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Militia duty for pilots unconvinced of the Amarr status quo

Tiara Sikai
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2011-11-03 06:54:06 UTC
As Mr. Krennel requested to keep his announcement clean, I have extracted the relevant parts of my (somewhat sudden and spontanous) reply and relevant followups. I hope this serves to both not shut down communication, and allow Mr. Krennel his clean environment.

The message that prompted my outburst:

Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
Apologies for thread hijacking and thank you for the confirmation.

I am sure I do not need to make clear my sentiments about stating you are anti-slavery while flying for the Empire Militia.

Elsebeth Rhiannon

My original message:

Tiara Sikai wrote:
As stated previously, slavery in its current form is likely not going to be around much longer. It is a right and proper reading of scripture, as the theology council declared, but not the only possible one.

First, an economical perspective: A "free" subsistence-wage worker costs very little more than a properly supervised and vitoc'ed slave. Unsurprising, since the worker receives basically the slaves food and shelter, disguised as currency. In some colonies I visited, the "currency" in fact never left the hands of the sponsors, since the workers only could spend it in the company store. On the other hand, a skilled and educated specialist slave saves immensely over an employee - but that saving is only possible after huge investments into the slave's education. Prohibitive investments, frequently.

Secondly, a moral one: The goal of slavery is to bring a soul into the light. Hard labor is invaluable in this, but scarcely sufficient on its own. I imagine that soon, slavery will become a much more monastic part of our culture, where religious education and psychological conversion will take a more central role, and physical labor a reduced one.

So, why fly for the Milita if not to herd a few million minmatar into the next transport and cackle manically? Because it is the right thing to do for an Amarr. It is the right thing to do to defend our civilization, our culture and our faith from those who would bring it down, and replace it with tribal chanting. To secure the greatest empire ever against all threats internal and external. And not the least to put a scalpels point to my own faith. If it doesn't hurt, it does not count.

Follow up by Matari "Freedom fighter":

Arkady Sadik wrote:
Tiara Sikai wrote:
So, why fly for the Milita if not to herd a few million minmatar into the next transport and cackle manically? Because it is the right thing to do for an Amarr. It is the right thing to do to defend our civilization
We need you to reclaim the Minmatar from the drudge, chaos and inhumanity in which they currently dwell, and into God's light. We are their angels. We must be their saviors. By your power they shall be rescued from the dark. God wills it, and so it shall be.

-- 24th Imperial Crusade recruitment text.

So very typical of your kind to see an outreached hand and hack at it savagely. So you would disagree wilfully depriving someone for no good reason is a disagrace? You would rather have us keep them in "drudge, chaos and inhumanity" as you so aptly quoted, than reclaim them to a higher purpose? As so often, without God's guidance the wicked profit from the proper. Those resisting the reclamation the hardest are frequently those whose unjust fortunes are threatened the most.

An Angel need not be gentle, or even humane. In the end, our efforts will result in a better cluster not just for us, but for the Matari descendants as well. God's plan is grander than any of us, and we are all mere slaves to this plan.

Mr Krennel was correct - this discussion has potential to derail his announcement. I am sorry for not forking this communication earlier.
Nicoletta Mithra
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#2 - 2011-11-03 08:27:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicoletta Mithra

While I don't agree that slavery will cease to exist - and that also means: in it's current form - any time soon within the Empire, I agree that it's quite easy to join the 24th for reasons other than enslavement of the republican Matari. The quote Cpt. Sadik gave makes no difference there:

The stated Crusade recruitment text doesn't at all speak of enslavement. instead it speaks of 'reclaiming' which is a concept in Amarrian culture indeed connected to enslavement, but it isn't even remotely covered by the latter. The equation that Cpt. Sadik is introducing here in a backhanded manner, that reclaiming is nothing but enslavement, is a thus false one either speaking of his inability to comprehend Amarrian culture or of his dedication to use whatever dirty polemics necessary to depreciate the efforts of individual pilots who dare to join the 24th Crusade - his opponents.

I'd like to point out, that the TLF recruitment text is much more crude: "Death to Amarr!" is it's final message. So, is everyone joining the TLF or supporting it by necessity against a peaceful solution to the tensions between the Republic and the Empire? If we'd want to believe Cpt. Sadik, that'd have to be the case. They'd all be hell-bent on genocide.

I doubt it, though.

N. Mithra
Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#3 - 2011-11-03 09:32:22 UTC
You can join the 24th Imperial Crusade for other reasons than to enslave the free Minmatar. Defense of the Empire is a possible other reason.

You can not join the 24th Imperial Crusade and be strictly opposed to enslaving the free Minmatar. The crusade you joined has that as a stated goal - by joining them, you at least accept that as a consequence of your actions.

Whatever the reasons why you join the 24th Imperial Crusade, those reasons are more important to you than any kind of possible opposition to slavery or the enslavement of the free Minmatar. You accept the latter as a collateral damage to your primary goals.

I'd like to point out, that the TLF recruitment text is much more crude: "Death to Amarr!" is it's final message. So, is everyone joining the TLF or supporting it by necessity against a peaceful solution to the tensions between the Republic and the Empire? If we'd want to believe Cpt. Sadik, that'd have to be the case. They'd all be hell-bent on genocide.
It's interesting that you call that "more crude". We've recently had a debate in the alliance on what we do about Amarrian reclaimers enslaving crew of destroyed ships. It turned out that it is rather common to have suicide options available for the crew. The idea that death is more preferable to slavery seems rather prevalent here. If I were Merdaneth, I would now argue that "Death to Amarr!" is just us being very kind to your people.

Other than that, you are right: Whoever joins the Tribal Liberation Force accepts that the destruction of the Amarrian Empire is more preferable to the enslavement of the free Minmatar. Did anyone ever argue otherwise?
Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#4 - 2011-11-03 09:47:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Arkady Sadik
Oh, and I guess I should answer this, too:

Tiara Sikai wrote:
So very typical of your kind to see an outreached hand and hack at it savagely.
"Oh so very typical of your kind to force your 'help' onto others who never asked for it nor wanted it, and then be confused when they push you away."

The "help" you insist on bringing to the galaxy is not wanted. But you simply can not accept that - you push your "help" onto others whether they want it or not, and when they kick you in the ass for it, you cry about how you only wanted to help. Grow up.

Tiara Sikai wrote:
In the end, our efforts will result in a better cluster not just for us, but for the Matari descendants as well.
In the end, if your people would simply stop bothering other people, we would never have had such a horrible cluster in the first place. Your efforts will not improve the cluster, it will just make it worse and worse with every day. But you don't worry about that, because you "only wanted to help".

But that is not what you want. What you want is to prove to yourself and the whole galaxy that you are better than everyone else. I suspect that is to be expect by a people subject to a cultural inferiority complex. Luckily, there are more and more Amarr who have grown beyond that childishness.
Heathen Legion
Iron Men of the Hood
#5 - 2011-11-03 12:09:17 UTC
Tiara Sikai wrote:
As stated previously, slavery in its current form is likely not going to be around much longer. It is a right and proper reading of scripture, as the theology council declared, but not the only possible one.

First, an economical perspective: A "free" subsistence-wage worker costs very little more than a properly supervised and vitoc'ed slave. Unsurprising, since the worker receives basically the slaves food and shelter, disguised as currency. In some colonies I visited, the "currency" in fact never left the hands of the sponsors, since the workers only could spend it in the company store. On the other hand, a skilled and educated specialist slave saves immensely over an employee - but that saving is only possible after huge investments into the slave's education. Prohibitive investments, frequently.

Secondly, a moral one: The goal of slavery is to bring a soul into the light. Hard labor is invaluable in this, but scarcely sufficient on its own. I imagine that soon, slavery will become a much more monastic part of our culture, where religious education and psychological conversion will take a more central role, and physical labor a reduced one.

Your theory, though adorable, has little basis in reality.
Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#6 - 2011-11-03 19:47:02 UTC
Arkady Sadik wrote:
You can not join the 24th Imperial Crusade and be strictly opposed to enslaving the free Minmatar. The crusade you joined has that as a stated goal

It has ?
Ava Starfire
Khushakor Clan
#7 - 2011-11-03 20:07:32 UTC
Tiara Sikai wrote:
So very typical of your kind to see an outreached hand and hack at it savagely.

This proves your childish belief in your own superiority, by referring to a Minmatar, who is presenting very logical, well formed replies to your claims, as "one of your kind".

They have a name for this behaviour; Ethnocentrism.

What IS typical of "my kind" is to, as my dear friend Mr. Sadik stated, kick you and yours in the ass. Repeatedly. We dont want your help, your enlightenment, your God. We want what was taken, our sisters and brothers, mothers and sons, returned to us, and for you to **** off. I frankly do not care what ultimately becomes of the empire, as long as slavery ends and you go away.

So typical of your kind to dance around the truth. Slaving pig.

"There is no strength in numbers; have no such misconception." -Jayka Vofur, "Warfare in the North"

Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#8 - 2011-11-03 22:58:22 UTC
You Amarr, your Empire, your zombie witch Empress and your perverse religion can ascend to the heights of the firmament or fall to the depths of hell for all I care. Just quit meddling in our affairs. Quit attempting to force your crap on us, the Gallente and the Caldari. Release our people whom you're holding, not for any altruistic purposes but, because your entire economy would collapse without the foundation of cheap slave labor.

Outstretched hand of peace? Where? All I hear is you Amarrian bastards saying that we "inferiors" need to be "saved" for our own good whether we like it or not and that you intend to do so or, kill us all in the process. If that's what you call an outstretched hand you're damned right I'm hacking at it and I'll do so until I draw my final breath.

It's so deliciously ironic that the only people in the history of mankind to obliterate entire civilizations and planets are always the ones calling the rest of us savages. I'd get a good laugh out of it if I didn't know that you've gone quite mad and believe your own propaganda.

Personally I'm just waiting for the day when the Caldari open their eyes and see you people for what you really are. On that day the 3 other empires may just decide that you're as much a threat to humanity as Kuvakei and decide to do something about it.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#9 - 2011-11-03 23:09:43 UTC
Lyn Farel wrote:

It has ?
Yes. Go to any recruitment office and read the recruitment ad. :-)
Tiara Sikai
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2011-11-03 23:23:59 UTC
Nicoletta Mithra wrote:

While I don't agree that slavery will cease to exist - and that also means: in it's current form - any time soon within the Empire, I agree that it's quite easy to join the 24th for reasons other than enslavement of the republican Matari. The quote Cpt. Sadik gave makes no difference there:

Cease to exist, maybe not. However, recent developments (the ninth generation release, most prominently) turn me hopeful that a revival of the spiritual core of the reclaiming can shift the focus towards doctrinal education.

Slaves certainly will continue to resent their fate - it is a needed part. But I personally hope the point behind it will be razor sharp and clear as ice, not muddled as much by the slim economic advantages.

Now, before the calls of "monstrous megalomaniac" and "filthy savage" drown out all discourse: Over our long history, our crusades brought many scattered peoples into the fold - most recently the Ammatar. They prospered and are better for it. Even if you turn a blind eye to matters of faith, it is obvious we must be doing something right
Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#11 - 2011-11-04 00:06:50 UTC
Tiara Sikai wrote:
most recently the Ammatar. They prospered and are better for it.
And here I thought they were the people who lied to you to protect a tribe from legally decreed genocide.
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#12 - 2011-11-04 01:38:06 UTC
Arkady Sadik wrote:
You can join the 24th Imperial Crusade for other reasons than to enslave the free Minmatar. Defense of the Empire is a possible other reason.

You can not join the 24th Imperial Crusade and be strictly opposed to enslaving the free Minmatar. The crusade you joined has that as a stated goal - by joining them, you at least accept that as a consequence of your actions.

Whatever the reasons why you join the 24th Imperial Crusade, those reasons are more important to you than any kind of possible opposition to slavery or the enslavement of the free Minmatar. You accept the latter as a collateral damage to your primary goals.

I'd like to point out, that the TLF recruitment text is much more crude: "Death to Amarr!" is it's final message. So, is everyone joining the TLF or supporting it by necessity against a peaceful solution to the tensions between the Republic and the Empire? If we'd want to believe Cpt. Sadik, that'd have to be the case. They'd all be hell-bent on genocide.
It's interesting that you call that "more crude". We've recently had a debate in the alliance on what we do about Amarrian reclaimers enslaving crew of destroyed ships. It turned out that it is rather common to have suicide options available for the crew. The idea that death is more preferable to slavery seems rather prevalent here. If I were Merdaneth, I would now argue that "Death to Amarr!" is just us being very kind to your people.

Other than that, you are right: Whoever joins the Tribal Liberation Force accepts that the destruction of the Amarrian Empire is more preferable to the enslavement of the free Minmatar. Did anyone ever argue otherwise?

However in the case that a person joins the military and the goverment that runs said military commits a crime resulting in war for the sake of his own nation I would hope that you see he is not required to retire from military service.

Nor would he legally be able to in any case.

One can seek to be part of the military to protect ones own nation without supporting the goals of his leadership in spirit. You may call that a cop out but you have to understand regardless of how he feels now that his nation is at war the way of life of those who want no part in the crime are just as much in danger.

not that I'm trying to saying anything about the Amarr or the Matari in that statement but I felt compelled to point out the flaw in your logic none the less.

I will say however your promise to me many months ago about terrorist activities to reclaim your people doesn't help your cause much. If I may step beside you a moment and pretend I'm a matarian child who has found the bombs in your locker room meant for a target explain to me honestly how you justify it.

The Empire is and most likely always will be an eye for an eye. A race for a throne heir or a city target for another.

So I ask you again maybe its time to set aside a small amount of pride and realize that hardening the hearts of the Lords you want dead but can never kill off to the words of the Empress may not be such a good idea.

Darkness is more then absence of light, it is ignorance and corruption. I will be the Bulwark from such things that you may live in the light. Pray so my arms do not grow weary and my footing remain sure.

If you are brave, join me in the dark.

Ryven Krennel
Allied Exploration Front
Allied Exploration Front AXXF
#13 - 2011-11-04 02:15:34 UTC
Thank you for forking this over to a separate thread.

Joining a militia doesn't mean you agree with EVERYTHING your government does. That's just silly.

You kids and your black and white nonsense. Nothing is that simple.

"Oh, good, we're surrounded.  That makes this easy."

Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#14 - 2011-11-04 07:53:30 UTC
Kithrus wrote:
One can seek to be part of the military to protect ones own nation without supporting the goals of his leadership in spirit.
I can only repeat myself:

You can be part of the 24th Imperial Crusade without wanting to enslave the free Minmatar.

But if you are part of the 24th Imperial Crusade, you accept that your actions support the conquest and enslaving of the free Minmatar.

The Empire is and most likely always will be an eye for an eye.
You should pray that we Minmatar are better than that.
Nicoletta Mithra
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#15 - 2011-11-04 09:40:16 UTC
Arkady Sadik wrote:
Kithrus wrote:
One can seek to be part of the military to protect ones own nation without supporting the goals of his leadership in spirit.
I can only repeat myself:

You can be part of the 24th Imperial Crusade without wanting to enslave the free Minmatar.

But if you are part of the 24th Imperial Crusade, you accept that your actions support the conquest and enslaving of the free Minmatar.

The Empire is and most likely always will be an eye for an eye.
You should pray that we Minmatar are better than that.

And I can only reiterate myself: The stated goal is "to reclaim the Minmatar from the drudge, chaos and inhumanity in which they currently dwell, and into God's light." Nowhere is stated that this has to be done by slavery. You have to accept the need to be reclaim the Republicians, not that they need to be enslaved. Not even that they need to be conquered.

You again and again equate wrongfully 'reclaim' and 'enslave'. That's an error on your part, Cpt. Sadik and again either one that speaks of your inability to comprehend foreign cultures or of your willingness to recklessly polemicise. And that's why your TLF commercial (for those things are really mainly that: commercials - not statements of strategic goals.) is more crude: Ours doesn't call for enslavement, while yours calls for death of all Amarr.

N. Mithra

P.S.: The ones that lied to protect the Starkmanir would've been Nefantar, the ones you Republicians still treat more like traitors than anything else because they hid themselves among the Ammatar. Also, by the way, we don't paint with as broad a brush as you do, apparently we Amarr have the ability to depict 'subtle' differences as having some traitors among a populace of otherwise faithful Ammatar rather than damning them all for the actions of few.
Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#16 - 2011-11-04 10:42:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Arkady Sadik
Nicoletta Mithra wrote:
You again and again equate wrongfully 'reclaim' and 'enslave'.
Could you please elaborate what you believe the following recruitment ad was intended to mean (and I mean, what the people who run the 24th IC mean with it, not what you would like it to mean)?

[To] reinstate the Empire of Amarr to its former and rightful glory. We need you to reclaim the Minmatar from the drudge, chaos and inhumanity in which they currently dwell, and into God's light. We are their angels. We must be their saviors.

By your power they shall be rescued from the dark. God wills it, and so it shall be.
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#17 - 2011-11-04 12:01:23 UTC
Arkady Sadik wrote:
Nicoletta Mithra wrote:
You again and again equate wrongfully 'reclaim' and 'enslave'.
Could you please elaborate what you believe the following recruitment ad was intended to mean (and I mean, what the people who run the 24th IC mean with it, not what you would like it to mean)?

[To] reinstate the Empire of Amarr to its former and rightful glory. We need you to reclaim the Minmatar from the drudge, chaos and inhumanity in which they currently dwell, and into God's light. We are their angels. We must be their saviors.

By your power they shall be rescued from the dark. God wills it, and so it shall be.

In Brief the Amarr have the truth and that such truth must be spread to those who do not have it in hopes of saving them.

It doesn't say how and it doesn't say in what context. For all intents and purposes that could be something as simple as defending missionaries that go into the other empires or quashing threats to the Amarr itself that would prevent such work.

Enslaving is an Amarrian Tradition yes but nowhere in scripture does it demand that its only way aside from the implication that one must suffer to reach atonement.

I have seen and heard of how many matari rites are preformed as ways of passage. Many of them are no less brutal then some of the penances I have inflicted on myself. If anything there is a degree of pointless self butchery in some of them that baffles me.

That being said asking a convert to the faith to suffer for past sins is hardly out of place.

No don't get me wrong I'm not trying to convince you that you should let me slap a collar round your neck right now I think its safe to say that's would be pointless and end badly. What I am asking of you however is to open your mind that maybe not every Amarrian wants to slap a collar on your neck and not everything Amarr does leads to that path.

In military wisdom its best to have you hand on your gun as long as your enemy has his on his own. I'm sure you understand that both sides glaring at each other and instinctively reaching for weapons every five minutes gets us no where.


Darkness is more then absence of light, it is ignorance and corruption. I will be the Bulwark from such things that you may live in the light. Pray so my arms do not grow weary and my footing remain sure.

If you are brave, join me in the dark.

Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#18 - 2011-11-04 12:57:47 UTC
Kithrus wrote:
In military wisdom its best to have you hand on your gun as long as your enemy has his on his own. I'm sure you understand that both sides glaring at each other and instinctively reaching for weapons every five minutes gets us no where.

Oh, perfectly fair.

My problem is that the Amarr outside of IGS use a rather clear vocabulary: From the Scriptures to the recruitment ad of the 24th IC, it's rather clear that the Amarr are about conquest of the galaxy and bringing their faith to others by force. I can also fully understand that Amarrians will fight for the 24th IC who do not, in general, wish for the captivity of the Minmatar people to continue, or for more Minmatar to be captured, but because they wish to defend their home and nation.

This is fully understandable, and a regrettable consequence of this war. Wars tend to polarize - it's difficult to stand aside when the stakes are so high. That is, those Amarr who wish to defend their Empire do so by putting the safety over their Empire above their distaste for slavery, spreading of faith by the sword, or conquest of other nations. I can fully understand that notion as well.

What bugs me is a certain kind of Amarr who exist solely on IGS and suffer from some serious forms of reality loss.

Elsewhere, you can find Amarr who wish to spread their faith by force, and they have the Scriptures to tell them how: Go forth, conquer in my Name, and reclaim that which I have given. You can also find Amarr who disagree with this notion, and will work against it - some by turning to the enemies of the Empire, some by trying to change the Empire from within. Some of the latter are pushed more to the support of the Empire by this war (as mentioned, a regrettable consequence), and they will take up arms to defend the status quo even though they disagree with it.

But only on IGS will you find Amarr who will with a straight face claim that the Empire means peace when they say war, that they mean a peaceful mission when they say conquest, and that they mean a tea party when they say Reclaiming. These people either have completely lost connection to reality, or they are some of the worst propagandists I've ever seen.

You can not change the world by claiming that that which you disagree with does not exist.
Arkady Sadik
Electus Matari
#19 - 2011-11-04 12:57:59 UTC
(( *snip* I hate this forum software. ))
Tiara Sikai
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2011-11-04 13:12:41 UTC
Arkady Sadik wrote:

My problem is that the Amarr outside of IGS use a rather clear vocabulary: From the Scriptures to the recruitment ad of the 24th IC, it's rather clear that the Amarr are about conquest of the galaxy and bringing their faith to others by force. I can also fully understand that Amarrians will fight for the 24th IC who do not, in general, wish for the captivity of the Minmatar people to continue, or for more Minmatar to be captured, but because they wish to defend their home and nation.


But only on IGS will you find Amarr who will with a straight face claim that the Empire means peace when they say war, that they mean a peaceful mission when they say conquest, and that they mean a tea party when they say Reclaiming. These people either have completely lost connection to reality, or they are some of the worst propagandists I've ever seen.

You can not change the world by claiming that that which you disagree with does not exist.

Some of my esteemed collegues may be more liberal than me. I fully agree with many of the "charges" laid here. Yes, I wish to see the light of truth be spread to all corners of the cluster. If that is best accomplished by a mailed boot, then so be it. I wish to see especially the Minmatar brought into the fold, if only because of how close it all came to working out for the best prior to the rebellions. I wish to defend and broaded civilization. I don't, however, wish to travel by palanquin, carried by eight eunuchs. Or to have my silverware mined by Matari children rather than automatic excavators. I abhor needless suffering, and find the casual disregard of slave life a disgrace.

Reclaiming is gathering all the glory the Creator bestowed on us, and praising him for his largess. If that reclaiming is done with a gentle tongue and quick wit, with ISK and AUR, or at the point of a heavy laser battery is secondary to that holy duty.

I am not a theologian, but what I wouild like to see in my lifetime are salvation colleges dotting the worlds of the cluster, each schooling maybe a tenth of the young men and woman in due firmness, strictness and discipline, so they may act as seeds to bring in their less fortunate brethren. By hard labor, by Vitoxin if no other option presents itself, but most of all by God's word, to slowly replace the force of arms from without with the force of faith from within.
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