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So many bears in EVE - play style labeling

Utassi Security
#21 - 2013-10-18 12:05:07 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Turelus wrote:
What are roleplayers? rolebears? rpbears? What?


People who dont roleplay are Metabears

Lol This was a great reply.
So roleplayers are considered normal ones... never thought I would see the day.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

New Eden Tank Testing Services
#22 - 2013-10-18 12:19:12 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:
It used to just be a carebear, .

What did you evolve into so I can look out for and be aware of it ? Warning signs ??

Don't you mean devolve into?

Carebears are the top of the evolutionary ladder, lets face it PvP types are still trying to bang 2 rocks together to make fire.Lol

We already make LOTS of fire. Especially inside my ship Sad

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Maaaaowm Ogeko
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#23 - 2013-10-18 12:22:14 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
Yay i don't fall into these categories \o/

you're a Metabear
Frying Doom
#24 - 2013-10-18 12:26:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
Zappity wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:
It used to just be a carebear, .

What did you evolve into so I can look out for and be aware of it ? Warning signs ??

Don't you mean devolve into?

Carebears are the top of the evolutionary ladder, lets face it PvP types are still trying to bang 2 rocks together to make fire.Lol

We already make LOTS of fire. Especially inside my ship Sad

Yes but that is because you are doing it wrong. You are not meant to pour stale beer on electronics.Lol

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2013-10-18 12:39:14 UTC
I am a LameBear... I think...

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Frying Doom
#26 - 2013-10-18 12:45:36 UTC
I am going for more of a legally drugged bear atm.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Dr0000 Maulerant
Union Nanide and Tooling
#27 - 2013-10-18 14:09:19 UTC
Came to thread hoping to find sweaty, hairy, gay eve.

Did not leave disappointed.

Tell me again about how every playstyle you dont engage in "doesn't require any effort" and everyone who does it needs to die in a fire. Be sure to mention about how you tried it once but it was too easy/boring/ethnic-homophobic slur. 

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#28 - 2013-10-18 14:18:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:
It used to just be a carebear, now they are spread all over eve... not carebears, other types are emerging as well.

From my understanding, these are the most prominent types:

Carebear - a player that spends most of the time grinding ISK for no apparent reason or just to buy more expensive equipment that will improve his ISK grinding. It's an endless recursion really. Generally despises taking risk and complains when the risk is forced upon them by other players.

Nullbear - much like a carebear, but has taken one step further to be involved in blob warfare. Still avoids taking risk anytime he can. That's why 90% of the time in PvP he spends in corp/alliance insured and reimbursed fleets.

Gankbear - I didn't made this up, but seen the term here. It's a player, or an alt, that lives in highsec and does exclusively suicide gankings of targets that can not defend themselves (miners, haulers, mission runners with expensive fits,...). ISK grinding is not that important for this bear, since A) catalysts are cheap B) loot from their targets can provide pretty solid ISK. What this bear has in common with other bears is that he, as well, don't like taking risks.

So, generally, a term "bear" is linked with a play style that doesn't involve risk or tries to minimize it to extremes. Are there other types out there?

Above terms are not mentioned in any derogatory way. These terms are coined to label specific play styles that exist in the game. My opinion on the matter is that these are all valid ways of playing the game and equally valuable as any other play style. They are the reason why we have so much diversity in EVE.

Forgot one:

EVEbear - The carebear playing EVE that claims to hate so much of what EVE is and awaits ANY new game to get away from EVE, proclaiming that if the DEVs don't wake up and give them what they want (safer high sec, walking in stations, no local in null sec, no hot drops etc etc), this new game will shred the EVE subscription base.

You know it's an EVE bear when they make a huge loud "I QUIT" post to go play another game but doesn't make an equally loud "I'm back because you guys were right, EVE rocks and that other game sucks" post when they come back.

And they always do. I call them EVEbears because "GrassIsGreener"Bear don't sound right.
XS Tech
#29 - 2013-10-18 15:04:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Velicitia
Cannibal Kane wrote:
I am a LameBear... I think...

Why do I get the feeling this is a thinly veiled "and another WT..." post.

guess I should read who posted the "Lamebear" comment first .. also.. you have a pegleg Shocked

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

State War Academy
Caldari State
#30 - 2013-10-18 15:23:39 UTC
Turelus wrote:
What are roleplayers? rolebears? rpbears? What?
Spacebarbear !
The first one to find my bra gets a spacebarbear hug! /batseyelashes

3 R Corporation
#31 - 2013-10-18 16:03:59 UTC
I think your definitions are based on a cursory analysis of play location - carebears in high sec, nullbears in nullsec, etc.

I like to think of it as different player attitudes, all tied into a sort of player evolution in the game. A player can start at any place on this "ladder", but most start at the bottom:

"I play eve because I derive fun from inflating my virtual wallet and acquiring shiny items that no one else has. I think the game is about the items and wallet, and I despair every time I get killed and lose said wallet figure/items. Therefore I avoid combat"

"I play eve because I really don't care about my wallet or items, I know that I can always get more. EvE to me is more about my uber-skillz as a (insert role here). I'm willing to take risks, because the risk is what makes EVE fun."

"I play EVE because I have the biggest e-Peen. No one can (insert playstyle here) like I can. I will do anything I can to maintain that reputation as the best (insert playstyle), because my e-Peen is all that matters."

"I play EVE because I like to stomp on children, break their toys and make them cry. EvE is all about the tears for me."

"I play EVE because I like the people I've met here. It's a place to get together and get drunk and go out and be dicks, or just chill. The actual game is no longer important to me."

"I don't play EVE. EvE is a terrible game. I just hang around the forums or spin my ship in the station. Still once in a while I like to drop in and see what's new..."

This classification accounts much better for the fact that you will find carebears in nullsec, and you will find complete *heads in high sec....
Harry Forever
#32 - 2013-10-18 16:13:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:
It used to just be a carebear, now they are spread all over eve... not carebears, other types are emerging as well.

From my understanding, these are the most prominent types:

Carebear - a player that spends most of the time grinding ISK for no apparent reason or just to buy more expensive equipment that will improve his ISK grinding. It's an endless recursion really. Generally despises taking risk and complains when the risk is forced upon them by other players.

Nullbear - much like a carebear, but has taken one step further to be involved in blob warfare. Still avoids taking risk anytime he can. That's why 90% of the time in PvP he spends in corp/alliance insured and reimbursed fleets.

Gankbear - I didn't made this up, but seen the term here. It's a player, or an alt, that lives in highsec and does exclusively suicide gankings of targets that can not defend themselves (miners, haulers, mission runners with expensive fits,...). ISK grinding is not that important for this bear, since A) catalysts are cheap B) loot from their targets can provide pretty solid ISK. What this bear has in common with other bears is that he, as well, don't like taking risks.

So, generally, a term "bear" is linked with a play style that doesn't involve risk or tries to minimize it to extremes. Are there other types out there?

Above terms are not mentioned in any derogatory way. These terms are coined to label specific play styles that exist in the game. My opinion on the matter is that these are all valid ways of playing the game and equally valuable as any other play style. They are the reason why we have so much diversity in EVE.

there are banes out there, solo pilots who fight alliances, preferably 5000 vs. 1 fights in enemy space

I introduced this playstyle 3-4 month ago, many more will choose that path and destory all mindless sheep herds

there are also spacejunkys, people who never dock and sleep in space, the system where we are is ours, although from time to time we are disturbed by some bugs called goons... to end this plague we act as pest police and do the cleaning, hard job but needs to be done

typically those two gametypes are the most true and hardcore ones, maybe the reason why it only can be done alone... we are the eremites of space the vagabonds, the childs of the stars, we are the universe and the universe is ours, we are like gods in space... cosmic reborn entities, forever, eternal... souls of the void
Dr0000 Maulerant
Union Nanide and Tooling
#33 - 2013-10-18 17:54:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Dr0000 Maulerant
strawbear- is an entirely hypothetical bear that exists only to serve as anecdotal evidence of a problem.

He can be seen cloaked AFK for years at a time, and has superpowers that allow his ship to fire while he is off having a life.

Some have been known to mine SO AFK that they aren't even logged in, strip miners pulling veldspar from empire 1.0 like SP from the ether.

The most feared variant automatically spawns an extra 3 fleets of Moros any time he outnumbers his enemy 5 to one or more.

Tell me again about how every playstyle you dont engage in "doesn't require any effort" and everyone who does it needs to die in a fire. Be sure to mention about how you tried it once but it was too easy/boring/ethnic-homophobic slur. 

Richard Desturned
Goonswarm Federation
#34 - 2013-10-18 17:56:28 UTC
"playstyle" is a convenient way for bad players to make excuses for their bad habits

shame nobody gives a ****

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Antihrist Pripravnik
Scorpion Road Industry
#35 - 2013-10-18 17:59:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Antihrist Pripravnik
Daimon Kaiera wrote:
Trying to minimize risk is a bad thing?


No Smile It just looks like that it gives you a "bear" label in the player community.

Frying Doom wrote:
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:
It used to just be a carebear, .

What did you evolve into so I can look out for and be aware of it ? Warning signs ??

Don't you mean devolve into?

Lazybear, I guess... at least for the last year. After 7 years of playing and being every bear possible at some point, I'm now just too lazy to do anything. I know... it's sad.

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Scarebear. The guy who warps into a belt flying a catalyst, with no intent to gank, just to see who runs away and who doesn't.

That's a great one Big smile
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#36 - 2013-10-18 18:30:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
Harry Forever wrote:
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:
It used to just be a carebear, now they are spread all over eve... not carebears, other types are emerging as well.

From my understanding, these are the most prominent types:

Carebear - a player that spends most of the time grinding ISK for no apparent reason or just to buy more expensive equipment that will improve his ISK grinding. It's an endless recursion really. Generally despises taking risk and complains when the risk is forced upon them by other players.

Nullbear - much like a carebear, but has taken one step further to be involved in blob warfare. Still avoids taking risk anytime he can. That's why 90% of the time in PvP he spends in corp/alliance insured and reimbursed fleets.

Gankbear - I didn't made this up, but seen the term here. It's a player, or an alt, that lives in highsec and does exclusively suicide gankings of targets that can not defend themselves (miners, haulers, mission runners with expensive fits,...). ISK grinding is not that important for this bear, since A) catalysts are cheap B) loot from their targets can provide pretty solid ISK. What this bear has in common with other bears is that he, as well, don't like taking risks.

So, generally, a term "bear" is linked with a play style that doesn't involve risk or tries to minimize it to extremes. Are there other types out there?

Above terms are not mentioned in any derogatory way. These terms are coined to label specific play styles that exist in the game. My opinion on the matter is that these are all valid ways of playing the game and equally valuable as any other play style. They are the reason why we have so much diversity in EVE.

there are banes out there, solo pilots who fight alliances, preferably 5000 vs. 1 fights in enemy space

I introduced this playstyle 3-4 month ago, many more will choose that path and destory all mindless sheep herds

there are also spacejunkys, people who never dock and sleep in space, the system where we are is ours, although from time to time we are disturbed by some bugs called goons... to end this plague we act as pest police and do the cleaning, hard job but needs to be done

typically those two gametypes are the most true and hardcore ones, maybe the reason why it only can be done alone... we are the eremites of space the vagabonds, the childs of the stars, we are the universe and the universe is ours, we are like gods in space... cosmic reborn entities, forever, eternal... souls of the void


5000 vs 1. With that ratio you should be doing alot more damage than me every month. But your not... Maybe if you were able to kill more than just rookie ships taking up 95% of your KB people might take a bit more serious?

Your still a Joke.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

#37 - 2013-10-18 18:49:40 UTC
Sipphakta en Gravonere wrote:
Elitebear - likes to think he is some sort of PvP god by announcing "I'm a small gang pvper" via blogs, forum posts or in game chat. When describing other playstyles is often seen using phrases like "risk-averse blobber", "big blue doughnut", "no-skill ganker". His definition of solo includes "Me, my link alt, my falcon alt, my logi alts".

You talking about liang?

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Harry Forever
#38 - 2013-10-18 18:56:49 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:
It used to just be a carebear, now they are spread all over eve... not carebears, other types are emerging as well.

From my understanding, these are the most prominent types:

Carebear - a player that spends most of the time grinding ISK for no apparent reason or just to buy more expensive equipment that will improve his ISK grinding. It's an endless recursion really. Generally despises taking risk and complains when the risk is forced upon them by other players.

Nullbear - much like a carebear, but has taken one step further to be involved in blob warfare. Still avoids taking risk anytime he can. That's why 90% of the time in PvP he spends in corp/alliance insured and reimbursed fleets.

Gankbear - I didn't made this up, but seen the term here. It's a player, or an alt, that lives in highsec and does exclusively suicide gankings of targets that can not defend themselves (miners, haulers, mission runners with expensive fits,...). ISK grinding is not that important for this bear, since A) catalysts are cheap B) loot from their targets can provide pretty solid ISK. What this bear has in common with other bears is that he, as well, don't like taking risks.

So, generally, a term "bear" is linked with a play style that doesn't involve risk or tries to minimize it to extremes. Are there other types out there?

Above terms are not mentioned in any derogatory way. These terms are coined to label specific play styles that exist in the game. My opinion on the matter is that these are all valid ways of playing the game and equally valuable as any other play style. They are the reason why we have so much diversity in EVE.

there are banes out there, solo pilots who fight alliances, preferably 5000 vs. 1 fights in enemy space

I introduced this playstyle 3-4 month ago, many more will choose that path and destory all mindless sheep herds

there are also spacejunkys, people who never dock and sleep in space, the system where we are is ours, although from time to time we are disturbed by some bugs called goons... to end this plague we act as pest police and do the cleaning, hard job but needs to be done

typically those two gametypes are the most true and hardcore ones, maybe the reason why it only can be done alone... we are the eremites of space the vagabonds, the childs of the stars, we are the universe and the universe is ours, we are like gods in space... cosmic reborn entities, forever, eternal... souls of the void


5000 vs 1. With that ratio you should be doing alot more damage than me every month. But your not... Maybe if you were able to kill more than just rookie ships taking up 95% of your KB people might take a bit more serious?

Your still a Joke.

says the chicken who shoots newbs infront of jita and wardecs people in nullsec

you would not even make it up to VFK if your mommy would hold your hand...
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#39 - 2013-10-18 19:05:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
Harry Forever wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:
It used to just be a carebear, now they are spread all over eve... not carebears, other types are emerging as well.

From my understanding, these are the most prominent types:

Carebear - a player that spends most of the time grinding ISK for no apparent reason or just to buy more expensive equipment that will improve his ISK grinding. It's an endless recursion really. Generally despises taking risk and complains when the risk is forced upon them by other players.

Nullbear - much like a carebear, but has taken one step further to be involved in blob warfare. Still avoids taking risk anytime he can. That's why 90% of the time in PvP he spends in corp/alliance insured and reimbursed fleets.

Gankbear - I didn't made this up, but seen the term here. It's a player, or an alt, that lives in highsec and does exclusively suicide gankings of targets that can not defend themselves (miners, haulers, mission runners with expensive fits,...). ISK grinding is not that important for this bear, since A) catalysts are cheap B) loot from their targets can provide pretty solid ISK. What this bear has in common with other bears is that he, as well, don't like taking risks.

So, generally, a term "bear" is linked with a play style that doesn't involve risk or tries to minimize it to extremes. Are there other types out there?

Above terms are not mentioned in any derogatory way. These terms are coined to label specific play styles that exist in the game. My opinion on the matter is that these are all valid ways of playing the game and equally valuable as any other play style. They are the reason why we have so much diversity in EVE.

there are banes out there, solo pilots who fight alliances, preferably 5000 vs. 1 fights in enemy space

I introduced this playstyle 3-4 month ago, many more will choose that path and destory all mindless sheep herds

there are also spacejunkys, people who never dock and sleep in space, the system where we are is ours, although from time to time we are disturbed by some bugs called goons... to end this plague we act as pest police and do the cleaning, hard job but needs to be done

typically those two gametypes are the most true and hardcore ones, maybe the reason why it only can be done alone... we are the eremites of space the vagabonds, the childs of the stars, we are the universe and the universe is ours, we are like gods in space... cosmic reborn entities, forever, eternal... souls of the void


5000 vs 1. With that ratio you should be doing alot more damage than me every month. But your not... Maybe if you were able to kill more than just rookie ships taking up 95% of your KB people might take a bit more serious?

Your still a Joke.

says the chicken who shoots newbs infront of jita and wardecs people in nullsec

you would not even make it up to VFK if your mommy would hold your hand...

The last time I was there a goon lost a tengu. That 1 kill was 50% of your current KB stats. You're a joke... JOKE. Not to mention your best kill came from whoring in on a Goon kill. We all know your a Goon alt.. you sure act like one.

I want you to show me all those Jita kills I got this month. I think I got 3 in jita last month or was it 4 and they were of Trade Hub campers and the odd -10 char.

You keep up your pointless crusade. I will keep killing people my way. Atleast I get results.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Donbe Scurred
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2013-10-18 19:06:22 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
I am a LameBear... I think...
