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Suicide ganking - too much - solution

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Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-11-17 05:13:50 UTC
I got ganked while auto-piloting my fleet ecmgu on some random high-sec gate. It was standard t2 fit - armor plate, umbra ecm, navy adaptive nano. Nothing fancy, standard cheapo fit.

Anyways, I see a lot of concord on empire gates every time i come out of w-space, a lot more then a few years ago even.

The fact that suicide gankers are these days ganking even standard fleet ships, i.e. scrapping bottom of the barrel, means this particular mode of pvp is getting out of hand.

I have checked killboard of that no-doubt multiboxing dude. Thousands of empire ganks, not a single loss, and at regular intervals, fresh set of 10-12 catalyst pilots.

Its not cool. Ganking haulers for chance to make a pile of isk - great, all for it. Ganking standard fleet ships - wtf? Whats next, they going to suicide-gank FW frigates en route to lowsec?

Right now theres no consequences to suicide ganking. Let me correct this, there no MEANINGFUL consequences. Security status? Please, so easy to work around it. Cost of ships? 2mil per destroyer is not a cost. Brutix hull? Pff.


Make it cost something to gank. I propose rework of bounty and kill right mechanic:

Want to suicide gank? Pay to shoot. Pay to concord to activate a temporary kill right on your victim, with price determined by value of the victim. And heres the kicker - victim determines his value by paying to concord his own bounty.

So lets say I want to avoid getting ganked, I think Im not worth more then a bil, so I pay to concord my value, 1bn. That expires, like insurance, by the way. Call it suicide insurance, can tie it to clone value.

Anyhow, ganker wants to gank me, he has to now pay to concord a proportion of that value tied to value of my ship or something, and then he can get a kill right on me. Otherwise, cant shoot me in high sec.

This forces gankers to PAY. Ends rampant non-targeted ganking, AND solves isk inflation.
Japanese Whaling Fleet
#2 - 2013-11-17 05:21:25 UTC
I got ganked while auto-piloting my fleet ecmgu on some random high-sec gate. It was standard t2 fit - armor plate, umbra ecm, navy adaptive nano. Nothing fancy, standard cheapo fit.

Anyways, I see a lot of concord on empire gates every time i come out of w-space, a lot more then a few years ago even.

The fact that suicide gankers are these days ganking even standard fleet ships, i.e. scrapping bottom of the barrel, means this particular mode of pvp is getting out of hand.

I have checked killboard of that no-doubt multiboxing dude. Thousands of empire ganks, not a single loss, and at regular intervals, fresh set of 10-12 catalyst pilots.

Its not cool. Ganking haulers for chance to make a pile of isk - great, all for it. Ganking standard fleet ships - wtf? Whats next, they going to suicide-gank FW frigates en route to lowsec?

Right now theres no consequences to suicide ganking. Let me correct this, there no MEANINGFUL consequences. Security status? Please, so easy to work around it. Cost of ships? 2mil per destroyer is not a cost. Brutix hull? Pff.


Make it cost something to gank. I propose rework of bounty and kill right mechanic:

Want to suicide gank? Pay to shoot. Pay to concord to activate a temporary kill right on your victim, with price determined by value of the victim. And heres the kicker - victim determines his value by paying to concord his own bounty.

So lets say I want to avoid getting ganked, I think Im not worth more then a bil, so I pay to concord my value, 1bn. That expires, like insurance, by the way. Call it suicide insurance, can tie it to clone value.

Anyhow, ganker wants to gank me, he has to now pay to concord a proportion of that value tied to value of my ship or something, and then he can get a kill right on me. Otherwise, cant shoot me in high sec.

This forces gankers to PAY. Ends rampant non-targeted ganking, AND solves isk inflation.

Guess who I'm going to gank tomorrow.
Pak Narhoo
Splinter Foundation
#3 - 2013-11-17 05:26:29 UTC
I got ganked while auto-piloting my...

Lol and I stopped reading right there.

Play the game or don't. In other words be at your keyboard.

Let me ask you, ever played a game called Fallout? And then particularly F3 or 'Las Vegas'?
There is an option to auto move through the wastelands, 'q' key I think.
Now in those wastelands there is scum, animals, mutated animals, mutated mutants and they all want you dead.
Tell me, if you play F3 and hit 'q' and go bake a cake, put out the trash or whatever, do you really expect to see your character alive when you come back to the screen? Shocked

Rules of EVE:

Rule No. #1 don't trust anybody.
Rule No. #2 never fly autopilot.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2013-11-17 05:26:57 UTC
kermity wrote:

Guess who I'm going to gank tomorrow.

TEST? You guys still exist? I dont much pay attention to null-bears, all you are to me are ship scan results on my tackle boat's combat probes...And a few seconds later, a cloud of wreckage.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-11-17 05:28:57 UTC
Pak Narhoo wrote:
I got ganked while auto-piloting my...

Lol and I stopped reading right there.

Play the game or don't. In other words be at your keyboard.

Let me ask you, ever played a game called Fallout? And then particularly F3 or 'Las Vegas'?
There is an option to auto move through the wastelands, 'q' key I think.
Now in those wastelands there is scum, animals, mutated animals, mutated mutants and they all want you dead.
Tell me, if you play F3 and hit 'q' and go bake a cake, put out the trash or whatever, do you really expect to see your character alive when you come back to the screen? Shocked

Rules of EVE:

Rule No. #1 don't trust anybody.
Rule No. #2 never fly autopilot.

Oh I dont care about the ecmgu, its the point that its too cheap to do even to bricks. Be constructive, read my solution.
Ice Fire Warriors
#6 - 2013-11-17 05:43:43 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
I got ganked while auto-piloting my fleet ecmgu on some random high-sec gate. It was standard t2 fit - armor plate, umbra ecm, navy adaptive nano. Nothing fancy, standard cheapo fit.

auto-piloting my fleet ecmgu on some random high-sec gate. It was standard t2 fit - armor plate, umbra ecm, navy adaptive nano

auto-piloting... navy adaptive nano

Found your problems.

Navy EANMs are 75 mil a pop. With the [relatively] small tank on an ECM-Tengu it would theoretically be profitable. Auto-piloting would not help as people would be able to easily scout you ahead of time.

Generally speaking... you should not have been a prime target... but with more and more people taking precautions these days the gankers were probably bored and wanted to kill something with even a slight chance of profitability.

Basically it looks like you were just unlucky.

edit: also... gankers ALWAYS lose their ships in high-sec. CONCORD just doesn't post their killmails.

edit 2: suicide gankers also get no insurance. So they eat the entire cost of their ships including modules. Using a Brutix to suicide gank is not really profitable unless someone makes it so.

edit 3: and making ganking cost equal to that of hull value is plain dumb. It smacks of preferential treatment towards people with lots of money (i.e. not newbies) and doesn't fit in well with the general atmosphere of EVE where even the most expensive ships can be killed by cheapo ****-fits.
Also... high-sec is not designed to be safe by any stretch of the imagination. It is relatively safe compared to other areas of EVE... which are not very safe unless you take the steps to make it so.
Eram Fidard
#7 - 2013-11-17 05:47:17 UTC
Your 'solution' is not.

Quite simply because gankers do not require or desire kill rights (would have thought you'd have figured this one out).

If, on the other hand, you are proposing that suicide ganking not be allowed, full stop:

Get out.

Poster is not to be held responsible for damages to keyboards and/or noses caused by hot beverages.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#8 - 2013-11-17 05:50:54 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Suicide ganking is infact at a record low.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2013-11-17 05:51:30 UTC
Eram Fidard wrote:
Your 'solution' is not.

Quite simply because gankers do not require or desire kill rights (would have thought you'd have figured this one out).

If, on the other hand, you are proposing that suicide ganking not be allowed, full stop:

Get out.

Im proposing it should cost something. Pay-per-fire, with it costing more isk in fines the older a pod is (or the more insurance the pod has bought).
Eram Fidard
#10 - 2013-11-17 05:58:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Eram Fidard
You proposed a way to buy kill rights.

Kill rights =/= suicide ganking.

FFS at least think this **** through before vomiting it all over GD.

P.S. Please list other examples where cost has proven to be a valid balancing factor. Like supercaps.....titans?? T3 cruisers???

Y'know what, I don't even know why I'm typing anymore when I should have just linked this

Poster is not to be held responsible for damages to keyboards and/or noses caused by hot beverages.

Trillian Stargazer
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-11-17 05:58:40 UTC
Pak Narhoo wrote:
I got ganked while auto-piloting my...

Lol and I stopped reading right there.

Play the game or don't. In other words be at your keyboard.

Let me ask you, ever played a game called Fallout? And then particularly F3 or 'Las Vegas'?
There is an option to auto move through the wastelands, 'q' key I think.
Now in those wastelands there is scum, animals, mutated animals, mutated mutants and they all want you dead.
Tell me, if you play F3 and hit 'q' and go bake a cake, put out the trash or whatever, do you really expect to see your character alive when you come back to the screen? Shocked

Rules of EVE:

Rule No. #1 don't trust anybody.
Rule No. #2 never fly autopilot.

Oh I dont care about the ecmgu, its the point that its too cheap to do even to bricks. Be constructive, read my solution.

Why should anyone read your solution to this? You even said you were on AP. If you dont want to get ganked, try sitting behind your computer and actually pushing the buttons.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2013-11-17 06:12:33 UTC
Oh I dont care about the ecmgu, its the point that its too cheap to do even to bricks. Be constructive, read my solution.

You care immensely, otherwise you wouldn't have posted this garbage, and it is garbage by the way. Suicide gankers always lose their ship, any money they make is entirely at the mercy of rng. Also you were autopiloting, which in my opinion means you deserved everything you got. Finally your solution would impose a limitation on poor newbies. Why should they be restricted from this particular activity? Your money shouldn't be a shield to protect you from your own stupidity. Indeed, that money is better suited to the motivated newbie, or group of people organized to take it from you.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#13 - 2013-11-17 06:22:00 UTC
Xinivrae wrote:
Oh I dont care about the ecmgu, its the point that its too cheap to do even to bricks. Be constructive, read my solution.

You care immensely, otherwise you wouldn't have posted this garbage, and it is garbage by the way. Suicide gankers always lose their ship, any money they make is entirely at the mercy of rng. Also you were autopiloting, which in my opinion means you deserved everything you got. Finally your solution would impose a limitation on poor newbies. Why should they be restricted from this particular activity? Your money shouldn't be a shield to protect you from your own stupidity. Indeed, that money is better suited to the motivated newbie, or group of people organized to take it from you.

Newsflash to Goons - wormhole people are rich beyond your dreams. If you think a standard ecmgu loss impacts my wallet, think again. So I will continue to autopilot them from jita to wormhole when I need replacements, thanks.

Its the principle of the matter. I came up with a good name for that ship, Im pissed it exploded.

Nobody used to gank fleet ships several years ago. Too much of that lately, despite your protestations. Needs to cost more.
Kallen Kozukie
Channel Six News
#14 - 2013-11-17 06:27:03 UTC
Xinivrae wrote:
Oh I dont care about the ecmgu, its the point that its too cheap to do even to bricks. Be constructive, read my solution.

You care immensely, otherwise you wouldn't have posted this garbage, and it is garbage by the way. Suicide gankers always lose their ship, any money they make is entirely at the mercy of rng. Also you were autopiloting, which in my opinion means you deserved everything you got. Finally your solution would impose a limitation on poor newbies. Why should they be restricted from this particular activity? Your money shouldn't be a shield to protect you from your own stupidity. Indeed, that money is better suited to the motivated newbie, or group of people organized to take it from you.

Too easy for people to feign "newbie" and drop a lot of destoyers on a target, should at least have to put a LITTLE work in to be able to gank something. EZ mode these days.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#15 - 2013-11-17 06:27:58 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Too easy for people to feign "newbie" and drop a lot of destoyers on a target, should at least have to put a LITTLE work in to be able to gank something. EZ mode these days.

It's only as "EZ" as stupid people allow it to be.

Could the OP have avoided being suicide ganked merely by playing in a smarter fashion?


So the complaint here summarizes to, "Whaaa, it's not fair that, when I play like a complete ******* imbecile, it's easy for someone to suicide gank me! That's not fair! Make it safer for me to be a completely AFK moron!"

Please allow me to be safer while I'm AFK does not make for a compelling argument.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#16 - 2013-11-17 06:40:09 UTC
Kallen Kozukie wrote:
Xinivrae wrote:
Oh I dont care about the ecmgu, its the point that its too cheap to do even to bricks. Be constructive, read my solution.

You care immensely, otherwise you wouldn't have posted this garbage, and it is garbage by the way. Suicide gankers always lose their ship, any money they make is entirely at the mercy of rng. Also you were autopiloting, which in my opinion means you deserved everything you got. Finally your solution would impose a limitation on poor newbies. Why should they be restricted from this particular activity? Your money shouldn't be a shield to protect you from your own stupidity. Indeed, that money is better suited to the motivated newbie, or group of people organized to take it from you.

Too easy for people to feign "newbie" and drop a lot of destoyers on a target, should at least have to put a LITTLE work in to be able to gank something. EZ mode these days.

Its only as easy as the victim makes it and this victim was afk flying in a low ehp ship with his tank turned off and enough expensive mods to make him worth ganking.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#17 - 2013-11-17 06:43:05 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

Its only as easy as the victim makes it and this victim was afk flying in a low ehp ship with his tank turned off and enough expensive mods to make him worth ganking.

ecmgus are passive-tanked. trimarks in rigs, plate and adaptive nanos in low. roughly 70k ehp. give or take. Thats just so you know.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#18 - 2013-11-17 06:47:03 UTC
So I'm guessing when gankers pay off concord so they can blow up your ship, that means concord no longer comes and blows up their ship, right?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#19 - 2013-11-17 06:47:26 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
baltec1 wrote:

Its only as easy as the victim makes it and this victim was afk flying in a low ehp ship with his tank turned off and enough expensive mods to make him worth ganking.

ecmgus are passive-tanked. trimarks in rigs, plate and adaptive nanos in low. roughly 70k ehp. give or take. Thats just so you know.

You cant passive tank armour. If you had not been afk you could have simply jammed them and had your suitcase on. I dont have access to the KBs but from what info you have provided the blame for this lies entirely at your feet.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#20 - 2013-11-17 06:48:40 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

Its only as easy as the victim makes it and this victim was afk flying in a low ehp ship with his tank turned off and enough expensive mods to make him worth ganking.

ecmgus are passive-tanked. trimarks in rigs, plate and adaptive nanos in low. roughly 70k ehp. give or take. Thats just so you know.

Now if only EHP were a substitute for brains, you may have had some kind of point, there.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

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