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Which names are you choosing for your ships and why?

First post
Liu Ellens
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#121 - 2011-11-04 14:28:55 UTC
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
Vyl Vit wrote:
I name mine things like this : इस तरह (like this), because during battles the fleet commander says, "Target so and so..." Kinda hard for him/her to say, "Target इस तरह!" The fog of war.

Target the Chinese character ship.

...which would have me not target that one, as these are Devanagari letters, used prominently in India for example. P But, to get down from my high ground there, I wouldn't be able to distinguish between other far-eastern writings either and might stereotype - I just happen to know Hindi Blink

But it is still an interesting idea, which has potential if this is done in great numbers. Are pilot names restricted to the Latin alphabet? Don't remember right now (and derailing thread here)

Did I read on the (old) forums here someone liked to call his ships "Secondary"? FC: "Primary: Secondary!" :P

Well, they oughta know what to do with them hogs out there for shure.

Christian Soleater
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#122 - 2011-11-08 00:14:53 UTC
I like names related to what they look like:

Rifter - Rusty Shiv
Tristan - Fat Boy
Thrasher - Iron Fish
Rupture - Unholy Nail Gun

Don't get me started on the phallic ships.

K Suri
#123 - 2011-11-08 00:32:42 UTC
I name all my fighting ships TYANA. Tear You A New Ahole.

I name all my indy ships BTAA. Been Torn Another Ahole.
Dalloway Jones
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#124 - 2011-11-08 00:50:19 UTC
My ship names are generally pretty dumb. I named my Vexor Gertrude because she looks like a Gertrude.
Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#125 - 2011-11-08 01:08:06 UTC
Slepnir: Seed of Odin's Steed
in Norse mythology, Slepnir was a horse, belonging to Odin.

Falcon: Digital Rights Mgmt
Cos im gonna lock you out of your ****, even though you paid for it

Broadsword: Pandora's Bubble

Panther: Dildo From Mars
reference to Lords of Acid =p and it does look like a fat ugly dildo from a distance

Machariel: Lapse of Insanity
Because i only fly it when i plan to keep it =p

Nidhoggur: Flight of Insanity
Because i fly it only when i plan to lose it =D

Scimitar: The Kevorkian Assist

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#126 - 2011-11-08 01:32:04 UTC
Tengu - Starfire Eclipse: I wanted something inspiring, noble and a little bit bombastic. This is the ship I spend the majority of my time in, so it needs to have a cool name.

Falcon - Snowblind II: My original ECM boat was a Blackbird called Snowblind. I figured that Snowblind made sense for a ship that leaves you unable to "see" properly. The Falcon was merely an upgrade.

Noctis - Raven: The raven is a carrion bird, feeding itself off corpses, and it makes less sense as the name of a battleship than it does as the name of a salvage boat.

Hyperion - Mahadeva: One of the many names of Shiva - it made sense for a nigh-invincible ship that destroys all within its reach.

Nidhoggur - Black Sun: This is my carrier, so of course it has to have one seriously badass name or it'd be an injustice. The Black Sun is a mythological and alchemical concept with various different interpretations but mostly I chose it because it sounded dark, ominous and cool without being immediately threatening.

Hurricane - Saltwater: I named this after the Chicane song, Saltwater. No other reason. I just needed a name for a battle Hurricane and it was the first thing that came to mind.

Keres - Trollboat Mk. IV: This was my first test run of the TrollKeres, a ship that can reliably take your targetting range down to beneath the Keres' orbit-and-point range. I had the idea of using it as a PvP boat for the sole purpose of trolling people by rendering them unable to warp away for hours at a time. I never got to test it.

Stiletto - LAN WTF: A Stilletto I bought during a war with Aduro Protocol. At the time there was apparently something up with Siigarii Kitawa's network, and he kept blaming his terribad PvP skills on his faulty connection, so everyone in the merc corp I was with at the time decided to rename their ships to LAN WTF.

Basilisks - Arclight Saviour and Whitewater Reclaimer: These were named along the same lines as my Tengu, but with a slightly different "feel" to them.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Gallente Federation
#127 - 2011-11-08 01:37:48 UTC
Navy Scorp: Nicotine Machine
Destroyer: Megathron
Stealth Bomber: Whisper
Raven: Aspire
And whatever I'm using at the moment for salvage/loot: Vacuum or however its spelled.
Epic Ganking Time
#128 - 2011-11-08 01:40:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Gogela
Donkey Puncher.

Scam Wagon.


...I think I've made my point.

Edit: Stargate (IXL-R8)
heh... get it?

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Nyssa Litari
#129 - 2011-11-08 04:31:02 UTC
Named my Reaper "Agrajag"
Renon Graf
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#130 - 2011-11-08 04:32:07 UTC
When I first started as an Amarrian pilot I got this idea about roleplay, so I named all my ship 'Empress' something, and then it just became a habit.

Harbinger: Empress' Fury
Coercer: Empress' Blade
Executioner: Empress' Kiss
Pilgrim: Empress' Whisper

And so on...
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#131 - 2011-11-08 04:37:19 UTC
I have around 300 ships in my hanger. I have named one of them something besides Mr Epeens XXXXX.

Mr Epeen Cool
Noriko Mai
#132 - 2011-11-08 04:50:07 UTC
My shuttles are named like the titans so everybody fears me after I apear on dscanTwistedTwisted
btw. I now that the shiptype is on dscan. BUT the fear in the first moment ... all of them run!

"Meh.." - Albert Einstein

M5 Tuttle
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#133 - 2011-11-08 05:00:25 UTC
I name mine after states in the south. Stuff like Tennessee or Kentucky. Some of them are named "doubles.jpeg" and i have one named "the boo box".
Sphit Ker
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#134 - 2011-11-08 05:34:11 UTC
My Nightmare is named Festina Lente and my navy 'geddon is named Igne Ferroque. I'm pretty smug about that.Cool

nah really I'm no so good at naming things so I just goggle-FU for latin sayings/short phrases and slap one on I think is ~cool~.

It knows what you think.

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#135 - 2011-11-08 07:49:11 UTC
ah, generally i theme them based on their weapons or main attribute of the fit, like most of my heavy DPS amarr ships will have Fire in their name, Tanking ships will have Eternal in their name, or some synonym for those. I was on a Mirror's Edge marathon when i was buying my minmatar ships, so i ended up naming them after speedy knifey things, Blade's Edge, Switchblade, and my artillery hurricane i named Hammer Time.
Grammaticus DeVere
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#136 - 2011-11-08 21:05:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Grammaticus DeVere
I use either song titles - my Blockade Runner is called "Superfast Jellyfish" (from a Gorillazs CD), and a SB called "The Seldom Seen Kid" (an Elbow CD title) or I use a variation on the theme of Iain M Banks' 'Culture' ship names usually including 'Gravitas':

Wot? No Gravitas?

Gravitas Deficiency

and so on

Although I do have a BS called "Me, I'm Counting" which is also from a Banks 'Culture' novel...

We need more space so that we can use the proper length ship names Banks come up with - my favourite for a BS, which doesn't fit, is "I Said, I've Got A Big Stick", and number two would be "The Anticipation Of a New Lover's Arrival"

Edit - just remembered my Orca is called "The Dirty Projector" because the band of that name have titled a couple of CD's with Orca in the title (such as Bitte Orca, for some reason - even though they are American - where exactly is Temeculah, anyway?)
CCP Spitfire
C C P Alliance
#137 - 2011-11-09 08:23:37 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Spitfire
Afraid I'm not very imaginative here: some of my ships are named after the ones in Ian M. Banks Culture novels, others after the Napoleonic Wars-era Royal Navy ships -- or the mock/ironic/outright silly versions of the above (yes, there's a "HMS Kittens of Doom" in a hangar somewhere...)

CCP Spitfire | Marketing & Sales Team @ccp_spitfire

Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#138 - 2011-11-09 08:44:02 UTC
I plan to own a Navy Issue Exequeror called "Wait What?"

Now, more than ever, we need a dislike button.

#139 - 2011-11-09 11:22:50 UTC
My Isk generating ship is called "Rothschild" currently. My other ships follow whatever naming convention I thought was funny when I assembled it. My scimi is "Firetruck" because... that's what it looks like. Don't remember the rest, Itty V is something Phallic, ofc...

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

3 R Corporation
#140 - 2011-11-09 12:42:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Ptraci
My mining ships are named functionally, example IM-004C: IM stands for "Ice Miner" (a mackinaw fit with optimal mining), 004 is account 004 - not that my accounts have numbers in them but with 4 monitors and 6+ accounts I need to quickly keep track of who is who and which window is what. So 004 is account 004 and I know right away it's the account on the monitor on the far left. And C means that I have lost at least 2 Mackinaws previously, on that account :) Of course having numbers in my ship names automatically makes people think I'm a bot but whatever. I'm never AFK for longer than it takes to take a weewee.

My other ships are given names that loosely describe their purpose.