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CCP directly and secretly gifted SOMER Blink 30 Ishukone Scorpions (~450 billion ISK value)

First post First post First post
Rhatar Khurin
#261 - 2013-10-05 14:16:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhatar Khurin
Argh! Not more bullplop Somer blink drama, it's getting really tiresome....
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#262 - 2013-10-05 14:18:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Nevyn Auscent
So.... TMC posted an unverified article purely on a 'leaked e-mail' that could easily have been fabricated.
Response. Lots of emo internet kids rage.

Really. Settle down, wait for a CCP response to these allegations before cancelling Subs, burning Jita or any other such nonsense atm.
All you people doing talking about that are doing is showing exactly how immature you are and how little CCP should care about your opinion when you have no interest in the facts but are letting yourself be jerked around by the first guy out with a story that makes you mad.

This isn't to say that is this is true I won't have an issue with it myself, but I am not going to break out the pitch forks without actually listening to the other story, I will not be part of a lynch mob. Especially not one that is placing itself in line for a major law suit.

As if TMC are wrong on any of their details, they will have actually stepped over the line and opened themselves to Litigation given the tone of the article as it didn't call for an investigation into if the rumours are true, but actual action on the assumption the rumours are true. And as such is DELIBERATELY trying to harm CCP's business by using an unverified story. Something that is illegal in a great many countries and newspapers that publish such poor journalism calling for 'action' on rumour often get sued successfully.
Krixtal Icefluxor
#263 - 2013-10-05 14:19:05 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

Hey this is a sandbox. If they so mad let them track these ships down and gank them. If they can't or won't, it's not my problem.

Surely the goblin king under his mountain is not going to just sit there and take it, right? Or have those days passed?

Oh c'mon Herzog. You know those things are Undockable Hangar Queens. They'll never see the Dark of Space.

....and leave David Bowie out of it. This is complex enough already. Lol

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Angel Korstar
Blue Sun Mining and Exploration
#264 - 2013-10-05 14:19:30 UTC
Kuni Oichi wrote:
Angel Korstar wrote:
All I see is greed and jealousy here, bunch of cry babies upset that they didn't get shiny new toys when the kid next to them did, and I guess The Mittani is starting to feel like he is being pushed away from the CCP golden teat by Somer. STFU GTFO but before you do please let the tears flow. Buckets at the ready.

All I see is someone who fails to make elementary deductive reasoning.

The issue is not that 'Goons didn't get shiny toys when the kid next to them did' the issue is that CCP is giving out toys at all (outside reasonable competition, such as alliance tournament etc. etc.). That's then compounded by the fact they're giving them to a gambling site that makes piles of isk and doesn't actually need the toys in the first place.

CCP gave billions of isk worth free stuff to players who 'work' for somer blink. They gave billions to trillions of isk worth of free stuff to Somer blink to do what they wanted with, which while they gave it away, still gave Somer Blink billions more profit that week.

While more obvious (which perhaps is the problem for some people not making the simple comparison and understanding of CCP's flawed ethics here), how would you feel if CCP was giving free stuff to (corporation you don't like who fights you and beats you because of CCP's free stuff)?

For the other eve lotteries, Somer Blink is the big company that not only has the bulk of the market, but gets bonus handouts and freebies from CCP to ensure it stays the big kid on the block.

CCP Navigator's decision making process on this issue, and whoever else in the company was involved in signing off on it, is entirely lacking in respect for the integrity of the game. It makes a mockery of the term 'sandbox' (already strained as it is in terms of Eve) and gives scant regard for the players who try to play by the rules. Given the near Godwinism of T20 whenever CCP does anything that looks in the slightest bit unethical, it should have been of little shock to them that them doing exactly what T20 did would cause people to think 'same old CCP, always cheating

This post is well thought out and makes a point, thanks for looking beyond my knee jerk reaction. Might the gift giving possibly be a reward for all the plex that might (or might not) be purchased from CCP to gamble with? Honest question.
Koby Botick
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#265 - 2013-10-05 14:19:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Koby Botick
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Kelby wrote:
Abdiel Kavash wrote:
Can somebody please explain how this is not literally the same as T20?

I'm guessing because this is sanctioned unlike the T20 incident.

Yes. The T20 incident was the action of a rogue employee acting behind the backs of his colleagues.

This appears to be further confirmation that T20s historical actions are now official, sanctioned CCP policy.

No not official. CCP does not endorse officially. That's why they are supposed to keep this silent and under the radar.

I really like how they like and unofficially endorse SOMER blink which is a gambling outfit when there are jurisdictions where all gambling on the internet are forbidden and even so when they aren't the main function of some site/game. But for ccp this is just par for the course I guess.
Jerick Ludhowe
Internet Tuff Guys
#266 - 2013-10-05 14:20:36 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

Hey this is a sandbox. If they so mad let them track these ships down and gank them. If they can't or won't, it's not my problem.

Surely the goblin king under his mountain is not going to just sit there and take it, right? Or have those days passed?

Do you understand the hypocrisy in this statement?

"hey this is a sandbox"

You made me laugh Smile

Bronco Platz
#267 - 2013-10-05 14:23:44 UTC
Angel Korstar wrote:

Might the gift giving possibly be a reward for all the plex that might (or might not) be purchased from CCP to gamble with? Honest question.

Nothing else...

This signature is under NDA. Sorry.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#268 - 2013-10-05 14:24:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Herzog Wolfhammer
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

Hey this is a sandbox. If they so mad let them track these ships down and gank them. If they can't or won't, it's not my problem.

Surely the goblin king under his mountain is not going to just sit there and take it, right? Or have those days passed?

Oh c'mon Herzog. You know those things are Undockable Hangar Queens. They'll never see the Dark of Space.

....and leave David Bowie out of it. This is complex enough already. Lol

Well maybe the goons can gank Jita or something. I hear there's a monument in there that they can practice on.

Come to think of it, nowhere else have I seen more confusing of Activism and Resistance than in this MMO.

I didn't get a free ship, but I feel like I was given something of value.

Hate Boat soon will be making another run ♫
The Hate Boat promises something for everyone ♫

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#269 - 2013-10-05 14:26:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Scatim Helicon
Varius Xeral wrote:
Can't believe I'm saying this: unless this policy of in-game rewards is reversed, I'm letting my sub lapse at the end of the month.

I literally never imagined I would be one of ~those~ people, yet here I am. Well done, CCP.

CCP have railroaded themselves into a lose-lose position here. Either they carry on with the promotional giveaways, spawning more and more unique and limited edition hulls and giving away more and more Fanfest trips (and having to arbitrarily decide each time which players and organisations have generated sufficient GTC sales community content to be granted favoured status), or they stop the promotion now and deny anyone else the opportunity to level the playing field with similar rewards to those which Somer have already received.

The response on Monday to this train wreck of corporate policy will be morbidly fascinating.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#270 - 2013-10-05 14:29:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Abdiel Kavash
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Varius Xeral wrote:
Can't believe I'm saying this: unless this policy of in-game rewards is reversed, I'm letting my sub lapse at the end of the month.

I literally never imagined I would be one of ~those~ people, yet here I am. Well done, CCP.

CCP have railroaded themselves into a lose-lose position here. Either they carry on with the promotional giveaways, spawning more and more unique and limited edition hulls and giving away more and more Fanfest trips (and having to arbitrarily decide each time which players and organisations have generated sufficient GTC sales community content to be granted favoured status, or they stop the promotion now and deny anyone else the opportunity to level the playing field with similar rewards to those which Somer have already received.

The response on Monday to this train wreck of corporate policy will be morbidly fascinating.

They could delete all the handed out ships, publicly apologize to the community as a whole, and promise never to hand out any in-game items to any other organization, ever. Although after the second time I'm not sure how many people would believe that promise.

A team of community representatives should be established to consult any such future decisions with CCP to ensure this doesn't happen again... oh wait.
Prince Kobol
#271 - 2013-10-05 14:30:03 UTC
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Varius Xeral wrote:
Can't believe I'm saying this: unless this policy of in-game rewards is reversed, I'm letting my sub lapse at the end of the month.

I literally never imagined I would be one of ~those~ people, yet here I am. Well done, CCP.

CCP have railroaded themselves into a lose-lose position here. Either they carry on with the promotional giveaways, spawning more and more unique and limited edition hulls and giving away more and more Fanfest trips (and having to arbitrarily decide each time which players and organisations have generated sufficient GTC sales community content to be granted favoured status, or they stop the promotion now and deny anyone else the opportunity to level the playing field with similar rewards to those which Somer have already received.

The response on Monday to this train wreck of corporate policy will be morbidly fascinating.

This is what worries me.

A lot of good people and entities stand to lose out because of the mess CCP have made of something which was a relatively simple thing to do.
Literally Space Moses
Caldari State
#272 - 2013-10-05 14:30:43 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
So.... TMC posted an unverified article purely on a 'leaked e-mail' that could easily have been fabricated.
Response. Lots of emo internet kids rage.

Really. Settle down, wait for a CCP response to these allegations before cancelling Subs, burning Jita or any other such nonsense atm.
All you people doing talking about that are doing is showing exactly how immature you are and how little CCP should care about your opinion when you have no interest in the facts but are letting yourself be jerked around by the first guy out with a story that makes you mad.

This isn't to say that is this is true I won't have an issue with it myself, but I am not going to break out the pitch forks without actually listening to the other story, I will not be part of a lynch mob. Especially not one that is placing itself in line for a major law suit.

As if TMC are wrong on any of their details, they will have actually stepped over the line and opened themselves to Litigation given the tone of the article as it didn't call for an investigation into if the rumours are true, but actual action on the assumption the rumours are true. And as such is DELIBERATELY trying to harm CCP's business by using an unverified story. Something that is illegal in a great many countries and newspapers that publish such poor journalism calling for 'action' on rumour often get sued successfully.

Somer's second in command confirmed it. How much more verification do you want?


Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#273 - 2013-10-05 14:32:57 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Doris Dents wrote:
That's fine, give them a tour of the CCP offices, send them a megathron model, have them go drinking with their good buddy Navigator, give them actual cash. None of that would effect the integrity of the game we all pay for one way or another. Spawning masses of in-game crap might seem the quick, easy and low cost option but it hurts the EVE brand if the sandbox is a lie and we're actually playing a game with handpicked winners.

Not empty-quoting.

At this point, I'm wondering what they'll seed the people who have been working on dotlan, battleclinic, EFT, EVEMon, Pyfa, EVEUni, Goons. I suppose Chribba should be given 7 unique ships — one for each insanely useful site he has contributed to the community.

So somebody got something, and others doing similar things did not get something this time.

Of course all this rage will ensure that nobody gets anything in the future.

See what public skool has wrought? Everybody thinks they are entitled to everything that the next guy has. Public skools did this on purpose. On the flipside, they also get everybody conditioned for that "one person did something bad so now new rules for everybody" crap.

So most of the tears in here are coming from people who were not smart enough to resist or break this conditioning.

And so collectivist tears are the best tears. Life is not fair. Deal with it.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Koby Botick
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#274 - 2013-10-05 14:32:59 UTC
Scatim Helicon wrote:
The response on Monday to this train wreck of corporate policy will be morbidly fascinating.

I'm betting on a new policy that makes it a bannable offense to discuss anything give-away related from/with CCP.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#275 - 2013-10-05 14:35:09 UTC
Literally Space Moses wrote:

Somer's second in command confirmed it. How much more verification do you want?

Some real data. Not simply a name on a screenshot. Who could be any player behind that character now.
An opportunity for CCP to speak on it to present their view point.

Or are we now judge, jury & executioner now simply because The Mittani says CCP are evil today?
I'm sorry, I don't work like that. I actually work on facts, and allow people to defend themselves first.
Then I'll crucify them if it's justified AFTER they get the chance.

Not simply because one of the most biased EVE news sites with it's own major agenda decides to attack CCP's business.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#276 - 2013-10-05 14:35:24 UTC
Entity wrote:
Interesting people don't even check facts before posting on a news outlet.

Autumnries Mahm is an impersonator, he has been spamming trade chat with a scam all of last two days.


I don't get it. Once you posted this statement, why are people ignoring it?
If you are sure it is a scammer, then the failed laywer's site has just lost a ton of credibility (not that it had much with discerning readers in the 1st place).

That could be even more interesting than this original scandal, if Entity is correct.
Anomaly One
#277 - 2013-10-05 14:36:31 UTC
How was this email leaked?
Helicity Boson
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#278 - 2013-10-05 14:38:53 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Entity wrote:
Interesting people don't even check facts before posting on a news outlet.

Autumnries Mahm is an impersonator, he has been spamming trade chat with a scam all of last two days.


I don't get it. Once you posted this statement, why are people ignoring it?
If you are sure it is a scammer, then the failed laywer's site has just lost a ton of credibility (not that it had much with discerning readers in the 1st place).

That could be even more interesting than this original scandal, if Entity is correct.

Read the previous page of this thread. Entity is merely bad at reading names ;)
Koki Ottic
Merry dancers in the sky
#279 - 2013-10-05 14:39:03 UTC
Koby Botick wrote:
Scatim Helicon wrote:
The response on Monday to this train wreck of corporate policy will be morbidly fascinating.

I'm betting on a new policy that makes it a bannable offense to discuss anything give-away related from/with CCP.

Better update this at the same time

Third, although CCP establishes the rules by which players may interact with each other in a real-world context,
they do not interfere with how individuals treat each other in a virtual context. Strictly speaking, CCP has the
power to govern actions in the virtual world via “natural laws”, or the literal technical limitations of the game.
But within this same virtual universe, abusing the trust of other individuals is an affair that is left to society
itself to contend with. Crimes are not persecuted by the legislator here:the fate of peers who commit
wrongdoings such as theft, fraud, destruction of property, and even “murder”is determined exclusively by the
society. Justice, as it were, is in the hands of those who choose to exercise their right to take it, and under no
circumstances will the legislator interfere— again, provided that the means of execution complies with the
“meta-law” of the EULA and Terms of Service (TOS).
Sunshine and Lollipops
#280 - 2013-10-05 14:39:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Scatim Helicon wrote:
CCP have railroaded themselves into a lose-lose position here. Either they carry on with the promotional giveaways, spawning more and more unique and limited edition hulls and giving away more and more Fanfest trips (and having to arbitrarily decide each time which players and organisations have generated sufficient GTC sales community content to be granted favoured status, or they stop the promotion now and deny anyone else the opportunity to level the playing field with similar rewards to those which Somer have already received.

The response on Monday to this train wreck of corporate policy will be morbidly fascinating.

The really baffling/morbidly curious part is how easily they could have done (almost) the exact same thing without any of the hubub.

If they want to reward community websites that create tons of (meta)game content, they should make a big deal out of it! Crank up the hype machine and make it a month-long count-down with ever dwindling participants. Show that they are involved in and care about the community, and get the press to follow the story. If they want to be sneaky, obfuscate the qualification process and pick the winners before-hand (people will claim favouritism and underhanded tactics for the winner anyway, so it will get lost in the noise). What gets people's hackles up is how the apparent reasoning for this is applicable to so many other entities, but how the responsible parties are apparently fully aware of how only one of them is singled out, since they have to keep it under wraps.

Put another way: if they want to reward people for contributing, do it properly. Don't sneak around and make it completely obvious that they know what they're doing — or at least the way they're doing it — is wrong.
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
See what public skool has wrought? Everybody thinks they are entitled to everything that the next guy has
Why do think that you're entitled to anything? And what does it have to do with the quote you used?