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3B loan - uncollateralised - 30d - 15%

Gajarell Deleci
Nanashi no Geemu
#21 - 2013-09-29 23:28:00 UTC
enterprisePSI wrote:
Selling the CNR , is an excellent start up capital for trading, and can easily become 3 bill, in 2 months.

Let's assume 650m for a CNR.

30 / 6.5 = 4,61
2^n = 4.61
n = 2,21 (how often can you double your money in 2 months)

8 / 2.21 = 3,6 (weeks per doubleing)

considering a 3b loan over 1 month would give: 6,4b, substracting payout around 3b net profit in the first month compared to 754m net profit.

Which is probably what some would consider an incentive for a loan (most ppl are not held at gunpoint "come up with the isk or we kill your dog" granting you a real "need for a loan")

But you are anyway just repeating E Norn.

Some point of Norn's post are valid and i won't go to deep into why i would like to cut a middle man and not using courier contracts, but i would really like to know, given any reasonable answer to those questions, would it have made a difference to you?
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#22 - 2013-09-30 00:06:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Elizabeth Norn
it probably wouldn't make a difference to me, I'm not the one asking for ISK and I had already decided what I would do based upon your first post, avoiding my questions wasn't the way to go about changing my mind either. You are the one asking for the ISK, providing a little information like that could have gone a long way compared to what you initially posted.

As for doubling 650m several times within two months, it should be trivial if you have a good plan/idea/whatever. If I had zero ISK and was given 3b I would not be spending over one third of it on a freighter that in addition to being a sizeable investment is a massive timesink compared to the wonderfully cheap couriers services out there.

Anyway your point about earning more with 3b capital is moot because you do not have 3b, apparently have not traded before and seemingly don't want to start until someone gives you a handout. My suggestion is to sell the CNR, start trading with that ISK and then come back with some solid evidence of your success if you intend to ask for ISK again.

And with that, I'm out.
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