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Do SOMER Blink really make a positive contribution to the community?

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NANA221 Corporation
#1 - 2013-10-07 10:04:03 UTC  |  Edited by: wowyouareacow
Do SOMER Blink really make a positive contribution to the community?
I thought they were just a "casino" organisation that hosted a gambling game which requires no skill, and due to rake, ultimately loses the players money.

Am I missing something here with SOMER? Is there a skill based element to their game?
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-10-07 10:05:37 UTC

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#3 - 2013-10-07 10:07:33 UTC
I have a system!
Cierra Royce
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2013-10-07 10:15:32 UTC
They undoubtedly do make some form of positive contribution, as a lottery/gaming institution that sponsors various events and groups with Isk taken from the stupid and the addicted.

As with any fixed odds lottery/roulette style game you only lose when you win, due to not being paid out at the appropriate odds for your gamble and bless them for taking advantage so spectacularly of this defect in human reasoning, and redistributing the cash as a result, most to themselves and some to various player initiatives in need of a boost in the form of sponsorship/advertising.

By that token I fully approve of Somer Gambling activities in game, even if I wholly disapprove of their recent murky dealings with CCP.
Braxus Deninard
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#5 - 2013-10-07 10:16:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Braxus Deninard
Cierra Royce wrote:
By that token I fully approve of Somer Gambling activities in game, even if I wholly disapprove of their recent murky dealings with CCP.

+1 for all the hate Somer are getting because of this, they're a good organisation. They sponsor a huge amount of in-game events and corps. I remember them consistently sponsoring certain aspects of RvB when I was in it, and it was great.
Jonas Staal
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2013-10-07 10:41:43 UTC
Braxus Deninard wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:
By that token I fully approve of Somer Gambling activities in game, even if I wholly disapprove of their recent murky dealings with CCP.

+1 for all the hate Somer are getting because of this, they're a good organisation. They sponsor a huge amount of in-game events and corps. I remember them consistently sponsoring certain aspects of RvB when I was in it, and it was great.

One can wonder how they made the ISK they spend sponsoring.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#7 - 2013-10-07 10:43:24 UTC
Because the house always wins
Cierra Royce
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2013-10-07 10:44:01 UTC
Jonas Staal wrote:
Braxus Deninard wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:
By that token I fully approve of Somer Gambling activities in game, even if I wholly disapprove of their recent murky dealings with CCP.

+1 for all the hate Somer are getting because of this, they're a good organisation. They sponsor a huge amount of in-game events and corps. I remember them consistently sponsoring certain aspects of RvB when I was in it, and it was great.

One can wonder how they made the ISK they spend sponsoring.

They took it from the stupids mainly and that's no bad thing.
Prince Kobol
#9 - 2013-10-07 10:52:39 UTC
wowyouareacow wrote:
Do SOMER Blink really make a positive contribution to the community?
I thought they were just a "casino" organisation that hosted a gambling game which requires no skill, and due to rake, ultimately loses the players money.

Am I missing something here with SOMER? Is there a skill based element to their game?

Whats your point?

Some people will say Somer have made massive contributions to the community with the donations they have made (more then any other Eve Entity)

Others will say grrr they are a gambling site.

Its purely subjective, there is no yes or no answer.
Prince Kobol
#10 - 2013-10-07 10:54:56 UTC
Jonas Staal wrote:
Braxus Deninard wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:
By that token I fully approve of Somer Gambling activities in game, even if I wholly disapprove of their recent murky dealings with CCP.

+1 for all the hate Somer are getting because of this, they're a good organisation. They sponsor a huge amount of in-game events and corps. I remember them consistently sponsoring certain aspects of RvB when I was in it, and it was great.

One can wonder how they made the ISK they spend sponsoring.

So what?

The fact they actually care enough to give back is more then what most do.

People in Eve make billions by scamming other people yet that is within the nature of Eve and is fine.

I don't see any of them sponsoring events...
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-10-07 11:00:15 UTC

The police horse is the only animal in the world that haz his male genitals on his back

Cierra Royce
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2013-10-07 11:02:54 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Jonas Staal wrote:
Braxus Deninard wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:
By that token I fully approve of Somer Gambling activities in game, even if I wholly disapprove of their recent murky dealings with CCP.

+1 for all the hate Somer are getting because of this, they're a good organisation. They sponsor a huge amount of in-game events and corps. I remember them consistently sponsoring certain aspects of RvB when I was in it, and it was great.

One can wonder how they made the ISK they spend sponsoring.

So what?

The fact they actually care enough to give back is more then what most do.

People in Eve make billions by scamming other people yet that is within the nature of Eve and is fine.

I don't see any of them sponsoring events...

Actually some of them do.

Erotica1 an honest Isk doubler who has been occasionally accused of scamming by poor sports, gifted multiple billions to the New Order for the purpose of allowing James 315 to reimburse catalysts lost by knights in their high sec crusade.

Goonwaffe have provided prizes for various in game events, to Goon and Pubbie alike such as Burn Jita and the later Hulkageddons.
Prince Kobol
#13 - 2013-10-07 11:05:33 UTC
Cierra Royce wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
Jonas Staal wrote:
Braxus Deninard wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:
By that token I fully approve of Somer Gambling activities in game, even if I wholly disapprove of their recent murky dealings with CCP.

+1 for all the hate Somer are getting because of this, they're a good organisation. They sponsor a huge amount of in-game events and corps. I remember them consistently sponsoring certain aspects of RvB when I was in it, and it was great.

One can wonder how they made the ISK they spend sponsoring.

So what?

The fact they actually care enough to give back is more then what most do.

People in Eve make billions by scamming other people yet that is within the nature of Eve and is fine.

I don't see any of them sponsoring events...

Actually some of them do.

Erotica1 an honest Isk doubler who has been occasionally accused of scamming by poor sports, gifted multiple billions to the New Order for the purpose of allowing James 315 to reimburse catalysts lost by knights in their high sec crusade.

Goonwaffe have provided prizes for various in game events, to Goon and Pubbie alike such as Burn Jita and the later Hulkageddons.

That is great, however a lot of people still hate the goons and would love to see them burn

Like I said, there isn't a simple yes or no answer.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2013-10-07 11:14:06 UTC
Cierra Royce wrote:

Actually some of them do.

Erotica1 an honest Isk doubler who has been occasionally accused of scamming by poor sports, gifted multiple billions to the New Order for the purpose of allowing James 315 to reimburse catalysts lost by knights in their high sec crusade.

Goonwaffe have provided prizes for various in game events, to Goon and Pubbie alike such as Burn Jita and the later Hulkageddons.

SOMER gives all the players chance to win

Ero1 - to New Order
Goons - to gankers

Yes, i see no difference here Cool

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Jonas Staal
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2013-10-07 11:38:35 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Jonas Staal wrote:
Braxus Deninard wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:
By that token I fully approve of Somer Gambling activities in game, even if I wholly disapprove of their recent murky dealings with CCP.

+1 for all the hate Somer are getting because of this, they're a good organisation. They sponsor a huge amount of in-game events and corps. I remember them consistently sponsoring certain aspects of RvB when I was in it, and it was great.

One can wonder how they made the ISK they spend sponsoring.

So what?

The fact they actually care enough to give back is more then what most do.

People in Eve make billions by scamming other people yet that is within the nature of Eve and is fine.

I don't see any of them sponsoring events...

Give me 100bil and I will make sure 80bil finds it's way to sponsering :).
Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#16 - 2013-10-07 11:46:25 UTC
March rabbit wrote:

Not empty quoting

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Savnire Jacitu
Undead Retirement Crypt
#17 - 2013-10-07 11:47:30 UTC
Had to sell my pants to keep blinking

Cierra Royce
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2013-10-07 11:55:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Cierra Royce
March rabbit wrote:
Cierra Royce wrote:

Actually some of them do.

Erotica1 an honest Isk doubler who has been occasionally accused of scamming by poor sports, gifted multiple billions to the New Order for the purpose of allowing James 315 to reimburse catalysts lost by knights in their high sec crusade.

Goonwaffe have provided prizes for various in game events, to Goon and Pubbie alike such as Burn Jita and the later Hulkageddons.

SOMER gives all the players chance to win

Ero1 - to New Order
Goons - to gankers

Yes, i see no difference here Cool

Any one can pick up a cat and do their duty in high sec and James will foot the bill from the donations, they don't have to be members of any specific New Order organisation.

Your perceived difference is besides the point really, in both cases the Isk was given out to good causes as defined by the donors, whether to altruistically promote the rule of law and order in high sec as in the case of Erotica1 or to promote and expand a private gambling empire in the case of Somer.

Both gave something back to the community, not that this entitles them to any special reward other than our thanks for expanding the scope of what's possible.
Chance Harper
#19 - 2013-10-07 12:24:44 UTC
wowyouareacow wrote:
Do SOMER Blink really make a positive contribution to the community?
I thought they were just a "casino" organisation that hosted a gambling game which requires no skill, and due to rake, ultimately loses the players money.

Am I missing something here with SOMER? Is there a skill based element to their game?

I wouldnt call it skill. With some Logic and paying attention, you can figure out pretty fast how to make ISK on SomerBlink!
Every Month i buy a 60Day GTC via the Somer Affiliate system. Which in return gives you 200 Mill. Somer Credits.

First i turn those 200 Mill into 600 Mill. by buying Tickets for smaller prices, like BC or Tech3 Cruisers. Then when i have the 600 Mill. I go for the Carriers or other Cap ships and in no time i can claim a win of 1.5 - 2 Bill. ISK

In the end i didnt even had to invest anything cuz i got those 200 Mill. credits as a gift for buying the GTC. So in the end you get the value of 5 PLEX for the price of 2.
#20 - 2013-10-07 12:32:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Disdaine
Somers altruistic contributions to the community are truly praiseworthy.

It's like all those benevolent cigarette companies that used to sponsor sporting events out of the kindness of their hearts.
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