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Crime & Punishment

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Jita: from tradehub to scamhub!!

First post
Xen Solarus
Furious Destruction and Salvage
#41 - 2013-10-25 13:45:24 UTC
Don't get sucked in by the trolls OP, lots that use the forums like to post meaningless responses in peoples threads, generally that don't contribute to the subject in anyway shape or form. It's a wonder they ever bother to take the time to write a response, until you realise that its only to see you get annoyed. This meme pretty much sums up their primary aim. Best thing to do is completely ignore them, if they are not going to take the time to contribute to the thread, then they aren't worthy of acknowledgement.

People that use grammar or spelling as a counter-argument especially should be ignored. As if the entire would should conform to their specific language specifications! Getting your point across is all that is important, and those that manage to do so in a secondary language should be applauded. You're likely immediately more intelligent than they will ever be.

But as far as your original point, Jita is indeed a hive of scum and villainy. Blocking the spammers there is an unwinnable battle, considering CCPs unwillingness to deal with botters/macros and their propensity to biomass and recycle their characters to scam another day. There are many, many similar threads to yours, spreading back through history. Perhaps you could attempt to combine them, amass all the collected scams and tricks and cons into a comprehensive list? A worthy undertaking! Cool

Post with your main, like a BOSS!

And no, i don't live in highsec.  As if that would make your opinion any less wrong.  

Richard Ramlrez
#42 - 2013-10-25 14:04:04 UTC
Ursula Thrace wrote:
Nina Mink wrote:
Gone try to start a thread where people can discuss the
latest scams. Tell us about you being scammed. If we all work
together we can try to prevent that the same thing happens to others...


just follow the golden rule in eve - trust no one. stick to that rule, and jita becomes a happy place.

This is the only rule i remembered when i came back to the game.
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#43 - 2013-10-25 14:07:51 UTC

Shouldn't this be in C&P?

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Jaxon Grylls
Institute of Archaeology
#44 - 2013-10-25 14:20:18 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
Actually, i have far more clue than you do and i have evidence.

I can spell "you" and i don't react like a child.

Who are you?

ee cummings?
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#45 - 2013-10-25 14:20:29 UTC
Xen Solarus wrote:
Don't get sucked in by the trolls OP, lots that use the forums like to post meaningless responses in peoples threads, generally that don't contribute to the subject in anyway shape or form. It's a wonder they ever bother to take the time to write a response, until you realise that its only to see you get annoyed. This meme pretty much sums up their primary aim. Best thing to do is completely ignore them, if they are not going to take the time to contribute to the thread, then they aren't worthy of acknowledgement.

People that use grammar or spelling as a counter-argument especially should be ignored. As if the entire would should conform to their specific language specifications! Getting your point across is all that is important, and those that manage to do so in a secondary language should be applauded. You're likely immediately more intelligent than they will ever be.

But as far as your original point, Jita is indeed a hive of scum and villainy. Blocking the spammers there is an unwinnable battle, considering CCPs unwillingness to deal with botters/macros and their propensity to biomass and recycle their characters to scam another day. There are many, many similar threads to yours, spreading back through history. Perhaps you could attempt to combine them, amass all the collected scams and tricks and cons into a comprehensive list? A worthy undertaking! Cool

I suggest calling it The Jita Businessman's Handbook. Such an educational resource should be required reading and only cost a small sum of 1.97b isk.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

To Be Me
#46 - 2013-10-25 14:24:06 UTC
This thread is now about potatoes..

thumbs up if you like :))))

#47 - 2013-10-25 15:49:59 UTC
First of all, you mostly just see the tired old scams, not much new or interesting.

I suggest you have fun with it. For the short time you actually have to be there, mess with them. Pretend you are about to fall for a scam. String them along. Or be a Faux White Knight. This one really seems to agitate them and is hilarious. Another good one is to announce in local that So-and-So Isk Doubler will give out the isk, no deposit necessary, but you must privately convo him and be extremely persistent.

Trade hub scammers can be a source of great entertainment. If you have to pass through a hub, make your time there fun.

No good deed goes unpunished

Decaying Rocky Odious Non Evil Stupid Inane Nobody
Rogue Drone Recovery Syndicate
#48 - 2013-10-25 15:51:44 UTC  |  Edited by: destiny2
Nina Mink wrote:
Gone try to start a thread where people can discuss the
latest scams. Tell us about you being scammed. If we all work
together we can try to prevent that the same thing happens to others...


To prevent bein scammed in Jita or other trade hubs just close the local tab, problem solved.
altho calling out their scams give you bountys :D
0asis Group
#49 - 2013-10-25 16:00:37 UTC  |  Edited by: TharOkha
destiny2 wrote:
Nina Mink wrote:
Gone try to start a thread where people can discuss the
latest scams. Tell us about you being scammed. If we all work
together we can try to prevent that the same thing happens to others...


To prevent bein scammed in Jita or other trade hubs just close the local tab, problem solved.
altho calling out their scams give you bountys :D

!!! PROLEM NOT SOLVED !! You cannot close local chat. Block button is useless as throwaway alts are born everyday. CCP is allowing / ignoring spam bots in Jita.

I dont care if those bots are used for scams, real trade advertising or recruitment. The thing is that you cannot ged rid of them. THATS THE F"CKING PROBLEM !!!
Hinata' Hyuga
WillPower and Courage Corporation
#50 - 2013-10-25 16:13:22 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
Actually, i have far more clue than you do and i have evidence.

.) I can spell "you" and i don't react like a child.
.) You believe this thread will get seen/googled by all the old and new players,
but not only failed to use google yourself to realise the countless sites teaching about scams that are already online...
.) ... but also believe your thread is in any way new and original and not a copy of a copy of a copy.

Explain how you believe that we can prevent scams from happening, but in detail.

edit: And please show us your contribution to it. Opening a thread and letting others do the work doesn't really count as contribution.

Never point to grammar to prove your point or devalue others'. The cultural diversity of Eve brings dozens of languages to the table. The fact that someone goes to the trouble to have a conversation in our language when it isn't their native tongue is significant; the least we can do is overlook grammar/syntax errors.
Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#51 - 2013-10-25 16:26:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Minmatar Citizen160812
Can someone loan me 10mil for a PLEX and I'll pay you back when my sell orders sell? Please help, my account expires in 20 minutes....and when did PLEX get so expensive???


The cultural diversity of Eve brings dozens of languages to the table

And none of those languages spell "you" with a U. Don't make excuses for the stupid "texting" generation. Back in the day that was called "letter writing" and had a proper format. Dummies...
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#52 - 2013-10-25 16:33:50 UTC
Hinata' Hyuga wrote:
The cultural diversity of Eve


Uh huh



"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

#53 - 2013-10-25 16:34:52 UTC
Sebastor Cane wrote:
When im bored i sit in Jita blocking scammers in local. My task is endless

Like fighting Falcons, the correct course of action is "more Falcons!" Suggest bots that just spam 20 lines of CR/LF

There are good ships,

And wood ships,

And ships that sail the sea

But the best ships are Spaceships

Built by CCP

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#54 - 2013-10-25 16:43:18 UTC
This thread could use more capital letters and exclamation marks.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#55 - 2013-10-25 16:45:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
Hinata' Hyuga wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
Actually, i have far more clue than you do and i have evidence.

.) I can spell "you" and i don't react like a child.
.) You believe this thread will get seen/googled by all the old and new players,
but not only failed to use google yourself to realise the countless sites teaching about scams that are already online...
.) ... but also believe your thread is in any way new and original and not a copy of a copy of a copy.

Explain how you believe that we can prevent scams from happening, but in detail.

edit: And please show us your contribution to it. Opening a thread and letting others do the work doesn't really count as contribution.

Never point to grammar to prove your point or devalue others'. The cultural diversity of Eve brings dozens of languages to the table. The fact that someone goes to the trouble to have a conversation in our language when it isn't their native tongue is significant; the least we can do is overlook grammar/syntax errors.

I don't mind her not speaking english properly and i don't care about actual spelling mistakes.
She writes "u" and comes up with the bullshit excuse of not speaking english natively.
It's a three letter word. Writing "you" properly doesn't have anything to do with lack of knowledge,
especially when pointed at it. If a person insists on writing it wrong, then it's not a matter of knowledge,
but of character and hers is questionable.

If you look closely, there are several clues that she isn't the smartest. She reacts like a kid when being
pointed at the spelling mistake and when her intentions are taken in question. She didn't actually
care about posting a single scam herself, but rather dropped a fourliner pretty much believing others
will do the work. She insisted on writing "u", ignoring that it's wrong. She noted that she will leave the
thread, lying to me that we will continue the discussion about it some other time, simply to avoid the
discussion in the first place.

Anyhow, this thread is over anyway.
Amhra Rho
Accujac Elimination
#56 - 2013-10-25 17:12:47 UTC
Nobody in Eve who is trying to advertise something to you has anything you want. This makes your job easy - just ignore them all.

There's real reasons why your Eve character doesn't do /dance.

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#57 - 2013-10-25 17:17:50 UTC
Amhra Rho wrote:
Nobody in Eve who is trying to advertise something to you has anything you want. This makes your job easy - just ignore them all.

Except Erotica 1

She has things everyone wants

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#58 - 2013-10-25 17:18:25 UTC
So what is everyone having to eat? While I'm in Jita, I think I will enjoy a club sub with extra bacon. I'll load on the veggies and finish it off with a small stripe of yellow mustard and some vinegar and oil.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#59 - 2013-10-25 17:31:03 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
So what is everyone having to eat? While I'm in Jita, I think I will enjoy a club sub with extra bacon. I'll load on the veggies and finish it off with a small stripe of yellow mustard and some vinegar and oil.

I usually have two hotdogs at once

With onions and red sauce

Sometimes mus-tard

It depends

I like NY style Mustard but not real mus-turd

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Angeal MacNova
Holefood Inc.
Warriors of the Blood God
#60 - 2013-10-25 18:04:25 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
I don't care if others are trying to be funny, i'm definitely not.

What i'm trying, though, is to attack your ignorance and childish behaviour
and i am obviously succeeding.

Why do you insist on writing "you", although you know it's wrong and makes you look like an idiot?

The OP had the intent of creating more awareness to the scams and, with your first replay, you jumped down their throat with a wild assumption for no reason.

You simply make yourself look like an ******* and a child.

@OP: The trade hubs are plagued with scammers and the forums are plagued with trolls.

CCP's true, butthurt, colors.

Because those who can't do themselves keep others from doing too.