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Major Warp Speed problems

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School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#301 - 2013-11-02 06:59:23 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
We're aware of this behaviour and of your objections.

I disagree with your assessment that this is a major problem, but you are of course welcome to your opinion. We'll be keeping a close eye on this both before launch and after.

I suggest having subcaps that can kill dictors with you.

CCP Fozzie FTW.
Forlorn Wongraven
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#302 - 2013-11-02 07:50:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Forlorn Wongraven
Montami wrote:
Yep, it sounds awesome doesn't it? Lots of fighting, less chances of extraction. You have a fleet and you have it somewhere in nullsec your ability to extract and GTFO is now way minimized.

It's a great change.

You pretty much ignore that risk-averse pvp is growing stronger and stronger. That means more T3 fleets with more interdiction nullifier super tank fits. We already see those becoming popular in null sec blocs, I don't think this is a good thing.

That said I just repeat what I said earlier: it is a good change and long overdue. The server is too slow and the only active intel tool dscan is too slow as well. Playing around with new stats for dics in EFT is awesome and I will exploit it to the max - it is still broken mechanic and on the mid-term it will slow down pvp activity.

Winner ATXI , 3rd place ATXII, winner ATXIII, 2nd ATXIV - follow me on twitter: @ForlornW

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#303 - 2013-11-02 09:14:13 UTC
Giullare wrote:

Are you kidding me? i've a sniper muninn or zealot or legion or tengu fleet where the f-uck are smartbombs?
20km range dictor bubble, have you any notion of space dimensions? you can't be serious to tell me to smarbomb a bubble in a 10-100 man gang occupying a 30km sphere in space

Again, where the f-uck are bombs in such fleet? Bomb needs travel time to explode assuming it can reach bubble, during that time dictor can light cyno or its fleet waiting 200km away can warp on you, no one care if the bubble or the dictor die later to the bomb.

You can't bubble all celestial's directions to your fleet assuming the " ghost dictor " can warp to you from sun, gates, 1-12 planets, safespot in direction of nothing.

So pizza, you are just full of **** and going around with a bomber launching a single bomb to other fleets fighting just to appear on killmails list doesn't prove you understand pvp or doctrines.

A) Don't have a single doctrine Fleet? You might actually have to have a real fleet where a few people have different fits, not a massive F1 blob?

B) Uh, wtf? Fleet sitting 200km away ready to warp onto you and you failed to notice them on Deep scan?
You deserve to loose your entire fleet, in a fire, and your next one in advance for being that stupid.
And incase you come back with 'but Cyno' 'but cyno jammer'.

C) But you can bubble the direction that the rest of the fleet behind them can warp to you from one system over, since again, the fleet behind them isn't in system or wtf are you doing not knowing where they are.

Basically, every example you have come up with is an F1 blob failing at intel here.
Which is exactly why Fozzie is letting this go live. On Sisi, we can only test it controlled. Which means yes, Dictors can land on grid and drop bubbles instantly. But exactly what effects that will have in the wild with intel networks, unpredictable hot drops and everything else, we don't know, and that's only going to show up on the main server.
The Candyman is Back
#304 - 2013-11-03 22:15:12 UTC
Lot of ppl writing bulshit.. did i read correctly the coolstory about " medium smartbombs celestis " saving my day?
So did he for real wrote about medium smartbombs to be used to kill dictor bubbles?
Have i to post you a picture about bubble adn medium smartbomb ranges?
He just can't be serious.

The other guy saying i deserve to die to 200km's fleet, well boy i said 200km but i could have said 20 au.. it doesn't matter.
The fact is that if i've a full speed fleet aligned to a save warp out i should be in the position to extract it whenever i want and not be bubbled by ghost dictor.
This bullshit will just make disappear any kind of variety in eve and relegate long range weapons (rebalanced only a few time ago) to the oblivion since it will just make no sense to use lower dps ships when you can be bubbled anytime without any chance to prevent it.

Come on it's so simple to see.
Sha'Do Khan
Pirate Nomads
#305 - 2013-11-04 01:42:02 UTC love reading all the comments. Folks are very passionate..very VERY passionate.

I'm with the side who are screaming about interceptors and Interdictors being able to take offensive actions on grid sooner in game than those being able to take defensive actions. That is a broken method, hands down and CCP should do something to fix that.


What I still don't really understand is how this will really change the way anyone plays. I know when I'm in fleets, I ALWAYS have intel set up. Thats my first and most important defense against incoming threats.

When I solo I don't expect to EVER be able to take on a small fleet. I GTFO or take my chances, depending on my mood. But I decide when they pop in system. I don't wait until they have found me.

I also agree with the changes CCP are proposing as this will change the way the game is played, for the better IMO. Aside from the broken method mentioned, Interceptors and Interdictors now have a much more important fleet role. Adapt or die people. You better gear up for anti-interceptor/interdictor warfare.

I see this will force fleets to be more varied in ship style instead of all one class, as others have mentioned. A good fleet should have a mix of ships and not just all BSs or all Capitals. I like this idea as now fleets must be much more strategic in their set-up.

Another thought occurs. The street goes both ways. You can choose to be the victim or the attacker. The game mechanic works the same for everyone, so your fleet can take advantage just as easily as the next fleet.

So must be all the capital solo pilots who are worried most. Could you be classified as null-sec carebears I wonder? It sure feels that way.

Adapt or die.

PS I think there are many things that suck about the way certain things function in this "game". For example I outright hate that you can bump a jump and keep it from warping, especially when small ships can bump larger ships. I think there should be a hi sec safe zone for non-PvPers. But alas, the advice in those situations is the same as the above scenario. Adapt...or what???...that's right....die!

Welcome to EVE - EVE is not a game - Adapt or die.

seth Hendar
I love you miners
#306 - 2013-11-04 08:06:49 UTC
Sha'Do Khan wrote: love reading all the comments. Folks are very passionate..very VERY passionate.

I'm with the side who are screaming about interceptors and Interdictors being able to take offensive actions on grid sooner in game than those being able to take defensive actions. That is a broken method, hands down and CCP should do something to fix that.


What I still don't really understand is how this will really change the way anyone plays. I know when I'm in fleets, I ALWAYS have intel set up. Thats my first and most important defense against incoming threats.

When I solo I don't expect to EVER be able to take on a small fleet. I GTFO or take my chances, depending on my mood. But I decide when they pop in system. I don't wait until they have found me.

I also agree with the changes CCP are proposing as this will change the way the game is played, for the better IMO. Aside from the broken method mentioned, Interceptors and Interdictors now have a much more important fleet role. Adapt or die people. You better gear up for anti-interceptor/interdictor warfare.

I see this will force fleets to be more varied in ship style instead of all one class, as others have mentioned. A good fleet should have a mix of ships and not just all BSs or all Capitals. I like this idea as now fleets must be much more strategic in their set-up.

Another thought occurs. The street goes both ways. You can choose to be the victim or the attacker. The game mechanic works the same for everyone, so your fleet can take advantage just as easily as the next fleet.

So must be all the capital solo pilots who are worried most. Could you be classified as null-sec carebears I wonder? It sure feels that way.

Adapt or die.

PS I think there are many things that suck about the way certain things function in this "game". For example I outright hate that you can bump a jump and keep it from warping, especially when small ships can bump larger ships. I think there should be a hi sec safe zone for non-PvPers. But alas, the advice in those situations is the same as the above scenario. Adapt...or what???...that's right....die!

i think you have no idea how bad this will **** up the already ****** up lowsec..... having an inty able to enter system and be on you with point before you can even align....what could go wrong?
Sha'Do Khan
Pirate Nomads
#307 - 2013-11-04 08:26:14 UTC
i think you have no idea how bad this will **** up the already ****** up lowsec..... having an inty able to enter system and be on you with point before you can even align....what could go wrong?[/quote]

First, I do have an idea on what will be affected. No one will be able to enter a system without you knowing since "local" works as always. And the only thing that is really the issue is the interceptor being "on grid" and aggressing for that 1-2 sec tick, before you can react. The INTY or Dictor would need to warp on top of you as well, so folks need to move off any warp-in points. If they're probing for you, you should GTFO anyway. If you are in a fleet, well you're there to fight, so fight.

Don't miss my point that I think this is flat out wrong for CCP to ignore the 1-2 sec on-grid delay though. I agree that's unacceptable.

I'm fully aware folks are going to lose ships to this, especially if they don't adapt.

And second.....we must be brothers...;-) Heck...maybe you're my clone?

Welcome to EVE - EVE is not a game - Adapt or die.

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#308 - 2013-11-04 09:49:02 UTC
Forlorn Wongraven wrote:
Montami wrote:
Yep, it sounds awesome doesn't it? Lots of fighting, less chances of extraction. You have a fleet and you have it somewhere in nullsec your ability to extract and GTFO is now way minimized.

It's a great change.

You pretty much ignore that risk-averse pvp is growing stronger and stronger. That means more T3 fleets with more interdiction nullifier super tank fits. We already see those becoming popular in null sec blocs, I don't think this is a good thing.

That said I just repeat what I said earlier: it is a good change and long overdue. The server is too slow and the only active intel tool dscan is too slow as well. Playing around with new stats for dics in EFT is awesome and I will exploit it to the max - it is still broken mechanic and on the mid-term it will slow down pvp activity.

In fact I would expect taht for t3 tiercide, the interdiction nullifier and cov ops modules will be massively nerfed.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#309 - 2013-11-04 09:56:58 UTC
Makalu Zarya wrote:
We discovered another funny side effect of all this which I forgot about. The Rancer type smartbombing gate camps no longer work for ships that appear instantly, since you simply don't load grid until you are already on the gate. Negative ten won't be too happy about this.

That alone coutners any possible bad effect of such changes.. Finnaly these stupid fake pvpers need to change their tactics.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Forlorn Wongraven
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#310 - 2013-11-04 15:30:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Forlorn Wongraven
Kagura Nikon wrote:
In fact I would expect taht for t3 tiercide, the interdiction nullifier and cov ops modules will be massively nerfed.

Covops module is fine. Tech3 will get rebalanced probably in next summer expansion, thats a long 6 months. Drone assign mechanic and bombers (or bombs only) need a nerf as well.

Winner ATXI , 3rd place ATXII, winner ATXIII, 2nd ATXIV - follow me on twitter: @ForlornW

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#311 - 2013-11-04 16:14:08 UTC
Forlorn Wongraven wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
In fact I would expect taht for t3 tiercide, the interdiction nullifier and cov ops modules will be massively nerfed.

Covops module is fine. Tech3 will get rebalanced probably in next summer expansion, thats a long 6 months. Drone assign mechanic and bombers (or bombs only) need a nerf as well.

We got usually 2 rounds of balance within each expansion since tiercide started. So we gonna see recons .. or T3 .. or pirate ships still somewhere at start of 2014.

Well for bombers, I do not care, I avoid 0.0 blob warfare :P

But beign seriosu they would be OK, IF blobing was not the sole way of winnign fights in eve. The game needs secondary targets that can be hit by not huge number of ships (all sov stuff has too much HP for not to be blobbed)

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Heredia SingOpala
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#312 - 2013-11-04 16:38:05 UTC
OMG, finally some 0.0 tears to test. I wonder if they are taste as sweet as beartears. yummies. Bear
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#313 - 2013-11-04 16:42:49 UTC
Heredia SingOpala wrote:
OMG, finally some 0.0 tears to test. I wonder if they are taste as sweet as beartears. yummies. Bear

Yet another one who misses the point. The tactics that evolve out of this will ruin PVPer and Carebear days alike.
Forlorn Wongraven
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#314 - 2013-11-04 16:50:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Forlorn Wongraven
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Forlorn Wongraven wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
In fact I would expect taht for t3 tiercide, the interdiction nullifier and cov ops modules will be massively nerfed.

Covops module is fine. Tech3 will get rebalanced probably in next summer expansion, thats a long 6 months. Drone assign mechanic and bombers (or bombs only) need a nerf as well.

We got usually 2 rounds of balance within each expansion since tiercide started. So we gonna see recons .. or T3 .. or pirate ships still somewhere at start of 2014.

Well for bombers, I do not care, I avoid 0.0 blob warfare :P

But beign seriosu they would be OK, IF blobing was not the sole way of winnign fights in eve. The game needs secondary targets that can be hit by not huge number of ships (all sov stuff has too much HP for not to be blobbed)

You forgot capitals and supercapitals as well. For nullsec there are just a handful of valid doctrines that can survive a well done bombrun and with these mechanics they are overpowered. I have roamed solo and in small ganks for 3 years, that doesn't appeal to me as fun anymore; I get my fun out of 0.0 large blob warfare. Blink

Winner ATXI , 3rd place ATXII, winner ATXIII, 2nd ATXIV - follow me on twitter: @ForlornW

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#315 - 2013-11-04 16:53:26 UTC
Chandaris wrote:
Heredia SingOpala wrote:
OMG, finally some 0.0 tears to test. I wonder if they are taste as sweet as beartears. yummies. Bear

Yet another one who misses the point. The tactics that evolve out of this will ruin PVPer and Carebear days alike.

As long as everyone game is ruined I will be happy....

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

seth Hendar
I love you miners
#316 - 2013-11-04 16:56:40 UTC  |  Edited by: seth Hendar
Sha'Do Khan wrote:

First, I do have an idea on what will be affected. No one will be able to enter a system without you knowing since "local" works as always. And the only thing that is really the issue is the interceptor being "on grid" and aggressing for that 1-2 sec tick, before you can react. The INTY or Dictor would need to warp on top of you as well, so folks need to move off any warp-in points. If they're probing for you, you should GTFO anyway. If you are in a fleet, well you're there to fight, so fight.

Don't miss my point that I think this is flat out wrong for CCP to ignore the 1-2 sec on-grid delay though. I agree that's unacceptable.

I'm fully aware folks are going to lose ships to this, especially if they don't adapt.

And second.....we must be brothers...;-) Heck...maybe you're my clone?

duno, but i know my father used to go "see" lotta ladies Lol

btw, there are lot's of situations where i can warpin straight to the tgt, be clever, using an alt to "watch" by assing by, his dscan and a previously scanned system..... you are able to enter and warp straight to him 80% of the time.

just have to be clever!

now, i don't do it in inty because the see me on dscan and most of the time, can GTFO.

recons are fine but decloack delay allow some to get out, and a bomber is a no-no because you can't kite ****

not anymore, my stiletto will be worth every cent!

and i'm not even talking about the nanoed scanning covert cyno them disposable, but who cares to loose a 10M ship for a 200-300M kill (or better!)

by the time you are on his overview, he is pointed and your fleet is already locking him anyway!
The Terrifying League Of Dog Fort
Deepwater Hooligans
#317 - 2013-11-04 17:20:36 UTC
People without supers: YAY Twisted
People with supers: F*CKKKK Shocked
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#318 - 2013-11-04 17:23:01 UTC
Jak'at wrote:
People without supers: YAY Twisted
People with supers: F*CKKKK Shocked

good... gooooood... death to all supercaps!!!

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Aina Stormborn
State War Academy
Caldari State
#319 - 2013-11-04 18:12:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Aina Stormborn
Chandaris wrote:
Heredia SingOpala wrote:
OMG, finally some 0.0 tears to test. I wonder if they are taste as sweet as beartears. yummies. Bear

Yet another one who misses the point. The tactics that evolve out of this will ruin PVPer and Carebear days alike.

Stop the whining, adapt! That´s what we are doing for almost 10y nows.

Edit: Although I have to admit it is really frikkin fast to warp in an inty. I just had it, that I warped from a belt to a Station and on arriving at the Station, I still heard the lazors of the rat that attacked me in the belt. Weird, huh.

Edit 2: and roids are loading AFTER I arrived, about 1 sec later or so they appear. So there probably Needs to be some tweaking.
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#320 - 2013-11-04 18:39:32 UTC
I love how ever person comes to this threat touting 'HTFU' 'LOL PIRATES GON CRY TEARS' HAHA FU SUPERCAPS' until they actually log into sisi, see it for themselves and realize how broken it is.