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What would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?

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Sarah Aeskiras
#2401 - 2014-02-05 15:47:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarah Aeskiras
Diamond Zerg wrote:

My prediction: Suddenly EVE becomes much more fun, and a better game in general.

Bots are no longer worthwhile as they make easy targets for PvPers.
The EVE economy becomes dominated by intelligent humans, not machines or "bot aspirant" grinders.

Due to the rapid deflation of the market, low and nullsec players find it much easier to use ingame methods to make ISK
(as their main competition, the botting/multiboxing afk/semi afk hisec players' advantage has been nullified.)

Solo and small gang pvp can now be found in abundance as there are targets and organisations of varying sizes everywhere.

Politics and the metagame get a lot deeper as even PvE focused gamers would have to consider how other players affect their gameplay.

What are your thoughts on what would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?


Hold on a minute guys, I'm getting a lot of replies about how the hisec PvE population will quit.

To me, this doesn't make much sense. There are many other games with a much more focused, sophisticated PVE experience.

Why would many PvE gamers play a game that doesn't have much PvE content?

I love it when you write a big long post explaining everything, hit post, and it just doesn't do anything and wipes out your entire post. So this will be a much shorter reply.

Due to the rapid deflation of the market, low and nullsec players find it much easier to use ingame methods to make ISK
(as their main competition, the botting/multiboxing afk/semi afk hisec players' advantage has been nullified.)

I think you mean devaluation of currency, as I explained in my long post that I don't feel like rewriting Economics 101 says if this happens your Tengu is going to cost 1.45 BIL instead of 145 MIL. (Big number just thrown in for the lolz, IE *#&$ is gonna be a lot more expensive)

It's not going to make it any easier for nullbears to make more ISK, it is just going to make the ISK they do make worth far less.

Freighters are now afraid to undock, market hubs disappear from lack of supply and available haulers, prices skyrocket and become very volatile, internet spaceships fall into chaos. Not exaggerating...
Scope Works
#2402 - 2014-02-05 15:47:50 UTC
Instead of nerfing highsec because hurrhurrpubbies, I'm actually 100% on board with nul rats having LP payouts per ship. Make em high enough to trounce incursion LP too.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#2403 - 2014-02-05 15:48:17 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:

If your region is too dangerous for PVE, then your alliance sov holdign is FAIl and is proof that NULL SEC is the one that needs nerfing, because you can hold territory taht you do not effectively control

Well, that or it's proof that cloaking devices exist.

Same level or danger as gankers in high sec (proportionally to population I mean)

Pretty sure if someone jumps you while you're ratting in nullsec, that they have more than 30 seconds to kill you before the invincible space police vaporize them.

They can't even be compared, and it reflects poorly on you to try.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Benny Ohu
Chaotic Tranquility
#2404 - 2014-02-05 15:49:24 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
You are the one pretending to be dumb.

well as long as we know you're not pretending
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2405 - 2014-02-05 15:57:16 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:

If your region is too dangerous for PVE, then your alliance sov holdign is FAIl and is proof that NULL SEC is the one that needs nerfing, because you can hold territory taht you do not effectively control

Well, that or it's proof that cloaking devices exist.

Same level or danger as gankers in high sec (proportionally to population I mean)

Pretty sure if someone jumps you while you're ratting in nullsec, that they have more than 30 seconds to kill you before the invincible space police vaporize them.

They can't even be compared, and it reflects poorly on you to try.

that means you are too afraid of 0.0.. oo poor girl.. maybe then you should come back to high sec if you are not ready for 0.0

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#2406 - 2014-02-05 15:58:07 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:

If your region is too dangerous for PVE, then your alliance sov holdign is FAIl and is proof that NULL SEC is the one that needs nerfing, because you can hold territory taht you do not effectively control

it's not to dangerous for PVE. It's more dangerous than high sec for pve.

When I'm in an incursion fleet flying a machariel (which i do when I get bored fo the basilisk) I'm wrapped in wool, in an npc corp (can't be war decced), protected by CONCORD AND 12 logistics ships. If we only run 3 HQ sites per hour I end up making more than using the same ship in null sec (a mach in null can do 90 mil an hour in bounties, 3 hq sites in high sec is 94.5 mil + 21k CONCORd LP). That ship in null has to fight for flee is someone comes at it.

When I'm running SOE or Thukkrr missions, I'm in a Machariel that if it gets suicide ganked it maybe drops 200 mil worth of loot ie no one is going to gank me. PLUS CONCORD and an NPC corp.. That same mach simply needs to BE in null sec for someone to take a shot at it. No one can make me dock or safe up in high sec.

It shouldn't be that way. There should not be a nearly equal option in high sec to make isk. When I started playing, there was almost nothing you could do in high sec that would pay out like that except high sec lvl 5s and that was a bug, you had to at least go to NPC null for that kind of isk. The CCP put in jump frieghters (which made nomad implants gold) Incursions, and wormholes (wormholes + the dumbing down of exploration had the side effect of making SOE LP VERY valuable).

Null sec did get buffed in Dominion...then quickly nerfed again. It's not impossible to make isk in null, plenty of people do, but the smart people do their thing in high sec where they can't be disrupted. High Sec either needs less safety, or less lucratvie combat PVE.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#2407 - 2014-02-05 16:00:34 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:

If your region is too dangerous for PVE, then your alliance sov holdign is FAIl and is proof that NULL SEC is the one that needs nerfing, because you can hold territory taht you do not effectively control

Well, that or it's proof that cloaking devices exist.

Same level or danger as gankers in high sec (proportionally to population I mean)

Pretty sure if someone jumps you while you're ratting in nullsec, that they have more than 30 seconds to kill you before the invincible space police vaporize them.

They can't even be compared, and it reflects poorly on you to try.

that means you are too afraid of 0.0.. oo poor girl.. maybe then you should come back to high sec if you are not ready for 0.0

I live in highsec anyway, more opportunities for tears there. I acquired a taste for them a while back.

Secondly, my EVE career was begun as a nullsec alliance line member, before this character was ever made.

So, now that we've dealt with your strawman, do you actually have a point to make, or were you going to continue attempting to attack me?

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#2408 - 2014-02-05 16:14:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Mina Sebiestar
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
I am all for isk nerf for high sec as soon as farming(pve) gameplay goes from and trust me I think about words I will use....pathetic,uninventfull without gameplay value boring and old as in outdated old and not fun to something that is better than just mentioned.

Considering that's PVE in every MMO, ever... you might want to try playing the real game instead.

I do play other games and I am not one whining that I can't run missions safely in null space.

I was under impression that ppl goes there for fun of their life not to whine how hi sec can farm is funny how ppl are drowning in trillions of isk and jet grunt can't afford it pvp end even more funnier is how it is high sec fault.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#2409 - 2014-02-05 16:15:30 UTC
Anslo wrote:
Instead of nerfing highsec because hurrhurrpubbies, I'm actually 100% on board with nul rats having LP payouts per ship. Make em high enough to trounce incursion LP too.

The problem with this is power creep. When a thing is a problem, you fix that thing, you don't buff everything around it because when you do you end up with unintended consequences. "Buffing" null pve (even in a waythat creates a new isk sink) makes renting more attractive, and while renters do create some conflict (by dying hilariously to roaming gangs), renting as a practice is generally bad for the game because those guys should be FIGHTING for space, not borrowing it.

The problem is that some CCP design decisions inadvertently removed (or at least dampened) one of the key incentives for PVE oriented players like me to go to and even live in null, the financial incentive. It's still fun to me and I get bored in high sec easily, but when I started playing it was fun AND lucrative (relative to high sec, I remember that 3 MONTHs it took me to grind up my 1st navy raven, less than a week of high sec incursions will get you a mach these days,.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#2410 - 2014-02-05 16:16:44 UTC
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
I am all for isk nerf for high sec as soon as farming(pve) gameplay goes from and trust me I think about words I will use....pathetic,uninventfull without gameplay value boring and old as in outdated old and not fun to something that is better than just mentioned.

Considering that's PVE in every MMO, ever... you might want to try playing the real game instead.

I do play other games and I am not one whining that I can't run missions safely in null space.

I was under impression that ppl goes there for fun of their life not to whine how hi sec can farm is funny how ppl are drowning in trillions of isk and jet grunt can't afford it pvp end even more funnier is how it is high sec fault.

I simply wonder how people can be this unreasonable. Who said grunts can't afford to pvp?

What is it about high sec that robs a player of both the ability to read and think?
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#2411 - 2014-02-05 16:31:57 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
I am all for isk nerf for high sec as soon as farming(pve) gameplay goes from and trust me I think about words I will use....pathetic,uninventfull without gameplay value boring and old as in outdated old and not fun to something that is better than just mentioned.

Considering that's PVE in every MMO, ever... you might want to try playing the real game instead.

I do play other games and I am not one whining that I can't run missions safely in null space.

I was under impression that ppl goes there for fun of their life not to whine how hi sec can farm is funny how ppl are drowning in trillions of isk and jet grunt can't afford it pvp end even more funnier is how it is high sec fault.

I simply wonder how people can be this unreasonable. Who said grunts can't afford to pvp?

What is it about high sec that robs a player of both the ability to read and think?

So you have fun and abundant isk..tell me then where did the big bad hi sec touched you.?

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Organic Lager
Drinking Buddies
#2412 - 2014-02-05 16:49:46 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:

If your region is too dangerous for PVE, then your alliance sov holdign is FAIl and is proof that NULL SEC is the one that needs nerfing, because you can hold territory taht you do not effectively control

it's not to dangerous for PVE. It's more dangerous than high sec for pve.

When I'm in an incursion fleet flying a machariel (which i do when I get bored fo the basilisk) I'm wrapped in wool, in an npc corp (can't be war decced), protected by CONCORD AND 12 logistics ships. If we only run 3 HQ sites per hour I end up making more than using the same ship in null sec (a mach in null can do 90 mil an hour in bounties, 3 hq sites in high sec is 94.5 mil + 21k CONCORd LP). That ship in null has to fight for flee is someone comes at it.

When I'm running SOE or Thukkrr missions, I'm in a Machariel that if it gets suicide ganked it maybe drops 200 mil worth of loot ie no one is going to gank me. PLUS CONCORD and an NPC corp.. That same mach simply needs to BE in null sec for someone to take a shot at it. No one can make me dock or safe up in high sec.

It shouldn't be that way. There should not be a nearly equal option in high sec to make isk. When I started playing, there was almost nothing you could do in high sec that would pay out like that except high sec lvl 5s and that was a bug, you had to at least go to NPC null for that kind of isk. The CCP put in jump frieghters (which made nomad implants gold) Incursions, and wormholes (wormholes + the dumbing down of exploration had the side effect of making SOE LP VERY valuable).

Null sec did get buffed in Dominion...then quickly nerfed again. It's not impossible to make isk in null, plenty of people do, but the smart people do their thing in high sec where they can't be disrupted. High Sec either needs less safety, or less lucratvie combat PVE.

I agree that null should pay better then high sec. Based on your compare it looks like everything is correct... Unless my info is out of date it's been awhile simce I've played.

A well organized incursion fleet is going to take time to set up and will not always be available. You can't count this as a steady consistant stream of income and should be as profitable or slightly more then null do to the extra work involved.

Belt ratting offers the chance of deadspace space drops which make it far more profitable then just 90m/hour.

I don't think any mission running in high sec can compete with 90m in bounties...

Null also offers better exploration sites, better mining sites, better pi sites. There is a ton more money coming in from null sec then high sec, don't know to many high sec corps that can afford titans like penny candies.

Not sure what the issue is?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#2413 - 2014-02-05 16:56:13 UTC
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
I am all for isk nerf for high sec as soon as farming(pve) gameplay goes from and trust me I think about words I will use....pathetic,uninventfull without gameplay value boring and old as in outdated old and not fun to something that is better than just mentioned.

Considering that's PVE in every MMO, ever... you might want to try playing the real game instead.

I do play other games and I am not one whining that I can't run missions safely in null space.

I was under impression that ppl goes there for fun of their life not to whine how hi sec can farm is funny how ppl are drowning in trillions of isk and jet grunt can't afford it pvp end even more funnier is how it is high sec fault.

I simply wonder how people can be this unreasonable. Who said grunts can't afford to pvp?

What is it about high sec that robs a player of both the ability to read and think?

So you have fun and abundant isk..tell me then where did the big bad hi sec touched you.?

We have shown you that high sec will earn you more isk than in null and how to do it. Why do you think that it is perfectly fine for the most risk free areas of space to give better rewards than one of the most risky?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#2414 - 2014-02-05 17:00:49 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Organic Lager wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:

If your region is too dangerous for PVE, then your alliance sov holdign is FAIl and is proof that NULL SEC is the one that needs nerfing, because you can hold territory taht you do not effectively control

it's not to dangerous for PVE. It's more dangerous than high sec for pve.

When I'm in an incursion fleet flying a machariel (which i do when I get bored fo the basilisk) I'm wrapped in wool, in an npc corp (can't be war decced), protected by CONCORD AND 12 logistics ships. If we only run 3 HQ sites per hour I end up making more than using the same ship in null sec (a mach in null can do 90 mil an hour in bounties, 3 hq sites in high sec is 94.5 mil + 21k CONCORd LP). That ship in null has to fight for flee is someone comes at it.

When I'm running SOE or Thukkrr missions, I'm in a Machariel that if it gets suicide ganked it maybe drops 200 mil worth of loot ie no one is going to gank me. PLUS CONCORD and an NPC corp.. That same mach simply needs to BE in null sec for someone to take a shot at it. No one can make me dock or safe up in high sec.

It shouldn't be that way. There should not be a nearly equal option in high sec to make isk. When I started playing, there was almost nothing you could do in high sec that would pay out like that except high sec lvl 5s and that was a bug, you had to at least go to NPC null for that kind of isk. The CCP put in jump frieghters (which made nomad implants gold) Incursions, and wormholes (wormholes + the dumbing down of exploration had the side effect of making SOE LP VERY valuable).

Null sec did get buffed in Dominion...then quickly nerfed again. It's not impossible to make isk in null, plenty of people do, but the smart people do their thing in high sec where they can't be disrupted. High Sec either needs less safety, or less lucratvie combat PVE.

Belt ratting is the worst activity you can do in null for isk and faction spawns are far too rare and not worth enough to make any difference in isk/hr.

Belt ratting is one of the worst activities you can do for isk and faction drops are so rare they make no impact on isk/hr

I agree that null should pay better then high sec. Based on your compare it looks like everything is correct... Unless my info is out of date it's been awhile simce I've played.

A well organized incursion fleet is going to take time to set up and will not always be available. You can't count this as a steady consistant stream of income and should be as profitable or slightly more then null do to the extra work involved.

Belt ratting offers the chance of deadspace space drops which make it far more profitable then just 90m/hour.

I don't think any mission running in high sec can compete with 90m in bounties...

Null also offers better exploration sites, better mining sites, better pi sites. There is a ton more money coming in from null sec then high sec, don't know to many high sec corps that can afford titans like penny candies.

Not sure what the issue is?
ashley Eoner
#2415 - 2014-02-05 18:54:19 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Varius Xeral wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
The job of those of us on the right side of this issue is to keep reminding CCP of this, reminding them that null sec isn't just a place for ships to go boom or for alliances to extract rent from, but someplace that many of us would actually like to have a reason to live in.

More than that, all that PvP ultimately relies on the average Joe Nullsec wanting to be there and feeling that his little slice of space is worth fighting for. Nullsec (and Lowsec, but that's an even bigger disaster) should not be seen as "PvP arenas" for people to blow ISK when bored of pointless grinding in Hisec. That route leads to stagnation and death. All security space should have gameplay and risk/reward balances suited to the various playstyles that Eve can accommodate, and which create a compelling sense of identity derived from the cooperation with and competition between other players.

The incredibly vocal and incredibly minor forum warriors who try to perpetuate their paranoid delusions of some war between types of players represent no one but their own narrow self-interest. The rest of us understand that Eve is a complex and intertwined ecosystem, where what happens everywhere has an impact everywhere else, and game mechanics should be geared toward the greatest amount of enjoyment for the greatest amount of players.
Traditionally in the human existence higher security means more profit for the average person. For example here in the USA the average person has a good chance at making a decent living. Compare and contrast that to lowsec style countries in africa where corporations can make massive profits via harvesting of resources while the average person scrapes by. Human tradition says that a lower security area will have lower income for the plebs and higher income for the corporations/few.

Needless to say some of the comments here have gotten me thinking.

There's another angle you can take to this. If you create a game where null earns 2x as much as highsec how could you ever hope to challenge the monolithic null block? How would it be possible to beat a massive entity that is so well financed that even their individual members are rich without the help of their corp? That kind of setup would create a handful of power blocks who would then become entrenched and the game would stagnant to the point it would decline in userbase. So if you disagree with my observation I would like it if you could explain how a highsec corp with nerfed income could hope to challenge a monolithic group capable of sending nearly endless waves of top of the line ships against them.

Also how would you deal with the massive isk faucet that would be null at that point? Currently if you follow the words of people here highsec LP is a massive sink.

EDIT : Clearly there are people in null already making over 2x what people in highsec are doing. How do you keep those people from making even more while still giving other members a boost?
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#2416 - 2014-02-05 19:04:19 UTC
ashley Eoner wrote:
Varius Xeral wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
The job of those of us on the right side of this issue is to keep reminding CCP of this, reminding them that null sec isn't just a place for ships to go boom or for alliances to extract rent from, but someplace that many of us would actually like to have a reason to live in.

More than that, all that PvP ultimately relies on the average Joe Nullsec wanting to be there and feeling that his little slice of space is worth fighting for. Nullsec (and Lowsec, but that's an even bigger disaster) should not be seen as "PvP arenas" for people to blow ISK when bored of pointless grinding in Hisec. That route leads to stagnation and death. All security space should have gameplay and risk/reward balances suited to the various playstyles that Eve can accommodate, and which create a compelling sense of identity derived from the cooperation with and competition between other players.

The incredibly vocal and incredibly minor forum warriors who try to perpetuate their paranoid delusions of some war between types of players represent no one but their own narrow self-interest. The rest of us understand that Eve is a complex and intertwined ecosystem, where what happens everywhere has an impact everywhere else, and game mechanics should be geared toward the greatest amount of enjoyment for the greatest amount of players.
Traditionally in the human existence higher security means more profit for the average person. For example here in the USA the average person has a good chance at making a decent living. Compare and contrast that to lowsec style countries in africa where corporations can make massive profits via harvesting of resources while the average person scrapes by. Human tradition says that a lower security area will have lower income for the plebs and higher income for the corporations/few.

Needless to say some of the comments here have gotten me thinking.

There's another angle you can take to this. If you create a game where null earns 2x as much as highsec how could you ever hope to challenge the monolithic null block? How would it be possible to beat a massive entity that is so well financed that even their individual members are rich without the help of their corp? That kind of setup would create a handful of power blocks who would then become entrenched and the game would stagnant to the point it would decline in userbase. So if you disagree with my observation I would like it if you could explain how a highsec corp with nerfed income could hope to challenge a monolithic group capable of sending nearly endless waves of top of the line ships against them.

Also how would you deal with the massive isk faucet that would be null at that point? Currently if you follow the words of people here highsec LP is a massive sink.

This is the most comedy post ever. I feel like typing "In b4 Dinsdale screaming 'it's already happened!!!1'"

None of what you posted makes any sense though. A game is not the same as real life, and open world pvp MMOs generally have a straight forward risk/reward scheme because they have to. Even 'non-mmo' game makers like the people making Star Citizen understand this.

In real life lower security means lower income. Real life isn't a consensual entertainment encounter, so while poor folks have to suck it up in real life, players of a game just log off and play something that actually makes sense.

Varius Xeral
#2417 - 2014-02-05 19:07:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Varius Xeral
In the real world we don't have warp drive spaceships. This is a game.

Nobody "grows" in hisec now, nor will they ever, as the skills needed to compete in nullsec are forged in nullsec, with some basics able to be formed in lowsec.

Two terrible, oft-repeated, and painfully ill-informed arguments debunked in as many minutes. If you have no clue what you're talking about, then don't talk.

Official Representative of The Nullsec Zealot Cabal

ashley Eoner
#2418 - 2014-02-05 19:10:43 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Jenn aSide wrote:
ashley Eoner wrote:
Varius Xeral wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
The job of those of us on the right side of this issue is to keep reminding CCP of this, reminding them that null sec isn't just a place for ships to go boom or for alliances to extract rent from, but someplace that many of us would actually like to have a reason to live in.

More than that, all that PvP ultimately relies on the average Joe Nullsec wanting to be there and feeling that his little slice of space is worth fighting for. Nullsec (and Lowsec, but that's an even bigger disaster) should not be seen as "PvP arenas" for people to blow ISK when bored of pointless grinding in Hisec. That route leads to stagnation and death. All security space should have gameplay and risk/reward balances suited to the various playstyles that Eve can accommodate, and which create a compelling sense of identity derived from the cooperation with and competition between other players.

The incredibly vocal and incredibly minor forum warriors who try to perpetuate their paranoid delusions of some war between types of players represent no one but their own narrow self-interest. The rest of us understand that Eve is a complex and intertwined ecosystem, where what happens everywhere has an impact everywhere else, and game mechanics should be geared toward the greatest amount of enjoyment for the greatest amount of players.
Traditionally in the human existence higher security means more profit for the average person. For example here in the USA the average person has a good chance at making a decent living. Compare and contrast that to lowsec style countries in africa where corporations can make massive profits via harvesting of resources while the average person scrapes by. Human tradition says that a lower security area will have lower income for the plebs and higher income for the corporations/few.

Needless to say some of the comments here have gotten me thinking.

There's another angle you can take to this. If you create a game where null earns 2x as much as highsec how could you ever hope to challenge the monolithic null block? How would it be possible to beat a massive entity that is so well financed that even their individual members are rich without the help of their corp? That kind of setup would create a handful of power blocks who would then become entrenched and the game would stagnant to the point it would decline in userbase. So if you disagree with my observation I would like it if you could explain how a highsec corp with nerfed income could hope to challenge a monolithic group capable of sending nearly endless waves of top of the line ships against them.

Also how would you deal with the massive isk faucet that would be null at that point? Currently if you follow the words of people here highsec LP is a massive sink.

This is the most comedy post ever. I feel like typing "In b4 Dinsdale screaming 'it's already happened!!!1'"

None of what you posted makes any sense though. A game is not the same as real life, and open world pvp MMOs generally have a straight forward risk/reward scheme because they have to. Even 'non-mmo' game makers like the people making Star Citizen understand this.

In real life lower security means lower income. Real life isn't a consensual entertainment encounter, so while poor folks have to suck it up in real life, players of a game just log off and play something that actually makes sense.

wtf is a dinsdale and why do you think it matters?

So instead of answering my questions and concerns you kick back into "OMG RISK VS REWARD" as if that has ever mattered in a game. There is no real risk in this game.

Star Citizen doesn't even exist yet so you cannot use it as an example of anything. It's like a politician running for office. Yeah they can make all kinds of promises but once they get into office the reality of the situation usually results in a lot of changes in their stances.

Varius Xeral wrote:
In the real world we don't have warp drive spaceships. This is a game.

Nobody "grows" in hisec now, nor will they ever, as the skills needed to compete in nullsec are forged in nullsec, with some basics able to be formed in lowsec.

Two terrible, oft-repeated, and painfully ill-informed arguments debunked in as many minutes. If you have no clue what you're talking about, then don't talk.
No corporation has ever left nullsec to lick their wounds in highsec ever. Never ever...lul

EDIT : I have a sinking feeling no one is going to bother to address the issues and instead will focus on this crap...
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#2419 - 2014-02-05 19:17:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
ashley Eoner wrote:

EDIT : I have a sinking feeling no one is going to bother to address the issues and instead will focus on this crap...

Why are you posting crap then?

You just made a post that says "null sec is africa there for it should be poor" followed by "if you let people in null sec make any money they will form huge power blocs" lol (demonstrating you can't read a map lol). Then you reply saying something about not comparing Star Citizen when no one was comparing Star Citizen.

You don't seem to be able to understand what's being discussed here, and I'm sorry, but that's no one's fault but your own.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#2420 - 2014-02-05 19:36:10 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

You don't seem to be able to understand what's being discussed here, and I'm sorry, but that's no one's fault but your own.

There is nothing really being discussed. Just a bunch of people crying because they had their income (rightfully) nerfed by CCP.

Mr Epeen Cool