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Dev blog: Twitch integration is here!

First post
Goonswarm Federation
#21 - 2013-12-09 16:11:58 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
Yeah, as other have said, add a delay mode. Also, add support for streaming at 1920x1080 resolution before this hits TQ.

A Quality mode where we can choose what kind of quality we want to stream in would also be nice.

Other than that, the 'Open Broadcaster Software' is awesome Big smile

higher than that even/don't stop at 1080p
Angelica Dreamstar
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2013-12-09 16:14:05 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Jet Burns wrote:
You could have put the Mac disclaimer up front so I didn't have to read the wall-o-text. Please show some love for the Mac!

Sorry for that =( We are disappointed by the lack of mac support as well. Because of the way we emulate EVE for macs we actually don't have much control over this. There's a problem with something called a 'wrapper' and the twitch SDK and from what I understand we have to investigate with an external provider to get it resolved.

Hopefully we can figure it out but our hands were tied for this release unfortunately.

WINE Is Not an Emulator. It's a wrapper.

bingo, his pig not being a goat doesn't make the pig wrong, just him an idiot for shouting at his pig "WHY ARENT YOU A GOAT!" (Source)

-- Ralph King-Griffin, about deranged people playing EVE ONLINE

Liu Ellens
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2013-12-09 16:23:56 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
And while it would be nice if the integrated tool was better, I actually disagree that it 'should' be. The nice thing about integration is that it's very accessible. It's appealing to a broader audience who would rather have ease of use than having more options. I think if people start streaming because of integration and then realize they want more features and move to a dedicated tool for it that seems great.

I agree here; Initially I also thought that the integrated option should have all bells and whistles like OBS for instance - but then again, why recreate what's already available. The final roadblock a 'beefier' integrated version would run into anyway is a streaming multibox system.

Keep the basic functionality solid and avoid feature creep. Good stuff there.

Well, they oughta know what to do with them hogs out there for shure.

Grandma Squirel
#24 - 2013-12-09 16:24:36 UTC
Iterating is fine and all, but if you roll it as proposed, without overlays to hide sensitive information, and mandatory comms streaming, you will poison the well with all major alliances, they will ban its use, and when you get around to releasing a version that doesn't leak intel like a sieve, the anti-streaming policies will be very hard to reverse. Delay is the least important feature really, players can work around that, can't work around the other two issues.
Vincent Athena
#25 - 2013-12-09 16:26:21 UTC
You talked about sending out a stream from the client, but is there any client integration for receiving a stream? Is there any tool allowing me to browse just those those streams coming from Eve? Can I use the in-game browser? Or do I have to click out to a OOG browser?

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OutCast EG
Very Industrial Corp.
#26 - 2013-12-09 16:28:45 UTC
ITT: people who don't understand what an 'entry level tool' is.
Hikaru Kuroda
#27 - 2013-12-09 16:32:01 UTC
Amazing but... duuuuuude, your overview.

How do you manage to fly?
#28 - 2013-12-09 16:34:56 UTC
So I guess this is the official end to that promise of parity between the mac and pc clients.

What other features do you guys have planned for release that won't be available for your mac customers?

(And yes, I understand why this is technically happening… but that's kinda the problem.)
Grandma Squirel
#29 - 2013-12-09 16:36:59 UTC
OutCast EG wrote:
ITT: people who don't understand what an 'entry level tool' is.

An entry level tool includes at least the minimum functionality to make it not suck. That would be like calling a car with a top speed of 20mph an 'entry level car'. Some people may have a use for such a vehicle, but it wouldn't meet the minimum expectations of what people think a car is.
Vincent Athena
#30 - 2013-12-09 16:39:02 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Jet Burns wrote:
You could have put the Mac disclaimer up front so I didn't have to read the wall-o-text. Please show some love for the Mac!

Sorry for that =( We are disappointed by the lack of mac support as well. Because of the way we emulate EVE for macs we actually don't have much control over this. There's a problem with something called a 'wrapper' and the twitch SDK and from what I understand we have to investigate with an external provider to get it resolved.

Hopefully we can figure it out but our hands were tied for this release unfortunately.

An old joke: "Doctor, it hurts whenever I raise my arm like this". "Well then don't do that"

CCP to Mac customers "Making Eve work on a Mac with a wrapper breaks things". "Well, then make it work without the wrapper".

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

Frozen fanfiction

Unro Arthie
Thy Futility
#31 - 2013-12-09 16:42:59 UTC
Nobody needs that crap. Better fix some bugs and make a native killboard.
OutCast EG
Very Industrial Corp.
#32 - 2013-12-09 16:45:25 UTC  |  Edited by: OutCast EG
Grandma Squirel wrote:
OutCast EG wrote:
ITT: people who don't understand what an 'entry level tool' is.

An entry level tool includes at least the minimum functionality to make it not suck. That would be like calling a car with a top speed of 20mph an 'entry level car'. Some people may have a use for such a vehicle, but it wouldn't meet the minimum expectations of what people think a car is.

Your analogy is not relevant.

I'm not sure if i want CCP to waste dev-hours reinventing the wheels called OBS and XSplit.

Can it stream? Yes. Does it give you basic quality settings? Yes. Good enough.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#33 - 2013-12-09 17:04:17 UTC
On my list of "sh*t we must do with 3rd party tools because the client won't oblige", this one ranked very, very low.

But then CCP devs may have their fun solving a irrelevant but enticing pet challenge each now and then, no matter the what...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Hegia Rilemack Opper
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2013-12-09 17:37:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Hegia Rilemack Opper
5/5 for the idea. There are alot of streamers I like to watch; some of them streaming eve related stuff.
1/5 for the effort put into this. Lets be honest, most people will still be using 3rd party tools. They arent exactly as costly or confusing as you are letting us believe. Delays and hiding bits of information is crucial for most Eve players. At best this integration would have given means to hide intel WITHOUT filling the screen with ugly black boxes.

CCP Rise wrote:
Judas II wrote:
How does this ingame feature deal with external audio recording? (ie mic) Can we give live microphone comments while streaming?

Yes. Your stream will contain all the audio going on on your system. Microphone input/comms/music/game sound and anything will else will all be included.

Atleast streamers can play music and talk to their viewers. Perhaps this isnt all useless feature.
Mad Ani
Meta Zero
Meta Reloaded
#35 - 2013-12-09 17:42:54 UTC
LOL! "following around huge fleets in a cloaky Tengu and playing questionable techno"...

oi CCP Rise... you forgot to mention the cat!! Lol

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Max Kolonko
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#36 - 2013-12-09 17:46:56 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Judas II wrote:
How does this ingame feature deal with external audio recording? (ie mic) Can we give live microphone comments while streaming?

Yes. Your stream will contain all the audio going on on your system. Microphone input/comms/music/game sound and anything will else will all be included.

So far my tests (last time i tested it few days ago) show that video is available during stream but cant find it after i switch it off. Are those videos stream only or are they stored on twitch to watch later?
Elmore Jones
New Eden Mining Organisation
The Craftsmen
#37 - 2013-12-09 17:57:13 UTC
Will this update also generally enhance the IGB features for web app designers? If so any details would be lovely :)

+++ Reality Error 404 - Reboot Cosmos +++

Liu Ellens
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2013-12-09 18:01:26 UTC
Max Kolonko wrote:
So far my tests (last time i tested it few days ago) show that video is available during stream but cant find it after i switch it off. Are those videos stream only or are they stored on twitch to watch later? stopped auto-archiving of streams. You have to manually enable this in your twitch account settings ( -> Archive Broadcasts) - Then they will be available.

Well, they oughta know what to do with them hogs out there for shure.

Tam Althor
Commonwealth Industries
#39 - 2013-12-09 18:29:06 UTC
This seems like a real waste of development resources. Putting time into making something that is substandard to any of the 3rd party programs that people already use. Really what is the % of the player base that's even going to bother with this non space game toy?
Scorpio Electra
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#40 - 2013-12-09 18:29:45 UTC
I was eagerly waiting for this integration! But I don't want to give my location, etc. Will wait for masking capabilities.

Thx CCP, looking forward to new features!