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Genuine question : are the protection rackets legit ?

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Kery Nysell
#1 - 2013-11-10 08:13:53 UTC
My corp has been wardecced by an Alliance in hi sec because we were mining ... they want us to pay them to be allowed to play.

Well, since we're casual players, the price asked was more than we could earn per week, so we killed the corp and went back to NPC corps.

My question is this : is this kind of "griefing" legit ?

I know that EvE is a harsh place, but I thought that paying my subscription allowed me to play the game ...


#2 - 2013-11-10 08:15:53 UTC
It's totally legit. Welcome to the sandbox.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#3 - 2013-11-10 08:16:55 UTC
It's as legit as anything else not specifically cited as griefing by CCP.

It's also legit for you to ignore them or hire someone to war dec them.

Mr Epeen Cool
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2013-11-10 08:17:26 UTC
Let me ask this question?

Since your in an NPC corp now are you playing?

They were asking for isk not to wardec you basically.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Kery Nysell
#5 - 2013-11-10 08:22:01 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Let me ask this question?

Since your in an NPC corp now are you playing?

They were asking for isk not to wardec you basically.

No, they were asking for a monthly ISK fee of 200 millions to "protect" us, with no guarantees.

Yes, I'm currently playing, I'm just relocating my assets.


Greyscale Dash
#6 - 2013-11-10 08:23:43 UTC
Kery Nysell wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Let me ask this question?

Since your in an NPC corp now are you playing?

They were asking for isk not to wardec you basically.

No, they were asking for a monthly ISK fee of 200 millions to "protect" us, with no guarantees.

Yes, I'm currently playing, I'm just relocating my assets.

The nullsec empires are mostly built on this "racket" actually.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#7 - 2013-11-10 08:28:20 UTC
Greyscale Dash wrote:
Kery Nysell wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Let me ask this question?

Since your in an NPC corp now are you playing?

They were asking for isk not to wardec you basically.

No, they were asking for a monthly ISK fee of 200 millions to "protect" us, with no guarantees.

Yes, I'm currently playing, I'm just relocating my assets.

The nullsec empires are mostly built on this "racket" actually.

Nothing to do with us. This evolved from our ice interdictions and is run by high sec corps who adapted very well indeed.
Greyscale Dash
#8 - 2013-11-10 08:29:44 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Greyscale Dash wrote:
Kery Nysell wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Let me ask this question?

Since your in an NPC corp now are you playing?

They were asking for isk not to wardec you basically.

No, they were asking for a monthly ISK fee of 200 millions to "protect" us, with no guarantees.

Yes, I'm currently playing, I'm just relocating my assets.

The nullsec empires are mostly built on this "racket" actually.

Nothing to do with us. This evolved from our ice interdictions and is run by high sec corps who adapted very well indeed.


So nothing to do with Goons, but the others definitely.
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#9 - 2013-11-10 08:33:32 UTC
As it stands you'll never know. If you had paid them and they had in fact protected you from outside interference then I would say yes, it is completely legit. If you had and then they had not bothered to protect you then they were just strong arming you for iskies. Fuzziness here... did they contact you before the wardec and offer you their services for this fee, or did they open with the war? Lots of unknowns here, and as such it's hard to tell if they were on the level. Either way... protection racket, or strongarm extortion, both are acceptable playstyles in the dirty back alley universe of EVE.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Snakebyte Jack
AcT Legion
#10 - 2013-11-10 08:34:16 UTC
Just join an alliance that can defend its intrests or pay some mercs to ...merc them.
#11 - 2013-11-10 08:34:56 UTC
Snakebyte Jack wrote:
Just join an alliance that can defend its intrests or pay some mercs to ...merc them.

Friendship really is magic.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Kery Nysell
#12 - 2013-11-10 08:46:46 UTC
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
As it stands you'll never know. If you had paid them and they had in fact protected you from outside interference then I would say yes, it is completely legit. If you had and then they had not bothered to protect you then they were just strong arming you for iskies. Fuzziness here... did they contact you before the wardec and offer you their services for this fee, or did they open with the war? Lots of unknowns here, and as such it's hard to tell if they were on the level. Either way... protection racket, or strongarm extortion, both are acceptable playstyles in the dirty back alley universe of EVE.

Not a single word from them, they just opened the war, when I contacted them I heard some excuse that WE had killed a Noctis and a pod from them, when in fact that was the other way around, *I* was ganked ...

Well, I got the answer to my question, I've closed the corp I made 8 years ago, lost a POS and a pod with a full head of implants, and my bitter-meter was raised a notch ...

Lesson learned for the small time casual players : be silent and invisible.


Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#13 - 2013-11-10 08:56:49 UTC
Kery Nysell wrote:
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
As it stands you'll never know. If you had paid them and they had in fact protected you from outside interference then I would say yes, it is completely legit. If you had and then they had not bothered to protect you then they were just strong arming you for iskies. Fuzziness here... did they contact you before the wardec and offer you their services for this fee, or did they open with the war? Lots of unknowns here, and as such it's hard to tell if they were on the level. Either way... protection racket, or strongarm extortion, both are acceptable playstyles in the dirty back alley universe of EVE.

Not a single word from them, they just opened the war, when I contacted them I heard some excuse that WE had killed a Noctis and a pod from them, when in fact that was the other way around, *I* was ganked ...

Well, I got the answer to my question, I've closed the corp I made 8 years ago, lost a POS and a pod with a full head of implants, and my bitter-meter was raised a notch ...

Lesson learned for the small time casual players : be silent and invisible.

After having a look at your eveboard link, I have only one thing to say.

Shame on you!

130M SP with more than enough in PVP combat skills that you should have been able to meet them on the field of battle without fear and had some actual fun.

This is either some kind of troll or you're just really weird.

Mr Epeen Cool
Kery Nysell
#14 - 2013-11-10 09:13:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Kery Nysell
Mr Epeen wrote:
Kery Nysell wrote:
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
As it stands you'll never know. If you had paid them and they had in fact protected you from outside interference then I would say yes, it is completely legit. If you had and then they had not bothered to protect you then they were just strong arming you for iskies. Fuzziness here... did they contact you before the wardec and offer you their services for this fee, or did they open with the war? Lots of unknowns here, and as such it's hard to tell if they were on the level. Either way... protection racket, or strongarm extortion, both are acceptable playstyles in the dirty back alley universe of EVE.

Not a single word from them, they just opened the war, when I contacted them I heard some excuse that WE had killed a Noctis and a pod from them, when in fact that was the other way around, *I* was ganked ...

Well, I got the answer to my question, I've closed the corp I made 8 years ago, lost a POS and a pod with a full head of implants, and my bitter-meter was raised a notch ...

Lesson learned for the small time casual players : be silent and invisible.

After having a look at your eveboard link, I have only one thing to say.

Shame on you!

130M SP with more than enough in PVP combat skills that you should have been able to meet them on the field of battle without fear and had some actual fun.

This is either some kind of troll or you're just really weird.

Mr Epeen Cool

I'll go with the reeaaaally wierd option ... I have lots of skills, yes, but absolutely NO experince in PvP, and no interest in it either ... direct player vs player combat bores me to tears. My actual definition of fun is logging on for a couple of hours and either do a couple of missions or mine a bit. I find that relaxing, and I have a stressfull enough Real Life to really need it. The added stress of PvP does nothing good for my ulcers and blood pressure.

Also, 1 vs 40 is a sure way to get myself spanked, even if I had the inclination to fight ...

Now, if someone wants to teach me the ropes of PvP, I'm willing to learn.


Icarus Able
#15 - 2013-11-10 09:17:33 UTC
You closed a corp you had for 8 years because some guys threatened you...Wuss.
Kery Nysell
#16 - 2013-11-10 09:21:39 UTC
Icarus Able wrote:
You closed a corp you had for 8 years because some guys threatened you...Wuss.

Yes, your point being ?

I'd rather close a corp where I'm alone and restart it elsewhere than be bullied.

Yes, I'm a wuss. Never said otherwise.


Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#17 - 2013-11-10 09:31:07 UTC
Given the 200 mil/month they wanted, yeah, I'd say they were just jacking you for the iskies... the NO only charges 10m per member, i believe with discounts for entire corps, for an entire year. Beyond that I dunno, I'm weird too, so I can't knock that.
This strikes me as a missed opportunity to learn more about the pvp thing tho, i know mining and missions is more in your comfort zone... however, it doesn't take much time or minerals to brew up a fat stack of frigs, dessies and cruisers to dispose of whimsically. You know, mount up the old donkey, grab your favorite lance... and have at those space windmills :)

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Haedonism Bot
People for the Ethical Treatment of Rogue Drones
#18 - 2013-11-10 09:50:07 UTC
I will protect you for 50% of what they are asking.

Vote Sabriz Adoudel and Tora Bushido for CSMX. Keep the Evil in EVE!

Alphea Abbra
Project Promethion
#19 - 2013-11-10 10:16:10 UTC
Kery Nysell wrote:
Also, 1 vs 40 is a sure way to get myself spanked, even if I had the inclination to fight ...

Now, if someone wants to teach me the ropes of PvP, I'm willing to learn.
You mentioned some guys in the OP who might teach you?
If not then Noir., Rooks n Kings and other groups have PvP instruction videos up on Youtube.

I like how a few of the first answers disregarded the "is this griefing" and took the "was their protection racket genuine" approach. EVE never disappoints.Big smile
Varius Xeral
#20 - 2013-11-10 10:23:13 UTC
The fact that you made it through eight years without having your false views of the game practically challenged like this means there is something really wrong with Eve.

This is now a nerf hisec thread.

Official Representative of The Nullsec Zealot Cabal

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