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Bastion Mode Glitch/Bug, CCP not refunding losses

First post
Incognito Mode
Brotherhood of Spacers
#21 - 2013-12-08 07:40:29 UTC
Keith Planck wrote:
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode wrote:
Removed an off topic post.

Also, I highly recommend filing a bug report about the issue, as that sounds potentially terrible. Not fun in the slightest. Hope it works out for you.

The logs don't show a bug so there is no bug says ccp's ticket system.

Curious as to what the logs would show if there WAS a bug...

Then try and reproduce the bug and then tell them exacly step by step how to reproduce it. If you can not reproduce it then its your loss.

So instead of crying like a little girl on the forum. Help ccp find this so called "bug"
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