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Eve Event CCP Set up for Razor!

First post
Pew Terror
All of it
#201 - 2013-11-08 11:54:48 UTC
To sum up this post:

Sheep with no say on how they spend their time in a computergame being smug to filthy casuals that didnt know ships used in events are to be considered dead on first undock.
Johnny Marzetti
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#202 - 2013-11-08 12:07:17 UTC
Pew Terror wrote:
To sum up this post:

Sheep with no say on how they spend their time in a computergame being smug to filthy casuals that didnt know ships used in events are to be considered dead on first undock.

It amazes me that you people believe all null alliances are some kind of total institution. I'm not going to try very hard to disabuse you of this notion but I can't help commenting on it when I see it.
War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#203 - 2013-11-08 12:17:36 UTC
Arn Dog wrote:

With any MMO if you join a Dev lead player event with no info of whats going on you follow them not wanting to miss out.


I believe they call that "Lemming" behavior.

There is no such thing as a PVE (only) event in EVE.

Stop making bad assumptions.

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

#204 - 2013-11-08 12:34:00 UTC
War Kitten wrote:
Arn Dog wrote:

With any MMO if you join a Dev lead player event with no info of whats going on you follow them not wanting to miss out.


I believe they call that "Lemming" behavior.

There is no such thing as a PVE (only) event in EVE.

Stop making bad assumptions.

Well technically if he got killed he didn't miss out now did he? Blink

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#205 - 2013-11-08 12:37:23 UTC
flakeys wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
Arn Dog wrote:

With any MMO if you join a Dev lead player event with no info of whats going on you follow them not wanting to miss out.


I believe they call that "Lemming" behavior.

There is no such thing as a PVE (only) event in EVE.

Stop making bad assumptions.

Well technically if he got killed he didn't miss out now did he? Blink

Hehe, nope. He showed up and got participated upon. :)

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Sexy Cakes
Have A Seat
#206 - 2013-11-08 12:41:52 UTC


Not today spaghetti.

Arn Dog
#207 - 2013-11-08 12:42:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Arn Dog
War Kitten wrote:
Arn Dog wrote:

With any MMO if you join a Dev lead player event with no info of whats going on you follow them not wanting to miss out.


I believe they call that "Lemming" behavior.

There is no such thing as a PVE (only) event in EVE.

Stop making bad assumptions.

Everyone clearly knows the difference between a PVE and a PVP fit. Most people were in a PVE fit as they were given the impression this was a pirate NPC event. The response on the coms that we were going to 0.4sec 10 min's prior to the event start was shock. Most people didn't know. This was simply down to unclear communication from CCP. The situation of the sites kind of gave my fleet a good idea. Hence being in a PVP fit to the most part.

Most people thought CCP had engineered some new mechanic where they were forming LS fleets (pirates) and flagging them so their could be a 0.5 sec fight. That was one of the general ideas. (temp security status drop etc)

Look i went into the fight partially PVE but mostly PVP fit as i had no idea what the event was going to be. Hence i lasted one's standing of the first blood bath and actually got on a kill unlike most. The TiDi coupled with CCP FC skills and "just jump to Planet 4 when the bubble dispersers rubbish" caused loads of High Sec players to die on probably their first LS adventure. What sort of Dev doesn't know that the bubbles will just get re deployed in the instant they are down and that you wouldn't last long enough to just "warp out" Every wormholer and NullSec guy does.

What takes the **** more is the actual event would have been over even if we had made it past the gate by the time we got their.
Maximus Aerelius
#208 - 2013-11-08 13:05:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximus Aerelius
JamDunc wrote:
Arn Dog wrote:
JamDunc wrote:
I really didn't mind the getting killed. I have been other the other end enough times and it was fun to see the fight from the other angle.

The only thing I want to complain about is why the **** did you get us to form up 25 jumps away and then get us to warp all that way through TiDi to get slaughtered? Wouldn't it have been easier to get us to form up close by?

They switched the route apparently. We were sat next to LS where be rallied to start.

Yea, my guess is once again someone behind the scene messed up and they had to do this to try and keep it going. CCP Manifest was in the Twitch channel for awhile until he got laughed out for trying to make out it was an epic fight. I feel a little sorry for the ISD trying to convince people to jump into Doril after the first wave of slaughter, he got ripped to ****.

I'd love to see that Chat Log Blink
Sexy Cakes
Have A Seat
#209 - 2013-11-08 13:06:21 UTC
Arn Dog wrote:

Look i went into the fight partially PVE but mostly PVP fit as i had no idea what the event was going to be. Hence i lasted one's standing of the first blood bath and actually got on a kill unlike most. The TiDi coupled with CCP FC skills and "just jump to Planet 4 when the bubble dispersers rubbish" caused loads of High Sec players to die on probably their first LS adventure. What sort of Dev doesn't know that the bubbles will just get re deployed in the instant they are down and that you wouldn't last long enough to just "warp out" Every wormholer and NullSec guy does.

I just read about the event on themittani... sounded pretty lame from the highseccer's side and pretty awesome from the nullseccer's side.

Far too often it seems that CCP just doesn't get their own game. Call a live event and send out 1 gigantic fleet and not expect a massive lagfest... bonehead move CCP. Why not send out 250 man fleets on 5 minute intervals and have some actual FC's?

Not today spaghetti.

seth Hendar
I love you miners
#210 - 2013-11-08 13:14:34 UTC
Arn Dog wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
Arn Dog wrote:

With any MMO if you join a Dev lead player event with no info of whats going on you follow them not wanting to miss out.


I believe they call that "Lemming" behavior.

There is no such thing as a PVE (only) event in EVE.

Stop making bad assumptions.

Everyone clearly knows the difference between a PVE and a PVP fit. Most people were in a PVE fit as they were given the impression this was a pirate NPC event. The response on the coms that we were going to 0.4sec 10 min's prior to the event start was shock. Most people didn't know. This was simply down to unclear communication from CCP. The situation of the sites kind of gave my fleet a good idea. Hence being in a PVP fit to the most part.

Most people thought CCP had engineered some new mechanic where they were forming LS fleets (pirates) and flagging them so their could be a 0.5 sec fight. That was one of the general ideas. (temp security status drop etc)

Look i went into the fight partially PVE but mostly PVP fit as i had no idea what the event was going to be. Hence i lasted one's standing of the first blood bath and actually got on a kill unlike most. The TiDi coupled with CCP FC skills and "just jump to Planet 4 when the bubble dispersers rubbish" caused loads of High Sec players to die on probably their first LS adventure. What sort of Dev doesn't know that the bubbles will just get re deployed in the instant they are down and that you wouldn't last long enough to just "warp out" Every wormholer and NullSec guy does.

What takes the **** more is the actual event would have been over even if we had made it past the gate by the time we got their.

well, an event.....that will happen in curse....near utopia...announced widely and with a public fleet

i can't see any reason for it to turn to pvp....none at all.......

if you failed to understand that it would take place in null, i suggest you train reading to at least lvl 1
Arn Dog
#211 - 2013-11-08 13:16:26 UTC
Sexy Cakes wrote:
Arn Dog wrote:

Look i went into the fight partially PVE but mostly PVP fit as i had no idea what the event was going to be. Hence i lasted one's standing of the first blood bath and actually got on a kill unlike most. The TiDi coupled with CCP FC skills and "just jump to Planet 4 when the bubble dispersers rubbish" caused loads of High Sec players to die on probably their first LS adventure. What sort of Dev doesn't know that the bubbles will just get re deployed in the instant they are down and that you wouldn't last long enough to just "warp out" Every wormholer and NullSec guy does.

I just read about the event on themittani... sounded pretty lame from the highseccer's side and pretty awesome from the nullseccer's side.

Far too often it seems that CCP just doesn't get their own game. Call a live event and send out 1 gigantic fleet and not expect a massive lagfest... bonehead move CCP. Why not send out 250 man fleets on 5 minute intervals and have some actual FC's?

The funny part is this is what actually ended up happening with the TiDi. So you have 250man fleets jumping in on a well organized, non TiDi Razor fleet and getting owned one at a time. While the clark from CCP stood their trying to push the next fleet through the grinder on a red and green light system for the gate. The Dev must have been pissing himself as he sent the next fleet through to be killed. It was only the fact we had cross fleet team speak that we managed to pull two fleets out of going into Doril to stop them getting killed. What was even more laughable is the Dev was countering our own FC and telling the fleet to still jump even when we had told them to pull out lol
seth Hendar
I love you miners
#212 - 2013-11-08 13:18:46 UTC
Sexy Cakes wrote:
Arn Dog wrote:

Look i went into the fight partially PVE but mostly PVP fit as i had no idea what the event was going to be. Hence i lasted one's standing of the first blood bath and actually got on a kill unlike most. The TiDi coupled with CCP FC skills and "just jump to Planet 4 when the bubble dispersers rubbish" caused loads of High Sec players to die on probably their first LS adventure. What sort of Dev doesn't know that the bubbles will just get re deployed in the instant they are down and that you wouldn't last long enough to just "warp out" Every wormholer and NullSec guy does.

I just read about the event on themittani... sounded pretty lame from the highseccer's side and pretty awesome from the nullseccer's side.

Far too often it seems that CCP just doesn't get their own game. Call a live event and send out 1 gigantic fleet and not expect a massive lagfest... bonehead move CCP. Why not send out 250 man fleets on 5 minute intervals and have some actual FC's?

well, it is pretty clear that most of CCP crew doesn't know how to play pvp, just look at their fittings, their FC attempts etc....

clearly, they don't know.

it would be really intersting for everyone if CCP members (at least some of them) learned how to eve, fit ships, FC etc....

i'm pretty sure some of the changes they bring within each expansions would be considered better if they had such knowledge

knowing the game =/= knowing how to play the game
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#213 - 2013-11-08 13:20:16 UTC
Pew Terror wrote:
To sum up this post:

Sheep with no say on how they spend their time in a computergame being smug to filthy casuals that didnt know ships used in events are to be considered dead on first undock.

Don't know what you are talking about.

Its rare that I have to do anything. I spend my time to all sorts of enjoyable things, blowing up 200 highsecers would have been something I would enjoy but I had to go to bed.

We don't live out here for market availability tutz, we like shoooting at people.
Arn Dog
#214 - 2013-11-08 13:20:19 UTC
seth Hendar wrote:
Arn Dog wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
Arn Dog wrote:

With any MMO if you join a Dev lead player event with no info of whats going on you follow them not wanting to miss out.


I believe they call that "Lemming" behavior.

There is no such thing as a PVE (only) event in EVE.

Stop making bad assumptions.

Everyone clearly knows the difference between a PVE and a PVP fit. Most people were in a PVE fit as they were given the impression this was a pirate NPC event. The response on the coms that we were going to 0.4sec 10 min's prior to the event start was shock. Most people didn't know. This was simply down to unclear communication from CCP. The situation of the sites kind of gave my fleet a good idea. Hence being in a PVP fit to the most part.

Most people thought CCP had engineered some new mechanic where they were forming LS fleets (pirates) and flagging them so their could be a 0.5 sec fight. That was one of the general ideas. (temp security status drop etc)

Look i went into the fight partially PVE but mostly PVP fit as i had no idea what the event was going to be. Hence i lasted one's standing of the first blood bath and actually got on a kill unlike most. The TiDi coupled with CCP FC skills and "just jump to Planet 4 when the bubble dispersers rubbish" caused loads of High Sec players to die on probably their first LS adventure. What sort of Dev doesn't know that the bubbles will just get re deployed in the instant they are down and that you wouldn't last long enough to just "warp out" Every wormholer and NullSec guy does.

What takes the **** more is the actual event would have been over even if we had made it past the gate by the time we got their.

well, an event.....that will happen in curse....near utopia...announced widely and with a public fleet

i can't see any reason for it to turn to pvp....none at all.......

if you failed to understand that it would take place in null, i suggest you train reading to at least lvl 1

You missed one very small but major part of information out. Announced 10mins prior to the event starting that it was in Null. I dont know if it was different for the Pirate Null guys but we got told on route where to go. You guys seem to think that all of the H.S fleets knew hours ahead of time this was going to take place in null? Some of us guessed and came fit accordingly for a PVE event in a PVP region. However once again. We were only informed 10mins prior to the start.
Arn Dog
#215 - 2013-11-08 13:25:02 UTC
seth Hendar wrote:
Sexy Cakes wrote:
Arn Dog wrote:

Look i went into the fight partially PVE but mostly PVP fit as i had no idea what the event was going to be. Hence i lasted one's standing of the first blood bath and actually got on a kill unlike most. The TiDi coupled with CCP FC skills and "just jump to Planet 4 when the bubble dispersers rubbish" caused loads of High Sec players to die on probably their first LS adventure. What sort of Dev doesn't know that the bubbles will just get re deployed in the instant they are down and that you wouldn't last long enough to just "warp out" Every wormholer and NullSec guy does.

I just read about the event on themittani... sounded pretty lame from the highseccer's side and pretty awesome from the nullseccer's side.

Far too often it seems that CCP just doesn't get their own game. Call a live event and send out 1 gigantic fleet and not expect a massive lagfest... bonehead move CCP. Why not send out 250 man fleets on 5 minute intervals and have some actual FC's?

well, it is pretty clear that most of CCP crew doesn't know how to play pvp, just look at their fittings, their FC attempts etc....

clearly, they don't know.

it would be really intersting for everyone if CCP members (at least some of them) learned how to eve, fit ships, FC etc....

i'm pretty sure some of the changes they bring within each expansions would be considered better if they had such knowledge

knowing the game =/= knowing how to play the game

The bubble thing is a classic example of this. Team speak was dumbfounded that a Dev would tell us to just "wait" for the bubble to go down and warp out. Most highsecers know what bubbles look like as a large proportion and Null/Low/WH alts. Sometimes i wonder if they even play the game they work on.
seth Hendar
I love you miners
#216 - 2013-11-08 13:25:22 UTC  |  Edited by: seth Hendar
Arn Dog wrote:
Sexy Cakes wrote:
Arn Dog wrote:

Look i went into the fight partially PVE but mostly PVP fit as i had no idea what the event was going to be. Hence i lasted one's standing of the first blood bath and actually got on a kill unlike most. The TiDi coupled with CCP FC skills and "just jump to Planet 4 when the bubble dispersers rubbish" caused loads of High Sec players to die on probably their first LS adventure. What sort of Dev doesn't know that the bubbles will just get re deployed in the instant they are down and that you wouldn't last long enough to just "warp out" Every wormholer and NullSec guy does.

I just read about the event on themittani... sounded pretty lame from the highseccer's side and pretty awesome from the nullseccer's side.

Far too often it seems that CCP just doesn't get their own game. Call a live event and send out 1 gigantic fleet and not expect a massive lagfest... bonehead move CCP. Why not send out 250 man fleets on 5 minute intervals and have some actual FC's?

The funny part is this is what actually ended up happening with the TiDi. So you have 250man fleets jumping in on a well organized, non TiDi Razor fleet and getting owned one at a time. While the clark from CCP stood their trying to push the next fleet through the grinder on a red and green light system for the gate. The Dev must have been pissing himself as he sent the next fleet through to be killed. It was only the fact we had cross fleet team speak that we managed to pull two fleets out of going into Doril to stop them getting killed. What was even more laughable is the Dev was countering our own FC and telling the fleet to still jump even when we had told them to pull out lol

this is why teamspeak is better for this: FC => talk power. one can argue, noone will hear him anyway.

a pvp fleet shall never be a democracy, democracy can come before, or / and after, but never during the fleet

that's a FC role and that's why a FC is called. during the fleet he is god almighty, you follow his orders, even bad ones (or the one you think are bad).

if the fleet get killed on bad order from FC, then FC is responsible, that is the price to pay.

but when a fleet succeed, trust me the FC will be thanked by it's crew

this is where CCP is missing imao, running a fleet the correct way is not hard, what is hard is to make the good decision with the correct timing.

next time i hope they will say "OK, CCP XXX is now the FC, then follow the orders, if he say jump, just ask how high"
All Web Investigations
#217 - 2013-11-08 13:25:52 UTC
Arn Dog wrote:
Ok just took part of the event. This simply put was a set up by CCP to hand kills to lowsec!

How did RAZOR get set up that quickly and if it wasn't for time dilation allowing then nearly an hour to get ahead of the dilated systems! Our fleet jumped in to what was simply put... a set up. Was this CCP's present to RAZOR and L.S Alliances? perhaps all the goons complaining about "carebears" was too much and the Dev's gave in?

I love PVP, i love the game. But this set up is utterly unacceptable!

Its this sort of **** that makes people stop playing Eve. CCP you should be ashamed of yourself.

Edit: Info

The CCP Dev took command of the fleet and told them when to jump and where to warp to once "out of the bubble" Then abandoned the fleet when the slaughter started. . This coupled with the sector selection being the cornerstone of all major Null Alliance deployments currently caused a mass slaughter of over 400+ h.s pilots.

Summary: Tinfoil + hisec scrubs = hilarity

The people in low and null got set up quickly and decimated the fleets because they - gasp - know how to PVP.

hope this helps
seth Hendar
I love you miners
#218 - 2013-11-08 13:28:04 UTC  |  Edited by: seth Hendar
Arn Dog wrote:

You missed one very small but major part of information out. Announced 10mins prior to the event starting that it was in Null. I dont know if it was different for the Pirate Null guys but we got told on route where to go. You guys seem to think that all of the H.S fleets knew hours ahead of time this was going to take place in null? Some of us guessed and came fit accordingly for a PVE event in a PVP region. However once again. We were only informed 10mins prior to the start.

sorry, but you are wrong, the event took place around 1800-1900 eve time, it was known since noon that utopia was involved

now, if you didn't knew utopia was in nullsec, well i'd say someone failed to do his homeworks

so you are the one who missed "one very small but major part of information"

edit: it was not noon, it was 1400 eve time:

The empires of EVE Online are launching an assault tonight at 18:50. But their targets are not simply going to sit by and let that happen! They've put out their own call to action for anyone who wants to fight the power of the empires! If you're devious and wicked enough to fight against the forces of good in New Eden, go to systems FD-MLJ or Utopia at 18:50 onward and join the fleets there!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#219 - 2013-11-08 13:29:59 UTC
I was there, to be completely honest it was very chaotic and not a lot of people knew what was going on, pirates were shooting pirates, gatecamps set up to stop other pirates getting to the event, you finally get there and a lot of people just get volleyd, all in all not a great event at all really.

I disagree

All Web Investigations
#220 - 2013-11-08 13:33:02 UTC
Arn Dog wrote:
seth Hendar wrote:
Arn Dog wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
Arn Dog wrote:

With any MMO if you join a Dev lead player event with no info of whats going on you follow them not wanting to miss out.


I believe they call that "Lemming" behavior.

There is no such thing as a PVE (only) event in EVE.

Stop making bad assumptions.

Everyone clearly knows the difference between a PVE and a PVP fit. Most people were in a PVE fit as they were given the impression this was a pirate NPC event. The response on the coms that we were going to 0.4sec 10 min's prior to the event start was shock. Most people didn't know. This was simply down to unclear communication from CCP. The situation of the sites kind of gave my fleet a good idea. Hence being in a PVP fit to the most part.

Most people thought CCP had engineered some new mechanic where they were forming LS fleets (pirates) and flagging them so their could be a 0.5 sec fight. That was one of the general ideas. (temp security status drop etc)

Look i went into the fight partially PVE but mostly PVP fit as i had no idea what the event was going to be. Hence i lasted one's standing of the first blood bath and actually got on a kill unlike most. The TiDi coupled with CCP FC skills and "just jump to Planet 4 when the bubble dispersers rubbish" caused loads of High Sec players to die on probably their first LS adventure. What sort of Dev doesn't know that the bubbles will just get re deployed in the instant they are down and that you wouldn't last long enough to just "warp out" Every wormholer and NullSec guy does.

What takes the **** more is the actual event would have been over even if we had made it past the gate by the time we got their.

well, an event.....that will happen in curse....near utopia...announced widely and with a public fleet

i can't see any reason for it to turn to pvp....none at all.......

if you failed to understand that it would take place in null, i suggest you train reading to at least lvl 1

You missed one very small but major part of information out. Announced 10mins prior to the event starting that it was in Null. I dont know if it was different for the Pirate Null guys but we got told on route where to go. You guys seem to think that all of the H.S fleets knew hours ahead of time this was going to take place in null? Some of us guessed and came fit accordingly for a PVE event in a PVP region. However once again. We were only informed 10mins prior to the start.

Why is that an issue? CCP never stated where the event would happen. It's no ones fault but your own if you assumed it would be in hisec and it would be "safe" pve. Even if it did happen in highsec, you'd be wrong to assume purely PVE anyway - even standard, boring day to day highsec things like mining and mission running get some fun pvp surprises from time to time, what did you think would happen with a live event?

Summary: dumb people defeated by their own dumbness