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Star Citizen won't kill EVE, the Oculus Rift will.

Anomaly One
#81 - 2013-11-23 02:31:14 UTC
I can already see it now they're gonna push it down our throats and say "IT"S THE SECOND COMING"

Never forget. Trust me, I'm an Anomaly. DUST 514 FOR PC

Varius Xeral
#82 - 2013-11-23 02:31:54 UTC
Tabra Penken wrote:
LOL...seriously that's the dumbest thing I've seen claimed in LONG time

Welcome to GD.

Official Representative of The Nullsec Zealot Cabal

Anomaly One
#83 - 2013-11-23 02:32:51 UTC
Because we all know how visionary hilmar is!
The comments on that page are pretty funny.

Grumpy Poster wrote:
Immersion is a strange thing. It used to happen in peoples' heads with a device called imagination. Nowadays you have to hit the kiddies flat in the face with surrogates.

sad but true.

it's like a drug now, soon after VR people will want to BE in the game world always asking for more immersion and getting their daily dose then leaving it behind.. it's kinda sad to think that games were supposed to be fun and how over the years they've become all about addiction, in the long long future everyone will be like those fat fucks from wall-e or the surrogates..

Worst part is they will force this **** upon us with their ads.. and people like captain tardbar (dat name) poasting :s

can't wait for the "Person has heart attack from playing horror game on OR, but don't worry it only affects 1% of the population!" you remember those nightmares you used to have ? well they just became real Twisted
(^copyrighted slogan, tm tm something)

Never forget. Trust me, I'm an Anomaly. DUST 514 FOR PC

Johnny Marzetti
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#84 - 2013-11-23 02:35:46 UTC
I honestly don't like video games that much.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#85 - 2013-11-23 02:44:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Bizzaro Stormy MurphDog wrote:
The thing is, this type of I/O paradigm shift could very easily make all others seem terrible by comparison.
It could, but this one won't. It's 3D with head-tracking. It's suited for some purposes and will (as always) be terrible for others.

Look at the touch-based computing revolution that has happened in the last few years. It turns out to be completely the right thing for mobile computing, but it's still horrible for desktop use and large data entry because of the ergonomics, the speed, the feedback, and because the separation between mechanical input and display output is often a good thing.

A better comparison would be between board games and video games. Board games used to be a lot more prominent prior to the introduction of video games, and now they're very niche.
…well, up until 5 years ago, at least, and now they're making a comback since it turns out that computer games isn't the best I/O for some of the experiences that board games offer (not to mention the immense design advantage board games have). Funnily enough, there are plenty of people who pay what is essentially subscription to board games. They tend to be yearly or quarterly or so, but still…

VR could easily go the same way, and the smart games (yes, even Civ) would do well to adjust their GUI to account for it. Starcraft II matches in a VR environment would be pretty damn awesome.
In both cases, no, because both rely on very specific types of information delivery — in particular a very stand-off view and lots of UI, both of which makes VR the wrong display format. You don't need 360°×360° to watch a flat area from a god perspective with tons of fiddly UI bits and tables on top of it, and trying to squeeze it in just makes for awful ergonomics that makes you lose out on critical information.

Sure, you could just use them as 3D goggles, but that's more of a gfx driver-level problem than something that the game needs to be designed for — it's not really VR at that point. VR works for a first-person perspective, but a first-person perspective doesn't work for everything. Take the example mentioned earlier. It could be great for watching play-backs of recorded fights; it would be horrid in every way for controlling those same fights.

You few will still be playing Monopoly while we're playing Command & Conquer.
Unfortunately, Monopoly is probably a very bad example in that case since it's such an antiquated and horribly designed game… Try TTR or something instead. Blink

this is the type of technology people have wanted for DECADES, and shrugging it off as though it's no different then the introduction of the Wii remote or XBox Kinect is going to prove very shortsighted.
…much like thinking it will change everything with complete disregard for proper application is equally shortsighted. The desktop hasn't died just because there's been a mobile and console revolution — each has its own application.
Richard Ramlrez
#86 - 2013-11-23 03:38:27 UTC

I had that on Sega Master System back in 1988.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#87 - 2013-11-23 08:18:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Ranger 1 wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Oculus Rift is incompatible with my eyes. Cool

Can you guess how much money is going to get from me anyone selling it or any products who rely exclusively on it?

Older systems used to have a fair amount of problems with disorientation and motion sickness, mostly due to processor/graphical lag between what your head was doing and what the world around you appeared to be doing.

You would turn your head to look at something, but the actual view in game had a slight (but noticeable) delay before your point of view in game changed to match your heads motion.

That appears to be largely resolved, with your view in game perfectly synced with the motion of your head/eyes... making for a very natural feeling experience.

I haven't seen much (or any really) press or reviews out there that indicate people are having issues with motion sickness using the latest versions of the tech. Of course that doesn't mean it isn't happening on occasion, it's just that I personally haven't noticed any reviews that would indicate that it is.

Heh, i was literal when talking about my eyes. I need severe custom correction to achieve a poor eyesight (20/200 in American terms with my glasses on) and none of these devices really works with correction glasses (and OR is plain incompatible with ANY correction). Even those with some inbuilt correction like OR can't correct anything beyond a slightly annoying myopia/hiperopia.

Now think of everyone who's using custom (prescription?) correction glasses/contact lenses and you'll notice that there is a serious interfacing challenge, with the added inconvenient that a blurry 3D image right above your cornea is way more eye-stressing than a blurry 2D screen 20 or 30 cms away.

Professional who use focusing devices soon learn to set their eyes to infinite and then focus the device, because anything else becomes stressing and eventually painful. People using slightly out of focus VR devices will soon learn how headaches are a consequence of using them for about an hour, more or less. These devices are not intended for a continuous use, i.e. no serious gaming on OR.

And that's the eyes alone. Enter balance and self-perception and the challenges to wearable VR become massive. "20+ years old and still trying" massive... Cool

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

#88 - 2013-11-23 08:21:23 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

And that's the eyes alone. Enter balance and self-perception and the challenges to wearable VR become massive. "20+ years old and still trying" massive... Cool

But this time it's a Kickstarter so everything is differentCool

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Snagletooth Johnson
Snagle Material Services
#89 - 2013-11-23 10:30:10 UTC
Can I watch p0rn with it? if not, then it's not that terrific.
#90 - 2013-11-23 15:24:23 UTC
Snagletooth Johnson wrote:
Can I watch p0rn with it? if not, then it's not that terrific.
google xxx virtual reality and hit the first result. I probably can't go beyond that.