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Another small corp quitting.

First post
Jarandyl Sefrim
#61 - 2013-12-28 16:18:28 UTC
Ambassador Crane wrote:
Vembuvend wrote:

Does anybody actually play this anymore?

I tried it out myself for perhaps all total.... maybe a couple hours? Bored the hell out of me which is not what I feel a game should do from the very start.

I thought the same about EVE
3 R Corporation
#62 - 2013-12-28 16:25:29 UTC
Xerogee wrote:
Hey community and CCP.

Too many of these whinny posts i know but i'll try to be brief. Played this game for a number of years, great game, keeps my mind active and love to multi-task mine at the office. We are a small mining carebear manefacturing corp that lives in the middle of nowhere in Hi-Sec, mines builds ships and does research etc. Since customs office change went in, within 2 days large corps all moved in and put up customs offices with stupid tax rates etc. We tried to compete, even declared war and tried too take down some offices, no chance with huge corps with unlimited equipment of the best calibre. We supplied our own own starbase fuel, ice mined. rock mined, supplied the market with all sorts of stuff. Now our ICE is hard too get and bots were only tricked for a maybe a week, our Pi stuff is taxed too hell, people gank with alarming regularity and with no consequences on alts. We can live with everything except that CCP has taken the fun out of the game in Hi-Sec. We don't want too move too low sec, quite happy here enjoying the game, less and less and less. Bye, great game, hope Hi-Sec gets some love in future patches and we can come back and enjoy the game like we like too play it. If i want too see the rich get richer and the poor work ever harder to survive with no joy, i'll visit real life. Peace

BTW I understand the EVE universe is ruthless, but when you keep taking the fun out of a game, it stops being a game.

Thank you CCP for changing the customs offices in high sec. Turns out you can now get much better deals on tax rates than you ever could before when Interbus was in charge. Still, I hear some care-bear corps are ticked off at this change and are deciding to quit the game. Thank you CCP for helping these entitled noobs who add nothing to the game at all realize that they are not necessary in New Eden. It's only their own delusion that inflates their image of self worth "I'm an industrialist without me you would not have ships to fly!". Yeah, we're really going to miss those 5 cruisers a week.

When will high sec "industrialists" realize that most low/nullsec players have evolved from indy characters and we're all pretty self-sufficient?
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#63 - 2013-12-28 16:28:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Xerogee wrote:
Hey community and CCP.

Too many of these whinny posts i know but i'll try to be brief. Played this game for a number of years, great game, keeps my mind active and love to multi-task mine at the office. We are a small mining carebear manefacturing corp that lives in the middle of nowhere in Hi-Sec, mines builds ships and does research etc. Since customs office change went in, within 2 days large corps all moved in and put up customs offices with stupid tax rates etc. We tried to compete, even declared war and tried too take down some offices, no chance with huge corps with unlimited equipment of the best calibre. We supplied our own own starbase fuel, ice mined. rock mined, supplied the market with all sorts of stuff. Now our ICE is hard too get and bots were only tricked for a maybe a week, our Pi stuff is taxed too hell, people gank with alarming regularity and with no consequences on alts. We can live with everything except that CCP has taken the fun out of the game in Hi-Sec. We don't want too move too low sec, quite happy here enjoying the game, less and less and less. Bye, great game, hope Hi-Sec gets some love in future patches and we can come back and enjoy the game like we like too play it. If i want too see the rich get richer and the poor work ever harder to survive with no joy, i'll visit real life. Peace

BTW I understand the EVE universe is ruthless, but when you keep taking the fun out of a game, it stops being a game.

This is a fairly well put together troll post, however lets put some pressure on the OP and see if he can keep it up.

1: What was your tax rate for PI before, and what is it now?
2: Do you realize there is an NPC tax now that was not there before?
3: Do you realize that in most area's of space the tax rate in player owned POCO's is lower than NPC customs offices?
4: What are you doing wrong while ice mining that is making you more of a target than you previously were, there are no major interdictions going on at the moment?
5: What is keeping you from simply moving a few systems away where POCO taxes are better?
6: Do you realize that if the POCO tax rate at your preferred planet is to high you can always use a rocket?

I'm a bit disappointed with the forum regulars at the moment, you should have spotted this one a mile away (except for Tippia, because Tippia enjoys wearing the trolls down with undiluted stamina). With the simple tactic of throwing in the red herring of a compliment to the game at the beginning he got you to buy into his sincerity despite the rather obvious contrived nature of his situation... and the absurdly simple solutions to "CCP taking all the fun out of his play style" available to, well, everyone.

Lets see if he's creative enough to come up with plausible answers to the questions above without making the troll too obvious.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Caldari State
#64 - 2013-12-28 16:31:46 UTC
Tippia wrote:
KUMAR OK wrote:
Wow that is some real evidence.
you little hypocrite

So you agree then, seeing as all you have to offer as a counter is an ad hominem.

(Btw, average hauler kills in Niarja this month: 3.1 per day. Average hauler kills in Niarja for December four years ago, 3.7 per day.)

haha sure mate keep telling yourself that, you're a joke
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#65 - 2013-12-28 16:34:01 UTC
Ioci wrote:
Also TY, OP.

I was gone for a while. I didn't know they had handed over HS POCO to players. I never really did PI for the ISK. It was more something to do so long as I broke even.

52 Command centers just went off line.

Take note, OP. I'm not complaining, it's just part of the progression of EVE. More dead content in the dust bin.

And this is why it's usually better to dissect troll posts instead of ignoring them, as someone will inevitably believe them and perpetuate the nonsense.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#66 - 2013-12-28 16:36:16 UTC
KUMAR OK wrote:
haha sure mate keep telling yourself that, you're a joke

So you definitely agree then, seeing as all you still have to offer as a counter really is an ad hominem (or two).
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#67 - 2013-12-28 16:51:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Dave Stark wrote:
for those that didn't read the OP, and nobody would blame you for that.

the tl:dr is "game requires effort, i'm quitting"

Pretty much this.
I've been through incursion nerfs, nerfs to the sov null military upgrades system (boooo forsaken hub frigs boooooo), the original DED plex nerf (i still remember getting overseer's effects in every room of Angel Cartel Naval Shipyard so you knew you'd atleast make half a bil even if you didn't get deadspace loot, no so now) the heavy missile nef and the tracking enchancer nerf (nerfs aimed at the heart of my machariel/tengu pve dual boxing, in fine ccp conspiracy style ) etc etc.

I guess I should have quit a long time ago rather than figure it all out and keep having fun. Since I didn't give anyone my stuff, I guess now I need to give people my stuff with interest. Damn.

The OP's attitude is why "small casual carebear corps" get picked on so much, they have no spine, no love of the challenges of the game. Good riddence imo.
Bad Girl Posse
#68 - 2013-12-28 16:55:57 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Ioci wrote:
Also TY, OP.

I was gone for a while. I didn't know they had handed over HS POCO to players. I never really did PI for the ISK. It was more something to do so long as I broke even.

52 Command centers just went off line.

Take note, OP. I'm not complaining, it's just part of the progression of EVE. More dead content in the dust bin.

And this is why it's usually better to dissect troll posts instead of ignoring them, as someone will inevitably believe them and perpetuate the nonsense.

I checked.

There was no nonsense involved. I had most of my PI in one system, on the same 5 planets.

2 were at 0% tax
2 were at 35% tax
1 was at 20% tax

Rather than mindfuck myself to sleep trying to figure out what planets were going to lose money I nuked it all.

R.I.P. Vile Rat

Winter Archipelago
Autumn Industrial Enterprises
#69 - 2013-12-28 17:04:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Winter Archipelago
Get more than a few jumps away from a trade hub, and get out of Caldari space, in general. It works. Here's my story (one that is pretty common to anyone willing to leave Caldari space):

I have a T2 production alt whose system only has a few player-run CO's in it (one of which is my own). Sure, I'm 15-20 jumps from the nearest trade hub, but the belts are healthy, there are plenty of anoms, the station's manufacturing rarely has more than a handful of jobs in it (several of which are usually my own), and gankers are incredibly rare.

The systems I tend to travel through are practically barren of players, as well. Sure, there aren't 20+ belts in each system, and in fact, some may only have 2-4 belts per system, but they're healthy and it's often possible for a Mack to fill their hold (and then some) on a single rock.

There are also multiple ice belts within 5 or so jumps, and buying ice in-system there is cheap (I put up buy-orders in those systems for 5% below the nearest trade hub, and have had no issues at all getting all the ice I want, all without having to compete with bots or other miners).

There is plenty of space in EvE. Get out there, do a little exploration (not anom exploration, but actually looking around and seeing what is out there), and you'll realize that.
Magna Mortem
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2013-12-28 17:05:45 UTC
I don't believe this at all.
RAIN Arthie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#71 - 2013-12-28 17:16:10 UTC
Xerogee wrote:
Hey community and CCP.

Too many of these whinny posts i know but i'll try to be brief. Played this game for a number of years, great game, keeps my mind active and love to multi-task mine at the office. We are a small mining carebear manefacturing corp that lives in the middle of nowhere in Hi-Sec, mines builds ships and does research etc. Since customs office change went in, within 2 days large corps all moved in and put up customs offices with stupid tax rates etc. We tried to compete, even declared war and tried too take down some offices, no chance with huge corps with unlimited equipment of the best calibre. We supplied our own own starbase fuel, ice mined. rock mined, supplied the market with all sorts of stuff. Now our ICE is hard too get and bots were only tricked for a maybe a week, our Pi stuff is taxed too hell, people gank with alarming regularity and with no consequences on alts. We can live with everything except that CCP has taken the fun out of the game in Hi-Sec. We don't want too move too low sec, quite happy here enjoying the game, less and less and less. Bye, great game, hope Hi-Sec gets some love in future patches and we can come back and enjoy the game like we like too play it. If i want too see the rich get richer and the poor work ever harder to survive with no joy, i'll visit real life. Peace

BTW I understand the EVE universe is ruthless, but when you keep taking the fun out of a game, it stops being a game.

Join our corp or group. We gives you all the loves you want. Seriously. Take your guys and contact our recruiting officer Bell. We need good guys like you. We love rocks and buy them from you rapidly. We buy ships from you as well.

Doc Severide
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#72 - 2013-12-28 17:28:33 UTC
I know this much. If I ever quit:

1). I'm telling no one except CCP when I cancel my accounts.

2). I give nothing to anyone.

3). I BioMass ALL my toons with ALL my property and ISK which, while is not in the Trillions is worth over 150 Billion.

This way, I will have no reason to return. Not starting over from scratch that's for sure...
Jaxon Grylls
Institute of Archaeology
#73 - 2013-12-28 17:37:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaxon Grylls
Frostys Virpio wrote:

Move further away from Jita. The ganking will be less prevalent and the POCO won't be taxed as high.

Don't you believe it. I've got a PI setup 18 jumps from Jita and the numpties running one set of POCO's there has set the rate to 25%. Not the 80% - 90% that has been talked about but enough to make PI in Hi Sec uneconomical.

O.K. you will say, move to Lo Sec or Null. I would if EVE was a full time game for me, but dipping in and out as RL allows makes it more convenient to stay mostly in hi sec. I probably would make more ISK if I did but at the cost of more commitment than I can reasonably give.

Still, PI is only one arrow in my quiver, there's plenty of other things to keep the ISK rolling, which it is at the moment. Thank goodness.
#74 - 2013-12-28 18:21:02 UTC
Doc Severide wrote:
I know this much. If I ever quit:

1). I'm telling no one except CCP when I cancel my accounts.

2). I give nothing to anyone.

3). I BioMass ALL my toons with ALL my property and ISK which, while is not in the Trillions is worth over 150 Billion.

This way, I will have no reason to return. Not starting over from scratch that's for sure...

You can get chars unbiomassed for your info .

One of those chars is now telling you that you can get chars unbiomassed ... Lol

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#75 - 2013-12-28 18:31:30 UTC
Sneakthief Backstabber wrote:
Love the new PI system, large corporations get too tax your azz on factories you set up years ago. It's like the ***** have invaded Europe again.

CCP has made it clear time and time again that their allegiances are with the blob -sec groups.
Have a look at where most of the devs are hired from and it becomes quite clear.
Doc Severide
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#76 - 2013-12-28 18:39:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Doc Severide
flakeys wrote:
Doc Severide wrote:
I know this much. If I ever quit:

1). I'm telling no one except CCP when I cancel my accounts.

2). I give nothing to anyone.

3). I BioMass ALL my toons with ALL my property and ISK which, while is not in the Trillions is worth over 150 Billion.

This way, I will have no reason to return. Not starting over from scratch that's for sure...

You can get chars unbiomassed for your info .

One of those chars is now telling you that you can get chars unbiomassed ... Lol

Not when I tried to. I forgot to move some 200 million worth of ships on an alt I zapped. When I did a petition the very next day I was told "Nope...gone..."
#77 - 2013-12-28 18:49:35 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
Doc Severide wrote:
flakeys wrote:
Doc Severide wrote:
I know this much. If I ever quit:

1). I'm telling no one except CCP when I cancel my accounts.

2). I give nothing to anyone.

3). I BioMass ALL my toons with ALL my property and ISK which, while is not in the Trillions is worth over 150 Billion.

This way, I will have no reason to return. Not starting over from scratch that's for sure...

You can get chars unbiomassed for your info .

One of those chars is now telling you that you can get chars unbiomassed ... Lol

Not when I tried to. I forgot to move some 200 million worth of ships on an alt I zapped. When I did a petition the very next day I was told "Nope...gone..."

I gave all my stuff to some friends a year or 5 back and biomassed just to save myself from this addiction.About a year later i returned and asked CCP to do me a favour , they did just that god bless 'em Blink.Only problem was my friends stopped too or burned through that pile of isk so i had to start from scratch and my name was taken by another player in the meantime so i had to pick myself a new name.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

ISD Dosnix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#78 - 2013-12-28 18:50:27 UTC
Since this thread is full of ranting and no real content, it will be locked.
See the forum rules for further information.
Kind regards
ISD Dosnix

[b]ISD Dosnix Lieutenant Community Communication Liasons (CCL) Interstellar Service Department[/b]