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Living off Missions instead of Mining

Katherine Dune
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-12-12 06:38:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Katherine Dune
Hey guys

ive just recently come back to eve. at the moment i have a comorant destroyer, but as i recall i was training my skills towards the raven

Now my question is, is it at all possible to make a decent living in eve without the need of mining, i understand how beneficial mining is, and i understand the amount you can make from it is living the high life almost

But i like PVE, i like to blow things up, i wouldnt mind doing kill missions or something

so im wondering what else is out there, and what ship i would need to achieve it

the thought of afking with a mining ship just doesnt appeal to me, i like to do something actively

im not a very complicated person, i like to keep things simplistic. and the simplest explanation possible will do :D

( i know, simple isnt eve, but still :P )
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#2 - 2013-12-12 07:52:52 UTC
Mining is actually more fun and less repetitive than missions


Anize Oramara
#3 - 2013-12-12 07:53:42 UTC
missions will earn you far more than mining but you cant do it afk as much as mining. missiles are good for pve though any weapon systen and race will do depending on where you mission.

if you are going for a raven get a corax, load it up with lights and run lots of lv1s. then get a caracal for lv2 then a drake for lv3. then get t2 tank and t2 drones and the raven with cruise missiles for lv4 missions. you can salvage missions with the cormorant at first and get a noctis later. worth salvaging from lv 3 and up.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Blitz Apollo
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2013-12-12 08:49:48 UTC
Roime wrote:
Mining is actually more fun and less repetitive than missions

Ugh Don't know if serious or trolling. Granted there is a limited mission pool, but no two missions ever play out the same. Mining however, how many different ways can you mine a Scordite Nugget?

OP; Yes, there is plenty of money in L4's given you can run them efficiently and loot and salvage them as this tends to be where a big chunk of the money is. Throw in some LP and you make a decent profit. What Anize said is invaluable advice, work your way up and be sure you are ready for L4's or you will lose ships faster than you can replace them.

I use a NayPoc to solo most L4 missions, I don't have great skills but by taking it carefully, reading up on evesurvival and fitting appropriately on a good day I can make anywhere between 40-60mil an hour, which isn't to be sniffed at. Granted a lot more can be made, but as a rough guide :)

Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-12-12 09:20:02 UTC
Mining is in fact one of the worst sources of ISK for your time in all of EVE. I don't know who told you it was necessary or even a good way to make a living, but they deserve to be shot. If the ISK you make mining is enough to sustain you, virtually any other ISK-positive activity will give you more ISK than you need.
Dirk Massive
#6 - 2013-12-12 10:25:18 UTC
I've found the best way to play Eve is to do a little bit of everything. Eve is a sandbox game, there is no "path" you sort of must follow to play the game, as in most other games. Mine when you want to mine. Mission when you want to do that. Build stuff, explore, trade, or whatever else floats your boat. Doing too much of anything will always drive you to boredom eventually. Mix it up. Be wild and crazy like that. Make your life in Eve interesting. Because most likely your life in this real world isn't that way.

Just sayin' Pirate

**Bringing WAR and TERROR to a system near you.... **

Kaivar Lancer
#7 - 2013-12-12 11:20:10 UTC
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
Mining is in fact one of the worst sources of ISK for your time in all of EVE. I don't know who told you it was necessary or even a good way to make a living, but they deserve to be shot. If the ISK you make mining is enough to sustain you, virtually any other ISK-positive activity will give you more ISK than you need.


In terms of isk / effort, mining is one of the top activities. Fly a Mack, warp to some high-volume plag asteroids, activate lasers, and go afk for 15-20 mins. For a few seconds of clicking, I think you make 4-6m isk (depending on your skills and fitting).
Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#8 - 2013-12-12 11:29:38 UTC
I said ISK for your time, not ISK for your effort.
Johnathan Coffey
Niforce Triggers
#9 - 2013-12-12 17:11:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Johnathan Coffey
Kaivar Lancer wrote:
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
Mining is in fact one of the worst sources of ISK for your time in all of EVE. I don't know who told you it was necessary or even a good way to make a living, but they deserve to be shot. If the ISK you make mining is enough to sustain you, virtually any other ISK-positive activity will give you more ISK than you need.


In terms of isk / effort, mining is one of the top activities. Fly a Mack, warp to some high-volume plag asteroids, activate lasers, and go afk for 15-20 mins. For a few seconds of clicking, I think you make 4-6m isk (depending on your skills and fitting).

Most experienced lvl4 mission runners would barely undock for 4-6m ISK. Clearing The Blockade alone brings 20m in bounties, 20m in loot and salvage, the mission reward plus the LP.

First rule of EVE UI: right click EVERYTHING.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#10 - 2013-12-12 18:26:10 UTC
Blitz Apollo wrote:

OP; Yes, there is plenty of money in L4's given you can run them efficiently and loot and salvage them as this tends to be where a big chunk of the money is. Throw in some LP and you make a decent profit. What Anize said is invaluable advice, work your way up and be sure you are ready for L4's or you will lose ships faster than you can replace them.

I use a NayPoc to solo most L4 missions, I don't have great skills but by taking it carefully, reading up on evesurvival and fitting appropriately on a good day I can make anywhere between 40-60mil an hour, which isn't to be sniffed at. Granted a lot more can be made, but as a rough guide :)


confirming thisCool
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#11 - 2013-12-12 18:27:41 UTC
Johnathan Coffey wrote:
Kaivar Lancer wrote:
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
Mining is in fact one of the worst sources of ISK for your time in all of EVE. I don't know who told you it was necessary or even a good way to make a living, but they deserve to be shot. If the ISK you make mining is enough to sustain you, virtually any other ISK-positive activity will give you more ISK than you need.


In terms of isk / effort, mining is one of the top activities. Fly a Mack, warp to some high-volume plag asteroids, activate lasers, and go afk for 15-20 mins. For a few seconds of clicking, I think you make 4-6m isk (depending on your skills and fitting).

Most experienced lvl4 mission runners would barely undock for 4-6m ISK. Clearing The Blockade alone brings 20m in bounties, 20m in loot and salvage plus the mission reward plus the LP.

and this
Ginger Barbarella
#12 - 2013-12-12 18:55:12 UTC
Kaivar Lancer wrote:

In terms of isk / effort, mining is one of the top activities. Fly a Mack, warp to some high-volume plag asteroids, activate lasers, and go afk for 15-20 mins. For a few seconds of clicking, I think you make 4-6m isk (depending on your skills and fitting).

You're probably dead-on correct: nothing pays as well as mining for sitting on your ever-increasing arse and doing nothing at all than mining.

On the other hand, most of us would pass out from the pure boredom of doing NOTHING for hours on end.

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#13 - 2013-12-12 22:19:18 UTC
Semi-afk mining is nice for extra income on the side with a second account while you run missions or rat in anomalies. People will tell you to use the 2nd character to fly a Noctis or dual box the mission but I suck at dual boxing, so mining it is (was in any case).

Confirming you can earn between 40-60m/hour running L4, less with crappy skills, more with blinged out ships and good knowledge of mission running and/or your pick of valuable off LP store.

Also, when you hit Noctis level for salvaging, do not undock the thing after every mission you run to get the loot/salvage, run 2-4 missions, BM all pockets, then come back to do them all with the salvage boat, much more efficient, you just need to time it out so wrecks don't start to disappear on you before salvage.
Jeanne-Luise Argenau
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2013-12-12 23:01:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Jeanne-Luise Argenau
basically what do u want to do.

mining nice income if u do it in a semi afk mode.
missioning if u need standing or prefer solo somewhat reasonable income.
if u have good skills for missions u might want to try incursions. Those are Fleet activities which earn on average more isk per hour than missions in highsec but they prefer gun boats.
Chainsaw Plankton
#15 - 2013-12-12 23:18:33 UTC
auto targeting missiles and/or sentry drones. pretty easy to semi afk missions, and probably make more than you would mining in highsec.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Steven Alfrir
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2013-12-13 01:40:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Steven Alfrir
If you're getting swamped by rat frigates in missions and you're constantly warping out to repair your frigate i suggest a Battle cruiser with small projectile/rail guns/blasters/ lasers plus a light missile launcher if your battle cruiser has missile hard points because I've had the above problem and a Hurricane with 200mm light automatic cannons loaded with Fusion-s works well for me cause the small turret modules enable you to hit small ships and the Hurricane's shields and armor allows me to stay and tank the swarming frigates.

I like crazy plans

Black REiiGN
#17 - 2013-12-13 04:07:49 UTC
I'm just going to mention from heavy experience but even if you have alt accounts and truck through lvl 4s, it still gets boring. A lot of isk to make but then you have to do something with it. Get an active corp, soloing isn't everything. Enjoy your experience in this game with others.
Katherine Dune
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#18 - 2013-12-13 05:14:17 UTC
thanks for all the advice, its really appreciated, i just have 3 questions left if someone could be kind enough to answer

1. Im heading towards a battlecruiser, than one day higher, but right now im setting my goals to be simple. But im struggling between the Naga or the Drake

The Naga i know can dish out ALOT of dps, and is a great and beautiful ship, but its a blaster/laser platform, im not a fan of blasters/sniping, i much prefer torpedos

( i know i know, DPS comes before pretty explosions, but i love the explosions of torpedos!!! )

So any advice on that situation would be appreciated. i just love launching things that go boom with pretty effects

2. At the moment, my isis is telling me that currently are most suited towards a general cruiser like the caracel, but yet im in a destroyer, i even have 2 bars towards the drake. and i know i had one and a caracel before i left

( its been 2 years. ive forgot ALOT )

I cant remember for the life of me why i got rid of my drake/caracel and went back to a destroyer, what i was missing or doing

3. once i get back into a caracel, then a drake, is there a guide telling me were to find the best L3/L4 missions that ill be capable of doing
ashley Eoner
#19 - 2013-12-13 05:42:48 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Kaivar Lancer wrote:
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
Mining is in fact one of the worst sources of ISK for your time in all of EVE. I don't know who told you it was necessary or even a good way to make a living, but they deserve to be shot. If the ISK you make mining is enough to sustain you, virtually any other ISK-positive activity will give you more ISK than you need.


In terms of isk / effort, mining is one of the top activities. Fly a Mack, warp to some high-volume plag asteroids, activate lasers, and go afk for 15-20 mins. For a few seconds of clicking, I think you make 4-6m isk (depending on your skills and fitting).
I'd like to know where you're finding roids that last for more then a couple cycles with boosts. With a fully maxed out mack with full boosts (meaning two accounts) you're looking at maybe 19m an hour with perfect refine and nice mineral prices. That's with two accounts running and no AFKIng. Now if you just mine with two macks it's more like 23-25m an hour. Of course that requires your full attention so you don't waste a single cycle or waste time on an "empty roid". You will have to cut cycles short according to roid content. There's no going afk for 20minutes in this scenario.

Now if you go afk for 20 minutes you're looking at a max of about 10m an isk an hour with heavy buffs or about 16m an hour with two clients. You'll be wasting a lot of cycles on roids that prematurely ended before the cycle completes. You'll also be wasting a lot of time with idle strip miners.

Now if you can find some huge plag roids then you'll do better numbers then I listed for the afk method but the first numbers are pretty hard to beat without a magical field of rich plag.

Meanwhile if you used those two accounts to run level 4s you're looking at +40m an hour depending on skills and your abilities.

I personally max out around 90m an hour doing missions but I have mutliple clients and well geared characters/ships.

The naga is not effective in level 4s solo. Neither is the drake really as it's dps is either too low to clear quickly or the tank is too small to handle some of the rooms (if you go heavy dps). I'd highly suggest a raven over either of those options for 4s. With a drake I'd go heavy gank and run the level 3s as fast as possible to build up the cash to get into a BS. You can do 4s in a drake it's just not as efficient as banging out groups of 3s quickly.

I am not aware of a guide as I figured that out on my own via tracking the various datapoints.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2013-12-13 07:41:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Heavensend
If you choose the right NPC corp to fly missions for you will end up over 100m ISK/h. Calculated with 1LP = 2000 ISK.


I earn this with easy since MTUs were released. Warp in pocket drop MTU start shooting the red crosses. After you have finished 3-4 Missions start collecting loot with a Noctis.

If done right you need 2mins (warps not included) of work to salvage e.g. a Blockade.

Blockade e.g is about 22m bounty and reward, ~20m loot and 8k LP = min 16m ISK round about 58m ISK. It can be done with perfect skill and ships fitting in about 22-25mins warp times included if its in the same system as your agent.

But beware i am speaking here of nearly perfect skills for mission running. The only skills missing are Marauder 5 and large weapon spec 5.
And i have an ALT so its possible to me to do a little cheery picking on the missions my agent offers to me and my alt.

Tried to mine in high sec afk with my alt with nearly perfect mining skills but without boost. Sold Mackinaw again income was horrible.
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