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Filled: Betty Bravo Junk Bond #1 - 100M @ 10% Uncollateralized

#21 - 2013-12-11 13:18:18 UTC
Betty Bravo wrote:
Edit: Filled. One investor. End date January 3.

How about an update? How was your "first" week?

Betty Bravo
Memory Den
#22 - 2013-12-11 17:38:42 UTC
Careby wrote:
Betty Bravo wrote:
Edit: Filled. One investor. End date January 3.

How about an update? How was your "first" week?

Everything is going according to plan. I am now sitting in a barge, running mining missions for standings, and training refining skills. I currently have a balance of 46.3M in my wallet and 26.3M in other assets. 5 days is left on the cerebral implant and I will be sorry to lose the +9 it gives to each attribute.

I do not expect to have any difficulty paying back my bond. But while I really appreciate the loan (which I know was a risk), I have decided not to try to borrow any more when it is done. I do not like owing isk in game. It makes me feel obligated to play so I can make the isk to repay it. I would be playing the game anyway, but it doesn't feel like I am playing for me now. Maybe that makes no sense, but if I had to start over yet again, I would come up with a plan that is self-supporting without the need to borrow.

Betty Bravo
Memory Den
#23 - 2013-12-19 01:14:58 UTC
I have repaid the loan in full, with interest, as promised, more than two weeks ahead of schedule.

The reason for the early payoff is that I discovered I did not enjoy being in debt. For me, the need to earn money to pay off my loan made playing EVE seem like work.

So now I am poor, but no longer a debt slave! Whether or not I ever become space rich remains to be seen, but I won't be trying to get there by borrowing.

Thanks for taking a chance on me, Careby.

#24 - 2013-12-19 12:51:44 UTC
Betty Bravo wrote:
I have repaid the loan in full, with interest, as promised, more than two weeks ahead of schedule.

I confirm receipt of payment and completion of loan obligation.

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