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Selling Dust isk, currency exchange rates

Min Lo
#1 - 2013-12-28 16:59:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Min Lo
Updated rates, as of April 29th, 2014:
The rates have improved recently for converting Eve isk into Dust isk, various batch sizes are available (again the rate of exchange is a little poorer for very small batches ~ 10 to 1 and for repeated large batches that would deplete my Dust isk reserves ~13 to 1):

300M Eve isk buys 25M Dust isk, or
600M Eve isk buys 60M Dust isk, or
700M Eve isk buys 70M Dust isk, or
800M Eve isk buys 80M Dust isk, or
900M Eve isk buys 90M Dust isk, or
1B Eve isk buys 100M Dust isk, or
1.1B Eve isk buys 110M Dust isk, or
5B Eve isk buys 500M Dust isk, or
10B Eve isk buys 1B Dust isk, then
12B Eve isk buys 1B Dust isk, then
14B Eve isk buys 1B Dust isk, which would be the last batch available, until I acquired more Dust isk.

For the opposite direction of transfers the rate has worsened slightly. For customers converting Dust isk into Eve isk the rate of exchange is about 1 to 5.25 (smaller size batches are a little more expensive, the larger batches get a little bonus), so:
[quote]The next ~3,000,000,000 Eve isk will sell for:
52M Dust isk buys 262M Eve isk, or
101M Dust isk buys 525M Eve isk, or
110M Dust isk buys 578M Eve isk, or
120M Dust isk buys 630M Eve isk, or
130M Dust isk buys 683M Eve isk, or
140M Dust isk buys, 735M Eve isk, or (<- this is enough to buy a plex and have Eve isk left over)
150M Dust isk buys, 788M Eve isk, or
500M Dust isk buys 2.63B Eve isk, or
1B Dust isk buys 5.26B Eve isk.

If the above pile of Eve isk is sold (without being replenished by transfers in the opposite direction, then the ratio will shift closer to ~1 to 5:

FIRST TIME USERS of the exchange, please note: If you deposit isk to be exchanged, the payor must identify the payee. Only your character who deposits isk with one of my characters can name your other character to receive the exchanged isk, for security reasons. Its also very helpful to send me an evemail, to help me notice that I should check my wallet, to notice that you've deposited isk. Thank you,

-Gyn Wallace/Min Lo

After hashing out some of the details in a thread on the Dust forums and in the Market Discussion forum, I think I've arrived at a fairly good system for operating a private isk exchange between Dust and Eve, until CCP and Sony get around to building an official exchange. I'll try to update the current rate here periodically.

In brief, the exchange operates by customers contacting me by evemail or by posting, asking for however many of the next available batches they'd like. I give them a current quote, or update the queue, showing who is in line, and the applicable rates. Customers can then send me isk in one game, tell me the name of their alt in the other game, and I'll then send isk from my alt to their alt, at the agreed upon rate of exchange. If you catch me online on Eve or Dust, exchanges can usually be completed in minutes.

The discussion which lead to my opening an exchange can be found in this Dust thread and this Market Discussion thread

Please use those threads for any discussions or questions about how the currency exchange works. If this post hasn't been updated recently, you might check the Dust thread, as I seem to have gotten into the habit of posting the most up-to-date rates there more frequently than elsewhere.

Thank you,
-Gyn Wallace/Min Lo

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Fistulette Talvanen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2013-12-28 17:29:32 UTC
How do I know you won't scam me?
Min Lo
#3 - 2013-12-28 21:43:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Min Lo
Fistulette Talvanen wrote:
How do I know you won't scam me?

Short answer: by memorializing an agreement with me on the Dust forums, whose rules do not tolerate the scamming so widely permitted in Eve Online.

Longer answer: I addressed that concern in Post #9 and Post #20 of the Dust thread, the most pertinent part reads:

"In addition, you agree not to use the Site for any unlawful purpose or in any way that might harm, damage, or disparage any other party. " - Dust Forum rules, from , emphasis added.

That's a lot less scammer friendly than Eve Online typically is. I think that means that I should expect to get banned if I were a scammer trying to rip people off on the Dust forums. So unless someone gives me a good reason to reconsider, I'm getting less interested in paying a third party to secure these transactions. ...

Right now, I'll state clearly and unequivocally, that if you make an agreement with me here on the Dust forums, I'll fulfill that agreement so that if you send me Dust isk to be exchanged for Eve isk, I'll complete the transaction, or if I CAN'T (perhaps someone deletes their Eve character or gives me an Eve character name that doesn't exist, so I CAN'T complete a transaction) I'll refund the Dust isk.

Similarly, for the benefit of Eve players who wish to transfer isk to their Dust players, I will either complete agreements made here on the Dust forums to exchange Eve isk for Dust isk to your Dust character, or refund Eve isk for transactions I CAN'T complete.

If you peruse those threads, I think they provide a good sense of the risk you'd be taking, and how many people have successfully completed transfers. I've never been interested in scamming or held scammers in high esteem. Deceiving people isn't much of an achievement in my book. Building a link between Eve and Dust, showing CCP that there is demand for an official exchange, and fostering growth in both communities is what interests me.

Please feel free to ask more questions in the Dust or Market Discussion threads linked above; I won't be answering in this thread anymore for today, as this response constitutes my permitted "bump" for the day.

Gyn Wallace, Dust-side
Min Lo, Eve-side

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Min Lo
#4 - 2013-12-30 14:43:28 UTC
Top post rates are still current.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Min Lo
#5 - 2014-01-05 04:57:39 UTC
Top post updated with current rates.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Min Lo
#6 - 2014-01-06 22:48:00 UTC
Top post updated with current rates.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Min Lo
#7 - 2014-01-07 13:27:14 UTC
Top post rates are still current.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Min Lo
#8 - 2014-01-09 14:14:42 UTC
Queue updated in first post.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Min Lo
#9 - 2014-01-10 23:28:07 UTC
Top post updated with current rates.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Min Lo
#10 - 2014-01-14 01:05:17 UTC
Top post updated with current rates.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Min Lo
#11 - 2014-01-14 18:33:25 UTC
Top post rates are still current.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Min Lo
#12 - 2014-01-31 03:19:12 UTC
Top post updated with current rates.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Min Lo
#13 - 2014-02-01 15:12:06 UTC
Top post updated with current rates.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Constructive Influence
Brothers of Tangra
#14 - 2014-02-01 18:42:24 UTC
Be nice if a Dev posted in here so that it can be seen officially that transferring wealth between games is ok.

Shine on Crazy Nubbins

Min Lo
#15 - 2014-02-02 13:50:50 UTC
Top post updated with current rates.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Min Lo
#16 - 2014-02-11 17:19:42 UTC
Top post updated for current rates/availability.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Min Lo
#17 - 2014-02-14 04:47:20 UTC
Top post rates are still current.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Min Lo
#18 - 2014-02-21 15:30:49 UTC
Rates updated in top post.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

Satoshi Kaname
Caldari State
#19 - 2014-02-24 02:56:46 UTC
I need 40 Million Dust ISK. Can you do this or do you only sell the batch sizes you listed in your top post?
Min Lo
#20 - 2014-02-24 19:09:49 UTC
Satoshi Kaname wrote:
I need 40 Million Dust ISK. Can you do this or do you only sell the batch sizes you listed in your top post?

I can. I just need the name of your Dust alt, and 400M Eve isk sent to Min Lo. After confirming receipt (sending me an evemail greatly helps me notice promptly that I should check my wallet) my Dust alt, Gyn Wallace will send 40M Dust isk to your Dust alt.

And this post constitutes my bump for the day, so don't hesitate to evemail me if you have any other questions.

-Gyn Wallace, Dust

-Min Lo, Eve

The Eve/Dust Isk Exchange Thread

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