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EVE Online: Rubicon - Issues

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CCP Atropos
C C P Alliance
#61 - 2013-11-19 13:59:33 UTC
I've just deployed an updated EVE Launcher version with a fixed settings dialog. Version 2.1.655130.
Florian Kuehne
Tech3 Company
#62 - 2013-11-19 14:00:05 UTC
and another launcher update, patch still stucks...
Katabrok First
Apukaray Security
#63 - 2013-11-19 14:07:00 UTC
No trace of the Phanca arm on my redeemable items or a new voucher on my account.
Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#64 - 2013-11-19 14:07:38 UTC
Salpun wrote:
Johan Civire wrote:
I like to add . The certificates are great but you guys removed the sharing system is that a bug or a new thing because i can not select any one off them to share to my fellow eve players.

(show info) normal there is a tab that calls "Decorations" Medals and certificates. The medals are still there but certificates tab is gone? Have i miss something?

Sharing was removed. Might not be in the patch notes but was covered in the dev blogs.

aha ic thats what i miss thanks
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2013-11-19 14:08:34 UTC
My launcher worked first time, not sure if it saved settings yet. Win7 64 system

My main issue is things like the redeem feature on the new character selection page and the new ISIS system.

I run 2x monitors - yet often important info and warning boxes are in the middle spanned across the edges half hidden and i cant adjust where they appear - drag them to read accept or whatever - next one same place across the edges of both monitors.
Private convo's invites are a similar classic example split onto 2 monitors.

The char selection is sweet - centre of my main monitor - but the redeem is split across the two dead centre.

The problem with ISIS is similar - you adjust for my monitor display width - yet i cant drag it somewhere more readable - usualy offset onto one or the other. This is most obvious with say the new SoE ships displayed - very small amount of info dead centre of my two monitors yet i cant drag them to somewhere more convenient to actually read it.
With a full faction displayed - say Amarr - i cant drag it far enough - i must close all open windows chats markets whatever to see the far ends of the ISIS display.

Please allow for more movement here and remember where we put all our windows.

Otherwise - congrats on Rubicon deployment.
Republic Guard
Brave Collective
#66 - 2013-11-19 14:11:20 UTC
did the update, had to use a workaround to get it done. that part worked, eventually anyway.

trying to launch the game, it says launching but the game never starts. it goes pack to the 'play' button like it all worked as usual..

is this some DirectX issue? ive got x11 so what else can i do?

how can anyone call this a succesfull deployment?

ive seen other people post the same issues but i havent found an answer anywhere, seems to me this is a major issue.

any help CCP?

Kahawa Oban
New Groton Industrial Works
#67 - 2013-11-19 14:13:06 UTC
The launcher fixed worked great, Thanks! Big smile

I had tried to run the eve repair tool (before the fix was posted) this did not work. It created another file in the appdata directory that I had to delete. When I did all was good.

Checking out the ISIS tab. Liking alot, good job.
Blue Harrier
#68 - 2013-11-19 14:16:17 UTC
If you open the market and select any blueprint then click the small ā€˜Iā€™ for information, all the items on the [Attributes] tab have small eggtimer symbols at the far left of each line. Seems odd to me?

"You wait - time passes, Thorin sits down and starts singing about gold." from The Hobbit on ZX Spectrum 1982.

CCP Habakuk
C C P Alliance
#69 - 2013-11-19 14:16:54 UTC
Intarabis wrote:
did the update, had to use a workaround to get it done. that part worked, eventually anyway.

trying to launch the game, it says launching but the game never starts. it goes pack to the 'play' button like it all worked as usual..

is this some DirectX issue? ive got x11 so what else can i do?

how can anyone call this a succesfull deployment?

ive seen other people post the same issues but i havent found an answer anywhere, seems to me this is a major issue.

any help CCP?

Could you please follow the instructions at to get a log from this problem. Then please send a bugreport through Include my name in the bugreport, then i'll have a look at it.

CCP Habakuk | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five 0 | (Team Gridlock)

Bug reporting | Mass Testing

Republic Guard
Brave Collective
#70 - 2013-11-19 14:25:20 UTC
thank you
will look into that
but i just figured out i was able to launch the game when i play with only one monitor. having a second monitor linked somehow cripples the launcher. addding a second monitor after launch doenst seem to make it crash however, its related to the launching with more than one monitor active. could be just my problem.

gonna try some stuff to get the second monitor also in play, if it wont work i will definitely send a report.

Commerce Trade Federation Corporation
#71 - 2013-11-19 14:33:52 UTC
The 'updater' fix mentioned by the OP worked for me.

However, I did have to restart the launcher a couple of times for the changes to take effect.

Note that a large download follows--- 1.2 g (meaning your 'play button' will be grayed out until the new patch is downloaded).


Open University of Celestial Hardship
Art of War Alliance
#72 - 2013-11-19 14:34:11 UTC
Theodarum wrote:
EDIT If you do not have the "updater.exe" please go to this site and download it, continue with step 4 of the workaround to fix this issue.

This worked.Thanks.
Bub Shepard
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#73 - 2013-11-19 14:35:28 UTC
I run EVE on a Mac with OS X 10.7.5 and every time I enter the game I get a black background and the game freezes. I understand this probably has to do with the fact that my system doesn't support Direct X 11 but it isn't automatically switching to Direct X 9 as I thought it was supposed to and there is no option of manually switching to Direct X 9 in the launcher.

I had the same issue on Singularity leading up to the patch.

Any advice on how to fix this?
#74 - 2013-11-19 14:36:37 UTC
have any ice belts been removed?

i was mining in a system with 2 ice belts, both were active at dt, both pretty full of ice. come back after dt and only 1 is active
Ras Algethi
Rasnimisk Industries
#75 - 2013-11-19 14:44:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Ras Algethi
Seeing lots of "missing" icons in the market / info panels for various items; most noticeable is in the ships category. One example is the Ibis: there's an icon in the market for this, click on the "info" for it and the icon doesn't appear on the info panel.

The Nighthawk is also still showing up as a Ferox hull in the icons, but does shpw correctly as the Drake hull in the ship (pre-) viewer.

When on the market and in a category that has "missing" icons, the whole screen gets a forced refresh for each time it cannot locate an icon - not too bad if you're looking at something like the Logistics class of ships, but when looking at the Faction Battleships / Navy Faction group, having it refresh 6 times makes your eyes go funny Ugh (the 6 BS are Apoc, Domi, Mega, Scorp, Tempest, and Phoon)

Also, when viewing a category with a large number of entries (e.g. faction frequency crystals, any size), when swapping from one category to another, the "detail" pane remembers its last scroll position. If it's left at the top, the next category opens at the top entry; if at the bottom, it opens the next category at the bottom, rather than at the top - not sure if this is intended or not, but can be confusing if you've swapped category and can't find the first item where you think it ought to be

Before you ask: I've cleared the cache already and removed the bulkdata folder to allow the client to refresh everything from scratch
Seraff Rinah
Iron Taxhole
#76 - 2013-11-19 14:49:04 UTC
One should think that after 10 years CCP would have their patch deployment in order
CCP Antiquarian
C C P Alliance
#77 - 2013-11-19 14:49:20 UTC
Ras Algethi wrote:
Before you ask: I've cleared the cache already and removed the bulkdata folder to allow the client to refresh everything from scratch

Too quick!

Thank you for bringing this up.

We've heard similar stories in game and we're looking into the issue now.

"Singularity pilots are helpful pilots."

@CCP_Antiquarian - for immediate fulfillment of your archaic social media needs.

Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#78 - 2013-11-19 14:49:22 UTC
Lady Scuderia wrote:
Boneman Soikutsu wrote:

I don't have anything called "updater.exe" in the launcher cache directory :(

Neither do I :(

His steps have been edited with a link to help you out
Witchking Angmar
#79 - 2013-11-19 14:52:55 UTC
Camera zoom is reset on using the "Look at" function.

It is also reset when ALT is held down and clicking anywhere in space, even when ALT is not bound to "Look at". Here is a video i made before Rubicon to demonstrate the difference.
endi32 adrian
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#80 - 2013-11-19 14:55:37 UTC
hello ,

when i press show info on ship or any object i cannot see the picture of that object in info tab . also when i target npc s at the combat site in the target selection circle picture of target is not shown , only black space is there .
and now i see that when i zoom out camera from ship in space it looks very bad , no texture only flat surfaces are shown .
anyone else has these problems ?