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Ishukone Ships and Surrounding issues... Coming SOON (TM)

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Zuni Jovakko
#81 - 2013-10-09 07:53:55 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Mr Floydy wrote:
Wait what even happened here :s

Have loads of these scorps been added to the game and everyone is going really mad? Seems I should have sold mine sooner after fanfest!

Considering how much they've devalued, yeah.

The guy who sold me one for 20 bil must really have a big smile now, they are dropping at 12'ish bil now and price is going like express elevator to hell right now.

Guess I'll just stick with it as an expensive reminder of SomerGATE.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2013-10-09 08:05:53 UTC
Just when I think I can finally let the game go for good, something dramatic happens and I'm drawn back in againAttention

Bella Donna Enterprises
#83 - 2013-10-09 08:06:46 UTC
Don't think a devblog will change anything significant to be honest. It'll be just about the same response we got earlier.
Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#84 - 2013-10-09 08:12:37 UTC
So I guess it really is true that if I give CCP Guard a blowjob I'll get free stuff...
xXThunder StruckXx
Sandman Plc
#85 - 2013-10-09 08:13:19 UTC
Thanks for the input Manifest.

Personally, I don't see what the issue is. Something got given out as a thankyou, no different to me giving some passing noob 100m and patting him on the back for mining in a venture for a week. If I decided to do it, who is anyone to tell me it's wrong? The same applies here in my opinion.

You saw fit to show some appreciation, for YOUR reasons. Don't be swayed into giving your reasons for such things on the cry of a butthurt goon or two.

The sandbox hasn't been broken by any of this. No corp or alliance will fall as a result of you giving these gifts to Somer. I'm sure had one been offered to everyone that has taken such umbridge at this, they would have taken it, each and every one!
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#86 - 2013-10-09 08:17:20 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Mabelaba wrote:
Don't think a devblog will change anything significant to be honest. It'll be just about the same response we got earlier.

Well, let's wait and see what the dev blog says first.

Could be CCP realizes now that blatant favoritism is a bad thing, and will stop interfering in the sandbox. It could be that they realize giving one competing entity an advantage over other competing entities by providing unique assets for them to distribute as they see fit is a bad idea, and breaks the sandbox.

Or it could be that I'm a horribly naive person, we'll just have to see.
xXThunder StruckXx wrote:
I'm sure had one been offered to everyone that has taken such umbridge at this, they would have taken it, each and every one!

And that really is the entire point, I'm not sure how you aren't getting this. If the devs pick the winners and loosers, fine. Their game, their right to do so. But then it isn't a sandbox anymore and some players will take their business elsewhere.

Oh, and not a single alliance fell when T20 gave BoB a sabre BPO either. Guess that was ok too.
Sephira Galamore
Inner Beard Society
#87 - 2013-10-09 08:19:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Sephira Galamore
Btw, for those that haven't noticed:
This was not a "x employees were coincidally on vacation" but CCP employees going on vacation _together_.

If you follow them a bit, you see this is not an uncommon thing, e.g. they did this company zombie survival game etc.
And I think it's awesome that they have these together-vacations, it shows they like to spend time with each other outside work, that there is a good amount of company loyality amongst the employees. I know other people that would go "Pfft, I spend every work day with those idiots, I certainly won't spend my free time with them!" or the like.
Now sure, there's always the backup guys that have to stay in office, but that's the admins, a few programmers, GMs... but community dude is really not a time-critical thing, or at least it shouldn't be when dealing with rational players.
And even if there was maybe one guy of the community team in the office, imagine he would have tried to deal with that alone, it _could_ have gotten notably worse depending on what his latest orders/info were.

(CCP, please don't stop your vacation trips and stuff because of forum drama!)
Mra Rednu
Vanishing Point.
#88 - 2013-10-09 08:23:05 UTC

Yep I understand a lot of you were on holiday BUT someone must of been on duty and should of either relayed to you guys asking for a quick response on saturday if they weren't a high enough pay grade to do it themselves. CCP is a buisness but doesn't seem to be very good at the PR side of it, maybe you should think about hiring some of Somer's guys for it as they seem to do wonders :P

Not to get personal but why would you even contemplate doing media stuff when the forums were on fire and the only CCP responce we saw in 4 days was an ISD dude saying he will keep it open for now then a dev locking it and sending people to two threads neither of which were about this issue then thrads all over were being locked for even hinting at this.

But I understand that is now past and you can't turn the clocks back ( over the years this many times we heard you going to learn from these basic mistakes btw ) but you have now given you'reselves a week to put together a devblog, please spend this time looking at it from all angles and actually understand the issues we had, the last time you guys fouled up regarding handing out rare ships you actually missed the main point by a wide margin and just used the rare ships etc as the fireblanket.

On that threadnaught which got locked is a lot of good points even though a lot of it was histerical and whining from both sides, please take the time to read right through it and take it all in, you put a neutral hat on and you will see how big an issue this really is, to many it is on the scale of T20.

Mra Rednu ( proud holder of a Kourmonen medal recieved for adding content in FW and worth jack-****. )
Catherine Au
Iris Industry and Innovations
#89 - 2013-10-09 08:28:53 UTC
Looking forward to reading the devblog. It is good to know this issue is finally being discussed.

It was quite disheartening that the first dev. response to the 60 odd page thread on the problem was to lock it. I agree that the discussion had gone off track...but the dev who locked it saying he had only read back a couple of pages. I got the impression you guys were letting players vent and weren't even bothering to read the thread. Other devs had posted on other blogs on Monday, such as the Rubicon threads, whilst ignoring the threadnought. It pretty much gave the impression you didn;t give a crap about our concerns.

Please next time you upset a good chunk of your subscribers (and it will happen again CCP <3) please train whoever feeds the hamsters in Iceland when you are all away to at least POST SOMETHING to at least say SOMEONE is reading IT and let us know WHEN we will get a response.

Mr Floydy
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#90 - 2013-10-09 08:40:58 UTC
Zuni Jovakko wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Mr Floydy wrote:
Wait what even happened here :s

Have loads of these scorps been added to the game and everyone is going really mad? Seems I should have sold mine sooner after fanfest!

Considering how much they've devalued, yeah.

The guy who sold me one for 20 bil must really have a big smile now, they are dropping at 12'ish bil now and price is going like express elevator to hell right now.

Guess I'll just stick with it as an expensive reminder of SomerGATE.

Damn, well that sucks. Gamble in keeping it didn't pay off then.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#91 - 2013-10-09 08:43:29 UTC
Great. Finally we might get some answers.

While penning that blog, from what I've seen in the various threads on the topic, I would suggest that you try to at least tentatively touch on the following main themes:

1. The secrecy surrounding the hand-out.
2. The opaqueness and seemingly arbitrary nature of the selection process.
3. The double-whammy of the individual hand-out and the corp promotion.
4. The distinction between community services and commercial entities promoting themselves.
5. The value of these handouts, including…
     5a. …the balance between giving something nice and something that doesn't provide significant (monetary) advantages.
     5b. …the balance between value and the effects of flooding the market (i.e. should give-away items be pre-flooded)?
     5c. …the perceived difference between relative and absolute increases in asset value.
Josef Djugashvilis
#92 - 2013-10-09 08:47:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Josef Djugashvilis
xXThunder StruckXx wrote:
Thanks for the input Manifest.

Personally, I don't see what the issue is. Something got given out as a thankyou, no different to me giving some passing noob 100m and patting him on the back for mining in a venture for a week. If I decided to do it, who is anyone to tell me it's wrong? The same applies here in my opinion.

You saw fit to show some appreciation, for YOUR reasons. Don't be swayed into giving your reasons for such things on the cry of a butthurt goon or two.

The sandbox hasn't been broken by any of this. No corp or alliance will fall as a result of you giving these gifts to Somer. I'm sure had one been offered to everyone that has taken such umbridge at this, they would have taken it, each and every one!

For your information, those of us who are opposed to 'freebies' are opposed to them on principle, not because I or we did not get them.

Once you can understand this, you will understand that the threadnaughts are not because we hate CCP, but because we want Eve Online to continue to be the horrible, mean, nasty and fair place it is, where success (or in my case failure) is down to the players themselves, not freebies from CCP.

This is not a signature.

Hookers and Blackjack II
#93 - 2013-10-09 08:47:35 UTC  |  Edited by: maGz
Regardless of vacations and the like, CCP has applied the silence is golden-treatment to the community before and while we should always give them time to respond in a proper manner, one can't help but look at the current rage being, even if only partially, of CCPs own doing (the past taken into account).

In my oppinion the value of the IWS' is of little concern considering the amount of ISK generated by Somer Blink and its employees on a daily basis. One could argue that it messes with the sandbox and that we're all going to die now, but to be honest it is CCPs game to mess with and while the value of the IWS' is currently high, this is a value purely set by the players and as such it is out of the hands of CCP (one could argue that they could have given a special complimentary unit of Tritanium, but that may have been highly valued as well (collectors are weird), so in the end it's a loss/loss situation for CCP).

The big issue with this entire thing however is that it seems to me that CCP seems to have forgotten the past or, even worse, they choose to ignore the past. Is this the scale of T20? No way, but the problem is that, even if it is nowhere near T20 in scale, it has similarities (giving out stuff in secrecy being the gist of it) and I think it immediately rekindled the fire started by T20. Especially the way things have been handled so far.

Should they've aborted the company holiday to deal with internet spaceships? Of course not! But this shouldn't have happened in the first place, and that's my big problem with this entire thing. We've just had our 10th anniversary and we should be looking back at all the awesome things that have happened in EVE, but we shouldn't forget the bad things either. And most importantly - we should learn from them.

Sephira Galamore
Inner Beard Society
#94 - 2013-10-09 08:52:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Sephira Galamore
I just noticed... borrowing Dinsdale's tinfoil hat.. think about this:

- The CFCs last victory was largely grounded in ISK (e.g. to pay BL), or lack thereof on TEST side
- SOMER is an enitity with _a lot_ of ISK (despite some estimations beeing grossly wrong)
- is basically run by Goonswarm (authors are payed by them)
- The Mittani, calling himself a Solar Spymaster, likely knew of the vacation ahead of time by himself or via a source
- The I-Scorpion issue was published on TMDC on the exact Saturday half of CCP was on vacation on the countryside
- Goonswarm members are dominating the drama threads

I am not saying I really believe this, but it sure does look very fitting...
What would happen if SOMER decided to not only sponsor AT teams or Ganked roams, but full out wars?
Josef Djugashvilis
#95 - 2013-10-09 08:53:55 UTC
Sephira Galamore wrote:
I just noticed... borrowing Dinsdale's tinfoil hat.. think about this:

- The CFCs last victory was largely grounded in ISK (e.g. to pay BL), or lack thereof on TEST side
- SOMER is an enitity with _a lot_ of ISK (despite some estimations beeing grossly wrong)
- is basically run by Goonswarm (authors are payed by them)
- The Mittani, calling himself a Solar Spymaster, likely knew of the vacation ahead of time by himself or via a source
- The I-Scorpion issue was published on TMDC on the exact Saturday half of CCP was on vacation on the countryside
- Goonswarm members are dominating the drama threads

I am not saying I really believe this, but it sure does look very fitting...

grr goons

funny post thoughSmile

This is not a signature.

Sephira Galamore
Inner Beard Society
#96 - 2013-10-09 08:56:16 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Sephira Galamore wrote:
I just noticed... borrowing Dinsdale's tinfoil hat.. think about this:

- The CFCs last victory was largely grounded in ISK (e.g. to pay BL), or lack thereof on TEST side
- SOMER is an enitity with _a lot_ of ISK (despite some estimations beeing grossly wrong)
- is basically run by Goonswarm (authors are payed by them)
- The Mittani, calling himself a Solar Spymaster, likely knew of the vacation ahead of time by himself or via a source
- The I-Scorpion issue was published on TMDC on the exact Saturday half of CCP was on vacation on the countryside
- Goonswarm members are dominating the drama threads

I am not saying I really believe this, but it sure does look very fitting...

grr goons

funny post thoughSmile

I am not even mad!
I think I would be more impressed than anything, which may be an indication that I have been playing the game and following its history too much <.<
Lady Areola Fappington
#97 - 2013-10-09 08:58:26 UTC
Sephira Galamore wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Sephira Galamore wrote:
I just noticed... borrowing Dinsdale's tinfoil hat.. think about this:

- The CFCs last victory was largely grounded in ISK (e.g. to pay BL), or lack thereof on TEST side
- SOMER is an enitity with _a lot_ of ISK (despite some estimations beeing grossly wrong)
- is basically run by Goonswarm (authors are payed by them)
- The Mittani, calling himself a Solar Spymaster, likely knew of the vacation ahead of time by himself or via a source
- The I-Scorpion issue was published on TMDC on the exact Saturday half of CCP was on vacation on the countryside
- Goonswarm members are dominating the drama threads

I am not saying I really believe this, but it sure does look very fitting...

grr goons

funny post thoughSmile

I am not even mad!
I think I would be more impressed than anything, which may be an indication that I have been playing the game and following its history too much <.<

When in doubt, blame goon.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Arec Bardwin
#98 - 2013-10-09 09:03:30 UTC
Good thing someone cares at CCP. I love this game, and CCP; I love you too, but sometimes you appear as goddamn morons. Shape up for chrissake! Neither you or the players want this game to go down the drain.
Desert Ice78
Gryphons of the Western Wind
#99 - 2013-10-09 09:05:46 UTC
This is a none issue.


Get over yourselves.

I am a pod pilot:

CCP Zulu: Came expecting a discussion about computer monitors, left confused.

Unforgiven Storm
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#100 - 2013-10-09 09:14:15 UTC
Question, since I am a very very very loyal costumer of Somer, can I get one Ishukone ship also?

Unforgiven Storm for CSM 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. (If I don't get in in the next 5 years I will quit trying) :-)