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My amazing adventures... in a party

Elson Tamar
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-11-07 15:10:27 UTC
So it's been a while since i pubished my advenure in Null-sec, and as much as i want to the chance to run back down there to engage in Null-sec activities will have to wait as i have corp duties that i must attend to. Well my directors have strapped an electronic tag to my ships in an atem,pt to keep me out of trouble. All i have open to me at the moment is the hurley burley of the Gallentee social life.

Now as a recent capsuleer it is important to make contacts, so i will often try and get converstations going with people in local. Unfortuantly very few people are interested as they are often in pitch battles with groups like serpentis or counting rocks. In fact most convertsions i get into tend to be with people stealing my stuff, shooting at me or when i am busy cleaning up salvage that people are making in their missions to stop it from being a danger to shipping (It is one of the most selfless things that i do.). In fact i recently discussed to trouble that is casued in our lives when we leave our spouses (or PA in my case) behind and go missioning with ElmerFud Summers as i cleaned up the wrecks we left behind and seem to have made a friend there.

So as you can tell i have been starved of social contact for a while outside of my imediate social circle of business patners. So imgine my suprise and joy to be invited to the Gallentee Lounge opening party.

After failing to sneak out of the Corp headquarters i i sent my avatar via comms to the part at the appointed time. One of the problems is that we in the federation have a need to be fasionably late, and this was no exception.

I was met at the party by a very polite Bastion Valoron, we chatted for a while until my comms was interupted by an angry PA. Once i had to completed the paper work that had been angrily beed thrusted into my face i returned to the party.

Apparently four people had turned up for the launch party, odd as i have always thought any good Gallentee would never turn down the invitation to a party. Toasts where made and onto the discussions. Many topics came up such as the racing, Intaki politics, the Amarr Mimater situation to why is Angel Engineering so good and why is their ship stylist not employed by Creo Drone.

It was a fun is subdued hour of my life and well worth popping in and i made some new collegues, shame about the lack of ladies or dancing, but you can't have everthing i supose.

One thing as a new pilot i have discovered is there is very little conversation to be had in Empire space, where as in Null sec Local is a hubub of conversation. I implore you Gallentee pilots to turn your comms on and let the galexy see you fabulous you are, rather tan damn the universes air waves to the chanting of religious loons.

Anyway i must leave you now dear reader to go back to counting rocks for my corp, until next time, fly safe.
Aeternus Command Academy
#2 - 2011-11-07 16:21:00 UTC
I have also noticed this strange phenomenon. The safer space is, the less anyone wants to do with anyone else.
It is a constant source of frustration.

Cardinal Graelyn

Amarr Loyalist of the Year - YC113