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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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James Nikolas Tesla
Tesla Holdings
#981 - 2013-12-13 01:33:09 UTC
Proddy Scun wrote:

Well locked armored storage is an issue but not unsecure ore storage to reduce trips

(careful CCP might give you lockable unarmored can which anyone can destroy with one shot - tears gankers often destroy ore as too much trouble to steal)

#1 I already see mobile tractors with 27.5 K m3 holds. Just jetcan and it pulls contents in.

#2 Older players seem to use freight containers for mining as well -- 100K up. Not sure if or when they die though since they aren't anchored. My observation leads me to think they last until DT. Plenty of time to use and collect again. Not sure what the theft aspects are but even without CONCORD suspect few people are gonna try. And of course good players should not litter EVE with unused items in space either -- so I think recollect or lose at DT is perfect.

Suspect status has really reduced can-flipping to almost unheard of in High sec
and straightforward no warning theft requires a hauler as well (bad ship to be in with suspect written on you).

For the most part I would rather have defense towers in belt ready to tackle and shoot all CONCORD approved shootables.

Where is my defense tower?

1. I do use a MTU while mining with my Covetor. It definitely is more convenient.

2.I don't trust freight containers and only use them to hide my items in my Iteron V.

I also don't trust the suspect thing because I steal from wrecks all the time and I've only been shot at once (by a Velator) and I survived that.

Proddy Scun wrote:

How about a Valet tower to let you securely park a second ship in space?

No help in counterattacking but
(1) prevents boarding without code or passcard
(2) keeps ship operating in space in "idle mode" until reboarded
(passive and active modules continue running while cap is available but reduced to minimum skill effects)

then you could periodically load your ore into a the risk of losing two ships to gank

You might be able to Valet park a combat ship too.
However I assume CCP would limit how close the two towers could be, making one or the other ship "unhandy"

And if Valet tower is destroyed -- now they can steal your ship!!! I'd really like to see ship stealling return. That was fun.

I would love to load my Miasmos in space like a container, definitely an Idea I would support.

CODE is just a bunch of pirates; smart, organized pirates. It doesn't help to rage at them because that is exactly what they want. Dust yourself off and get back on your feet, you don't even have to talk to them.

Pud Li
#982 - 2013-12-13 01:34:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Pud Li
Proddy Scun wrote:
James Nikolas Tesla wrote:
Clansworth wrote:
James Nikolas Tesla wrote:
I'd like to see a larger capacity ~5,000m^3 Secure Container or some kind of password protected structure that allows miners to store large amounts of ore to reduce trips back to the station. Maybe it could hold 50,000m^3?

Not that I'm against that idea, but isn't that partially what the Orca was created for?

My idea is geared toward solo miners like myself.

How about a Valet tower to let you securely park a second ship in space?

No help in counterattacking but
(1) prevents boarding without code or passcard
(2) keeps ship operating in space in "idle mode" until reboarded
(passive and active modules continue running while cap is available but reduced to minimum skill effects)

then you could periodically load your ore into a the risk of losing two ships to gank

You might be able to Valet park a combat ship too.
However I assume CCP would limit how close the two towers could be, making one or the other ship "unhandy"

And if Valet tower is destroyed -- now they can steal your ship!!! I'd really like to see ship stealling return. That was fun.

Too Powerful !!! Require matching valet rig on ship. Valet requires depsoit of Consumables like Siege mode Dreadnought? POCO like public structure with multiple parking spots with parking fee?

Hideous! AFK miners who fall alseep would constantly lose ships to boarding theft after limited consumables ran out. Not practical outside hi sec or sovereign space.
sytaqe violacea
Choir of morning
#983 - 2013-12-13 11:55:12 UTC
Mobile Factional Warfare Complex Reinforcer
, can only be deployed inside complex.
Only defender militia can deploy this structure inside complex.
Every Reinforcer extends the timer length by 5min.
This structure has around 50,000EHP. Destroyed, the timer is shortened by 5min.
BPC can be purchased in Militia LPStore. No Kill Reports are generated.
Exploration Frontier inc
#984 - 2013-12-13 16:32:22 UTC
Ship Anti-theft structure !

Upon deployment, after a one minut anchoring timer, it force-ejects the pilot inside the structure and renders his ship immune to any harm and boarding except from the person who deployed it. Does not work under weapon timer, pvp timer or logoff timer. NPCs does not shoot at this structure.

If attacked, goes into the same reinforcment process then the mobile depot, meaning 48 hours, and no mail.

The structure would be very cheap, and not scoppable just like the mobile cyno jammer. When the owner boards the locked ship, it unlocks it instantly. The structure can then be scooped by everybody and will function again next time it's launched in space.

Signature Tanking Best Tanking

[Ex-F] CEO -

Ultimate Citadel Guide - 2016 EVE Career Chart

Edward Olmops
Gunboat Commando
#985 - 2013-12-14 00:59:27 UTC
Mobile Siege Cannon.

Deploy. Watch and enjoy while it does the tedious structure grinding for you. Bear
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#986 - 2013-12-14 04:10:38 UTC
I didn't read the 50+pages but I'd love to see the decoy ship beacon, it should be called the "crybaby" (tribute to firefly)

Ransu Asanari
Caldari State
#987 - 2013-12-14 10:19:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Ransu Asanari
TLDR: Part 1: Storytime. See part 2 for actual suggestions.

So I took a trip out to deep deep nullsec to try out some of these new modules, and followed a fleet through a wormhole with a Covert Ops Frigate. From there, I found a wormhole with a static highsec connection, so I was able to pick up everything I needed from the market.

I brought the following:

-2 Survey Probe Launchers
-20 Moon Survey Probes
-6 Small Mobile Siphon Units
-2 Mobile Depots (for storing loot and refitting)
-ECCM mods to refit on my ships

I had to bring a Blockade Runner to carry all of this, and switch into my Covert Ops frigate to run Relic/Data sites, and scan wormholes. Because of this, I had to leave one of my ships in space when not in use, so I created a safe spot between two gates that wasn't in line with the solar system plane, and wouldn't be in DSCAN range except while in warp between these gates [image].

I'd log off in my Viator when not playing (leaving the unfitted Buzzard in space), and when out exploring, I'd leave the Viator in space with 3 ECCM modules in the low slots to (hopefully) reduce the signature to make it harder to scan down; and all the protected loot inside the mobile depots. I tried it on the test server, and I couldn't tell if it made a difference, but it only took a few passes to easily lock the signature for either ship.

Using the mobile depot to refit to moon survey probes was very handy. I did run into the problem that even packaged Small Mobile Siphon Units can't be placed inside the mobile depot (container inside a container), so that was a problem since I had brought more than I wanted to deploy at once.

The Blockade Runner was definitely necessary, as the moon minerals I siphoned were pretty bulky, and there was no way to carry it in a Covert Ops frigate easily, so I was also using it for that, as well as moving loot back through wormholes. I managed to get two runs of goods back home, and stayed up in null space there around 3 days. I honestly expected I'd be able to stay up there longer...

Unfortunately I opened a wormhole chain that went into a C5 owned by Verge of Collapse. I hightailed it out of there, but one of their members started exploring and found the system I had set up shop in, dscanned down my hidey hole (habit of hitting DSCAN while in warp), killed my Viator, and reinforced the mobile depots. We had a good chat about it afterwards, and talked about where I set up my spot; and if it would have been better to "hide in plain sight" and park my Viator in the planetary core where he'd assume it was in a POS. I was more worried about the locals who would know what was there, which is why I didn't do that.

The mobile siphons were killed as soon as the POS owners came by; less than a day. I should have timed it better, assuming they'd come check on the weekend to refuel them, but I was excited to find ungunned R64s. And since there's no way to self-destruct or remove the mobile siphons, it's pretty obvious what you're doing and impossible to hide it.

So the reason I thought I'd share this, is I don't think it's really possible to do long term living out in hostile space yet. I really would need a POS to store everything, and I didn't want to put one up in someone's space because they'd get a notification and come reinforce it. I'm not skilled for the Stratios or Astero yet, but even with their larger cargo bays, I'd still need a Blockade Runner, which means dual boxing.

Ideally I'd love to be able to take a Blockade Runner out with a Covert Ops frigate, a Venture, fittings, and a few mobile structures to set up a temporary home. I wanted to do this with gas mining since it can be profitable mining C320 or even gas for boosters. I could even mine Megacyte for the booster production chain, or other ores for fullerite reactions.
Ransu Asanari
Caldari State
#988 - 2013-12-14 10:20:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Ransu Asanari
Part 2: Suggestions

So items that would make this kind of long term space vagabond-ness easier without resorting to dual boxing, and fits with the concepts started in Rubicon:

1. Mobile Ship Hangar

A mobile hangar to safely store at least 2 ships. The hangar should be able to assemble and repackage ships (and containers), and allow you to switch between ships without ejecting into space. If launched near a Mobile Depot, they automatically link up, and both services and bays are accessible. I'm sure wormhole dwellers would find this very handy as well. A similar reinforcement timer to the Mobile Depot would let you log off for a day or so without worrying.

2. Mobile Scan Dampening Array

Having a mobile cloaking field would be much too powerful, but something to temporarily hide your home away from home while you're out, or make you harder to find while sitting in a gas cloud, anomaly, or asteroid field would be very helpful. For PvP, fooling DSCAN could have some significant uses when running gate camps, or keeping part of your fleet in reserve on a tactical.

This unit would burn Strontium Clathrates and be able to store enough fuel for 24 hours (for example). While active, anything within a 150km range will not show up on DSCAN. It will also make probing down anything within the field with combat probes very difficult. From a mechanics perspective, it could increase the relative sensor strength of the objects so they can't be locked onto without very good probing skills. It may be possible to create an unprobeable region with a few of these units, but the fuel cost would be prohibitive in most cases. Probably better for stacking penalties to apply.

3. Mobile Gas Processing Facility

I love the idea of a mobile drug lab - the Space Winnebago! Honestly though, the current method for reacting requires a lot of intermediate materials, and I think might be too complex for a small mobile setup. That many mobile structures would be pretty vulnerable without some defense (read: POS). At the very least, it would be a lot easier to do an intermediate reaction to reduce the size of the gas for transport. For boosters this may be the first stage raw booster. For wormhole fullerite gas, this would be one of the intermediate Fullerene reactions.

4. Mobile Ore Refining Facility

Right now, refining requires a station with services or a Rorqual. Being able to refine ore or ice even in small amounts for your own use while you are out in wilderness would be very handy. It should have a refining rate similar to outposts - so not as good as highsec stations, but good enough that you won't want to haul your ore to an NPC station to refine it. It shouldn't be an instant refine either; but should do a certain number of units per hour, similar to the Rorqual, but less efficient.

5. Mobile Deadspace Generator/Acceleration Gate

Even from when I started as a capsuleer, the idea of having your own deadspace complex was very appealing. From the wiki and lore, there are many enterprises set up in deadspace by both Empire and Pirate factions... Why not by capsuleers as well? This would allow you to create a more fortified or complex base, but would take a significant amount of resources. It might be something done to keep a base for a small corporation protected. I'm not sure where we are headed after Rubicon, but for the idea of building our own stargates, this might be a much smaller version accessible to a corporation.

-Possibly could use the "DED Deadspace Report" statistic in the star map to have a color showing a number of unknown DED space complexes in the area, without distinguishing if they are player owned or NPC.
-Possibly could create a signature to be probed down. Probably better if the acceleration gate has to be combat scanned.
-Can key the acceleration gate to your corporation ID, or require a physical key object, which can be changed by the owner. If your ship is destroyed in combat, the key may drop and can be picked up by an enemy, who has a window where they can attempt to use the acceleration gate to access the area and attack the structures.
-Acceleration gate/generator can be attacked/destroyed, with one reinforcement timer. Once destroyed, structures inside can be probed down directly. This gives a similar level of security to the current POS setup.
Ransu Asanari
Caldari State
#989 - 2013-12-14 10:48:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Ransu Asanari
To add my voice to a few of the other suggestions:

I like the idea of the Mobile Repair Station others mentioned to repair module and ship damage, as well as online modules which were burnt out. If we could online modules which were burnt out and then repaired with nanite paste while in space, this module might not be necessary. You could use the mobile depot to refit shield/armor/structure repairing modules but its a lot of fiddling. Something that will do the repair in a shorter period of time without taking lots of capacitor would be a nice convenience. Deploying near a Mobile Depot would make the service available from the same fitting service screen. Edit: To prevent use/abuse in combat, it should be a gradual repair, and if the ship is attacked while connected, or recently attacked (aggression timer), it is immedlately offlined to prevent feedback surges.

I like the idea of a module that hacks/unanchors offlined towers as well, and allows you to claim abandoned control towers and their modules. This could work similar to a reinforcement timer with a notification to give the owner time to come back to defend or fuel the tower if they want.

I like the idea of a Mobile Clone Vat Bay, which gives you a point to set your medical clone to, which isn't in a station. You shouldn't have to drop an outpost to get offices for your alliance members *cough*, and it would help alleviate some of the logistical difficulties when doing a large scale deployment in an area with limited NPC station offices. Also very good for WH life, and stealth incursions into someone else's space, as previously mentioned. An upgraded version to allow jump clones would be a good idea, but limited to jumping while in that system only, so you can jump utility clones, but not overpowered as to allow you to jump anywhere in New Eden easily.
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#990 - 2013-12-15 00:28:25 UTC
Ransu Asanari wrote:
To add my voice to a few of the other suggestions:

I like the idea of the Mobile Repair Station others mentioned to repair module and ship damage, as well as online modules which were burnt out. If we could online modules which were burnt out and then repaired with nanite paste while in space, this module might not be necessary. You could use the mobile depot to refit shield/armor/structure repairing modules but its a lot of fiddling. Something that will do the repair in a shorter period of time without taking lots of capacitor would be a nice convenience. Deploying near a Mobile Depot would make the service available from the same fitting service screen. Edit: To prevent use/abuse in combat, it should be a gradual repair, and if the ship is attacked while connected, or recently attacked (aggression timer), it is immedlately offlined to prevent feedback surges.

I like the idea of a module that hacks/unanchors offlined towers as well, and allows you to claim abandoned control towers and their modules. This could work similar to a reinforcement timer with a notification to give the owner time to come back to defend or fuel the tower if they want.

I like the idea of a Mobile Clone Vat Bay, which gives you a point to set your medical clone to, which isn't in a station. You shouldn't have to drop an outpost to get offices for your alliance members *cough*, and it would help alleviate some of the logistical difficulties when doing a large scale deployment in an area with limited NPC station offices. Also very good for WH life, and stealth incursions into someone else's space, as previously mentioned. An upgraded version to allow jump clones would be a good idea, but limited to jumping while in that system only, so you can jump utility clones, but not overpowered as to allow you to jump anywhere in New Eden easily.

+1 to everything he said
BOVRIL bOREers Offshore Drilling
#991 - 2013-12-15 01:06:04 UTC  |  Edited by: H1ghwayman
I actually think that maybe mobile structures aren't the way to go in many respects.... I keep seeing people say that much of the code in pos's is too old and nerfed to change, but for what many of us want they could create other pathways... like an addition to p.i. Maybe if they were to give us the option to add 'research command centers' with the options for adding invention and other labs too planetary interaction we could send blueprints down the customs offices and even other resources and set up chains on the surface and then use the customs offices to send up finished products up to a certain size. Ships are too big but why not ammo or at the very least bpo's and bpc's...

If not p.i. then how about M.I. Moon interaction..... moonlabs, moon mining.....
Lamar Muvila
Muvila War Industries
#992 - 2013-12-15 03:42:41 UTC
Mrchafe wrote:
Ransu Asanari wrote:
To add my voice to a few of the other suggestions:

I like the idea of the Mobile Repair Station others mentioned to repair module and ship damage, as well as online modules which were burnt out. If we could online modules which were burnt out and then repaired with nanite paste while in space, this module might not be necessary. You could use the mobile depot to refit shield/armor/structure repairing modules but its a lot of fiddling. Something that will do the repair in a shorter period of time without taking lots of capacitor would be a nice convenience. Deploying near a Mobile Depot would make the service available from the same fitting service screen. Edit: To prevent use/abuse in combat, it should be a gradual repair, and if the ship is attacked while connected, or recently attacked (aggression timer), it is immedlately offlined to prevent feedback surges.

I like the idea of a module that hacks/unanchors offlined towers as well, and allows you to claim abandoned control towers and their modules. This could work similar to a reinforcement timer with a notification to give the owner time to come back to defend or fuel the tower if they want.

I like the idea of a Mobile Clone Vat Bay, which gives you a point to set your medical clone to, which isn't in a station. You shouldn't have to drop an outpost to get offices for your alliance members *cough*, and it would help alleviate some of the logistical difficulties when doing a large scale deployment in an area with limited NPC station offices. Also very good for WH life, and stealth incursions into someone else's space, as previously mentioned. An upgraded version to allow jump clones would be a good idea, but limited to jumping while in that system only, so you can jump utility clones, but not overpowered as to allow you to jump anywhere in New Eden easily.

+1 to everything he said


I decided I don't like a constantly evolving game anymore..... It requires too much reading!

Arthur Aihaken
#993 - 2013-12-15 03:46:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Apparently we're getting a Bounty Monitor, DScan Disruptor and Decoy Unit in Rubicon 1.1... Now we just need one to kill local... (although I'd settle for one that killed the bots/spammers at Jita).

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Pantorus Necraliss
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#994 - 2013-12-15 19:11:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Pantorus Necraliss
- Customisable (and destroyable) monuments

- False signature generator (maybe anchorable bubble wich you can choose false ship type probbable sig)

- P.I. syphon

- Interstellar chan scrambler (freeze the local chan protraits window till the module is destroyed, illegal product like boosters, cannot be used in HS, due to huge energy needed it must be anchored near sun, 1 at a time in each system, 200m3)

- POS spy (deployable near POS, allow to know the POS fuel remaining)

- Mobile repair station (owner set repair price, must be filled with cap boosters by owner, cannot be anchored near station or POS, appear in overview, can be destroyed)

- Mobile ammo trade station (owner set prices, owner fill inside charges to sell, cannot be anchored near station or POS, 200km near gates, appear in overview, can contain amo and charges, can be destroyed, 1 day of reinforcement, buyed amo is jettisoned in space but the can is buyer's owner)

- Capacitor radiant heart (give capa to every nearby ships but also deal damage to everyone nearby, explode with damages after a certain amont of time or if destroyed)

- Environnement modifier (introduce WH phenomena in K space, illegal, cannot be used in HS)

Mobile trade station can be a very good way to introduce black market and creating moar illegal stuff later
Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#995 - 2013-12-16 00:07:29 UTC
Cloakable versions of mobile structures ....

... need POS fuel or cap charges to maintain cloak ... time limit on cloak which expires unless player is on grid and extends limit.
The Dirty Skull
#996 - 2013-12-16 11:10:43 UTC
A deployable warp beacon;

launching this will a show a warp to able icon in the overview (no matter if you are on grid or not) in the entire system.


Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#997 - 2013-12-16 12:44:59 UTC
Pantorus Necraliss wrote:
- Customisable (and destroyable) monuments

- False signature generator (maybe anchorable bubble wich you can choose false ship type probbable sig)

- P.I. syphon

- Interstellar chan scrambler (freeze the local chan protraits window till the module is destroyed, illegal product like boosters, cannot be used in HS, due to huge energy needed it must be anchored near sun, 1 at a time in each system, 200m3)

- POS spy (deployable near POS, allow to know the POS fuel remaining)

- Mobile repair station (owner set repair price, must be filled with cap boosters by owner, cannot be anchored near station or POS, appear in overview, can be destroyed)

- Mobile ammo trade station (owner set prices, owner fill inside charges to sell, cannot be anchored near station or POS, 200km near gates, appear in overview, can contain amo and charges, can be destroyed, 1 day of reinforcement, buyed amo is jettisoned in space but the can is buyer's owner)

- Capacitor radiant heart (give capa to every nearby ships but also deal damage to everyone nearby, explode with damages after a certain amont of time or if destroyed)

- Environnement modifier (introduce WH phenomena in K space, illegal, cannot be used in HS)

Mobile trade station can be a very good way to introduce black market and creating moar illegal stuff later

some nice ideas there. particularly like the mobile repair base, beacon and mobile black market

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Anthar Thebess
#998 - 2013-12-16 13:02:00 UTC
TIDI Disruptor - when enough of this are deployed all higsec care bears are kicked out of EVE and current node gets super reinforced.
Karell Sungar
Outlaw Technology Zone
#999 - 2013-12-16 17:10:09 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Let us know what you'd like to see out of the future of our new space structures!

  1. Type II Mobile Tractor Beam that also can salvage
  2. Secure Mobile Tractor Beam to be available to fleet and not just self - perfect for mining operations
  3. Mobile Lab - not tied to POS
  4. Mobile Research Vessel - same principle as mobile lab not tied to POS but you have to remain in space during the research process (Capital ship?) - The research equivalent of the Rorqual
  5. Mobile Repair Facility
  6. Mining Station, same principle as Orca but does not move, more storage, less expensive, has bonuses - but have a "Pilot" to be operational - Deploy it from a hauler or industrial, dock into it to make it work - takes a while to deploy and pack up so that it's vulnerable
  7. OT but I would love to be able to bill corp-to-corp for services rendered.
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1000 - 2013-12-16 19:43:25 UTC
I think that most Ideas are already covered in here already...

So the only thing I point is that all these mobile structures could be linked togather somehow... to create a bigger structure...

Think it replacing the POS....