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Suicide ganking - too much - solution

First post
Shederov Blood
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
#241 - 2013-12-12 03:13:36 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:

when the Goons were paying for a continuous Hulkageddon.

Ice Interdiction and Hulkageddon are not the same thing

Who put the goat in there?

Alavaria Fera
#242 - 2013-12-12 09:07:22 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Delt0r Garsk wrote:

Its a huge problem.

2 out of the 4 times it have tried, my ganks failed. Ganking is too hard. We need to buff ganking ships or nerf mining barges.

And make the barges more expensive so they look better on a killboard.

And don't get me started on these kill rights.

On a more serious note. Why don't more people make kill rights public when they don't intend to use them?

I have to agree! My first two ganks were complete failures! Hell, even today I sometimes botch a gank cuz of forgetting to overheat my guns and such.

When you go criminal the client should automaticly overheat your high rack! And what's with these Skiffs and Procurers?!?! They can fit BATTLESHIP TANKS to the point where you need 10-20 catalysts just to pop ONE!!!1!! And those AFK bears still pull in a decent yield in them! It's outrageous!!!

What a nasty secret, the use of procurers.

(I use them myself so heh)

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Urisaka Yin-long
#243 - 2013-12-12 10:04:21 UTC
lol. I stumbled upon a thread that should of been labled " I'm a snowflake. Protect me PLease."

No seriously ummmmm auto piloting is why you died.
its not b/c of ganking is out of control, it's b/c you were AFK PILOTING.

I've seen empty haulers being blown up simply on the fact that is was AFK PILOTING TO A GATE.
simple game mechanics that can prevent you from suicide ganking in high sec.
1. never autopilot
are you starting to see a pattern here?

No one should be punished b/c you messed up and lost your stuff.
To have some kind of isk value placed on a pilots "head" that is controlled by the pilot themselves is basically a form of favoritism and this game isn't supposed to be about favoritism right?

You take the same amount of risk in high sec as everyone else.
If you don't like the probability of being ganked while you auto pilot thru space b/c you want to go watch tv instead of manually fly 20+ jumps to somewhere, then guess what. You deserve to come back to a pod.

Quit complaining and learn to play efficiently not whine and complain and ask for things to be changed to suit your personal needs.

Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#244 - 2013-12-12 10:23:51 UTC
No I did in fact lose an ecm tengu, was like 10 days ago I think.

Im pissed for 2 reasons:

1) my tengu had a cool name and it SHOULDNT have exploded with that name

- It's named "The Invincible II"

- Cool name, what happened to The invincible I?

- *shrugs* fell apart.

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.