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EVE General Discussion

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We expect CSM members who lack integrity to be removed.

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Atsuko Yamamoto
Doom Generation
Best Intentions.
#241 - 2013-11-26 12:14:29 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Baaldor wrote:

Ginger was sober, Mittens was hammered.

Again, this somehow makes it OK? I'll point out again that Ginger had 0 chance of success. Mittens plan might have actually worked. Saying 'Oh, I was drunk!' is no excuse. If I got hammered, got in my car, and ran someone over, do you think the judge is gonna say 'That's Ok, you were drunk. we understand"?

There have been dozens of Idiots over the years like GM, all of whom got permabanned, AFAIK, the only one who posed a serious risk to the life of the potential victim was Mittani, and, to me this is bizarre, he's also the only one to get a slap on the wrist.

Bit of an extreme comparison there...

And Internet Spaceships are serious goddamned business.
Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#242 - 2013-11-26 12:18:37 UTC
Atsuko Yamamoto wrote:

Bit of an extreme comparison there....

Let me ask you this: would he have ended up any less dead if he was harassed into killing himself as opposed to run over with the car?
Red Garsk
#243 - 2013-11-26 12:26:32 UTC
I didn't vote for Malcanis, so he really doesnt represent me or anyone I know, but I agree he was out of line and should have responded with an alt if he what he wanted to say was so important... In all honesty, a pretty **** move but you also gotta have thicker skin in this game, heck, I have had people say a lot worse to me.

Next time, let's all just not vote for Malcanis...

And Mittens, STFU, you don't even play Eve...
Solace Corp
#244 - 2013-11-26 12:27:11 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Atsuko Yamamoto wrote:

Bit of an extreme comparison there....

Let me ask you this: would he have ended up any less dead if he was harassed into killing himself as opposed to run over with the car?

You are missing the point.

One is words spoken, the other is actual action taken. From a legal point of view (as well as a moral point of view) they carry vastly different weights.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." -  D. Adams.

Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#245 - 2013-11-26 12:39:29 UTC
Carebears Countdown 5-4-3-2-1 wrote:
I am fully grown. The person who he said these things to was very, very offended. I am standing up for her, the same way I like when people stand up for me when I'm in similar situations.

That's called being a grown up. Standing up for what's right instead of allowing people to tramp all over whatever they want. Ignoring it because it's inconvenient for me to have to make a 10 minute thread is childish and immature. Selfish attitudes are prevalent among the younger generations, we become more socially aware of each others situations as we progress in life.

I ask that CCP doesn't allow the popularity of this CSM member to stand in the way of doing what's right. Clearly he has a following that likes him. This does not represent the entirety of the community. Only certain personalities will come onto a forum and vote on such things; the vast majority of people will not. You cannot consider his forum popularity in this decision; he has disregards 3 rules in the Terms of Service and disrespected another member to the Nth degree for no reason.

... hard to tell if living in basement or retirement home. Probably neither and honestly it's irrelevant but, still, I wonder ...
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#246 - 2013-11-26 13:18:32 UTC
Mythrandier wrote:
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Atsuko Yamamoto wrote:

Bit of an extreme comparison there....

Let me ask you this: would he have ended up any less dead if he was harassed into killing himself as opposed to run over with the car?

You are missing the point.

One is words spoken, the other is actual action taken. From a legal point of view (as well as a moral point of view) they carry vastly different weights.

Charles Manson is considered one of the most notorious serial killers in the U.S. even though he never actually 'killed' anyone. I'd say 'words spoken' carry plenty of weight.

And before the parrots start the yap, no, I'm not in any way insinuating that Alexander is a notorious serial killer.

I'll add that even though he may have actually been drunk during his vicious out-of-game delivery, I highly doubt he was drunk during the days it took him to prepare his presentation. Possible. But highly unlikely. In any case, not an excuse.

I'll also add that I find it highly amusing that these are usually the ones spilling vitriol such as "can't distinguish game from real life" and this play style is "ignorant, hateful, spiteful..." while proving they know not where to draw the lines themselves.

Let the trolls feast upon this post.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#247 - 2013-11-26 13:22:25 UTC
And again, we equate an inebriated faux pas with brainwashing and serial murder.

You people truly are insane.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#248 - 2013-11-26 13:25:31 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
And again, we equate an inebriated faux pas with brainwashing and serial murder.

You people truly are insane.

I would suggest you reread my post, but I realize it wouldn't make an iota of a difference.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#249 - 2013-11-26 13:29:04 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
And again, we equate an inebriated faux pas with brainwashing and serial murder.

You people truly are insane.

I would suggest you reread my post, but I realize it wouldn't make an iota of a difference.

Actually, I am referring both to you and to that asshat Cygnet.

Although everything you said is asinine on it's own merits. I can all but guarantee you that the people who are laughing are not the ones with the disassociative issue, but rather the ones to whom an invisible asset in an imaginary game is the key to their emotional well being.

And yes, before you ask, I do enjoy taunting the kind of people whose precious feelings are shattered by my actions. I enjoy it very much. I do not believe persecuting bad people is a bad thing.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#250 - 2013-11-26 13:37:42 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Nevermind. Troll away :).

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#251 - 2013-11-26 13:38:46 UTC
Carebears Countdown 5-4-3-2-1 wrote:
I am fully grown. The person who he said these things to was very, very offended. I am standing up for her, the same way I like when people stand up for me when I'm in similar situations.

That's called being a grown up. Standing up for what's right instead of allowing people to tramp all over whatever they want. Ignoring it because it's inconvenient for me to have to make a 10 minute thread is childish and immature. Selfish attitudes are prevalent among the younger generations, we become more socially aware of each others situations as we progress in life.

I ask that CCP doesn't allow the popularity of this CSM member to stand in the way of doing what's right. Clearly he has a following that likes him. This does not represent the entirety of the community. Only certain personalities will come onto a forum and vote on such things; the vast majority of people will not. You cannot consider his forum popularity in this decision; he has disregards 3 rules in the Terms of Service and disrespected another member to the Nth degree for no reason.

Being grown up means that you should be able to distinguish between a space game and real life.
Being a moron in both doesn´t really help - I grant you that - but bragging about being some kind of emissary of virtue with a NPC Alt is just lame.
If you want to insult someone propperly - always post with your main.

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#252 - 2013-11-26 13:44:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Cygnet Lythanea
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Actually, I am referring both to you and to that asshat Cygnet.

Let me ask you a question, then, genius.

While the majority of goons are actually fairly level headed, like any group, there are fringe asshats who would take what he said seriously and really try to do that. While you can call me insulting names, this is a fundamental truth of any group of human beings is that you get a few nuts in the mix. If you don't believe me, it would not even be the first time that something like this would have happened where an online MMO group spilled into real world deaths.

So, how many of them do you think it would take to drive someone who's already apparently depressive over the edge?

Would he be any less responsible for having told them to?
Prince Kobol
#253 - 2013-11-26 13:49:00 UTC
Red Garsk wrote:
I didn't vote for Malcanis, so he really doesnt represent me or anyone I know, but I agree he was out of line and should have responded with an alt if he what he wanted to say was so important... In all honesty, a pretty **** move but you also gotta have thicker skin in this game, heck, I have had people say a lot worse to me.

Next time, let's all just not vote for Malcanis...

And Mittens, STFU, you don't even play Eve...

Here you raise an important point.

He could of responded with an alt but instead he replied with his main which actually shows he has integrity.

Do you really want somebody on the CSM who is so scared that their post might cause the slightest of upsets that they use an alt?

I cant believe you even made that suggestion.

I much prefer to have somebody on the CSM who isn't scared of voicing their own true opinion on any given subject, who does't agree with everybody no matter how ******** there idea's are to look good and yeah, gets annoyed and frustrated at times.

I might not agree with things he stands for or his ideas but at least I can respect him which is more then I can say about the other 95% of CSM members thought the years.
Anomaly One
#254 - 2013-11-26 13:56:00 UTC an example

On that thread I would rather one reply from Malcanis berating the OP than the tons of posts we will get over a stupid OP (like this thread and that one, and the other and THAT one... )

also is this now a Mittani thread? damn goons every thread is a stealth goon thread.
Quick someone go to urban dictionary and make Goons law.

Never forget. Trust me, I'm an Anomaly. DUST 514 FOR PC

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#255 - 2013-11-26 13:56:33 UTC
Cygnet Lythanea wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Actually, I am referring both to you and to that asshat Cygnet.

Let me ask you a question, then, genius.

While the majority of goons are actually fairly level headed, like any group, there are fringe asshats who would take what he said seriously and really try to do that. While you can call me insulting names, this is a fundamental truth of any group of human beings is that you get a few nuts in the mix. If you don't believe me, it would not even be the first time that something like this would have happened where an online MMO group spilled into real world deaths.

So, how many of them do you think it would take to drive someone who's already apparently depressive over the edge?

You dissemble, and although seeming close, are far from the truth.

Or perhaps you never actually heard of how all that ended?

Regardless I take it you've never gotten sob stories in an evemail either? I once had someone tell me his dog died the week after his wife left him, and that by blowing up his PI hauler I was taking everything away from him. Saw him that next week, yelling insults at me as I blew him up again. I've had people tell me that they were at their wits end, and that I was making them quit, only to see them a week later still afk mining in a yield fitted exhumer.

And for someone like Mittens? I bet he gets 50 of those a week. I get 3 or 4 a week myself.

To even take such a thing seriously beggars belief. You are literally attempting to convict someone based on a series of "what ifs" and "maybes". Even on these forums, this kind of thought crime mentality is too much.

With complete and total honesty, you and everyone who thinks like you do, disgust me. It horrifies me that people like you are allowed to vote, to hold sway over others when you believe that words, that sound and air, should be a crime.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

CCP Dolan
C C P Alliance
#256 - 2013-11-26 14:02:43 UTC
This thread got a little out of control while I was asleep I guess. I'm going to lock it for multiple rules violations, but also because it has become completely nonconstructive.

If you would like to report inappropriate posts by any player, whether they are a member of the CSM or not, please make use of the report icon (the little yellow flag) to have those posts accessed by a forum moderator. If you have any additional complaints that you feel cannot be addressed with a report, please file a support ticket in the community queue.

CCP Dolan | Community Representative

Twitter: @CCPDolan

Gooby pls