the extent of fun in NS is docking whenever a red or neutral comes into system then I can completely understand why NS residents come to HS. But nerfing HS does not make docking whenever a red or neutral comes into system any more fun. Buffing ISK/hr rewards relative to risk in NS does not make docking whenever a red or neutral comes into system any more fun.

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Dave Stark
#462 - 2014-01-12 13:55:43 UTC
Kimmi Chan wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
when the majority of both players, and botters shun an area of space, i think that's a very big indicator that there are issues with a given area of space.

No argument here at all sir. But I'm not sure all of that can be blamed on imbalance. Null sec simply doesn't sound fun to me at all. I don't measure my success in this game in ISK/hr. I measure it in fun/hr.

If the extent of fun in NS is docking whenever a red or neutral comes into system then I can completely understand why NS residents come to HS. But nerfing HS does not make docking whenever a red or neutral comes into system any more fun. Buffing ISK/hr rewards relative to risk in NS does not make docking whenever a red or neutral comes into system any more fun.

i agree the playstyle is a deterrent, however I'm not sure that reason alone contributes to such a small proportion of the accounts being active in null sec.

while we do not know how many accounts each player has, i will argue that due to many null sec players having alts they keep in high sec means that the player distribution is probably fine but the account distribution is not. When players keep their alts intentionally away from their main accounts i'm going to say that's not because of the play style of null sec; as proven by the fact that their main lives in null sec and is more to do with the game mechanics.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#463 - 2014-01-12 13:59:09 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:

humour me; how much could i earn in null sec if i were to give it another try?

Every earning method quoted in high sec has higher potential in null sec. SoE missions are eclipsed by Sanctuary corp missions. Incursions in Null earn 40% more than in high (Incursions in low even have revenant BPC chance). Anoms once loot is averaged out over a long period of time can easily earn 200 mil/hr. Sure you might have a bad day. You might loose ships. That's the risk/reward ratio I was talking about. But absolute earning potential per hour, null exceeds high.
And this ignores moon goo, officer drops & PI earnings, which High Sec doesn't have a single thing that comes close to them in the same field.

It's only Risk/Reward that stops you, you have decided that the massive increase in risk is not worth that degree of reward increase. And for that, I can't entirely blame you. But, that doesn't mean that the isk isn't in null to be made. It is a choice to not accept the risk. You aren't forced to leave Null.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#464 - 2014-01-12 14:00:52 UTC
What does cause my "tears" is all of the people who can not play the game as it is.

Pretty much the same in my case.

I see people all the time tell me that the way I (and many others) like to play shouldn't be allowed. I see changes to that effect having been implemented over and over in the past and even recently (ToS Gate, which they did their best to sweep under the rug with no resolution).

And I'd like some of that rolled back. Because compromise doesn't mean one side getting what they want all the time, ever. Which is what highsec has become, and surprise surprise, they still want more, like this.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#465 - 2014-01-12 14:03:33 UTC
Every earning method quoted in high sec has higher potential in null sec.

For a single individual, accounted for as an individual, the upper bounds of income are higher, yes.

But income in nullsec is inherently subtractive as there is never enough of anything to go around. You can't just tell the entirety of nullsec to go do anoms, because there just are not enough.

As opposed to highsec, where their income is inherently multiplicative because there is an inexhaustible supply of L4s.

Sure, 1 in 100 guys in nullsec can get rich doing anoms.

But 100 in 100 guys can farm an L4 all day.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#466 - 2014-01-12 14:04:08 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Kimmi Chan wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
when the majority of both players, and botters shun an area of space, i think that's a very big indicator that there are issues with a given area of space.

No argument here at all sir. But I'm not sure all of that can be blamed on imbalance. Null sec simply doesn't sound fun to me at all. I don't measure my success in this game in ISK/hr. I measure it in fun/hr.

If the extent of fun in NS is docking whenever a red or neutral comes into system then I can completely understand why NS residents come to HS. But nerfing HS does not make docking whenever a red or neutral comes into system any more fun. Buffing ISK/hr rewards relative to risk in NS does not make docking whenever a red or neutral comes into system any more fun.

i agree the playstyle is a deterrent, however I'm not sure that reason alone contributes to such a small proportion of the accounts being active in null sec.

while we do not know how many accounts each player has, i will argue that due to many null sec players having alts they keep in high sec means that the player distribution is probably fine but the account distribution is not. When players keep their alts intentionally away from their main accounts i'm going to say that's not because of the play style of null sec; as proven by the fact that their main lives in null sec and is more to do with the game mechanics.

So in an ideally constructed universe, no one living in NS should need a HS money alt. Is that what I am to take away from this?

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Dave Stark
#467 - 2014-01-12 14:05:18 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:

humour me; how much could i earn in null sec if i were to give it another try?

Every earning method quoted in high sec has higher potential in null sec. SoE missions are eclipsed by Sanctuary corp missions. Incursions in Null earn 40% more than in high (Incursions in low even have revenant BPC chance). Anoms once loot is averaged out over a long period of time can easily earn 200 mil/hr. Sure you might have a bad day. You might loose ships. That's the risk/reward ratio I was talking about. But absolute earning potential per hour, null exceeds high.
And this ignores moon goo, officer drops & PI earnings, which High Sec doesn't have a single thing that comes close to them in the same field.

It's only Risk/Reward that stops you, you have decided that the massive increase in risk is not worth that degree of reward increase. And for that, I can't entirely blame you. But, that doesn't mean that the isk isn't in null to be made. It is a choice to not accept the risk. You aren't forced to leave Null.

so i'm going to skip all of the waffle and focus on what i asked "how much". 200m/hour high sec incursions, semi afk, uninterrupted make me just shy of that *before* lp conversion.

so you're telling me that for all that extra risk, inconvenience, and interrupted play i can earn basically the same?

i hope you now understand why this thread exists.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#468 - 2014-01-12 14:07:35 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

For a single individual, accounted for as an individual, the upper bounds of income are higher, yes.

But income in nullsec is inherently subtractive as there is never enough of anything to go around. You can't just tell the entirety of nullsec to go do anoms, because there just are not enough.

As opposed to highsec, where their income is inherently multiplicative because there is an inexhaustible supply of L4s.

Sure, 1 in 100 guys in nullsec can get rich doing anoms.

But 100 in 100 guys can farm an L4 all day.

Agreed (Except for the 1 in 100 getting rich on anoms). And that I believe that is an issue. Though there are lvl 4's in Nullsec so that does fall down a little, Since they pay out more and in the case of SoE/Sanctuary, are more valuable even for the same pay out.
But if you read what I've posted, I believe a lot more people should be able to work in a null system at once. It just needs to be done in a way that isn't going to make 1 guy able to make 2 bil/hr if he keeps it all to himself.

But when we are dealing with peoples motivations, we are dealing with individuals as an individual making the choice. So the upper bound of income being higher holds true for that argument.
Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#469 - 2014-01-12 14:08:44 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
like this.


I agree Kaarous. All of these people ruin my enjoyment of the game.

Nerf whiners!

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#470 - 2014-01-12 14:10:11 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:

so i'm going to skip all of the waffle and focus on what i asked "how much". 200m/hour high sec incursions, semi afk, uninterrupted make me just shy of that *before* lp conversion.

so you're telling me that for all that extra risk, inconvenience, and interrupted play i can earn basically the same?

i hope you now understand why this thread exists.

200 m/h incursions are not the standard income rate. Even with LP, most people will only be making 100/hr on them. Though I suppose we should ignore downtime, which can bring them up to 150 as an average. 200 however is not the standard rate.

Of course. Even if we accept your 200 figure, that means a Null incursion is 284/hr. Meaning you are making more.
So, stop with the 'High Sec makes more isk' rubbish. Because it is rubbish.
Dave Stark
#471 - 2014-01-12 14:12:40 UTC
Kimmi Chan wrote:
So in an ideally constructed universe, no one living in NS should need a HS money alt. Is that what I am to take away from this?


the situation shouldn't be "high sec is better in every way, my alt will make isk there". it should be "well there's the baseline of high sec, but i'm going to do activity X in null sec because even though aspect Y is a bit more difficult, i don't mind because aspect Z is better".

there are very few situations where this is the case, and hence why i don't waste my time with even attempting to live in a place i regard as eve's equivalent to third world africa.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#472 - 2014-01-12 14:15:17 UTC
Agreed (Except for the 1 in 100 getting rich on anoms).

An example only.

And that I believe that is an issue. Though there are lvl 4's in Nullsec so that does fall down a little, Since they pay out more and in the case of SoE/Sanctuary, are more valuable even for the same pay out.

I am aware of their existence.

I am also aware that no one really does them, and it's not for no reason.

But if you read what I've posted, I believe a lot more people should be able to work in a null system at once. It just needs to be done in a way that isn't going to make 1 guy able to make 2 bil/hr if he keeps it all to himself.

Then we're not talking about an income buff.

We're talking about their inability for their infrastructure to compete on the market. No matter which way you try to attack that problem from, Baltec has said it before:

Even if they went to the time, trouble, and expense of building up their own infrastructure, it is STILL cheaper to import things from Jita. Not just ships, not just ammo, not just guns, anything.

That is a problem, when player built infrastructure is automatically inferior to NPC controlled infrastructure. There is no easy solution to that, either, I recognize that.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Dave Stark
#473 - 2014-01-12 14:16:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Dave Stark
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:

so i'm going to skip all of the waffle and focus on what i asked "how much". 200m/hour high sec incursions, semi afk, uninterrupted make me just shy of that *before* lp conversion.

so you're telling me that for all that extra risk, inconvenience, and interrupted play i can earn basically the same?

i hope you now understand why this thread exists.

200 m/h incursions are not the standard income rate. Even with LP, most people will only be making 100/hr on them. Though I suppose we should ignore downtime, which can bring them up to 150 as an average. 200 however is not the standard rate.

Of course. Even if we accept your 200 figure, that means a Null incursion is 284/hr. Meaning you are making more.
So, stop with the 'High Sec makes more isk' rubbish. Because it is rubbish.

you're clearly out of touch with incursions; 150m/hour is very easily obtainable from high sec incursions before LP conversion; that's how i fund my alts.

you're not making more in null because the availability of incursions in null is greatly reduced; as i pointed out. if you wish to ignore all of the factors then that's on you. however i've just pointed out the isk is comparable however null sec simply can not compete due to the massive lack of availability. right now there are 3 high sec incursions up, and only two null sec incursions up. and unless scalding pass is n3pl territory... that means half of null sec doesn't have an incursion to run while i'm making all my isk in high sec half afk posting on the forums and watching films.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#474 - 2014-01-12 14:16:45 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:

so i'm going to skip all of the waffle and focus on what i asked "how much". 200m/hour high sec incursions, semi afk, uninterrupted make me just shy of that *before* lp conversion.

so you're telling me that for all that extra risk, inconvenience, and interrupted play i can earn basically the same?

i hope you now understand why this thread exists.

200 m/h incursions are not the standard income rate. Even with LP, most people will only be making 100/hr on them. Though I suppose we should ignore downtime, which can bring them up to 150 as an average. 200 however is not the standard rate.

Of course. Even if we accept your 200 figure, that means a Null incursion is 284/hr. Meaning you are making more.
So, stop with the 'High Sec makes more isk' rubbish. Because it is rubbish.

Not to be snide or anything, but when was the last time you pulled off an nullsec incursion?

To the best of my knowledge it's only been actually done in lowsec a handful of times, and never once in null.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Dave Stark
#475 - 2014-01-12 14:18:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Dave Stark
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:

so i'm going to skip all of the waffle and focus on what i asked "how much". 200m/hour high sec incursions, semi afk, uninterrupted make me just shy of that *before* lp conversion.

so you're telling me that for all that extra risk, inconvenience, and interrupted play i can earn basically the same?

i hope you now understand why this thread exists.

200 m/h incursions are not the standard income rate. Even with LP, most people will only be making 100/hr on them. Though I suppose we should ignore downtime, which can bring them up to 150 as an average. 200 however is not the standard rate.

Of course. Even if we accept your 200 figure, that means a Null incursion is 284/hr. Meaning you are making more.
So, stop with the 'High Sec makes more isk' rubbish. Because it is rubbish.

Not to be snide or anything, but when was the last time you pulled off an nullsec incursion?

To the best of my knowledge it's only been actually done in lowsec a handful of times, and never once in null.

i think they are done, as fast as possible to close them due to the system wide affects. which means they're then not available as a source of income.

and that also means they're done mostly under influence, which means refitting for more tank due to the system affects hence making the isk/hour substantially lower as sites are completed slower.
Deunan Tenephais
#476 - 2014-01-12 14:19:26 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Every earning method quoted in high sec has higher potential in null sec.

For a single individual, accounted for as an individual, the upper bounds of income are higher, yes.

But income in nullsec is inherently subtractive as there is never enough of anything to go around. You can't just tell the entirety of nullsec to go do anoms, because there just are not enough.

As opposed to highsec, where their income is inherently multiplicative because there is an inexhaustible supply of L4s.

Sure, 1 in 100 guys in nullsec can get rich doing anoms.

But 100 in 100 guys can farm an L4 all day.

You're repeating yourself, you know, and it has already been discussed earlier in this thread.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#477 - 2014-01-12 14:24:09 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:

so i'm going to skip all of the waffle and focus on what i asked "how much". 200m/hour high sec incursions, semi afk, uninterrupted make me just shy of that *before* lp conversion.

so you're telling me that for all that extra risk, inconvenience, and interrupted play i can earn basically the same?

i hope you now understand why this thread exists.

200 m/h incursions are not the standard income rate. Even with LP, most people will only be making 100/hr on them. Though I suppose we should ignore downtime, which can bring them up to 150 as an average. 200 however is not the standard rate.

Of course. Even if we accept your 200 figure, that means a Null incursion is 284/hr. Meaning you are making more.
So, stop with the 'High Sec makes more isk' rubbish. Because it is rubbish.

Not to be snide or anything, but when was the last time you pulled off an nullsec incursion?

To the best of my knowledge it's only been actually done in lowsec a handful of times, and never once in null.

i think they are done, as fast as possible to close them due to the system wide affects. which means they're then not available as a source of income.

and that also means they're done mostly under influence, which means refitting for more tank due to the system affects hence making the isk/hour substantially lower as sites are completed slower.

That makes sense. I roam null fairly often lately, and I see incursions just left there for a while, like they're just ignored, then they just tend to go away the next day.

So I doubt anybody's making bank off of those, yeah.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Dave Stark
#478 - 2014-01-12 14:25:53 UTC
that's basically he reality; you could make 40% more isk... if they were treated as an income source rather than a nuisance to be eradicated.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#479 - 2014-01-12 14:27:08 UTC
2 high sec, 1 island if you want to start getting fussy, which means 95% of high sec doesn't have access to one of them under your criteria for it all being controlled territory. Of course you then must have high enough standings, which eliminates a lot of FW pilots and anyone who has run missions for pirates.....
Which means a lot of people don't have access to the high sec incursions also.
150/hr before LP is also is faster than the standard incursion fleet can do. 150/hr is a site every 12 minutes. 15 is a much more normal figure, then 5 min bio breaks every 2 hours. (The 200 mil rubbish you claimed would need a site every 7 minutes just as a note)
If you want to use the upper bounds of what income is possible doing an activity then you also must accept the 500/hr upper figure for anoms, since we are assuming the maximum potential rather than a reasonable average.

Meaning yet again, Null earns more. Sure, there are reasons you don't. But that doesn't mean the isk isn't there, it just means you don't take it.

And considering most materials are imported from Null to High, unless you are selling them without allowing for travel costs in high, it will be cheaper to produce in Null. The infrastructure does mostly exist with the recent outpost buff as my figures showed, with one industrial outpost being the equivalent of a decent high sec industrial hub with six or so manufacturing stations present in it. Player built outposts are significantly superior to NPC stations now in most ways.
POS, well, yea, they suck no matter what the space is. And that's a problem to solve.

But going on about how Null 'can't earn & 'can't manufacture simply isn't true. Null chooses not to, but they could ignore high if they wanted to and be fine. If Null vanished however, High sec would be destroyed. No T2 Mods or ships at all, no High end minerals making most ship building very hard since only loot reprocessing would give them and that isn't a significant portion any more. (After drone poo nerf which was mainly null anyway). And most PI products would vanish given how much better Null is at them.
So, Null is actually in a pretty good place. It could be made a bit better sure. And there are quality of life improvements like non crappy POS's for all spaces. But it doesn't need a massive multiplication any more. it just got that.
Dave Stark
#480 - 2014-01-12 14:34:57 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
If Null vanished however, High sec would be destroyed. No T2 Mods or ships at all,

confirming you have no idea what you're talking about, so i won't waste my time here.