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EVE Online: Rubicon - Issues

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Adara Starkiss
Argentum Holdings
#641 - 2013-12-03 17:29:17 UTC
Eve Online Launcher is stuck at 100% trying to apply patch... 662888. Everytime I try to run it again it stops at the same place. I remember somewhere sombody suggested running repair, but return an even worse error.

Ubuntu Mate 16.04.2 64bit // Amd A8-5600K with RX460 4GB // 6GB DDR3 // Sandisk 120GB SSD Plus // Wine Stable 2.01 // Native Linux Launcher // TS3 working // Happy to be back in Ubuntu :)

Rolled Out
#642 - 2013-12-03 21:23:52 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
Braxus Deninard wrote:
CCP Snorlax wrote:
Justin Parmala wrote:
Alt tabbing is awkward and takes a very long time now. Before it was very snappy and quick.

We're investigating this issue. Are you on an AMD graphics card by any chance?

Also having the alt-tabbing issue taking quite a long time. I'm on a Nvidia card, DX11 client.

We believe we have improved the alt-tabbing performance - the fix should make it to you on Thursday.

Rubicon Patches:
1.0.x - Experiencing random client freezes/crashing while alt-tabbing in DX11 (AMD gfx). Switched back to DX9
Patch 1.0.5 - Thank you for tweaking the wh sounds. Also for the work on the Alt-Tabbing performance you mentioned here.
This was going well

Patch 1.0.6 - The alt-tabbing issue in DX11 has returned. :( Back to DX9 I go.

I'm right behind you

Jonat Kion
#643 - 2013-12-04 01:00:00 UTC
mama guru wrote:
Snaggletooth Slackjaw wrote:
Windows wigged out with "low memory" after about 6 hours of Eve.

Windows Vista 2Gb RAM.

Not running any unuusal extra programs, (just Contribtastic and TS as usual) and never had this before, despite often playing Eve for more then 6 hour sessions so I suspect (just suspect) that there may be a memory leak somewhere.

Same issue.


Win 7 64 bit.


Only getting this when docked, and seems extremely breif because memory use is only at 44% with the usual programs running.

Have you fixed this? Have a similar issue on my windows PC install version - yet works fine on my less powerful win 8 laptop???
KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#644 - 2013-12-04 13:00:39 UTC
Client crash instance and Black Screen On Undocking (BSOU) instance yesterday, post patch. What did you do CCP?

Scaredwolf1 SemperFi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#645 - 2013-12-04 18:01:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Scaredwolf1 SemperFi
Ok this is makeing me mad, i have reinstalled the game and it keeps going the same thing it will stop at 2/4 creating eve_online_663778_win.patch 0.0% then i get the error Server not found says The server you are connecting to could not be reached.
Please check you internet settings and restart the EVE Launcher.
The url that could not be reached was: and then it says on the launcher its self client update was unsuccessful.
Now i have tried all these work arounds and still nothing works someone please help me!.

Also im running windows 8 i dont know if that matters but ya..
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#646 - 2013-12-05 00:14:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyrcon
game has frozen my computer 4 times since the patch today 12/4/2013 each time has needed a hard reboot of my computer

each freeze has happened anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes of gameplay

very annoying =[

windows 7, i5 processor, 8gb ddr3 mem

worked fine last night
Oraac Ensor
#647 - 2013-12-05 02:35:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Oraac Ensor
Since the last patch I am unable to play for more than 5 minutes without a 'Socket Closed' occurrence.

Please fix asap so I can play properly again.
Oraac Ensor
#648 - 2013-12-05 02:57:27 UTC
Also, when I first undock, the camera is zoomed in so close that only a small part of my ship is visible, filling the screen.

This is ridiculous - I am quite convinced that absolutely nobody ever needs or wants to be zoomed in that close.
KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#649 - 2013-12-05 04:07:13 UTC
Ship hanger and Item Hanger no longer stay open after undock/redock. You broke a simple feature... well done.
Quay Industries
#650 - 2013-12-05 14:53:44 UTC
Only just noticed this but when dragging mods from fitting screen to the hangar and vice versa, the ship now spins. Cant say Ive noticed this before so unsure if its new or whether ive subconsciously ignored it, judging by the way its bugging me, id say its new. Also happens when changing ships by dragging them from hangar to ship bay.
#651 - 2013-12-05 19:04:50 UTC
Radial menu is less responsive now.
And from time to time when you click the mouse button it appears and quickly disappears. I use additional mouse button for it, 0 delay.

OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

Covert cyno in highsec:

#652 - 2013-12-05 20:11:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Rammix
A short but straight hate post.

1. Minimal timer for ghost sites is too short.
2. Ghost sites are too rare. It's especially sensible in Anoikis.
3. Locked target icons are too big, if you decrease them in settings the font of menus become too small (for 1920x1080 resolution).
4. Scan probes when you launch them appear in the centre of the map while they must appear where the ship is. People have told you about this, countless times.
5. Camera still sometimes reset the zoom when you jump to another system.
6. New SOE bs is crap.
7. Recloaking delay of 30 sec for a frigate (astero) is stupid, nerf it some other way.
8. The idea of ships able to do "everything" but "nothing good" - is stupid. Especially for their price (say hi to the soe bs).
9. Interface as a whole became more laggy with Odyssey and Rubicon.
10. Warp deceleration time is awful for everything bigger than cruiser.
11. Open The Door.
12. Hacking minigame is stupid and its window is too big.
13. Scanner still can't remember the last used player-made probe formation.
14. We still can't comfortably export custom hangar filters.
15. Overview window still can't be aligned to the left (don't tell me it's difficult, it can't be).
16. We still can't make several custom presets for "orbit" and "keep at range" distances.
17. No custom presets for camera zoom. While different shiptypes need different zoom levels.
18. Wormholes have broken animation and generate activation sound randomly.
19. Pos management should've been rewritten from scratch long time ago (and you spend precious time on crappy soe bs).
20. Every time a ship comes to instajump range to a gate it still approaches it for some reason, it's stupid, where is the beloved instajump.
21. ...
I think collectively this list can be extended up to 100 lines, some more obvious but forgotten by me, some less obvious.

21. Each time you jump through a wormhole this "EVE System > Subspace communication beacon unreachable. Channel list unavailable." text adds to your local, cluttering in it. So after 5+ jumps your local is full of this text repeated 5+ times.
22. ...

OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

Covert cyno in highsec:

Pullman Knox
THORN Syndicate
Northern Coalition.
#653 - 2013-12-05 20:53:51 UTC
Eve launcher has failed to connect on my main PC since the last patch.

Currently unable to patch so can't play the game.

Please fix.
The Mynx
Ebolaids Anonymous
#654 - 2013-12-05 22:36:01 UTC
Ione Kavanagh wrote:

I have a problem with the ingame frame rate. It keeps oscillating between 30 and 45 FPS instead of sticking at 60.
I have two 1920*1080 screens, a 570GTX, and I use dx11.

But I don't think it comes from the hardware because, when I switch from interval one to interval immediate, framerate goes up to 400FPS.

Do you have a solution to this?

Ps : Is it the correct place to post it?

I had this same issue as well, and found a fix using external software to limit FPS rather than using in-game VSync (interval one)

Thread here:
Spugg Galdon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#655 - 2013-12-05 23:38:41 UTC
Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this but I'm getting a lot of lag with the unified Inventory.

Could just be the fact Metropolis has suddenly became ultra popular or it might be an issue causing lag for people.
#656 - 2013-12-06 00:12:57 UTC
Alt+click resets camera, while there is NO such hotkey. It disrupts normal d-scan usage.

OpenSUSE Leap 42.1, wine >1.9

Covert cyno in highsec:

Quay Industries
#657 - 2013-12-06 15:28:06 UTC
Spugg Galdon wrote:
Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this but I'm getting a lot of lag with the unified Inventory.

Could just be the fact Metropolis has suddenly became ultra popular or it might be an issue causing lag for people.

No its not just you, Rubicon has reintroduced lag when sorting, viewing cans with lots in, etc etc. Its nowhere near as bad as it was when they first introduced the Uni Inv, but its far worse than it was before they released Rubicon.
Quay Industries
#658 - 2013-12-06 15:30:36 UTC
Steijn wrote:
Only just noticed this but when dragging mods from fitting screen to the hangar and vice versa, the ship now spins. Cant say Ive noticed this before so unsure if its new or whether ive subconsciously ignored it, judging by the way its bugging me, id say its new. Also happens when changing ships by dragging them from hangar to ship bay.

This seems to have disappeared as quick as it came as its not happening today.
Pullman Knox
THORN Syndicate
Northern Coalition.
#659 - 2013-12-06 23:14:09 UTC
Do CCP even read this thread? I have 6 accounts, and I can't use them because the launcher doesn't work.

I normally avoid using the launcher at all costs because it's ****. To patch, you have to use it.

It's ****.

Fix it, or remove it, or wave goodbye to £60 a month.
Oraac Ensor
#660 - 2013-12-07 01:32:16 UTC
Pullman Knox wrote:
I normally avoid using the launcher at all costs because it's ****. To patch, you have to use it.

Use the repair tool.