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Invitation To 0.0 ( - Destiny - )

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Eternal Frontier
#361 - 2014-02-06 20:05:21 UTC
Batelle wrote:
Also, we're NRDS......

We are not NRDS and we are not NBSI either. we are BSWF (Be Safe While Flying).

BSWF involves getting safe if neuts or unknowns come into our area. We collect intel on them and if they are doing something like using combat scanner probes then they are seen as a threat and we may fleet up and shoot them.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#362 - 2014-02-06 20:07:13 UTC
Batelle wrote:

Its not the idea itself that's bad. Its just that the way Aaron has presented it and the words he's chosen make the idea and himself seem foolish and naive, even if he and the idea are not actually foolish and naive. Generally I try not to follow people that leave me with that impression.

If his pitch was, "hey everybody, I'm going to make an alliance and we're going to live in stain and make a crapton of money and pvp when necessary. I've got someone to cover logistics, I know the area pretty well. Vets, rookies, pvpers, explorers, miners, and industrialists welcome," I probably would have said "sign me up."

You are spot on.


Eternal Frontier
#363 - 2014-02-06 20:19:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron
Batelle wrote:
its not the going to live in stain bit that gets me. This is normal/fine.
its that he wants to do it without using a corp or alliance to organize it, and run it as NRDS, and then go MINING.
He should just throw everyone in an alliance, be typical NBSI, try to negotiate standings normally with other residents or set them red, and then probably pvp/pve as normal. But stop talking about mining in space that can neither be secured or upgraded, and stop talking about making it just like hisec. And good god, don't express surprise that people aren't lining up in ventures to go mine veldspar in stain.

Its not the idea itself that's bad. Its just that the way Aaron has presented it and the words he's chosen make the idea and himself seem foolish and naive, even if he and the idea are not actually foolish and naive. Generally I try not to follow people that leave me with that impression.

If his pitch was, "hey everybody, I'm going to make an alliance and we're going to live in stain and make a crapton of money and pvp when necessary. I've got someone to cover logistics, I know the area pretty well. Vets, rookies, pvpers, explorers, miners, and industrialists welcome," I probably would have said "sign me up."

Instead the pitch was "I have a vision for turning npc stain into a utopian hisec. The belts are untouched, it'll be awesome. Also, we're NRDS so you don't even have to join, just show up. I have no idea why people think this is a bad idea." He then got written off by most of his target audience and then trolled for a dozen pages.

I can see that you are a keen follower of social norms within eve, thou must join a corp in sov, thou must not mine in npc 0.0, thou must practice NBSI.

I want to contribute to breaking these social norms and show people there's a different way. You probably would'nt do well down here because you may never come out of your comfort zone.

There's a giga tonne of minerals out here, I find it very odd that people like you would ignore the ore/minerals that are blatantly infront of your eyes, and you refuse to accept the logic in devising a method to mine these minerals here in Stain.

Open your mind a little bit here buddy, we have the right and the power to see where this leads and to see if we can make a success, I am having lots of fun at the minute reasoning with other blues and trying to make this work.

You're seriously trying to tell me a group of blues can't set up in Stain? Nonsense!

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#364 - 2014-02-06 20:46:51 UTC
Vera Algaert wrote:
Batelle wrote:

Its not the idea itself that's bad. Its just that the way Aaron has presented it and the words he's chosen make the idea and himself seem foolish and naive, even if he and the idea are not actually foolish and naive. Generally I try not to follow people that leave me with that impression.

If his pitch was, "hey everybody, I'm going to make an alliance and we're going to live in stain and make a crapton of money and pvp when necessary. I've got someone to cover logistics, I know the area pretty well. Vets, rookies, pvpers, explorers, miners, and industrialists welcome," I probably would have said "sign me up."

You are spot on.

Why cannot people get this:

Aaron wrote:
We are not NRDS and we are not NBSI either. we are BSWF (Be Safe While Flying).

BSWF involves getting safe if neuts or unknowns come into our area. We collect intel on them and if they are doing something like using combat scanner probes then they are seen as a threat and we may fleet up and shoot them.

Lets try to kill this, how many people really read the forums, so far we have developed more people though talking in space with people than we have got so far from this thread. So why would we shoot people who may want to chill out with us. Of course as we get more people the natural progression would to be tighten up on this, but at this moment no. As soon as a neutral comes in we get safe and assess the risk, if they put combat probes up then we know that person is a threat, if someone comes in an interceptor and hangs around he is a threay. It is not difficult to work it out, CVA do it their way, all the blobs and slaves do it another way, we do it our way, go for it Frankie baby, I did it myyyyy waaaaaayyyyyyyy!

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Federal Navy Academy
#365 - 2014-02-06 20:53:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Batelle
"be safe while flying" doesn't mean anything because it applies equally to everyone in nearly every situation. BSWF sounds more like a semantic belly-flop to bolster your uniqueness rather than an actual policy. I understand you want to establish that you're not a kill-everything-that-moves group, without the stigma of gullibility and incompetence surrounding NRDS groups (and for many NRDS groups, it is in fact just a stigma). Maybe try out "relaxed-NBSI," or NBSIIYWT (Not blue shoot it if you want to).

A serious suggestion, how about NBWI ? Not-Blue-Watch-It. That at least gives some direction to the acronym.


There's a giga tonne of minerals out here, I find it very odd that people like you would ignore the ore/minerals that are blatantly infront of your eyes, and you refuse to accept the logic in devising a method to mine these minerals here in Stain.

The value in mining isn't in finding minerals, because there's literally a giga tonne of minerals everywhere. The value is in the effort of actually mining and moving the damn stuff, not in having it all over your neighborhood. The ore itself is not a reason to come to Stain. The reason to come is everything else you've talked about. Setting up a community, setting up a market, making isk, having fun. The fact that mining is a possible option is a good thing, but don't try to play it like an advantage or inticement. The disadvantages of mining in stain are numerous and non-trivial. People won't take you seriously if you downplay them.

You're seriously trying to tell me a group of blues can't set up in Stain? Nonsense!

I never said that. By those criteria Hub Zero is not at all unique. I've been part of such a community and it was a blast. The fact that they're blues means you are in fact using the corp/alliance structure.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Eternal Frontier
#366 - 2014-02-06 22:22:45 UTC
Batelle wrote:

The value in mining isn't in finding minerals, because there's literally a giga tonne of minerals everywhere. The value is in the effort of actually mining and moving the damn stuff, not in having it all over your neighborhood. The ore itself is not a reason to come to Stain. The reason to come is everything else you've talked about. Setting up a community, setting up a market, making isk, having fun. The fact that mining is a possible option is a good thing, but don't try to play it like an advantage or inticement. The disadvantages of mining in stain are numerous and non-trivial. People won't take you seriously if you downplay them.

I strongly disagree. We are building something here that will need defending. The value of sourcing the minerals in Stain is that we can put ourselves in a position to build 20 Hyperions that could be used to defend Hub Zero. So any miner comming to help us with this will benefit, maybe not in isk terms but in terms of he is helping to carve out a section of space where he could one day mine in a Hulk and be very well defended and then sell the minerals to one of the corps down here at top prices. The said miner would need to look at this in terms of long term benefit rather than the immediate full isk payment for his mining that you can find in hi sec.

You should note that this venture is all about building an economy where miners in any shape or form will be an integral part of this.

I will play this as I see it. I feel it is an advantage to have massive rocks in belts where no one has devised a way of benefiting from them and it is an advantage that I will try hard to fully exploit.


Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#367 - 2014-02-06 22:48:51 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
I've refrained from trolling this thread because despite the dam weird way you phrase just about everything, you're actually trying to DO something which is a right fair bit better then 99% of the carebears and miners that come to these forums to cry and moan.

That being said, I gotta ask:

Why mining? Stain has the arguably best level 4 missions in all of npc 0.0 . There's legit decent isk to be had. With the isk/lp you make, you could far more readily (and safely) mission run, and then import any ships/minerals you need from highsec with the logistics support you claim to have. You'll get your "hub" operational far faster and more effectively.

Why go for 30mil isk/hr mining when you can go for 150mil isk/hr mission running? As an additional perk, getting standings up for True Power and True Creations is ridiculously fast. If you can't find a quiet level 4 mission hub, you could almost certainly find a level 3 hub and blitz those using this method for 80-120 mil isk/hr.

Source: having lived in stain extensively in the distant past.
Chumbley Ticklers
#368 - 2014-02-06 22:56:11 UTC
I can only speak for myself, but as i came down last time i thought i'd say something.

For me it's not about the destination so much as the journey. It's a good mission; Aaron and Dracvlad have proven to me over the years they are good, trustworthy people. It may not work out quite the way people envision, but i am sure whatever happens it will be interesting, a bit of a buzz and i'll continue to meet sound people.

That and making a bit of isk is all i really want from the game.
Ines Tegator
Serious Business Inc. Ltd. LLC. etc.
#369 - 2014-02-06 23:01:05 UTC
Batelle wrote:
"be safe while flying" doesn't mean anything because it applies equally to everyone in nearly every situation.

That's kind of the entire point.
Eternal Frontier
#370 - 2014-02-07 00:06:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron
PotatoOverdose wrote:
I've refrained from trolling this thread because despite the dam weird way you phrase just about everything, you're actually trying to DO something which is a right fair bit better then 99% of the carebears and miners that come to these forums to cry and moan.

That being said, I gotta ask:

Why mining? Stain has the arguably best level 4 missions in all of npc 0.0 . There's legit decent isk to be had. With the isk/lp you make, you could far more readily (and safely) mission run, and then import any ships/minerals you need from highsec with the logistics support you claim to have. You'll get your "hub" operational far faster and more effectively.

Why go for 30mil isk/hr mining when you can go for 150mil isk/hr mission running? As an additional perk, getting standings up for True Power and True Creations is ridiculously fast. If you can't find a quiet level 4 mission hub, you could almost certainly find a level 3 hub and blitz those using this method for 80-120 mil isk/hr.

Source: having lived in stain extensively in the distant past.

Hey Potato,

The Hub is still in it's infancy and we have to treat it as such, It is still a newborn baby that needs lots of care and attention. While importing minerals may consume less labour time you also have to consider the risk which is the 6 billion required for a jump freighter, It is risky to jump though Stain, the less we do it the better off we will be. Also all of the jump points in Stain are camped and you have to be very skilled and patient to get through. So in my opinion jumping all of the minerals from jita may even be more time consuming and risky than a group ratting in ventures.

It would be nice to know that we have versatile people here, if we could get ten guys to do regular mining ops where the minerals are used to build one of us a battleship that would be great. I hope you can see here that the prize may not be isk/hr, the prize is satisfaction and a buzz that you are doing something out of the norm and helping to build something that will help the little guy.

Making something like this a success is about sacrifice, with the sacrifice being giving up your optimal isk/hr for a short period of time in order to contribute to something very cool.

Try to see that this game may not be about isk/hr, it could be about making a mark in the universe. I guess it depends on your perspective.

I talk like this because my goal is building the Hub, it is most other folks goal to make as much isk/hr as possible. While both goals are valid and because of my goals I will be working on things like trying to get as many hub members as possible to donate an hour of their time every now and again which earns me 0 isk/hr but it could earn the Hub lots of minerals or isk per hour. I could quite easily head up to hi-sec and join an incursion fleet but i find donating most of my time to Hub Zero more exciting.

Fear no one, live life, be free, accept the truth, do not judge others, defend yourself, fight hard till the end, meditate on problems and be prosperous. Things to exist by. -- RAIN Arthie

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#371 - 2014-02-07 08:52:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
For my part mining is only really going to be to make up shortfalls in specific minerals, the main way of course will be gun mining and hauler spawns and of course supplemented by logistical activities. The funny thing about mining is that no one expects you to do it, which is the point, but I agree with the people who say that mining in Stain is sub-optimal, it is and I agree that it is not a reason to come to Stain. I gave back the JF when I decided to leave the game, however now that I decided to stay I feel a bit off asking the player concerned to borrow one again, and in any case I was just not comfortable jumping a JF belonging to another person into a certain part of Stain.

And this gets to the missions, next door to our base system is a level 4 mission hub and I know that some of the people joining us will do level 4 missions, for my own part I have standings issues to think about, however one of my toons will go down the route of doing them, I therefore will need to sort out a mission ship. Potato said a quiet mission hub, that really does not exist in Stain in the Russian TZ in any case, but US players and late night Europeans can do them quite safely. This makes you of course a more important target, which is why I have not really looked at it in detail, still doing that operate beneath the radar stuff. However acceleration gates are something that helps in protecting your mission ship and when we have more people of course we can be more secure, I have no issue being eyes and protecting people running them.

I noticed that in Providence people sometimes kept operating when a neut was in local, we don't do that, yes we do use orange, red, blue and light blue standings, but we do not actively hunt neutrals acting in a non-threatening way. I like the relaxed NBSI comment that Batelle said, I think that it really says it, in terms of if the neutral is not threatening then we will leave them alone, however the mode of operation is be safe while flying, which is to minimize risk, the fact is that there are various other things that you can do if you get one of the BLOP's fools AFK cloakies in the system you wish to operate, just go and do something else, leave them to sit there festering alone.

Anyway, its the act of doing things together with chilled out people which is more fun, and people contribute as they feel fit.

EDIT: People also seem to be locked into this Isk/per hour thing, the thing is that makes people very vulnerable, when they made the changes with drone damage modules, I noticed people switching to drone carriers, however while they have great DPS, they so much easier to catch and a poor tank, so your ISK/per hour should also take into account the greater risk of losing your ship and of course the replacement cost, I noted quite a lot of people who ratted like crazy, to replace lost ratting ships, I used Fighters and was aligned and never lost a carrier, my ISK/per hour was less but I did not need to repalce a carrier every week. And this is what we mean by being chill, we don't pay rent to fund other peoples ships, we are not fixated on ISK/hour, we make ISK for ourselves and we control the risk. My philosophy is simply to be difficult to kill above anything else!

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#372 - 2014-02-07 09:46:47 UTC
Vera Algaert wrote:
Batelle wrote:

Its not the idea itself that's bad. Its just that the way Aaron has presented it and the words he's chosen make the idea and himself seem foolish and naive, even if he and the idea are not actually foolish and naive. Generally I try not to follow people that leave me with that impression.

If his pitch was, "hey everybody, I'm going to make an alliance and we're going to live in stain and make a crapton of money and pvp when necessary. I've got someone to cover logistics, I know the area pretty well. Vets, rookies, pvpers, explorers, miners, and industrialists welcome," I probably would have said "sign me up."

You are spot on.

How did you get that from the OP. When I read it it specifically stated that it would be a community irrespective of alliance etc. That seems to me to be the opposite of making another alliance and playing the EVE version of Alterac Valley, which is what has been going on in Null since 2003.

Same stuff, over and over and over, without any different format. Sit at gate, if not blue (just like Alliance in WoW) shoot and kill regardless of whether its a combat ship, exploration ship or industrial.

Seems completely different.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

#373 - 2014-02-07 11:28:17 UTC
Batelle wrote:
its not the going to live in stain bit that gets me. This is normal/fine.
its that he wants to do it without using a corp or alliance to organize it, and run it as NRDS, and then go MINING.
He should just throw everyone in an alliance, be typical NBSI, try to negotiate standings normally with other residents or set them red, and then probably pvp/pve as normal. But stop talking about mining in space that can neither be secured or upgraded, and stop talking about making it just like hisec. And good god, don't express surprise that people aren't lining up in ventures to go mine veldspar in stain.

Its not the idea itself that's bad. Its just that the way Aaron has presented it and the words he's chosen make the idea and himself seem foolish and naive, even if he and the idea are not actually foolish and naive. Generally I try not to follow people that leave me with that impression.

If his pitch was, "hey everybody, I'm going to make an alliance and we're going to live in stain and make a crapton of money and pvp when necessary. I've got someone to cover logistics, I know the area pretty well. Vets, rookies, pvpers, explorers, miners, and industrialists welcome," I probably would have said "sign me up."

Instead the pitch was "I have a vision for turning npc stain into a utopian hisec. The belts are untouched, it'll be awesome. Also, we're NRDS so you don't even have to join, just show up. I have no idea why people think this is a bad idea." He then got written off by most of his target audience and then trolled for a dozen pages.

This is in line with what i said earlier on so i agree fully .

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#374 - 2014-02-07 12:01:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Vera Algaert
Infinity Ziona wrote:

Same stuff, over and over and over, without any different format. Sit at gate, if not blue (just like Alliance in WoW) shoot and kill regardless of whether its a combat ship, exploration ship or industrial.

Seems completely different.

The previous attempts at this Hub Zero concept did not fail because of random acts of Gods, they failed because they were systematically flawed.

The biggest flaw was the location and Aaron holding a de facto monopoly on logistics to and from high-sec.

The second biggest flaw was the heterogeneous and unformalized structure of Hub Zero which prevented other from being able to perform any diplomacy with the Hub Zero group and which gave Aaron ample room to do what he does best (alienate those who were sympathetic to his goals, read through Dracvlad's "you were kicked out because Aaron had a bad feeling about you" and "you just failed the test" posts and consider that Dracvlad already filters out most of of Aaron's insanity).

The third biggest flaw was the idea to run local production and the refusal to sell to hostiles which resulted in a near complete unavailability of T2 modules, having to beg Aaron every time you needed something as simple as a cruiser hull built, overpriced market prices which were manually refunded after purchase, ...

A newly introduced flaw is the entirety of the "stay below the radar" concept.

If you want this incarnation of Hub Zero to succeed where the previous ones failed then you have to fix the flaws, not to repeat them.

But it's quite telling that both Aaron and Dracvlad, after so many years of living in Stain, still pretend that the primary and most reliable source of income in the region (i.e. missions) does not exist and instead recommend belt-ratting in cloaky assault frigates.
Trust me, this has nothing to do with standings being hard to grind or mission running being particularly unsafe (get yourself a nullified T3 and you're good to go, a tier3 bc will do if you stay in the same system).
The problem with missions is that earning >100m/h does not fit Aaron's narrative at all - because said narrative revolves around perseverance in the face of adversity, not around actual success.


Vera Algaert
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#375 - 2014-02-07 12:29:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Vera Algaert
Vera Algaert wrote:

The problem with missions is that earning >100m/h does not fit Aaron's narrative at all - because said narrative revolves around perseverance in the face of adversity, not around actual success.

Just to reemphasize this point:

When this thread started to take off I borrowed Dracvlad a Rhea saying "Use this to get Hub Zero off the ground, return it whenever you like".

He returned it after a few weeks having used it only a single time.

When I read his post about how hard the lack of a Rorqual or jumpfreighter make logistics I was at first somewhat dumbfounded. Why would someone return the jf he has been borrowed for an indefinite amount of time only to complain about the lack of a jf right after?

But you know, having a jf would make things easy. The Hub Zero group could just import whatever they need, one of the big challenges the hub faces would be resolved. It would without doubt be a great step forward towards making Hub Zero a success - but the point of Hub Zero is to be this nearly insurmountable challenge with Aaron and Dracvlad managing to persevere against all odds, not to be a success.


Federal Navy Academy
#376 - 2014-02-07 12:37:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Batelle
Aaron wrote:

I strongly disagree. We are building something here that will need defending. The value of sourcing the minerals in Stain is that we can put ourselves in a position to build 20 Hyperions that could be used to defend Hub Zero. So any miner comming to help us with this will benefit.

7 hyperions fit in a jump freighter. Many more can slip through a wormhole chain in relative safety (especially if you're working as a proper group). There's also mission and ratting loot to source minerals from. which again are made more effective by working in a group. A battleship fleet is a good thing to have in reserve, but its not what you'll be using the most of. Your go-to pvp ships will be battlecruisers or below, hulls that can be jumped in by the truckload. You have a romantic attachment to mining it what can very reasonably be called the worst place in Eve to mine. The 30m/hour vs 150m/hour argument is a valid one, and the later number is very achievable. Players that can't do such missions can do whatever, but putting them to work as scouts, salvagers, and dps/logi assists would further both the income goal and the teamwork goal. Even Drac just above says gun mining is where its at.

I will play this as I see it. I feel it is an advantage to have massive rocks in belts where no one has devised a way of benefiting from them and it is an advantage that I will try hard to fully exploit.

Then perhaps your personality, your ego, and your credibility are probably a bigger hindrance to the project than the perceived unwillingness of others to break the mold and leave their comfort zone.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Federal Navy Academy
#377 - 2014-02-07 12:58:18 UTC
Aaron wrote:

Making something like this a success is about sacrifice, with the sacrifice being giving up your optimal isk/hr for a short period of time in order to contribute to something very cool.

Try to see that this game may not be about isk/hr, it could be about making a mark in the universe. I guess it depends on your perspective.

Talk about your adversity narrative... Is making a successful npc-sec community not good enough? you have to do it while being poor and without logistics?

Ines Tegator wrote:
Batelle wrote:
"be safe while flying" doesn't mean anything because it applies equally to everyone in nearly every situation.

That's kind of the entire point.

Which makes it meaningless. You can't compare it to NBSI or NRDS. NBWI is what you guys should go with. But that idea is probably too good and came from an outsider, so it has only a snowball's chance in hell of being adopted over Aaron's established terminology. Substantively, it should be the call of the pilots or ranking online FC to decide who gets shot and who doesn't.

Infinity Ziona wrote:

How did you get that from the OP. When I read it it specifically stated that it would be a community irrespective of alliance etc. That seems to me to be the opposite of making another alliance and playing the EVE version of Alterac Valley, which is what has been going on in Null since 2003.

Its a matter of using the right tools for the job. I never said they had to be under a single alliance. If you want to be different you can camp gates and let haulers through. Using a standings list and a set other hub zero corps/alliesto +10/+5 is just common sense. You don't need to abolish all forms of structure to achieve what they're trying to achieve, unless you care more about how it looks than your own success.

Also, Vera's account is pretty damning.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#378 - 2014-02-07 13:21:49 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:
People also seem to be locked into this Isk/per hour thing...

Exactly, it's crap. I only care about one thing in my game time. Am I having fun? That's all I care about...
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#379 - 2014-02-07 13:27:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Where to begin, lets talk about the Rhea first, that was a wonderful thing that our friend did, however, I really had issues jumping that into Stain, the issue being that it was just not secure enough for me, so I did not feel comfortable using and losing someone else's JF. At this point I have decided to sell a load of assets in hisec to buy one for myself, however what makes the difference is now I have the carrier support that I wanted when jumping in. Aaron asked me to go back to the person who kindly donated his Rhea and ask if he was willing to lend us it again, but I feel bad mucking him around, so refused. In any case, at this point I can support the exploration market easily with a carrier and will expend when I have the JF. Do you think I should go back and ask him if he is willing to lend me it again?

In terms of missions, I have not discounted them at all, some people will come along and will do them, you seem to have ignored my post where I pointed out that they were BLOP magnets and that they tended to get interest from certain people. The belt ratting is purely the below the radar thing, the emphasis is that people tend to go after shinier stuff, so is that really so difficult to understand? My own reasons for not doing Sansha missions is more to do with full freedom of movement in hisec for my toons. I do sites, I do belts ratting I do anomalies, and I will help people do missions as needed, that Aaron or myself don't do Sansha missions is not important to any of this.

In terms of BrutalButUnfair, I have a real reason not to want him around, he made multiple attack posts on Aaron in the past and started here again. Neither Aaron or myself can be bothered to have these type of drama merchants around us, so we told him to get on his bike, simple as. To say that Aaron is insane because he lost a number of ships when helping this person is an odd thing to say.

As for the alliance side of things, I have the intention of creating and holding a dedicated alliance for Hub Zero, I was going to do it sooner rather than later but the decision to buy the JF has stopped me, another thing was that the alliance leader of Pirate Nation was going to hand over the alliance to me, but I think he has had second thoughts, no issue on my part, I appreciate the initial offer greatly and could understand why he has now decided not to. And the alliance is really just a vehicle to make it easier, people do not have to join it.

Anyway the main people we are getting are experienced people who want to do their own thing, seems to be developing nicely.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#380 - 2014-02-07 13:37:06 UTC
BrundleMeth wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:
People also seem to be locked into this Isk/per hour thing...

Exactly, it's crap. I only care about one thing in my game time. Am I having fun? That's all I care about...

It also locks them into being easy targets which benefits Gank bears, ii people across Eve had our approach there would be a lot of frustrated gankbears running around crying over a lack of kills, and making even more remove local threads...

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp