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[Rubicon] [Updated] Interdictor Rebalance

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Johan March
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2013-10-15 14:51:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Johan March
While it's a good first try, I guess, I am not happy. The good is the attempt to make the other dictors come in line with the Sabre and there's some good first steps. However, there are a couple of things that are disappointing:

A completely untanked Sabre has 15% less EHP than a completely untanked Thrasher with, even with the Rubicon changes, 25% higher signature radius. The EHP and sig radius shouldn't be worse than the T1 counterpart.

Also, fitting a double bubble dictor, gimps the rest of the ship because of CPU constraints. I can't EFT the new fittings, but can lasers, hybrids, etc., even the smallest variety be fit to a double bubble Eris or Heretic?

Lastly, the fitting slots on the Flycatcher are still horrible.

In my opinion, Dictors should have a little bit more survivability whether through a further reduction in sig radius or a buff to raw hit points.
Nartel Vortok
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2013-10-15 14:52:48 UTC
Anna Djan wrote:
I was really looking forward to the changes from a non 0.0 dessy pilot.

Quite disappointed.

From the stats I can not see a reason why i'd pick these over standard dessies or AF's (non 0.0 perspective remember).

Why would you use a dictor out of nullsec? The entire point of it is to bubble, not to be some bad gimmick lowsec pvp ship.
#43 - 2013-10-15 14:53:14 UTC
Anna Djan wrote:
I was really looking forward to the changes from a non 0.0 dessy pilot.

Quite disappointed.

From the stats I can not see a reason why i'd pick these over standard dessies or AF's (non 0.0 perspective remember).

u wot

dictors are exclusively 0.0 boats. you don't fly them in empire, simple as that.
Zero Fun Allowed
#44 - 2013-10-15 14:53:30 UTC
everything looks cool! great job ccp
Hannott Thanos
Squadron 15
#45 - 2013-10-15 14:53:32 UTC
David Kir wrote:
And there we go, the Minmatar ships has the worst agility of the lot.
Yup, makes sense.

Well, it has the best speed and with a nano it's the most agile and speediest dictor.
Standard lowslot is nano and gyro, and it will still perform amazingly. The Sabre is not magically **** just because the other dictors are not.

while (CurrentSelectedTarget.Status == ShipStatus.Alive) {



Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#46 - 2013-10-15 14:53:33 UTC
I think you should remove fitting requirements from the bubble machine and give all dictors a role bonus that allows them to fit a maximum of 2 launchers. That way you don't have to gimp the fit to be able to do the intended job. Double co-processor and no guns fleet dictor fit anyone?
Johan March
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2013-10-15 14:56:41 UTC
Nartel Vortok wrote:
Anna Djan wrote:
I was really looking forward to the changes from a non 0.0 dessy pilot.

Quite disappointed.

From the stats I can not see a reason why i'd pick these over standard dessies or AF's (non 0.0 perspective remember).

Why would you use a dictor out of nullsec? The entire point of it is to bubble, not to be some bad gimmick lowsec pvp ship.

Training for the Alliance Tournament.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#48 - 2013-10-15 15:00:55 UTC
The slot layout for the flycatcher is awful and is really out of line with the rest of the class.
Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#49 - 2013-10-15 15:01:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Harvey James
advii wrote:
I think you should remove fitting requirements from the bubble machine and give all dictors a role bonus that allows them to fit a maximum of 2 launchers. That way you don't have to gimp the fit to be able to do the intended job. Double co-processor and no guns fleet dictor fit anyone?

perhaps add a new bonus to interdictors skills bonuses that reduce CPU need for Interdiction Sphere Launchers
and they should add a mwd bonus to role bonus maybe a small token 35% mwd sig reduction other wise they should do like they did with the talwar as a interdictors skill bonus

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#50 - 2013-10-15 15:01:31 UTC
I'm somewhat split on the split weapon system of the Eris also. It would make more sense to make it a droneboat.

Then again just hybrid guns would itself probably cause issues...

Dunno. Eris still doesn't impress


Deep Hole Explorers of New Eden
#51 - 2013-10-15 15:02:06 UTC
The others look closer to the standard, the sabre. They are still only suicide bubble ships though.
Anna Djan
Banana Corp
#52 - 2013-10-15 15:03:33 UTC
Puikko wrote:
Anna Djan wrote:
I was really looking forward to the changes from a non 0.0 dessy pilot.

Quite disappointed.

From the stats I can not see a reason why i'd pick these over standard dessies or AF's (non 0.0 perspective remember).

u wot

dictors are exclusively 0.0 boats. you don't fly them in empire, simple as that.

As i said, with the re-balance I was hoping that they are NOT exclusive to null sec, as they are the only tech 2 destroyer....
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#53 - 2013-10-15 15:03:55 UTC
advii wrote:
I think you should remove fitting requirements from the bubble machine and give all dictors a role bonus that allows them to fit a maximum of 2 launchers. That way you don't have to gimp the fit to be able to do the intended job. Double co-processor and no guns fleet dictor fit anyone?

Makes sense, but then again they may become solo pwnmobiles and take over the job of a interceptor (I'd become. Interceptor merged with an assault frigate merged with a gank Brutix).

Then again it is a destroyer...


Jayce Shadowleaf
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#54 - 2013-10-15 15:06:20 UTC
I'd fix double bubble fitting by either make it easier to fit weapons + double bubble + tank + mwd or limiting dictors to one bubble, and then take a long look at the Flycatcher's slot layout before fiddling with weapon bonuses on the hull.
Domanique Altares
#55 - 2013-10-15 15:07:28 UTC
Harvey James wrote:

perhaps add a new bonus to interdictors skills bonuses that reduce CPU need for Interdiction Sphere Launchers

A per-level bonus might be nice. Or they could just reduce the fittings on the launcher, since this is the only ship that fits it. I realize all ships are supposed to have fittings tradeoffs, but some of the ones that come with these ships border on silly.
Exploration Frontier inc
#56 - 2013-10-15 15:12:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Altrue
With amarr, minmatar, and now gallente ship getting bonuses to omnidamage for missiles, it's getting quite frustrating to see Caldaris still being stuck into the kinetic range... at least if hybrids weren't making kinetic damage it would be somewhat balanced, but face a caldari with kinetic-specific resists and you can easily double your tank.

EDIT : About the changes also, it definitely is not important enough to make this class useful except for suicide tackling...

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Alexander the Great
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#57 - 2013-10-15 15:13:47 UTC
Flying dictor in a big fleet is still suicide. And now it's even more pointless because of MJD.

Did you think about giving skilled dictor pilots a way to survive?
Johnson Oramara
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#58 - 2013-10-15 15:15:18 UTC
David Kir wrote:
And there we go, the Minmatar ships has the worst agility of the lot.
Yup, makes sense.

In the name of the balance anything else is secondary, no matter how similar the boats end up or what the lore says.
Bearing Srl.
#59 - 2013-10-15 15:21:33 UTC
what a disappointment... Straight

ccp are you guys aware that atm dictors are the ships that die first in every fleet fight; the best tank you can fit on a dictor is cloaking device...
are you guys at CCP aware that most ppl don't even fit guns on theyr dictors? hint: is not cose they lack dps Bear

more dps is nice and cool, but what dictors really need is to survive more than 10" after you warp in or decloack.
dictor rolle is to bubble fleets, f**k dps, why do you think most ppl are not even fitting guns to they'r dictors? cose they die so fast you won't even have time to lock something....

make them imune to bubles, they will fit this rolle much better than ceptors, give them more mobility /speed, reduce sig radius more, not with lol 5m, all in all give them better chances to do thy're job ...

Kahega Amielden
#60 - 2013-10-15 15:26:49 UTC
As i said, with the re-balance I was hoping that they are NOT exclusive to null sec, as they are the only tech 2 destroyer....

then complain that there aren't any other t2 dessie hulls, not that the ship class that exists purely to drop bubbles on things isn't useful in sec levels which don't have bubbles.