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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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Mr Floydy
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#441 - 2013-11-14 00:38:24 UTC
Probably been suggested already, but a "Remove from Local Generator"

Just to annoy nullbears massively.
mine mi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#442 - 2013-11-14 00:38:59 UTC
I always thought of a structure to divert the jumps to the issuer of the interference, this would have several light years jump scope and divert if both cyno and ship as are within its scope.
Adhocracy Incorporated
#443 - 2013-11-14 00:39:36 UTC
Gate timer hacker

Nullsec only - makes a nullsec gate like a WH. You can jump with a weapons timer. Hell, throw polarity in if you want.

Gate jump magnet

You know how people appear in some random gigantic sphere around a gate? You know how it's super inconvenient to camp that entire sphere? What if you just had a 5km radius to worry about instead (yes like WHs you may notice a theme). Forces all ships jumping into system to appear within 5km of it.
GeeShizzle MacCloud
#444 - 2013-11-14 00:48:31 UTC  |  Edited by: GeeShizzle MacCloud
Mr Floydy wrote:
Probably been suggested already, but a "Remove from Local Generator"

Just to annoy nullbears massively.

i guess you may consider me a 'null bear' as i live in null but id love to see some iteration on local chat reducing its effectiveness as an intel gathering tool. Placing more of the core functionality into players hands and deployables that cost isk and requires effort to set up and maintain, but can also be messed with by both other deployables or gangs looking to run interference to distract sov holders or generally sow mayhem.

your idea, although simple isnt exactly something that can be used in a sandbox way, however something like this can be used both by sov holders and intruders to create various scenarios that can be taken advantage of.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#445 - 2013-11-14 00:54:15 UTC

List of Commonly Proposed Ideas

User Content Creation Ideas:
--- System Beacons (deployable-system wide warpable beacons)
--- Deadspace pocket creators.
--- Mobile Acceleration Gates.
--- Decoy Ships.
--- Signature Decoys (for false scan reports)
--- Capture the Flag Device

Interesting Features:
--- System-wide create-a-WH-effect
--- Player-Created Incursion Device (System wide damage penalties, resist penalties, bounty penalties, etc)
--- System-wide or grid-wide anti- off grid booster module

Gate Camper Wet Dreams:
--- Deployable AOE Decloakers.
--- Group cloak structure.
--- Group obfuscation from dscan.
--- Covert Cyno Inhibitor.
--- AOE Webbers.
--- AOE anti-nullification bubble
--- Warp Interceptor Device (catches ships midwarp rather than at destination)
--- Sonar device to show you the location of cloaked ships.
--- (Lowsec) Warp deviators (ship randomly lands within 15 km's of warp destination)

Travel Features
--- Create your own Stargates
--- WH generator (usually limited as k-space to k-space)
--- Stargate disablers
--- WH stabilizers (the better ideas slowly regen mass and extend lifetime, the pisspoor ideas allow 200 BS in at once).
--- Jump Portal and/or Jump Bridge structures
--- Cyno Generators
--- Public Cyno Generators
--- Warp Tunnel Generators (to warp faster between two points).
--- Device that allows Supers into WH's (better if it is a 1-way trip).
--- Destructable Gates

Carebear Features:
--- Auto-mining structures (Gas, Ice, Ore).
--- Auto-hualing structures.
--- Deployable Auto-repair service
--- Deployable Mission Agents
--- Deployable Shield
--- Deployable anti-bomb device
--- Deployable Logistics Platform (including energy xfer)
--- Sun Harvesters
--- NPC Bait/Tuant Module

Anti-Carebear Features:
--- Anomaly & Signature Suppressor (stops them from spawn and/or despawns sites)
--- Disable or Delay Concord Structure
--- POCO Syphon
--- Reaction POS Syhpons
--- Mobile destroy-all-wrecks grid cleaner
--- System-wide Syphon NPC bounties from ratters.

Assault Features
--- Deployable Mines
--- Deployable boobie trapped cans (open them and boom)
--- Deployable Time Bomb
--- Deployable Weapons
--- Deployable EWAR batteries (webbers, ECM, ECM Bursters, Neuts)
--- Deployable Drone Assist Units (cause your 5 drones aren't enough)
--- Deployable auto-RF POS seige device
--- Planet Bombarders
--- Anti-Cynojammer (allows you to cyno into a cynojammed position).

Industry Features.
--- Deployable Manufacturing Depot
--- Deployable Labs
--- Deployable Refinery
--- Deployable Ore Compressor
--- Deployable Drug MFG Depot
--- Deployable Market Hub
--- Deployable Black Market
--- Deployable SMAs
--- Deployable PHAs
--- Deployable Storage in many forms

Other Ideas:
--- Disable Local
--- Deployable Provide Fleet boosts Structure
--- Deployable claim an (offline) POS module
--- Increase TiDi device.
--- Deployable Clone Vats Bays
--- Repair burned out modules Depot
--- Repair drone Depot
--- Create random effect creator (waberjack, infinite improbability generator, etc)
--- System Danger Alert Deployable
--- Scan the other side of a gate deployable
--- Ship tracking Unit
--- Prevent deployables Deployable.
--- Slave Maker and/or Liberator
--- Mobile Casinos
--- Mobile Brothels & pleasure hubsl (stripper generator)
--- Deployable Camera
--- Deployable Travel Logger (through a gate, WH, System).
--- Deployable Local Spammer
--- Deployable Billboard
--- Deployable Pet

Reggae Chillers
#446 - 2013-11-14 00:55:30 UTC
Tyrendian Biohazard wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Local cloak detector...

All cloaked ships within area of effect...let's say 150km...for arguments sake. Either uncloak or show up on overview...

^ This

Though I was more thinking something that would send a pulse 50-100km out every 60-90 seconds and decloak ships within the radius

^^ This
but pulse should also be system wide at longer intervals, so when in pulses you can get the signature of the cloaked ship with the probe scanner. Could take 30-60 min from anchoring to scan down a cloaked ship. Pings could be clearly visible to anyone in system.
Lin Fatale
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#447 - 2013-11-14 00:55:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Lin Fatale
a structure which disables the functions "keep at range", "orbit", "approach", "assign drones" to other ships.

so that everyone has to fly on its own like it should be
and not anchoring up on one person who will move everyone and go afk

I would like to see the t3 or ishtar fleets, if this structure is going online and suddenly everyone has to move on its own.
Prolly half of the fleet would burn in another direction because they dont know anymore how to move alone
Red Teufel
#448 - 2013-11-14 00:56:12 UTC
I would like a saloon for drinks, gambling, and fist fights.
Teng Namatjira
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#449 - 2013-11-14 01:00:16 UTC
While I like the mobile cyno jammer as an idea, I think the solution is a bit archaic and final, which doesn't seem to have been your gameplay philosophy over the last couple of years.

Instead of just downright blocking cynosural fields, why not play about instead with the liquid ozone required to light a cyno the closer a pilot gets to one of these structures? Obviously I don't have numbers, but I would imagine the general principle would be simple, the closer you get, a progressively massive increase in the amount of ozone it would take.

This wouldn't be a deterrent against the price of lighting a cyno, naturally, rather that a pilot would have to significantly alter a fit, or even better, switch to a industrial ship to carry the required LO to light the cyno the closer they want to be to one of these modules.

In its current format, we all know exactly what will happen, slowcat/dreadsuper blob jumps in, drops one of these in the middle of them, and the dread meta switches to LR guns. Nothing fundamentally changes gameplay wise, which I assume is what we'd like to achieve here.

The above solution, or an alternative to it, achieves your goal of inhibiting cyno's if a pilot wants to do so, but still allows for the players to work with a gameplay mechanic in a fluid and dynamic way
Reggae Chillers
#450 - 2013-11-14 01:00:27 UTC
Mobile POS Messing Structure

A structure you can deploy near a pos, when you use hacking modules on it (Data), you have to play a more complicated version of the hacking minigame where some nodes can disable some random pos structure. There could be different nodes for weapons systems, industry, mining, JB ... and you could disable some in one game. Wouldn't have to be a win node, you just destroy as many as you can. Maybe a small fleet can distract pos guns long enough for a skilled hacker to disable some strategic position or just mess with pos owners. Defended pos could just take control of guns and blap the hacker. Structure could be reused after x nr of hours, Pos could even be conquered by a persistent team if left undefended a long time.
It would engage the explorers playing the minigames in fleet actions, and small gangs could poke a bit more in the big blobs
The Frog Pond
#451 - 2013-11-14 01:14:21 UTC
zzrat wrote:
Pirate Siphon unit:

Same stats as the normal one but, it siphons energy from the POS which in turns makes the POS use more fuel.
Say 10 Siphon units will drain a large POS in 48 hours, Units need to be fueled by some PI.
Units can be re-used.
Dont hate meLol

I thought this is what the siphons were going to do when introduced.

But yes, a siphon that takes POS fuel or Stront (separate mod?) out of a POS would be fun....well for some lol

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#452 - 2013-11-14 01:18:36 UTC  |  Edited by: stoicfaux
Apologies if others have already mentioned some/all of these. I haven't had time to read the previous posts yet.

De-cloaker. A deployable that sends out a pulse revealing all cloakers on grid.

A drone tender. You put drones in it, and the drones fly off against enemies on grid. Does not count against your drone bandwidth.

A drone repair tender. Repairs drones that you assign to assist or attack it. Or a new menu entry 'called go get repaired."

RR deployable.

JATO like deployable that provides a temporary speed boost. For those times when you just have to get back to the gate asap.

Mining deployable. Because, you know, why should I have to AFK a mining barge when I can AFK a mining deployable unit.

Semi-cloaked deployable. Doesn't do anything, but shows up on probes as a ship of type X (set at time of launch.)

Goon Early Warning System. Whenever a goon appears in system (or on grid), it broadcasts 'grrr goons' in local.

Jita Spamming TV Device. Why limit your self to just local chat, which can be minimized or blocked. Spam people at the gates and undock with Adverts.

Hull Repairing Deployable, because, OMG, can a hull repair module be any slower?!?

Unicorns and Rainbows deployable. Looks like a unicorn and sends out beams in random rainbow colors.

Mobile Bumping Deployable. Has a built in MWD for bumping into the nearest ship on grid.

Sentry Turret. You put a weapon and ammo in it, and it shoots at enemies on grid.

Dancing Deployable. Dances (flies erratically) while spamming offers of lap dances in local. Has a picture of a "Scantily Clad Night Elf" (a popular Gallente Halloween costume) trailing behind it.

Fireworks Deployable. Pops off fireworks and snowballs randomly. Only 1,000 may be deployed within 10km of each other.

Warp-in Point Tactical Beacon. Provides an on-grid warp point so you can warp at distances of less than 125km.

MIRV deployable. It's a deployable that deploys other deployables.

Like Deployable. Anyone who approaches within 5km gets a random forum post of theirs "liked".

Hello Kitty Deployable. Pink. Adorable. Explodes for 10,000,000 points of damage sometime during the day after downtime.

Presser Beam Deployable. The opposite of the Tractor unit. Pushes wrecks and cans and deployables away. Does not work on the Hello Kitty Deployable.

Smack Talking Deployable. In much the same way that cats pee on things to mark their territory, this does the same by broadcasting a message in local whenever someone appears in local.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

flying hippo
#453 - 2013-11-14 01:23:18 UTC
wormhole stabiliser ,make wormhole last longer and can pass more mass,consume strontium clathrares.
#454 - 2013-11-14 01:24:32 UTC
Warning Watch Out for the Sign Deployable.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Grand Formage
The Planetary Baron Society
#455 - 2013-11-14 01:32:00 UTC
Chitsa Jason wrote:
Structure which changes or creates wormhole effects everyhere in system or on grid.

Structure which makes new sites to not spawn in system unless destroyed.

The second structure seems to be something that might be dropped in sov space to reduce system standings, but the first needs more explaining.
Rael Rastephan
Stuck in Empire
#456 - 2013-11-14 01:33:12 UTC
Area scanner. It would be nice to have a 10-20au scanner that both links to anyone whose dscan picks up the scanner (ie, linked scan information) as well as reports any seen people in local (not cloaked people, unless seen prior to cloak). The idea is to extend the range of dscan as well as possibly support detection of ships in range being shown in local. This could apply to wormholes and perhaps a future eve where all locals require such devices to detect people. Since it's a destroyable structure, I don't believe it will be considered overpowered. Plus as dscan extender, it could work for everyone, even enemies. Apparently it doesn't have encryption. By placing enough across a system, one could effectively dscan the entire system, chaining from mobile to mobile so long as each is within range of another and at least one of them is in range of the ship's dscan (if narrowed scope, they must hit the area scanner to get results from it).

A clone holding bay. Doesn't make clones, but is capable of storing a clone while the person jumps to another clone. If structure is blown, the clone is destroyed. Make it supportable in wormholes. People leave clones behind at their own risk. Supposing the clone isn't destroyed, the owner can jump back to their clone in proper time, of course. Perhaps a reduction in jump time if jumping from such a device (but if you jump station back to the device, normal time restrictions would apply).

Aaron Kyoto
Frozen Silver.
Nomad Alliance
#457 - 2013-11-14 01:36:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron Kyoto
Deployable Cyno Beacon - would reduce the purpose of using a cyno alt off a station or something like that. Have someone drop it, can be jumped to as normal beacons. Lasts a certain ammount of time before it deactivates. Can be refuelled? Anchorable etc.

Deployable Billboards - because Nullsec want them too? Except not wanted ads - could be used for messages (nonflammatory) or recruitment.

+1 Approval for fireworks / snowball deployable for festivities.
Grand Formage
The Planetary Baron Society
#458 - 2013-11-14 01:38:51 UTC
Khador Vess wrote:
Anchorable Hacking unit. Allows you to take over a pos, or other anchored deployable unit whose shields have been drained or which has no fuel remaining. Make it so its skill and time based and there is a limit to the number you can control at any one time....

There are a lot of POSs hanging in space that are no longer operational. Hacking unit would probably be better called a Siege Command Unit. Hacking onboard POS systems would allow ownership of the structure to change and with continued hacking, allow the assumption of control for any structures hanging in space around it. However, all hacking must be done prior to onlining.
Royal Assent
#459 - 2013-11-14 01:40:21 UTC
Deployable pleasure hub.

You dock in it, and it's like a captain's quarters - except there's exotic dancers in there.

And the damsel.

CCP FoxFour: "... the what button... oh god I didn't even know that existed. BRB."

My little youtube videos can be found here

Aaron Kyoto
Frozen Silver.
Nomad Alliance
#460 - 2013-11-14 01:40:52 UTC
Grand Formage wrote:
Khador Vess wrote:
Anchorable Hacking unit. Allows you to take over a pos, or other anchored deployable unit whose shields have been drained or which has no fuel remaining. Make it so its skill and time based and there is a limit to the number you can control at any one time....

There are a lot of POSs hanging in space that are no longer operational. Hacking unit would probably be better called a Siege Command Unit. Hacking onboard POS systems would allow ownership of the structure to change and with continued hacking, allow the assumption of control for any structures hanging in space around it. However, all hacking must be done prior to onlining.

A method to bypass pos shoots? Gasp! Would this be too easy for attackers?