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EVE Online: Rubicon Discussion

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Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#161 - 2013-09-27 01:39:20 UTC
I'm leaving my opinion concerning this update, until we know more....saying that, "underwhelmed, but interested in seeing where it goes" would best describe my feelings at the moment.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams

Vald Tegor
Empyrean Guard
Tactical Narcotics Team
#162 - 2013-09-27 01:46:16 UTC
blue dehazon wrote:
Its more likly to be the bigg aliances in hisec and losec that will be intrested, and pirats (gankers) that all redy operate in hisec .0 sec corp migth be intrested if valu on hisec PI matrials gos mutch higer up in price,the problem however is that it take weeks to fill up a lounch pad whid higer lvl products and bay that time ther migth be a new owner of the POCO asking for a mutch higer way bother to do PI at all then.

CCP might re-balance things at any time, like they did with the Drake and Hurricane. So why bother playing at all, if tomorrow's profit won't match what your spreadsheet says today? God forbid you take in-game actions to protect your investment on the things you can control...
Private Industry
Amarr Empire
#163 - 2013-09-27 01:53:38 UTC
"The unknown"..."Construct the right type of stargate"

For the love of God, CCP if you let people build gates to into WH space I quit. That's too stupid to fathom. WH needs to remain wild and untamed. Otherwise it's just more null sec.
KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#164 - 2013-09-27 02:17:54 UTC
HiSec POCO's - the Blue Donut is going to turn into Swiss Cheese - melted all over Empire. Yeah, CCP - please continue nerfing income.
Thaddeus Eggeras
Urkrathos Corp
#165 - 2013-09-27 02:35:29 UTC
I hope the SofE faction ships look close to their draw ups, I do think there should be a BS version too, like all other faction races give one of each. Would be the only BSable to warp cloaked, but as it seems they will be for exploring mostly I doubt it would make it OP any.

Intercetpors able to ignore warp bubbles, that seems a little much, they are already hard as hell to caught compared to other ships in EVE. Maybe give them better bonuses to range weapons to help them kite better or something.

Marauders being a seige ship, we will see I guess.

Inderdictors getting buffed be nice they need it, all but the Sabre anyways.

Rest looks great, I am looking forward to this patch.

I am looking forward to the SofE though, they just look nice and a true faction cloaky, mmmmm
Scythi Magellen
Marmite Archaeologists
#166 - 2013-09-27 02:35:48 UTC
Naradius wrote:
I'm leaving my opinion concerning this update, until we know more....saying that, "underwhelmed, but interested in seeing where it goes" would best describe my feelings at the moment.

What he said Cool

Not sure how things are going to go in the great scheme of things, especially with POCO's, but as EvE is so organic it will be interesting seeing how players translate the changes.

Personally I'd like to see tiny additions, such as gold (originating from space after all) as a new rare ore to mine that spawns randomly in any sector of space (as a single and tiny rock in a larger asteroid field for one lucky miner), perhaps the Sleepers loot can contain very rare items that originate from Earth and came with the first settlers to add to the overall storyline and mystery of the Sleepers/wormhole world.

Of course I'm also still waiting for the station to let us walk around - its dull sitting on a couch wondering if the crap engineers will ever fix that pesky airlock problem behind the door...Roll
Remember Incarna?

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin"

- The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21.

Freako X
Doom Inc
#167 - 2013-09-27 02:41:29 UTC
I love the idea of a refit/storage locker that you can throw down most anywhere. AWESOME.

If they make it really covert, difficult to scan down, that would be absolutely amazing. A nice little pirate chop-shop.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#168 - 2013-09-27 03:13:26 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Scythi Magellen wrote:
Naradius wrote:
I'm leaving my opinion concerning this update, until we know more....saying that, "underwhelmed, but interested in seeing where it goes" would best describe my feelings at the moment.

What he said Cool

Not sure how things are going to go in the great scheme of things, especially with POCO's, but as EvE is so organic it will be interesting seeing how players translate the changes.

Personally I'd like to see tiny additions, such as gold (originating from space after all) as a new rare ore to mine that spawns randomly in any sector of space (as a single and tiny rock in a larger asteroid field for one lucky miner), perhaps the Sleepers loot can contain very rare items that originate from Earth and came with the first settlers to add to the overall storyline and mystery of the Sleepers/wormhole world.

Of course I'm also still waiting for the station to let us walk around - its dull sitting on a couch wondering if the crap engineers will ever fix that pesky airlock problem behind the door...Roll
Remember Incarna?

I agree and like the idea of adding some known materials not present in the game, possibly to be used in the the production of new components or items. Another of those that are vastly present in our planet and universe that I've only seen in EVE as a name for Angel Cartel tags is Diamond, the hardest and most thermal conductive material known to mankind, which is formed in high pressure conditions only, like deep under the planet's tectonic plates, at meteor impact sites, at the the end of a star's life cycle when it turns into a white dwarf or by artificial means. It can be used for production of tools like cutting/grinding tools or heat sinks/isolators/semiconductors for electronics and also in the embellishment of ornamental items of course Twisted
Jada Maroo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#169 - 2013-09-27 03:22:19 UTC
Freako X wrote:
I love the idea of a refit/storage locker that you can throw down most anywhere. AWESOME.

If they make it really covert, difficult to scan down, that would be absolutely amazing. A nice little pirate chop-shop.

The depot will be interesting, and I am looking forward to it, but its use is really going to depend on how big it is in the cargo hold. I can't imagine a lot of roaming fleets dragging around a hauler.

As for high sec and wormholes, it really seems to me like an Orca will still be the mobile base of choice.
BigRed Seven
Noob Corp Inc
#170 - 2013-09-27 04:06:33 UTC
With the high sec planets value increasing somehow, what role will the dust mercs play in all of this? I know eve gang doesn't want anything to do with dust players but with high sec planets something must be in the works to make the dust players become more meaningful. I hope there will be a very meaningful purpose for dust and eve.
ginsu gnife
#171 - 2013-09-27 04:45:18 UTC
As someone who has played this game for a very long time, I appreciate what ccp is trying to do. .... all the people over reacting need to calm down. Low sec is running just fine with player owned customs offices. I like the idea of taking the iskies that disappear into npcland, and put them into real Corps..... instead of over reacting, look at where this may be headed... player owned hi sec stations... can you imagine the wars over jita and amar?? And if you cap the tax rate on these to no higher than npc, then it does not affect hi sec game play... also the possibility of jump bridges In high sec is long over due..

jacking the pve ships was not cool though... you all could have made a whole new line of ships instead of abandoning all the pve people... or at least helped them out.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#172 - 2013-09-27 04:53:19 UTC
Scythi Magellen wrote:
Of course I'm also still waiting for the station to let us walk around - its dull sitting on a couch wondering if the crap engineers will ever fix that pesky airlock problem behind the door...Roll
Remember Incarna?

Incarna almost destroyed the entire game. We should be trying to forget it ever happened.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

S0utherN Comfort
#173 - 2013-09-27 05:04:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Vigilanta
ginsu gnife wrote:
As someone who has played this game for a very long time, I appreciate what ccp is trying to do. .... all the people over reacting need to calm down. Low sec is running just fine with player owned customs offices. I like the idea of taking the iskies that disappear into npcland, and put them into real Corps..... instead of over reacting, look at where this may be headed... player owned hi sec stations... can you imagine the wars over jita and amar?? And if you cap the tax rate on these to no higher than npc, then it does not affect hi sec game play... also the possibility of jump bridges In high sec is long over due..

jacking the pve ships was not cool though... you all could have made a whole new line of ships instead of abandoning all the pve people... or at least helped them out.

I know this is a long post skip the first paragraph if you dont want another isk sink isk faucet discussion

Okay im going to go the nice route, and work under the presumption you that you dont have that much exposure to MMO economic models.

Im mainly looking at your isk that goes to npc land bit. The basic problem is that isk HAS to go to NPC land. Essentially in eve due purely to the nature of MMO's the primary source of income is not derived from players paying other players to do stuff, money is derived form npc's paying players to do stuff. I.E. Kill rats /mission/Incursion. This is what we refer to as an isk faucet. These activities constantly are pouring new money into the game. I cant remember the exact figure but its on the order of 500 odd billion isk per day. The real life equivalent to an isk facuet is the Federal Reserve printing up new money. From nowhere new currency appears!. (some may point out that it is a bit more complex that this, but as it applies to eve were keeping it simple). If no isk is taken out of circulation i.e. an isk sink. Where isk leaves the eve economy never to return. If we eliminate isk sinks and they are not replaced eventually a HUGE problem occurs, hyper inflation. Hyperinflation is where so much new isk/money is added into an economy that over a very short period of time the prices of good skyrocket. Basically so much money is being introduced to an economy that 1 day a rifter could be 5 mil isk and the next day that same rifter without market manipulation could be 10 mil isk, than the day after 15 mil isk. We want inflation, especially as the player population grows (albeit slowly atm). But hyperinflation is bad. Since eve has lots of isk faucets these things need to be balanced out with sinks to control inflation. Deflationary examples in eve are, sov bills, clone costs, insurance expiration, LP stores ect ect ect. (no moons are not an isk faucet, they are a material faucet, materials in eve are much better balanced than isk). Highsec pocos while only ccp has exact figures were until this patch a probably not insignificant isk sink.

I too like when things are put in the hands of the players, but some stuff has to be in the hands of the NPC's for reasons of keeping the economy balanced. Want to remove poco's cool, want to reduce clone costs cool, but you need to replace these lost isk sinks with new isk sinks. Ones that will be popular enough that they will move the same amount of isk if not more or the economy will begin to decay. so yea go ahead remove the last NPC poco's but ffs replace it with something that will keep teh economy balanced and predictable.

For those of you who are thinking of quiting for awhile, invest in materials, they are one of the things that generally go up in price while your away. (not moon goo though)

Also, for the rest of the stuff. good god ccp can we get some new feautres, like game changing content on a larger level. I dont want to continue to think of apocrypha as the last patch of significance. It is the only patch that has provided us with long lasting thriving segment of gameplay, i.e. wormholes.

The siphon module and local cynojammer sound interesting but balance will be extremely critical. With the local cyno jammer it will be range, size and duration. With the siphon it will be detectability, size of cargo and amount siphoned.

On the siphon. it should be siphoning active moon miner cycles, not silo contents, hangar contents or assembly array contents. the amount it siphons needs to be kept reasonable, 10% of a cycle, 20 tops. it should require fuel! thsi module should not be able to run jsut based on being deployed, it should burn pos some kind of fuel that is equivilant to the potential isk value material is can be stealing, there needs to be a level of cost associated with operation other than module cost.

If you are going to have it siphoning you also need to change the function of reactors. If they get short changed on a cycle they cant go to starting up again for hour until it receives a full input cycle. over the course of 2 days a significant amount of material will just dissapear as it get say 90 units from the miner then 10, the other 80 the players should have gotten just go poof (if i understand mechanics correct, (disclaimer i may not).
Tasha Saisima
#174 - 2013-09-27 05:09:34 UTC
Nothing regarding V3
Pak Narhoo
Splinter Foundation
#175 - 2013-09-27 05:36:51 UTC
Tasha Saisima wrote:
Nothing regarding V3

Convince the other 50% of windows users to upgrade to a more modern OS then XP and you get what you want, until then not going to happen.
Mecatama Mk2
Out of the Blue.
#176 - 2013-09-27 05:46:40 UTC
marauder transform attach link.

45s ~ 55s
well, i think CCP sence <<< JAPAN animator sence.
learn CCP!!

Rule #34 to EVEOnline.

Smohq Anmirorz
State War Academy
Caldari State
#177 - 2013-09-27 06:02:19 UTC
SKINE DMZ wrote:

Ship balancing changes...inceptors(will get bubble immunity, will get a thread open about it, they stole this idea from a player on the forum)...

They "stole" the idea? What was the guy on the forums going to do with it? This is a very odd way to put it. People put up their ideas so that maybe they will be implemented, it sounds to me like they "listened" to his idea.
Les chevaliers de l'ordre
Goonswarm Federation
#178 - 2013-09-27 06:26:28 UTC  |  Edited by: AspiB'elt
About - Siphon Unit

Dear CCP guy,

Do you believe they are not enough structure to shoot in 0.0 ...

I hope the price of this module will be very expensive and the HP very low. Because if it's not the case, that will be easy to put some Siphon unit, wait they will be destroy and continue to put more and more and more.

It's not fun to kill structure, more structure you add, more structure we need to destroy ( very boring)

In this case the main income in 0.0 will be not the moon but the renter, that will be reduce the interest to move to conquer some area with more income (moon income).

The result will be some 0.0 very statics.

About interceptor and nullifier, really it's not a good idea.

But add some range bonus and scramble yes. Now we have a lot of microjump module on BS, and it's very difficult to catch them because the range of the scramble are too short. We need to have a ship with a good chance to catch MJD ship. This is the perfect role for interceptor.

About new m launcher for BS .....

You have make a nice re-balancing now, and you began to put some new module completely stupid because you kill your balancing.

Tracking issue and explosion radius issue must be keep :

BS weapon in High can't hit Frigate and can hit cruiser ship with difficulty
Cruiser weapon can hit frigate but with difficulty

If you began to put some weapon and BS to kill Frig size, your remove the utility of the frig ship. BS don't need new launcher, but perhaps need to modify the some ammo.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#179 - 2013-09-27 06:27:09 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Scythi Magellen wrote:
Of course I'm also still waiting for the station to let us walk around - its dull sitting on a couch wondering if the crap engineers will ever fix that pesky airlock problem behind the door...Roll
Remember Incarna?

Incarna almost destroyed the entire game. We should be trying to forget it ever happened.

Incarna's issue wasn't that avatar gameplay was inherently detrimental, but rather poor implementation, terrible communication and an initial unwillingness to acknowledge and respond properly to community concerns and desires.

Considering what the actual issues were I hope we never forget it, lest we repeat it once again, and also that we realize what the true issues were. Lets recall that nothing incarna brought to the game is gone, yet the game still functions, so avatar gameplay cannot be the issue.
Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#180 - 2013-09-27 06:34:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Inxentas Ultramar
Vincent Athena wrote:
On high sec POCOs:

Having a null alliance take them all over and lock everyone out will bad for new players, and casual players. But thats what will happen if players can take over high sec POCOs. Unless there are in-game mechanics that prevent it.

For example, there could be a limit that, at least in high sec, a POCO must be available to all and the tax rate has an upper limit of about what the current tax rate is. But thats sort of against the sandbox of Eve, and also against the idea that we pod pilots are taking over. Where is this limit coming from? (CONCORD?)

Is there a way to protect new players doing PI while at the same time removing a limit on the sandbox? I propose that the limit on the number of POCOs orbiting a planet be removed. If you do not like the tax rate, or have no access, you can put up your own POCO. If the POCOs orbiting a planet exclude some groups of players, you could put one up without such limits and capture that market.

Don't current mechanics already cover this? On availability: they said during the announcement you can always use a launchpad, and there's already an upper limit to the taxation: the percentage input by the owning corp is applied to some value from 2011's market data, not the total value of the export. Also should an entity be blocked from a highsec POCO it's members can get around by dropping from that corp / alliance. In lowsec, I see a lot of these 0.0 owned POCO's getting shot by people that have decided "this space is now mine", aka the lowsec locals. I wouldnt't be opposed to add an upper tax limit in hisec by the way, most lowsec POCO's owned by locals have lower tax rates already to attract potential clients/targets.