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What is the best Use for an Orca?

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#41 - 2014-05-16 00:33:44 UTC
Lar Tadaruwa wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
Bad Bobby wrote:

As a result, moving things like high-value blueprints has changed from an AFK AP in an Orca to a manual warping journey in a BR (or some esoteric/extreme alternative). As a person who works with high value shipments very frequently, that has resulted in a significant drop in quality of life for me. Still, the old mechanics were poor and I come from the HTFU, adapt & overcome, all change is good school of thought so now the days of the old Orca are no more a thing to me than they days of fitting two MWDs to one hauler.

I'm interested to hear that you use a BR to move high value blueprints. As someone that pisses people off too much to maintain a highsec POS, I move BPOs around lowsec quite a bit, and I've always used an interceptor (travel fit) for medium value ones and would use the same ship but with proper scouting if I were to be moving high value ones. Or alternately a brick-tanked Proteus if I had backup.

TY, being a BR, soon Blop pilot, fleet, I may find this info of the highest value (to me).

Heh, feel free. I don't mess around when carrying even half a billion ISK in cargo and will not be easy to catch.

Back on the Orca though - I feel their best use is to provide hilarious lossmails. Some of the Orca lossmails I see in the minerbumping channel are just ridiculous.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Zol Interbottom
Blimp Requisition Services
#42 - 2014-05-16 02:19:39 UTC
Fill it with catalysts and rent out your service to suicide gankers.

"If you're quitting for the 3rd time you clearly ain't quitting" - Chribba

Lar Tadaruwa
State War Academy
Caldari State
#43 - 2014-07-04 01:14:20 UTC
Zol Interbottom wrote:
Fill it with catalysts and rent out your service to suicide gankers.

Do you mean to rent the catalysts in the Orca bay to suicide gankers to destroy Freighter or other ships with them?

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