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Crime & Punishment

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[MERCS] The BEA's - Unintended Consequences.

The Double Rainbow Butterflies
#1 - 2013-12-08 06:53:52 UTC
That's right, we're back! We've been around but have been very quiet due to some real life issues. We're again taking contracts. Here is a link to the previous thread related to us...

and here is the basic description of our services.

Location: All of highsec regardless of faction control.
What: Merc Contracts
-General Harassment
-Forced Surrenders (Long Term Wars Only)
-POS Bashing
-War Assistance (including the opportunity to fly with our fleet.)
Contact: Lainalil
(This killboard is out of date, a new, private KB will be added shortly. Expect this to occur in the next week.)

Please contact me in game for all possible contract information.