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Star Citizen won't kill EVE, the Oculus Rift will.

Dalmont Delantee
Gecko Corp
#21 - 2013-11-22 11:08:18 UTC
The only thing that will kill EVE is CCP. No other outside game will.
Eve Cluster Explorations
#22 - 2013-11-22 11:17:50 UTC
>Not having played EVE in 3D already

Plz. The scales and distances involved means that everything but your own ship is at infinity. So depth perception adds a little, but not a lot. You'll probably the same issue in any space game with ships big enough for a real man to fly.

Witty Image - Stream

Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

Funky Shuttle Service
Burn the Boats
#23 - 2013-11-22 11:20:40 UTC
Hey OP , did you play mechwarrior already with it? badass

The police horse is the only animal in the world that haz his male genitals on his back

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#24 - 2013-11-22 11:28:03 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
I've been beating around the bush about this because I have not had personal experience with the product, but this Wednesday I received an Oculus Rift and have been playing it non-stop (in lieu of playing Rubicon).

Suffice to say, the people on Youtube were right. It is amazing and revolutionary. The only problems I find with it are motion sickness and the low resolution. Which copious amounts of alcohol seems to resolve the former and the latter will be resolved by the consumer version which will have 1080p graphics.

The issue is that I believe from my impression is that people will try the Oculus Rift and they will like it. Not only that they will stop playing non-rift games because its that amazing.

I'm not going to go on and on about how great it is. You can watch the youtube reviews if and reactions if you want. I'm not going to come to your house and let you use my rift to prove my point (I don't want your coodies). I just have a feeling that when its released in the high-rez version that people will like it and they will only want to play games using it.

I mean people on the Rift forums have said it has spoilt regular games and even GTA V seems dull in comparison.

CCP has realized this and has put 20 engineers on developing Valkyrie. And that is quite some effort. They understand that this is revolutionary technology we are dealing with and they should capitalize on this as soon as possible. The CEO has been quoted of saying how he believes people will buy the Rift.


I personally feel (and most likely CCP since they are spending a great deal of resources on the project) that Valkyrie will be a success because of the Oculus Rift. People will buy the Rift and then they will play Valkyrie. If I recall correctly didn't they say people were lining out the door to play the Valkyrie demos on the EVE Vegas videos?

But where does that leave EVE? Will people have time enough to play both games? Will people want to play EVE with its non-immersive graphics?

My speculation is that people will stop playing EVE because they want to play Rift only games. Don't get all uppity at this statement. This also includes games like World of Warcraft if they don't support the Rift either.

So with people leaving EVE to play Valkyrie or Star Citizen (which also supports the Rift), the game will only be left with people who refuse to upgrade their computers.

But it doesn't have to be this way... EVE can be retrofitted to support the Oculus Rift. It would take time and effort and they have at least two years before the Rift gets critical mass (well the consumer version will most likely be released Christmas of 2014). They would have to change the camera setup and increase font sizes and make it accessible to the Rift.

And it would be amazing. Stereoscopic planets in full 3d beauty. Weapon effects that pop out and ships that look immersive. I was playing Titans of Space and admiring the planets in the demo and thought to myself how great EVE would be if it had support the Oculus Rift.

Otherwise... I can only see the revolution leaving EVE behind.

We live in interesting times.

Interesting post, I can see where you're coming from but I think there will always be people wanting to play with a flat 2d screen the old fashioned way like me.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#25 - 2013-11-22 11:44:33 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:
Star Citizen will join all the previous EVE killers in the pit.

Star Trek Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, X Rebirth.

Guess who's next on the chopping block?

three of those four were wow clones, guess which.

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Interstellar Clone Transport
#26 - 2013-11-22 11:52:18 UTC
It would help me in pvp that's for sure. I have problems in situating my ship on 3D battle field. Could be tremendous help for FC, with all the changes in EVE fleet positioning is getting more and more important. The only problem I see is many people - especially FCs - use several windows (EVE clients, chat programs etc.) it's probably hard to do with Oculus.
J3ssica Alba
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2013-11-22 11:55:44 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:
Star Citizen will join all the previous EVE killers in the pit.

Star Trek Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, X Rebirth.

Guess who's next on the chopping block?

Not SC, since Elite : Dangerous is coming out before
This is my signature. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.  Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature, I am useless
New Edens Freeports
#28 - 2013-11-22 12:20:41 UTC
I would so buy oculus rift if and only : I could play eve in 3d with it. Meaning that optional UI would suport 3d effects, etc... Watching major fleet battle from distance in 3d, that could be fun...

We are Minmatar, Our ship are made of scraps, but look what our scraps can do...

Rakshasa Taisab
Sane Industries Inc.
#29 - 2013-11-22 12:24:14 UTC
Too bad CCP isn't making a game for the Oculus Rift...


#30 - 2013-11-22 13:11:31 UTC
CREST replays from rift devices = good starting point

Keeps eve relevant in a rift universe

After that, going to be hard multiboxing via this

I think it will just be a challenge to get older players to migrate to it. We [player base] are not all 20 something's

There are good ships,

And wood ships,

And ships that sail the sea

But the best ships are Spaceships

Built by CCP

Tron 3K
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#31 - 2013-11-22 13:23:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Tron 3K
lol Really.. We are talking about a thing that is quite similar to Virtual Reality.. Where did that thing go? (Yes I know this will be in 1080p but big woop) Till that thing you put on your head to make you look stupid reaches a price point of maybe 75-100 dollars you will only see those that like new technology and think they are cool for having it.. (Ex: all the tablet users that have one because it was new and not for any practical use, cause who really has a job that needs you writing down stuff on a tablet? If you are at home the normal(smart) people have a desktop or even those things called laptops that are quite practical)
Ursula Thrace
Dreamland Augmented Consortium
#32 - 2013-11-22 13:25:50 UTC
while the oculus rift looks pretty neat, it feels gimmicky to me. the industry has been collectively trying to shove VR down gamers' throats for several decades now, and i have yet to see a system that would persuade me to fork over a ton of cash - yes, even the rift.

eve valkyrie may appeal to a lot of people, but to me, it looks like a shallow space sim shooter - something i'm not terribly interested in playing. the biggest reason i play eve is for the immense options available to me when i log in. i'm sure valkyrie is fun, but only for a short time. it's a flash in the pan and won't be successful, unless ccp can somehow figure out how to make it more immersive than it is in it's current state.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#33 - 2013-11-22 13:28:07 UTC
Spurty wrote:
CREST replays from rift devices = good starting point
That would be amazing.
It would also be the only really useful thing VR could add to EVE.

Hop to it CCP! (If nothing else than because we need a battle recorder anyway, and if the replay happens to support various oddball outputs then that's just icing on the cake).
Grumpy Poster
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2013-11-22 13:29:30 UTC
Immersion is a strange thing. It used to happen in peoples' heads with a device called imagination. Nowadays you have to hit the kiddies flat in the face with surrogates.
Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#35 - 2013-11-22 13:37:11 UTC
It still causes dizziness and nausea as well as other problems with your eyes. It's a scaled down version of the old VR helmets that had the same problems. It'll catch on though because right now there are attachments for your pecker and virtual women to play with.,25082.html
Xavier Higdon
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#36 - 2013-11-22 13:39:02 UTC
The majority of the OP's post is moot due to the fact that he, like many, many others, gets motion sickness from using the Occulus Rift. Perhaps they'll sign a marketing deal with a drug company and package nausea pills with it? This product is at least the third "new development" that's going to kill standard gaming. First was Farmville and casual games. They turned into pay-to-win games loaded with mictotransactions because they were doomed to fail from the start. Next were those tiny "indy" consoles that were supposed to bring game development back to its roots. They failed because nobody actually wants to return to the days of crappy graphics, crappy gameplay or games that only take an hour to beat. And now we have the Occulus Rift, which makes you nauseous, will have a limited game selection and will cost you as much as a new PC. I'm not very worried.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#37 - 2013-11-22 13:44:19 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
I don't care about having an immersive game experience. I care about having an interactive game experience. That's something that EVE does better than any other game.

And if a game had better interactivity and immersion?

Not going to name any names.

I think the naysayers problem is they just haven't tried it. Its like a drug. Once you try it, you realize how wrong everything was beforehand.

Here again you display that weakness that causes so many to disagree with what you say, in fact, its a weakness that underlies I think most disagreement in general: On a fundamental level, you can't grasp the concept that other people (MOST other people in fact) aren't like you and don't respond the same way you do. So something that you experience and that blows your mind might be "meh" to the guy sitting next to you.

It's also why some of us and sure that Star Citizen will be a hell of a game (at the end of the day, it will probably be larger than EVE in terms of players) yet find little interest in being some fighter jock in a Wing Commander knock off and would rather be the Cybernetic POD dwelling Captain of a STAR ship instead.

I'll ask you the same question I always ask (and never receive an answer from) Dinsdale Piranha. In the future, when neither Rift nor Star Citizen kills or even has a significant negative impact on EVE online, will you be adult enough to come back here and say "you know, i was wrong about that"?

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#38 - 2013-11-22 13:57:01 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:
Star Citizen will join all the previous EVE killers in the pit.

Star Trek Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, X Rebirth.

Guess who's next on the chopping block?

EVE is like a boxer that all of the pundits predict is gonna lose the next fight but who always pulls off a win. Then, that boxer becomes the CHAMP, and those same pundits (who never seem to learn) always predict he will lose to the next challenger, and being wrong time and time and time again has no affect on their opinion.

If I were "EVE Online" I'd be screaming "how many blokes do I have to kill in the ring for you wankers to understand that I'm the best"??. Of course, I'd say "Blokes" and "Wankers" because my servers are in London.

Ashina Sito wrote:
The reasons why your wrong.

1) Rift will cost money, a fair bit of money.

Many people that play computer games have older systems. While they may (or may not) be able to use the Rift many owners have old systems because they don't want or can't afford to upgrade. They will not be able to afford Rift.

2) Eve is spreadsheets in space. There is NO immersion. You can play eve with just the overview and dots x's in space and be fine, a lot of people do. Eve graphics are and always will be secondary to game play.

Unless they can get the price point to < $50 USD Eve will be fine.

The bolded part is THE truth. Tardbar doesn't understand this. The game is "stale" to him and people like him tend to think that it can get "stale" to everyone else. For people like that, it never crosses their mind that they aren't suited to the pass-time rather than something being wrong with the pass-time itself.
Jint Hikaru
OffWorld Exploration Inc
#39 - 2013-11-22 14:42:46 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
The only problems I find with it are motion sickness and the low resolution.

You know, i was just thinking the other day, that the only things I'm missing from my gaming time are Low Resolution and some good old Motion Sickness.

Where do i sign up?

Jint Hikaru - Miner / Salvager / Explorer / SpaceBum In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#40 - 2013-11-22 15:11:33 UTC
Well Video games killed cinema and cinema definitely killed books. So yeah, I guess Oculus will kill video games because we can see historically that the entire population of earth can only possibly enjoy one entertainment medium.

Oh well, onwards and upwards.