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CCP directly and secretly gifted SOMER Blink 30 Ishukone Scorpions (~450 billion ISK value)

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Prince Kobol
#821 - 2013-10-06 11:52:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
Desert Ice78 wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:

In this case people who we don't know were given free items WHICH HAVE A IN GAME EFFECT in secrecy for doing something.

See the difference?

For your benefit, I full-caped, bolded and underlined the bit where you got it wrong.

Get over yourself.

Yet you have not explained why I am wrong?

I say these ships are unique and can be sold for billions of isk, how is that not having an effect in game?
Bronco Platz
#822 - 2013-10-06 11:58:46 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Desert Ice78 wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:

In this case people who we don't know were given free items WHICH HAVE A IN GAME EFFECT in secrecy for doing something.

See the difference?

For your benefit, I full-caped, bolded and underlined the bit where you got it wrong.

Get over yourself.

Yet you have not explained why I am wrong?

I say these ships are unique and can be sold for billions of isk, how is that not having an effect in game?

But they refine only in 1 Trit. So they can't have any ingame effect...

P. S. : Should I better tag this post with sarcasm?

This signature is under NDA. Sorry.

Din Chao
#823 - 2013-10-06 12:00:04 UTC
CCP Manifest wrote:
We did end up giving Ishukone Ships away to SOMER's people as a "thanks" (as per the email) in a similar manner to our previous issuances of the ship. It's always been meant to be a promo item--for awards, rewards, charity-based efforts, promo items and more. The IshScorp was never meant to be limited at all or "capped" at a certain number--hence why it only refines for 1 Trit and is worse gameplay-wise than the normal Scorpion. There will be more given out in the future by the comm team and others (I will likely give out some some via social and through PR) and I am sure the price will go down--kinda like the pirate noobie frigs we gave out at events.

So, what's the going price for 1 Trit? Because that should be what the Ishukone goes for according to this.
Kate stark
#824 - 2013-10-06 12:01:34 UTC
Desert Ice78 wrote:
I'm not missing the point, you're missing the point: CCP gave a small amount of (supposedly valuable) stuff away to people, and the game did not implode. This is not game changing, sommer blink is not now going to conquer all of New Eden with an army of IS Scorps, this is not micro-transactions, and it is not T20 again, despite all your hysterics. Move along people, nothing to see here.

Again, get over yourselves.

yes you are missing the point.

ccp didn't give away ships to anyone at the AT, the winning teams earned them. CCP didn't hand pick a group and secretly give them billions of isk of assets.

are you honestly telling me you can't understand how vastly different these two methods of acquisition are?

no, you're right it's probably not game changing. however ccp just giving billions of isk of stuff to people "because they can" is honestly not how it should be, and if i have to explain why that is to you then i'm just going to be convinced you're a troll as nobody could be that ignorant.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#825 - 2013-10-06 12:04:45 UTC
Ariel Dawn wrote:
What other people/sites have received special limited edition items outside of SOMER Blink by the way?

Band of Brothers received some valuable and limited edition items once.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Desert Ice78
Gryphons of the Western Wind
#826 - 2013-10-06 12:07:42 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Desert Ice78 wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:

In this case people who we don't know were given free items WHICH HAVE A IN GAME EFFECT in secrecy for doing something.

See the difference?

For your benefit, I full-caped, bolded and underlined the bit where you got it wrong.

Get over yourself.

Yet you have not explained why I am wrong?

I say these ships are unique and can be sold for billions of isk, how is that not having an effect in game?

There are thousands of things in game that can be sold for billions of ISK, and a not insignificant number of them were handed out by CCP as prizes or otherwise, each worth 10's of billions, and unlike the IS Scorp alot of them actually could be useful in game if people chose to use them.

Yet nothing changed with the game. That's the bit where there was, and is, no effect.

I am a pod pilot:

CCP Zulu: Came expecting a discussion about computer monitors, left confused.

All Web Investigations
#827 - 2013-10-06 12:22:05 UTC
It was CCP Navigator?

As if anyone had any doubt about his clear bias, considering he was the one claiming a specific in-game, for profit group were totally legitimate and everyone should give them isk, and handed them unique ships to use in their business

This is absolutely revolting. It's T20 bullshit all over again.

It doesn't matter even if CCP respond the correct way and fire whoever was responsible, and undo the damage done in-game, I'm still unsubbing all my accounts

Fool me once, etc
Desert Ice78
Gryphons of the Western Wind
#828 - 2013-10-06 12:26:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Desert Ice78
Kate stark wrote:
ccp didn't give away ships to anyone at the AT, the winning teams earned them. CCP didn't hand pick a group and secretly give them billions of isk of assets.

are you honestly telling me you can't understand how vastly different these two methods of acquisition are?

no, you're right it's probably not game changing. however ccp just giving billions of isk of stuff to people "because they can" is honestly not how it should be, and if i have to explain why that is to you then i'm just going to be convinced you're a troll as nobody could be that ignorant.

Again, bolded and underlined the important bit. CCP may give things to people who earn it, like lets say.....the workers at sommer blink?

I like that you agree that nothing has changed, because looking at some of the raging in this thread, you would assume that the sun was never going to rise again all over New Eden! However as regards to what should and should not be, I'll have to check the Eve rule book and see if there is a chapter listing what should and should not be. However before I do check I'm already pretty sure it'll say something like, if CCP wants to, then they can.

The workers at sommer worked hard, and got a little reward. Good for them. I will still continue to undock.

I am a pod pilot:

CCP Zulu: Came expecting a discussion about computer monitors, left confused.

Amhra Rho
Accujac Elimination
#829 - 2013-10-06 12:27:58 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
It was CCP Navigator?

As if anyone had any doubt about his clear bias, considering he was the one claiming a specific in-game, for profit group were totally legitimate and everyone should give them isk, and handed them unique ships to use in their business

This is absolutely revolting. It's T20 bullshit all over again.

It doesn't matter even if CCP respond the correct way and fire whoever was responsible, and undo the damage done in-game, I'm still unsubbing all my accounts

Fool me once, etc

What's got me into a fuming rage is that CCP snuck around and did this behind our backs. As if they thought they wouldn't be caught. What in the world were they thinking?

There's real reasons why your Eve character doesn't do /dance.

Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#830 - 2013-10-06 12:28:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Caliph Muhammed
Desert Ice78 wrote:
Again, bolded and underlined the important bit. CCP may give things to people who earn it, like lets say.....the workers at sommer blink?

I like that you agree that nothing has changed, because looking at some of the raging in this thread, you would assume that the sun was never going to rise again all over New Eden! However as regards to what should and should not be, I'll have to check the Eve rule book and see if there is a chapter listing what should and should not be. However before I do check I already pretty sure it'll say something like, if CCP wants to, then they can.

The workers at sommer worked hard, and got a little reward. Good for them. I will still continue to undock.

Definitely a special kind of stupid, isn't he?
Kate stark
#831 - 2013-10-06 12:28:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Kate stark
Desert Ice78 wrote:
Kate stark wrote:
ccp didn't give away ships to anyone at the AT, the winning teams earned them. CCP didn't hand pick a group and secretly give them billions of isk of assets.

are you honestly telling me you can't understand how vastly different these two methods of acquisition are?

no, you're right it's probably not game changing. however ccp just giving billions of isk of stuff to people "because they can" is honestly not how it should be, and if i have to explain why that is to you then i'm just going to be convinced you're a troll as nobody could be that ignorant.

Again, bolded and underlined the important bit. CCP may give things to people who earn it, like lets say.....the workers at sommer blink?

I like that you agree that nothing has changed, because looking at some of the raging in this thread, you would assume that the sun was never going to rise again all over New Eden! However as regards to what should and should not be, I'll have to check the Eve rule book and see if there is a chapter listing what should and should not be. However before I do check I already pretty sure it'll say something like, if CCP wants to, then they can.

The workers at sommer worked hard, and got a little reward. Good for them. I will still continue to undock.

you've missed the point again.

ccp secretly handing any group of players a bunch of isk for any reason is unacceptable. tell me i'm wrong, i dare you.

also there are no guidelines for "earning" a scorpion for community contribution unlike the AT. seriously, the differences in acquisition is staggering and the fact that you're oblivious to it is honestly saddening.

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#832 - 2013-10-06 12:29:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Scatim Helicon
Desert Ice78 wrote:
There are thousands of things in game that can be sold for billions of ISK, and a not insignificant number of them were handed out by CCP as prizes or otherwise, each worth 10's of billions, and unlike the IS Scorp alot of them actually could be useful in game if people chose to use them.

How many of them were handed out in secret for no other reason than 'we like you guys'?

You do understand the difference between being publicly given a valuable item as a prize for winning the Alliance Tournament, and being given a valuable item under the table because CCP Navigator has decided that you're one of the cool kids? Don't you?

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Caliph Muhammed
Caldari State
#833 - 2013-10-06 12:31:36 UTC
Also being rewarded is different then being given a printing press of items in the future to generate plex sales at the expense of every other player and the sandbox. A high school diploma should be required to post.
All Web Investigations
#834 - 2013-10-06 12:31:39 UTC
Amhra Rho wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
It was CCP Navigator?

As if anyone had any doubt about his clear bias, considering he was the one claiming a specific in-game, for profit group were totally legitimate and everyone should give them isk, and handed them unique ships to use in their business

This is absolutely revolting. It's T20 bullshit all over again.

It doesn't matter even if CCP respond the correct way and fire whoever was responsible, and undo the damage done in-game, I'm still unsubbing all my accounts

Fool me once, etc

What's got me into a fuming rage is that CCP snuck around and did this behind our backs. As if they thought they wouldn't be caught. What in the world were they thinking?

Because they knew it was disgusting and unquestionably wrong. They knew, hence having to try and hide it.

I won't tar the whole of CCP with that brush though, I'm sure there are lots of good folk at CCP who didn't know or didn't approve of this kind of crap. However, the fact that this stuff is still happening, even after the long history of this game... yeah, I'm done.
Anomaly One
#835 - 2013-10-06 12:33:55 UTC
The workers at sommer worked hard, and got a little reward


btw still waiting on that 450b someone promissed me
Amhra Rho
Accujac Elimination
#836 - 2013-10-06 12:34:42 UTC
@TheGunslinger42 - I'm pretty much in agreement, except to say that a decision of this magnitude certainly had to have involved more than one decision-making individual at CCP.

There's real reasons why your Eve character doesn't do /dance.

Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#837 - 2013-10-06 12:36:30 UTC
Desert Ice78 wrote:
Again, bolded and underlined the important bit. CCP may give things to people who earn it, like lets say.....the workers at sommer blink?

I like that you agree that nothing has changed, because looking at some of the raging in this thread, you would assume that the sun was never going to rise again all over New Eden! However as regards to what should and should not be, I'll have to check the Eve rule book and see if there is a chapter listing what should and should not be. However before I do check I'm already pretty sure it'll say something like, if CCP wants to, then they can.

The workers at sommer worked hard, and got a little reward. Good for them. I will still continue to undock.

I'm sure the people who run BIG lottery, Eve-Bet, etc work very hard as well. By what criteria did CCP Navigator decide that Somer were his chosen winners and their competitors the losers?

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Kate stark
#838 - 2013-10-06 12:37:25 UTC
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Desert Ice78 wrote:
Again, bolded and underlined the important bit. CCP may give things to people who earn it, like lets say.....the workers at sommer blink?

I like that you agree that nothing has changed, because looking at some of the raging in this thread, you would assume that the sun was never going to rise again all over New Eden! However as regards to what should and should not be, I'll have to check the Eve rule book and see if there is a chapter listing what should and should not be. However before I do check I'm already pretty sure it'll say something like, if CCP wants to, then they can.

The workers at sommer worked hard, and got a little reward. Good for them. I will still continue to undock.

I'm sure the people who run BIG lottery, Eve-Bet, etc work very hard as well. By what criteria did CCP Navigator decide that Somer were his chosen winners and their competitors the losers?

i'm sure most people who play eve work hard; where are the rest of the scorpions?

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

All Web Investigations
#839 - 2013-10-06 12:39:44 UTC
Amhra Rho wrote:
@TheGunslinger42 - I'm pretty much in agreement, except to say that a decision of this magnitude certainly had to have involved more than one decision-making individual at CCP.

Oh definitely, it couldn't have just been a single person doing it. There would have been more people involved in that decision. And all those people apparently do not understand the history of this game, the playerbase, or how the game itself works. Or they understand all that and simply don't give a toss. Either way, it's pretty abhorrent.

It's a shame those people - which I assume is only a fairly small set - manage to trash the reputation of the entire company so horrendously
Desert Ice78
Gryphons of the Western Wind
#840 - 2013-10-06 12:40:12 UTC
Kate stark wrote:
you've missed the point again.

ccp secretly handing any group of players a bunch of isk for any reason is unacceptable. tell me i'm wrong, i dare you.

Like the Alliance Tournament prizes? Your wrong, and I do not say that because I'm afraid of the inevitable war-dec I would otherwise get from Pandemic Legion, Hydra and VoC when, due to a player outcry, CCP have to take back all their prizes.

I am a pod pilot:

CCP Zulu: Came expecting a discussion about computer monitors, left confused.