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EVE Online: Rubicon Discussion

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Vald Tegor
Empyrean Guard
Tactical Narcotics Team
#41 - 2013-09-26 21:39:28 UTC
Fix Sovmechanics wrote:
Zappity wrote:
Deployable short range cyno jammer should help against AFK cloakers? Hopefully the nullbear whiners will shut up about it.

"Doesn't stop covert cynos"

Listening is hard.

Also single use and 70-100km jam range. As in, you would need to procure and drop a new one for every anomaly you run.
Mhax Arthie
#42 - 2013-09-26 21:40:15 UTC
Balancing forever, that should be a much more proper expansion name than Rubicon. Even Odisey 1.1 had more features than this so called expansion. No new content, no new features, is all about rebalancing .. again and again. I was seriously hoping for player built gates, opening of Jove space or at least the damn door in the CQ,.. this is hilarious. I feel that CCP somehow abandoned EVE and now is focusing only on Dust or that valkirye stuff

And giving away the pocos in hi sec.. really?! So any null sec alliance can take them over for **** and giggles and halt any PI production in hi sec for noobs and eventualy crash the PI market. Came excited, left extremely disapointed :/ 0/10
Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#43 - 2013-09-26 21:41:53 UTC
Re: High Sec Customs Offices

The announcement today that they will be replaced in Rubicon, with POCO's (Player Owned Custom's Offices) begs a question:

QUESTION: Will resource concentrations between High/Low/Null/W-Space be re-balanced as well?


At present High sec planets have virtually no value in comparison to Low/Null/W-Space counter parts. So to hear CCP Fozzie speak today on EVE TV about fights over valuable High Sec planets seems 'odd' - the only value for those that are heavily invested in Planetary Interface has been as a safe haven for High-Tech Commodities production since the implementation of POCO's in Low Sec on Temperate and Barren planets with a static taxation rate.

This seems insufficient to constitute presuming any High Sec planets to be 'valuable'.

Hence the promotion of the idea that there will be greater immersive game play based on competition for 'valuable planets' in High sec is disingenuous at the most, and a 'gaffe' in the least; unless there is a parallel and slight re-balancing of the resource concentrations to create high value planets in High Sec without dissolving the current hierarchy of PI Resource Concentrations being commensurate with greater risk - which absolutely should be maintained.

Moving the sliding scale of PI further to the right 'across the board' will help bring a reality to the statement of 'valuable' High Sec planets - of which currently there are none.

CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#44 - 2013-09-26 21:42:05 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Mhax Arthie wrote:
Balancing forever, that should be a much more proper expansion name than Rubicon. Even Odisey 1.1 had more features than this so called expansion. No new content, no new features, is all about rebalancing .. again and again. I was seriously hoping for player built gates, opening of Jove space or at least the damn door in the CQ,.. this is hilarious. I feel that CCP somehow abandoned EVE and now is focusing only on Dust or that valkirye stuff

And giving away the pocos in hi sec.. really?! So any null sec alliance can take them over for **** and giggles and halt any PI production in hi sec for noobs and eventualy crash the PI market. Came excited, left extremely disapointed :/ 0/10

The two new ships look cool. The siphon units are new and interesting, stealing moon goo may be quite....lucrativePirate. Could quite possibly promote some interesting emergent gameplay. 100km Cynojammers are nothing to sneeze at, though that depends largely on their cost. Depots could be useful. Intereceptors get built in nullifiers.

Honestly, it's more than what we got in odyssey. Although honestly, given that it's :CCP: odds are BPO's for all of these items will only be available through Somer Blink or Ebank.
Scope Works
#45 - 2013-09-26 21:42:43 UTC
Question: So can ANYONE use these Depots, or do you have to be in a player corp like with a POS?

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

handige harrie
Vereenigde Handels Compagnie
#46 - 2013-09-26 21:43:28 UTC
The siphon unit is most interesting;

but do POS guns shoot the Siphon unit?

Baddest poster ever

Solstice Project's Alt
#47 - 2013-09-26 21:43:35 UTC
I'm an awesome interceptor pilot ...

i love the idea.

Bring it ! :D

Buy Solstice Project for PLEX4GOOD ! (this alt-character will get deleted once the sale is done, on 6th of december)

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#48 - 2013-09-26 21:44:20 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Anslo wrote:
Question: So can ANYONE use these Depots, or do you have to be in a player corp like with a POS?

It does say personal deployable structure, not corporate deployable structure so....probably.
arcca jeth
Dark Alliance
#49 - 2013-09-26 21:44:45 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Crasniya wrote:
Walking in Stations and DUST 514, both ignored. Again. Thanks for nothing.

Neither one of those things have anything to do with Eve.

Um no, that's where you are wrong and your attitude is typical Goon sentiment. Go bury your head in the sand, you obviously don't have a clue
Scope Works
#50 - 2013-09-26 21:46:24 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Anslo wrote:
Question: So can ANYONE use these Depots, or do you have to be in a player corp like with a POS?

It does say personal deployable structure, not corporate deployable structure so....probably.

Eh, just didn't want to assume and get my hopes the next question...can you give others access to these structures. If Scope PvP just got a whole lot more interesting.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Henriette Malia Alette
#51 - 2013-09-26 21:47:09 UTC
SKINE DMZ wrote:
Henriette Malia Alette wrote:

"space travel itself, " - You mean Black Ops's and Bridges ? - why not just write that.. its in NS already.. or are you really gonna try tell us that its gonna be something completly new, and the huge alliances in NS arent gonna control them ? - right.. bcause that is soo gonna happen..

I am more thinking of new region, build jump gates and other structures and maybe even set rules in those systems.

Which will very quickly come under control of the NS alliances... i dont see any LS/HS corp or alliance in any short or long run getting a chanse here to "build"... we adding more space to NS, and we give them more stuff they can do.. including gates etc.. all nice, IF the "small guys" also would/could be involved - but they wont be... 10 sec after the space comes online, u gonna see the race of the NS alliances with theyre capitals ready to jump in.. the entire system are flawed, if we really seriously talking bout "every corporation should have a chanse, with hard work and dedication to claim a part of space for themself".. it wont happen - the game as it works, will let anyone "by force" take what they want.. and by force usually is when someone jumps in theyre little 1000 man fleet and claims the area.. you dont like it.. to bad..

A more correct describtion would be "we are adding more space for the NS alliances, and now they can build theyre own gates".. eve future changes will contiounsly move control over to players - which would be alright - until u realise that theyre moving HS space into beeing nullsec.. adding more space, wont let more players do fun stuff.. it will let those "few" in the NS Alliances control more of the game, and control more space, getting more moons, etc etc.. there nothngin the long run that will benifit the HS playerbase what so ever.. on the contrary.. its not a coincidence that main focus are on fixing exploration, adding exploration ships, adding player controlled this or that.. and at same time ignoring anything and everything that has anything to do with HS.

Cyber Chaos Crew
#52 - 2013-09-26 21:47:17 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Fear not my brothas not everything is lost. After helping the pilgrims cross the Rubimeh™ by holding the tides Jesus will finally guide them to the holy Hallelujah™ paradise. Please donateth thy charity to helped us in this crusade. In the name of Thy Father and the Holy Spirit, ashes to ashes Dust to dusted. Amen.
Karak Terrel
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#53 - 2013-09-26 21:47:53 UTC
Now those depots are a nice idea. But what is preventing high sec miners from anchoring them directly in the belt and get a save can (yes you can shoot it, but there will be a reinforced mechanic)? Or is that intended? Doesn't that make the ships with the large ore hold obsolete? am i missing something?
EI Digin
#54 - 2013-09-26 21:48:02 UTC
There are quite a few good little flashy quality of life changes and small additions in this expansion.

But it feels like it is missing a key element and a defining purpose.
Himnos Altar
An Errant Venture
#55 - 2013-09-26 21:49:39 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Henriette Malia Alette wrote:
Can u spell "Null Sec". That is what rubicon is the first step towards... u are turning High Sec - into Low and Null Sec - simply put.

Thank goodness. Have you been to k-space recently? It's horrible there.

fixed that for you 0.-
Solstice Project's Alt
#56 - 2013-09-26 21:49:51 UTC
Karak Terrel wrote:
Now those depots are a nice idea. But what is preventing high sec miners from anchoring them directly in the belt and get a save can (yes you can shoot it, but there will be a reinforced mechanic)? Or is that intended? Doesn't that make the ships with the large ore hold obsolete? am i missing something?
Didn't they say *anybody* can take from them ?

Buy Solstice Project for PLEX4GOOD ! (this alt-character will get deleted once the sale is done, on 6th of december)

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2013-09-26 21:50:53 UTC
Anslo wrote:
Question: So can ANYONE use these Depots, or do you have to be in a player corp like with a POS?

Anyone from what I gathered, no need for a POS.

I disagree

#58 - 2013-09-26 21:51:03 UTC
Question: Will there be any updates for PI?
Rengerel en Distel
#59 - 2013-09-26 21:51:10 UTC
Kassasis Dakkstromri wrote:
Re: High Sec Customs Offices

The announcement today that they will be replaced in Rubicon, with POCO's (Player Owned Custom's Offices) begs a question:

QUESTION: Will resource concentrations between High/Low/Null/W-Space be re-balanced as well?


At present High sec planets have virtually no value in comparison to Low/Null/W-Space counter parts. So to hear CCP Fozzie speak today on EVE TV about fights over valuable High Sec planets seems 'odd' - the only value for those that are heavily invested in Planetary Interface has been as a safe haven for High-Tech Commodities production since the implementation of POCO's in Low Sec on Temperate and Barren planets with a static taxation rate.

This seems insufficient to constitute presuming any High Sec planets to be 'valuable'.

Hence the promotion of the idea that there will be greater immersive game play based on competition for 'valuable planets' in High sec is disingenuous at the most, and a 'gaffe' in the least; unless there is a parallel and slight re-balancing of the resource concentrations to create high value planets in High Sec without dissolving the current hierarchy of PI Resource Concentrations being commensurate with greater risk - which absolutely should be maintained.

Moving the sliding scale of PI further to the right 'across the board' will help bring a reality to the statement of 'valuable' High Sec planets - of which currently there are none.

You don't think there will be a value in securing factory planets in High Sec with 0 tax? It's not always the resources on the planet that make it valuable, but what you can build on the planet that makes it valuable.

With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

Vald Tegor
Empyrean Guard
Tactical Narcotics Team
#60 - 2013-09-26 21:51:18 UTC
Kassasis Dakkstromri wrote:

This seems insufficient to constitute presuming any High Sec planets to be 'valuable'.

Off the top of my head, the temperate planets around high sec (or rather, their POCO's) are the most valuable. You buy resources at the hub, drop them down(tax), process into higher tier products, bring them up (tax) and resell at the trade hub. Bonus is you don't have hundreds of people extracting on top of you with no control, killing yield. You're not actually extracting at all and as such the planet can support as large a number of players as the supply in the trade hub can keep up with. Making the POCO that much more desirable.

Next would be the few planets that have a decent supply of things rare in high sec. The yield is bad because there's a pile of people mining with you without repercussions. Take the POCO, gouge them with taxes and they stop mining, moving their operation elsewhere. Suddenly your yield goes up on top of not paying the standard high sec POCO taxes. Win win.