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EVE General Discussion

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Where did everyone go????

First post
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#41 - 2013-10-03 15:10:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Arduemont wrote:
Nyreanya wrote:
I dunno, the graphs look amazingly stable. Perhaps you should look for a new, more active corp?

If, by amazingly stable you mean at the same low number as during the low point of the Incarna fail, then yes the game is stable. CCP made a massive deal out of how **** their active player levels and subs were after Incarna. Now the active player levels are the same and we've not heard a peep.

The problem with EvE is that if you want to play it WELL it's a long, dedicated term commitment.

PvE is garbage, industry and trading are good but repetitive or easily automated so they don't "fill" the available playtime.
So what's left is PvP and meta-gameing. In EvE PVP is more succesful when done in group, expecially dedicating time to become known, enter a good circle of people and so on. Meta gaming is very hard to get into, I feel fortunate to just having taken 2 years before I could seriously handle 3rd party tens of billions just on my word.

But even those who PvP or meta game or trade could want to have something to do in those days when they have little time, or after an hard day. Something "light but fun", a bit less serious than the "hop on a 600M ship after an hard day and perform bad and lose it".

So I also started doing some PvE in other MMOs, just to relax and will definitely try SC. While still loving EvE, but I can't stand stuff like mining or missioning for when I can't play well or a lot.

A problem for CCP is, that there's a LOT of current EvE playerbase who exactly fit a potential SC profile.

I.e. I love to play all of a game's aspects. Personally speaking I greatly miss dogfight space games a la X-Wing. I greatly miss some of Entropia Universe features that were so much less boring than EvE (i.e. mining). I'd really love to also play space trader with something not as stupid "PLEASE POP ME NAO!" as a Badger. I'd love to not have Concord around, what are they even doing in a PvP game to begin with? If a guy attacks me I want to fight back, not get Concorded for defending myself or similar crap.
I also loved flight sims, some had awesome radars and sensors simulations, EvE has that spamtastic, tunnel carpal inducing bland scanner. Plus they removed all the joy of exploration by dumbing it down so much.

Like me there are many, whose "dream" is not to be the next All Powerful Space Emperor but just to hop in a ship and maybe do a mission, then take a break and do some pew pew vs humans, then maybe bring stuff to a planet who offers money to those ferrying supplies or defending them from attackers.

All things that more or less are possible in EvE but they are too heavy weight, too taxing on people with family who come home after a long PvP day vs the stupidass employees or boss.

Many hi seccers seem right that, people who really risk to find in SC things that EvE shows but are unobtainable by them within their schedules. I would not be surprised seeing exactly high sec taking the hardest hit at SC release.

Now, some will rejoyce at this notion but they forget that EvE has a Ying and a Yang, both are complimentary, sometimes opponents but in the end each half needs the other to do well. Even just as fresh money for CCP to keep improving EvE.
T'Laar Bok
#42 - 2013-10-03 15:21:43 UTC
I just look at this Graph every few months.

The population is down. Sad

Amphetimines are your friend.'Laar_Bok

Gaellia Bonaventure
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#43 - 2013-10-03 15:38:26 UTC
Posting in another "Eve is dying" thread for posterity.

Bring your possibles.

#44 - 2013-10-03 15:44:14 UTC
I remember when 5500 was a lot for peak hours... God I miss those days...

"To err is human", but it shouldn't be the company motto...

Rhatar Khurin
#45 - 2013-10-03 15:46:58 UTC
Everyone is in Osmon grinding SoE LP for the new ships.

Expensive faction ships all over the place, so a few naughty folk might have some fun in the system.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#46 - 2013-10-03 16:43:37 UTC
Well tbh there's not a LOT going on in EvE at the moment, therefore people go look around.
There's just so many "we implement some textures and tweak database values" patches that people may stomach before they get bored.

Anyway I am going to have my ugly presence in SC as well, just got the Read Admiral pack.

If CCP gave me a similar awesome ship in EvE I'd also give them $275 (in addition to the 8 yearly subs) without a flinch.
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#47 - 2013-10-03 16:46:56 UTC
You know some of us have a life and family we "have" to spend time with or we get you know in trouble. Training my son to play eve so I can has a mining alt that all I have to pay him for doing it is treddy grams and tickles.


Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#48 - 2013-10-03 17:17:28 UTC
Schools start back in September too.

maybe it's just a coincidence ... who knows
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#49 - 2013-10-03 17:18:05 UTC
Vatos Amigo wrote:
not sure if it's only me or not but where the hell is eve population?

I've been playing for a week now and the traffic is dead. It's all t3 ***** passing by.
What's the deal? Did we lose players because of the new game GT5?
Or ppl just had enough of eve?

Hmm. did you roll a new alt just to complain that no one is falling for your gatecamps? Just a tip for the future, if youre going to play the noob, act and talk like a noob, not like someone who tired of nullified T3s escaping your bubbles...which im sure were poorly placed anyways.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

LowKey Ops
Shadow Cartel
#50 - 2013-10-03 17:35:04 UTC
IMO the biggest problem with this game is that CCP supports players with multiple accounts, and having multiple accounts is incredibly beneficial....

To the point that us mere mortals with one account fight against staggering odds.
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2013-10-03 19:08:24 UTC
That Seems Legit wrote:
Ryhss wrote:
When I first played 4 years ago there were easily 50-60k players online. In the past two months the population hasn't gone over 46k players. Hell, there were only 119k late late last night.Eves not dying, but did get less popular.

50-60k wasnt the average 4 years ago. I dont think we ever even hit above 55k online until this year in fact. There were definetely not 119 thousand people on last night. EvE has only gotten more popular every year.

No it wasn't the average 4 years ago - that's when I started. It grew actual player-base for a couple years (vs just alts).

Yes we cleared 60k - sometime in 2011 we cleared 61k online at the same time. It was announced we'd set a record.

Number of accounts is not number of players. 2009 or early 2010 is when we cleared 300k accounts (there was big announcement when that happened - a goal to exceed Icelands population at that time by CCP and they were very pleased when it happened.)

Now we supposedly have over 500k accounts in the game but that isn't people, just accounts - Alts -R- Us style growth but for now we do get enough new folks in to keep the actual player population fairly stable.

As for the OP's stuff:
I haven't seen what he's talking about. It must be some backwater spot. The number online in the systems I've seen hasn't changed much.

There's a difference between static and stagnant. The game keeps changing but EVE is a vice themed game that will draw a smaller audience than a lot of other games out there. Change isn't bad but if it changes too much; It'll lose interest to many who will need to relearn it but CCP has done a decent job of avoiding that.
Random Majere
Rogue Fleet
#52 - 2013-10-03 19:10:14 UTC
Wait until Star Citizen comes out !
Rath Kelbore
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#53 - 2013-10-03 19:31:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Rath Kelbore
When did he make the graphs go from left to right?

I always enjoyed the posts about the obvious decline in population whenever the graphs were presented.

Either way, I've noticed fewer players online at any given time lately, but that happens every now and again. No big deal.


From what I've seen of SC, I'm not concerned for EVE's health in that regard.

I plan on living far, so good.

#54 - 2013-10-03 19:35:37 UTC
Mythrandier wrote:
Rich Uncle PennyBags wrote:
According to EVE Offline, weekly averages are pretty much standard for five years running now.

(Dates are in the proper DD-MM-YYYY format)

03-09-2009 - 29000
02-09-2010 - 30000
01-09-2011 - 26000
13-09-2012 - 28000
12-09-2013 - 27000

Looking at the graph, the end of the year is a low point consistently. The early months average 35000+ weekly averages.

That's a pretty damn steady trend of not dying.

Now just you hold on a minute there sparky. Are you trying to use actual FACTS to prove something on the EVE-O forums?
People here wont hold for that kind of new fangled thinking. The folks round here like their arguments from the heart. You know, opinion, hyperbole and hearsay.

you sir are referring to Stephen Colbert thruthiness concept which states facts are not necessary it must only feel to be correct

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Angel Korstar
Blue Sun Mining and Exploration
#55 - 2013-10-03 19:46:30 UTC
Mr M wrote:
Everyone is playing that damned Cookie clicker!

Oh you buggar I just gave that game up !
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#56 - 2013-10-03 20:10:14 UTC
The immediate future of Eve will be dictated by the login numbers about 4 weeks after Rubicon is released.
There will be the traditional spike when a new iteration hits, but the question is does it hold the interest of the masses.

Since the customs office giveaway hammers high sec, plus it looks like the Marauder changes will hammer high sec, I would expect the number of high sec players to continue to drift down.

Plus, now that the goons control half of the null map, and are in ISK grind mode, a lot of the supercap accounts have been idled, and the players who log on for PvP in null, well, they are not logging on. The ones who wants tons of ISK, for whatever purpose, they are happily grinding away in null.

So let's see what mid/late Dec brings in the way of numbers.

I have stated it before. I am to the point that I hope CCP continues to hand the null sec cartels control of high sec, piece by piece.
And when the number of people that log on dwindles to a certain point, hopefully, the CCP accountants will take over, and do what is necessary to bring back the player base.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#57 - 2013-10-04 00:08:33 UTC
Rath Kelbore wrote:

From what I've seen of SC, I'm not concerned for EVE's health in that regard.

I am somewhat concerned. It will NOT attract the well established EvE players or those in a strong community (expecially a PvP alliance). But the pre-pre alpha is gorgeous and caters exactly to the portion of playerbase that keeps getting beaten and flogged every year more. And spat in face and derided.

They are the hated "lol hi seccer parasites", "lol miners you should all die", "crud missioneer grinders you ruin economy, NERF!" guys.
But it's also the new, disappointed "exploreration was my style of living" guys or the "how boring, another expansion consisting of flipped values in a database guys.

Most of those are are meek guys who will be naturally attracted by a game with so many unexplored planets, an industry that has not been grinded for a decade and thus makes it hard for newbies to "enter the niche" and compete.

Actually, if you browse their forums, it's choking full of former EvE players who ask the developers to not create an EvE copy over there so yes, it attracts a number of EvE players.

It's early to know if we have to be concerned of not, but CCP have definitely to step up their standards. This time EvE is not risking players because" XYZ WoW clone's out Lol" but a portion of its playerbase are enticed away by a direct competitor, a spaceships themed one and one created not by buffoons but by the guy who created Freelancer and Wing Commander.
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2013-10-04 00:58:05 UTC
It's so empty that I am currently autopiloting my Freighter in Fountain as we speak. No escort.

Ivan Krividus
Cold Lazarus Inc
#59 - 2013-10-04 01:16:28 UTC
Vatos Amigo wrote:
not sure if it's only me or not but where the hell is eve population?

I've been playing for a week now and the traffic is dead. It's all t3 ***** passing by.
What's the deal? Did we lose players because of the new game GT5?
Or ppl just had enough of eve?

I'm pissed!!!

school / work, since summer ended
#60 - 2013-10-04 05:20:25 UTC
That Seems Legit wrote:
Ryhss wrote:
When I first played 4 years ago there were easily 50-60k players online. In the past two months the population hasn't gone over 46k players. Hell, there were only 119k late late last night.Eves not dying, but did get less popular.

50-60k wasnt the average 4 years ago. I dont think we ever even hit above 55k online until this year in fact. There were definetely not 119 thousand people on last night. EvE has only gotten more popular every year.

Did I typo 119k? Meant 19(nineteen)k.

I just turned into an egg, did I level up? I spent an hour trying to salvage a wreck, when in local a guy said "Stop it, this is my Tempest, I was AFK"