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Valkyrie might not be coming to PC at Launch...Dust was so good we thought screw you PC Gamers?

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#41 - 2013-10-27 20:08:54 UTC
Bagrat Skalski wrote:
Don't believe what CCP says.

Source reliability, you saw it on...

...the official forums: Wiggles! Wiggles!
...a player forum: <1%
...a player news source: <3%
...a private news source: <10%
...a CCP tweet: <15%
...Fanfest: <20%
...a dev post on the forums: <25%
...a CSM official statement: <30%
...a devblog: <40%
...a "in development" video: <50%
...the Test Server: if good, >50%, if bad, >75%, if bad and terribly opposed >99.99%

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Arec Bardwin
#42 - 2013-10-27 20:31:48 UTC
Money Makin Mitch wrote:
worth plexing my account just to watch CCP continue to shoot themselves in the foot Twisted
They surely must be on their last legs by now Lol
Ned Black
#43 - 2013-10-27 20:36:17 UTC
Hammer Crendraven wrote:
Valkyrie, if it is being designed like I think it is, then it belongs on the console machine.

PC games are for big boys. The kiddy pool is that way>>>console machines.

I for one love flight games where every key on the keyboard have 3 different functions (Freespace 1 and 2/AH-64 games)... todays games are mostly dumbed down to fit a console control... and that takes a lot of the fun out of it if you ask me.

My absolute favorite would be a valkyri game where you had to press buttons inside your virtual cockpit in order to make them happen. Then you really would add skill to the mix. The more complex the more fun it is if you ask me.... I know that is just a wet dream that will never come true however... games of today are way to easy and coddling.
Diomedes Calypso
Aetolian Armada
#44 - 2013-10-27 20:45:19 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:
seems pretty normal for designers to avoid the question of what platforms the game's being released on early on. i think they have to figure things out with the publisher and console manufacturers first. so don't panic, eh

Absolutely. If you follow corporate stuff in general (like outside of game design) you'll understand some of the delicacies like negotiating licensing fee s for patents held by others that worm their way into lots of ui and potocol stuff...especially when there are cross platform uses.

The terms access can be had by smartphone might very well require adjustments to pc api access to allow smartphone networks to earn some stream of value or preserve the notion that people using smartphones must go through their store. Etc

Im just naming one idea. Companies in one area do try to get their tentacles into others and even if you rebuff ideas you need to retain the notion that you can shift things around on the table and be reasonably open to hearing concerns and finding adjustment sthat don't compromise either s goals


Chance Harper
#45 - 2013-10-28 01:10:18 UTC
well, let them make it for console only. Going to be the same fail like Dust 514. What CCP always seems to forget is, that its Us pc players who pay for the developement of those games and then they release it F2P as a console exclusive game.

Good job CCP.
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#46 - 2013-10-30 11:44:18 UTC
If Valkyrie isn't released on PC, I wont be a happy bunny Sad

I can't see it not being released on PC though. Hillmar backed the Oculus rift kickstarter and they had the Oculus guys come to fanfest and demo Valkyrie on the rift. So to suddenly turn round after that and say "sorry we got a better offer" would not be very nice...
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#47 - 2013-10-30 14:16:51 UTC
Raneru wrote:
If Valkyrie isn't released on PC, I wont be a happy bunny Sad

I can't see it not being released on PC though. Hillmar backed the Oculus rift kickstarter and they had the Oculus guys come to fanfest and demo Valkyrie on the rift. So to suddenly turn round after that and say "sorry we got a better offer" would not be very nice...

Try being a WiSer if you want to know what CCP is capable of, in terms of "not being nice".

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#48 - 2013-10-30 16:39:32 UTC
Chance Harper wrote:
well, let them make it for console only. Going to be the same fail like Dust 514. What CCP always seems to forget is, that its Us pc players who pay for the developement of those games and then they release it F2P as a console exclusive game.

Good job CCP.

We PC players pay for access to this game.

What CCP does with the money after that is their business, not yours.

They could just as easily take their profits and invest them in an Icelandic fishing fleet if they preferred, and people would complain that they weren't consulted on the type of nets being used.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Aquila Shadow
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#49 - 2013-10-30 16:50:06 UTC
"The Oculus Rift developer kit will target PC-only. We hope to make the headset compatible with major consoles and mobile devices in the future."

- Occulus Rift dev team

                                              "Let Vigilance Be Your Sword"

Quartz Silver
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#50 - 2013-10-30 16:54:23 UTC
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#51 - 2013-11-03 01:01:47 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
We PC players pay for access to this game.

What CCP does with the money after that is their business, not yours.

They could just as easily take their profits and invest them in an Icelandic fishing fleet if they preferred, and people would complain that they weren't consulted on the type of nets being used.

Its less about being mad how CCP spend the money and more about watching CCP waste potential.

Look at the growth rates of Eve. The game grew rapidly until around Apocrypha expansion. It also happens to be around that time they pulled a lot of focus away from Eve and started spending large amounts of cash on Dust and World of darkness. As more and more focus was pumped into these new projects eve got less and less resources given to it and things started to fall apart. As new content steadily decreased the player numbers stopped growing. the players naturally (rightly or wrongly) believe that if CCP had pumped all that money into Eve we would have continued to see the population grow.

One things a fact, no way has Dust been a great investment so far. Now we see their new game heading down a bad path too.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2013-11-03 01:59:11 UTC
JamDunc wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
We PC players pay for access to this game.

What CCP does with the money after that is their business, not yours.

They could just as easily take their profits and invest them in an Icelandic fishing fleet if they preferred, and people would complain that they weren't consulted on the type of nets being used.

Its less about being mad how CCP spend the money and more about watching CCP waste potential.

Look at the growth rates of Eve. The game grew rapidly until around Apocrypha expansion. It also happens to be around that time they pulled a lot of focus away from Eve and started spending large amounts of cash on Dust and World of darkness. As more and more focus was pumped into these new projects eve got less and less resources given to it and things started to fall apart. As new content steadily decreased the player numbers stopped growing. the players naturally (rightly or wrongly) believe that if CCP had pumped all that money into Eve we would have continued to see the population grow.

One things a fact, no way has Dust been a great investment so far. Now we see their new game heading down a bad path too.

I believe the reason they are focusing more on WoD right now is because the White Wolf publishing acquisition DID NOT integrate these employees into CCP. Yes WWP is under CCP, but the teams do not work on any EVE related products, so they were basically being paid to sit around and either do nothing, or develop World of Twilight (darkness). CCP kind of screwed themselves over with that acquisition I believe, since it was a LONG time ago and they barely have anything to show for it yet.

I'm pretty sure the reason development for EVE has slowed down more due to the split in creating the DUST team, and mismanagement of the company that has lead to the last few stagnant expansions. CCP has told us of a GRAND plan that would be worthy of an expansion like a FULL POS remake including possible custom location POS, and even some totally new exploration mechanics where we could discover new systems. All of this has been delayed, delayed, and delayed again due to the incompetence, or just sheer lack of organization and manpower to pull it off. This of course does not include the big issue of corruption within the company.

The funny thing is an old corpmate of mine who I can never tell is joking made a rather interesting point that CCP very well may be looking to sell themselves off to another company. The slim down in devs, the slow down in production, and the overall stagnation that seems to be dwelling within CCP seems to kind of point to such a thing especially with all the rumors going around.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#53 - 2013-11-03 11:24:46 UTC
IDGAD wrote:
The funny thing is an old corpmate of mine who I can never tell is joking made a rather interesting point that CCP very well may be looking to sell themselves off to another company. The slim down in devs, the slow down in production, and the overall stagnation that seems to be dwelling within CCP seems to kind of point to such a thing especially with all the rumors going around.

If that was the case, they are going to EA. Pretty much every major position thats come up over the last few years has gone to an EA guy.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#54 - 2013-11-03 12:18:23 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
In the general press (CNN, blah blah blah, etc.) I keep reading all this stuff about the Death of the PC.

Sounds like it, if this is how game developers are thinking already.

I,m sick of hearing death of the PC they will be around for another 10 years yet and beyond I reckon

You only realise you life has been a waste of time, when you wake up dead.

Atlantis Fuanan
Wormhole Research Inc.
#55 - 2013-11-03 12:29:23 UTC
That's awesome... having a great idea, getting a nice piece of hardware that actually can be used and then screw it all up by "not confirming it on pc" (already!). Yes, please CCP, get this on Console done, port it then on PC like every good game is screwed up these days, and then hold up a white piece of cloth to measure the shitstorm that will come at you.
Are Developer these days trying to achieve the "worst Company"-Award?

[u]Things that would make EVE better:[/u] NRDS - Remove Local - Balance Cloak - Sov-Mechanic Changes - Less QQ

Modern Caliba Corp
#56 - 2013-11-03 18:30:07 UTC
Oh please.

I dont think real Valkyrie enthusiasts have anything to worry about if they plan on buying that game when it comes out because prior to the first ever official release of a finished VR game on the consumer Rift product in next year or so, the idea of what best platform to develop these type of new games on is still widely agreeable that its only on the pc.

As a game touted to be created for the VR experience, this is now what people expect to play so youre going to have a hard time finding any platform other than a pc that will support it (legally). If you know anything about the Rift and its devs' plans you know they only have hopes that one day, to be allowed future console integration. In that case there hasnt been a chance to mitigate with any of the console giants on plans that would actually decide whether to support an unfinished 3rd party product and how much, into their fundamental marketing and system infrastructure, or decide create VR tech themselves. How do you convince the Sonys Microsofts and Nintendo's not to research a product they could look at and probably decide to develop and produce themselves in a couple years in order to amend new profit strings from meanwhile only placate specifically to their console gamer market like they normally do? This is what they would want.

Atm simply put no high end or indie developer who is making a game now is anxious enough to start making their VR enabled games for consoles at this early stage. Safest bet now for enthusiasts of VR technology and the like has been to keep pushing the authenticity and limits of design for new products and/or games they create with the technology squarely focused on the pc which in of itself advances with creators symbiotically every year under the speed of light. So for the foreseeable future you will no doubt begin to see VR aimed games be perfected on the pc first before we see a transition to consoles.

I can think big just like you, but smaller things seem to get themselves done a lot faster. Setting waypoints.

Modern Caliba Corp
#57 - 2013-11-03 19:05:54 UTC
Atlantis Fuanan wrote:
That's awesome... having a great idea, getting a nice piece of hardware that actually can be used and then screw it all up by "not confirming it on pc" (already!). Yes, please CCP, get this on Console done, port it then on PC like every good game is screwed up these days, and then hold up a white piece of cloth to measure the shitstorm that will come at you.
Are Developer these days trying to achieve the "worst Company"-Award?

Again Id hate to see all the stumps put on a game that you could wholly produce on a PC all day with todays open ended capabilities, VR enabling it and not doing so on the pc first? But CCP will turn away from the consumer who would support them first only to bring back a console port of a new game made for VR?? I must be missing out on how many console gamers are supporting CCP games right now?

I can think big just like you, but smaller things seem to get themselves done a lot faster. Setting waypoints.

Agallis Zinthros
Amarr Empire
#58 - 2013-11-04 18:50:32 UTC
I will unsub if CCP launches it on consoles before PC. PS4 is confirmed too weak for Oculus Rift (which needs 1080P *AND* 60 FPS, of which PS4 can only choose onne or the other, Sony rumored to be making an over-priced 720P knock-off).

Amarr Victor Owner / operator of, an EVE-focused PVP blog

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